Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.

Magic Knight is basically armor melee and sorcerer put together. I made it a bit less super magical like Sorcerer because that felt a bit too gamey and mary sue like. Instead I opted for a D&D 5e Eldritch Knight Theme Hero.

Please fellow SV-Senpai consider this vote.


@veekie, @Rossum, @Sirapthy, @Rjrulew, @wingstrike96
People don't get alerts when you edit in tags. You have to make a new post.
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.
@veekie , @Rossum ,@Sirapthy , @wingstrike96

[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.

Magic Knight is basically armor melee and sorcerer put together. I made it a bit less super magical like Sorcerer because that felt a bit too gamey and mary sue like. Instead, I opted for a D&D 5e Eldritch Knight Theme Hero.

Please fellow SV-Senpai consider this vote.

Just this above. I'm trying to lobby for my plan. *Bows*
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shieldbubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.

Seems legit, though it might be better to hammer out the exact limits of our power later. The thing with magic (in most cases) is you can start off with a few simple spells and learn more or refine what we have as we adventure.

To suggest a few "class features"

1. A patron. Kind of like a 5e warlock who chooses a fey patron (or a varient where they can choose a celestial being) we could have gotten our magical knowledge and such from a being connected to Arthurian legends or the knighthood. Like the Lady of the Lake, or somesuch. Or we got a book on knightly magic. Basically some source of our magic we can use to gradually learn more from.

2. Create or conjure armor. We obviously got our armor from somewhere and it kinda makes sense that we used our magic to make it, even if that involved rolling up our sleeves, making a forge, and smithing one ourselves (maybe using some spells to boost our crafting skill and strength, Skyim style).

3. Strength, agility, and durability boosts. Along with maybe some healing. The path of a magic knight is less flashy fireballs and more just boosting your existing strength and ability. Granted, this is basically the magic oriented path towards getting super strength... but what's wrong with that?

4. Crafting. Maybe along with our durable armor we enchant to be stronger, bulletproof, etc. And our weapons with long-lasting enchantments of their own, the majority of our other flashier attacks or abilities are tied to magic items? If we want to throw a fireball, we need to craft a staff of fire. If we want to walk on water, we enchant our boots. Think more like the Legend of Zelda than D&D. Our actual list of magical options in a situation would be more limited by what we can carry into battle than simply memorizing spells.

Granted, that could make us seem like a magical Batman in shining armor, running around using magical keys to bypass locks, or enchanted rope to rapidly climb up buildings, etc.

I suppose even that would require a sort of limit, like a person has to be trained in magic or be accepted into the knighthood to be able to use these items. So we can't just stay at home crafting stuff for the police.

Our magic items are less self-contained devices and more like necessary focuses for channeling our magic.
1. A patron. Kind of like a 5e warlock who chooses a fey patron (or a varient where they can choose a celestial being) we could have gotten our magical knowledge and such from a being connected to Arthurian legends or the knighthood. Like the Lady of the Lake, or somesuch. Or we got a book on knightly magic. Basically some source of our magic we can use to gradually learn more from.
I like this Idea
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Valkur on Apr 11, 2018 at 8:41 PM, finished with 31 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.

    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.

    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [x] not to tell him/her.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.
Alright, looks like we have a winner.

While I'm updating the character sheet and typing up the next post, I should take the time to explain how the game will be played.

We'll be using 1d100 dice for most rolls. Each character's skills will be on a scale from 1 to 100. When rolling, you try to get a number lower than your skill. Rolling a 1 is a critical success, while rolling a 100 is a critical failure. When one character attacks, they'll roll a 1d100 while the opposing character will roll the same, both for the relevant skill.

For example...

A cop is hiding and tries to shoot a criminal. When he shoots the first, Criminal #1 is taken by surprise and doesn't get to roll, meaning that the cop just has to roll a number lower than his guns skill. If a criminal shoots back, then the cop can make a dodge roll, assuming the criminal succeeds on his gun skill.

If that same cop tries to grapple the criminal, the Cop can roll Strength to try to grapple the criminal. ,The criminal can either succeed in a strength check to break out of the grapple, or a dexterity check to wriggle out of the grapple, both at a penalty. But if the criminal succeeds, they break out of the grapple.

That said, there's also Tiers in strength, to represent the enhanced abilities of people with powers.

Someone with a Tier 2 Strength skill like Sonya means that they have enhanced strength. If someone with that skill grapples the same criminal, criminal can use their own strength or dexterityto try to break out of the grapple, but they'd suffer a larger penalty than normal. If the person being grappled had Tier 2 strength as well, it would be an even competition, and if that same person was Tier 3, they would have an easier time breaking out of the grapple.
You take a look at Adrian. He's fast asleep right now, his chest rising and falling. He's a tall, fit man with short brown hair, and gentle green eyes. You... you don't want to leave without saying goodbye. You lean down, and kiss his neck. He stirs for a moment and opens his eyes.

"Hey there, Honey" You say as he looks at you.

"Hey Babe. You need something" He asks.

"No, honey." You start. You take a deep breath "I'm heading out. I'm going on patrol"

Adrian looks crestfallen. You've talked about of course. But that doesn't make it any easier. "Just... come back. For me... For Gwen" He says. You look deep into his eyes for a moment. You lean down and kiss Adrian.

"Of course I will" You say as you give him your most loving smile. "I promise"


You get in your car and pull out of your neighborhood. The housing complex where you live is younger than you are, slowly growing ever since twenty years ago. However, it's already starting to show it's age. The bricks on the houses have faded over the years. The wood is rotted in places. It's not noticeable for most of the houses, and sometimes, your neighbored get the wood replaced, but when you look closely, you see it. As you pull out of the neighborhood and look to the left, you see Downtown Hartford, shinning off in the distance.

Hartford is one of the largest cities in the United States, with almost 1.4 million people spread over 1500 square miles. With it's large size, central location to the surrounding cities, complex highway network for traveling to those cities, and strong shipping and logistics industries, it's been called "The Beating Heart of America". The skyscrapers of downtown Hartford tower over everything else, with their lights shinning like a beacon, drawing any and everything to it. Even ten miles away, the beautiful skyline was clear against the night sky. You sigh and turn to the opposite direction.

You know the drive to your destination will seem longer than it will actually take. You head south and just keep going. The shiny and new buildings start to give way to buildings that are a little older. A little more dilapidated. A little more faded in color. Streetlights start appearing less and less often. Eventually, aside from the occasional other car, traffic lights flashing yellow, and the occasional store still open, the only light comes from your two headlights. Sighing, you turn on the radio, just to have something to break the silence.

"-who had been trying to sue local hero Bronze Hunter, had his case thrown out of court. The presiding judge stated "When people see someone in danger. When people see someone who is about to bring harm to themselves, it is the duty of that person to everything they physically can to save them. While I understand your position, Mr. Sansweet,..."


"If that man comes to your house one more 'gain, I have some advice for you. Mistake him for a robber, and shoot him in the leg!"


"Protestors took to the streets in several providences in Asterica as President Stolikov won his fourth term in office in a landslide victory amid rumors of political corruption and votor fraud"


"How do you think I'm gonna get along, without you when you're gone. Took me for everything that I had and kicked me out of my home..."

You leave the radio alone as the song starts playing. After 20 minutes, after passing a gas station on one side and a building in so bad of a shape you're convinced it's been boarded up since it was built, you stop seeing buildings at all. There are only two empty fields on either side of you, and then those give way to forests. You follow the road down south as it keeps going. By now, you don't even see any cars. Most of the cars that leave town use one of the dozen or so highways. After another five minutes, the trees, once at least 100 feet from the road start to be. You keep your eyes forward, looking left and right in the treeline on either side of you.

In the darkness, you almost miss it. You know you wouldn't see it if you weren't looking. On the road, there's a slight turn to the right, one that was being blocked by the trees if you were more than a few feet to either side. That road leads to a white gate, rusted with age and already hanging open.

You've seen the mansion proper during the day once before, and, in it's prime, it must have been breathtaking. A large, ivory house, with a red brick staircase ascending, leading up to the elevated mansion itself. Large columns, bring to mind columns from the times of ancient Rome line the front and large glass windows face out towards the front.

As you pull in front of the garage next to the mansion, you see Keller's truck already there. The bed still has some crates in it. They probably haven't had time to finish setting up yet.

The mansion's foyer would have been beautiful. Large, with high ceilings with a large chandelier hanging from it. It's formally white decor is covered with a layer of dust and grime. On either side of the staircase that leads up, and splits in two to lead to the two wings of the house, a pair of busts sit on pedestals, a man and a woman. Probably the mansion's former occupants. To the left and right, are large pairs of double doors.

And right in front of the staircase, you see a police scanner sitting on top of a cardboard box, and sitting next to it, is a revolver. Beside the stairs a generator has been placed, along with a pair of gas cans, though the generator isn't on yet.

"Keller?" You call out.

"Over here." You hear a voice respond. Keller walks from another room slumped over, with bags under their eyes. They look like they're on the verge of passing out, but they still give you the widest smile they can manage. Keller has dark messy hair, and is dressed in a red t-Shirt that reads "Spiders from Mars" on it, black sweatpants and a pair of gray and white socks. They didn't even take the time to put on shoes. "Sorry I haven't gotten things set up yet."

[] That's Jason Keller all right. He probably got straight out of bed for this.
[] That's Jasmine Keller all right. She probably got straight out of bed for this.
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The presiding judge stated "When people see someone in danger. When people see someone who is about to bring harm to themselves, it is the duty of that person to everything they physically can to same them. While I understand your position, Mr. Sansweet,..."
[X] That's Jason Keller all right. He probably got straight out of bed for this.
Last edited:
"Protestors took to the streets in several providences in Asterica as President Stolikov won his fourth term in office in a landslide victory amid rumors of political corruption and votor fraud"

So how AU is the local Earth?

[X] That's Jason Keller all right. He probably got straight out of bed for this.
So how AU is the local Earth?
Quite a bit. For starters...

First off, as was stated in the beginning, WW2 lasted for much longer than it did in real life, and, while most of the supervillains that founded it were captured or killed, the nation of Asterica, which was made up of several countries that were conquered by supervillains, still exists as an independent nation.

Several cities along America's West Coast were rendered uninhabital due to a supervillain attacks.

Several Cults either worshiping those with powers or denigrating them as Satan's followers have sprung up. The largest one of the later, Fraternity of Eternity, gained infamy after committing a string of murders in the 90's. While most were arrested, there are rumors that they continue to operate in secret.

Technology has been pushed ahead in some areas, including agriculture, transportation, and weaponry, among other, often supplemented by magic when able. Though there aren't enough skilled mages to fill every need across the world.

Gun usage is more accepted, even by the standards of the US, because of the fear that someone with superpowers could use them against you and you wouldn't have anything to defend yourself with. This doesn't mean that this reduces supervilian attacks, however.

While the first precursors of AI was developed in the 1970's, by an independent scientist. However, during a demonstration, when it was competing against a human in a game of chess to test it's adaptability, it murdered it's human competitor when it became clear it would lose. Whether it was programmed to not lose at any cost, or whether it independently decided that it wouldn't lose, is a topic of debate even today. Though research into AI has been stalled by that incident.
Vote Tally
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 14, 2018 at 9:43 PM, finished with 45 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.
    [X] That's Jasmine Keller all right. She probably got straight out of bed for this.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] That's Jason Keller all right. He probably got straight out of bed for this.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.

    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.

    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [x] not to tell him/her.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 14, 2018 at 9:44 PM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] That's Jasmine Keller all right. She probably got straight out of bed for this.
    [X] That's Jason Keller all right. He probably got straight out of bed for this.
Jasmine Keller stands in front of you, looking at you with bloodshot eyes and carrying wire that leads to another room, past a set of double doors. When you see her in a better light, you see that she's slumped over, and her black bangs cover one of her eyes. One of the legs of her sweatpants is slightly rolled up.

"I have the generator set up in the dining room. One of them anyway" She gestures to the room the cable is leading to. "It won't power the house, but it should let me get my rig set up. Still, sorry I couldn't get it set up before you got here"

"Hey, it's alright Kells, Really, it is" You say. You give her a pat on the shoulder. She grimaces as she pulls on the cable into the room near the other boxes.

"Still, at least I have everything here. Police scanner, my computer, a generator, my DS just in case things get slow..." She says. "With this, I should be able to find something to sink your teeth into. And as long as there are security cameras I can access, I'll be a second set of eyes. Assuming that everything goes to plan and I can get this shit set up."

"Hey, I know how fast you work. It'll be fine, Kells. I mean, you is this even the hardest thing you've done this month?" You ask.

Jasmine shakes her head wryly. "Nope. But that part comes later" As she sets down the cable, she opens one of the cardboard boxes she's brought in. In it, are the parts of a small wooden desk. "Still, I shouldn't complain. You're the one risking your neck"

"Hey, my neck's gonna be fine" You say as you use your thumb to point to yourself. "Besides, I have this to protect it."

You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You feel a familiar power flowing through your veins. It's it pours through every inch of your body as you call your armor to you. You feel the weighs as the armor appears on you, covering you from head to toe.

In a flash, you're no longer in the t-shirt and jeans you were in when you drove here. You're standing tall in your armor. You feel the sword at your side and the shield at your back. You draw your sword, It's nearly four feet long and 3 inches side. Like any good sword, it's sharpened, and tough enough to handle any sort of punishment you can throw at it, bolstered by the enchantments that you've given it. 'Good' You think. 'I can't afford to keep replacing swords. These things cost a lot of money'. You swing it experimentally a few times. For a normal person it it's weight may pose a problem, but for you, it's light as a feather. It feels so light, that you almost have to remind yourself that if someone was actually hit with this, it could cripple, maybe even kill them. Your shield is a plane metal shield. No identifying markings on it yet. You've considered putting a logo on it, if you ever came up with one, but for now, you're content to leave it as it is.

"You know, I can never get used to that" Jasmine says as she looks at you in your armor, wide eyed and seemingly completely for the first time since you saw her. "So, before you go charging out to take back the night, "Do you wanna practice your fighting. Maybe brush up on your spells one more time? It may not be as bad as getting hurt, but you don't want to have your first night of crime fighting end with you letting the bad guys get away, right?."

[] You're right, I'd never live it down, A little more practice couldn't hurt. (Customize starting spells)

[] I'm confident in my abilities, but a little more practice won't hurt. (Start with default spells)
Summon Armor - Allows you to summon your armor. Allowing you to don your armor any time.
Enchantment: Reinforce- Increases the durability of your weapons and armor, allowing it, and you in the case of your armor, to survive more hits than normal.
Fireball: Launches a fireball at an enemy. (Caution: Fire Spreads)
Thunderbolt: Summons a Lightningbolt from above a target to strike them.
Barrier: Summons a spherical barrier around yourself to absorb damage. Any significantly strong attack can break it.

[] I've been training for years. I know what I'm doing. (Start with default spells)
Summon Armor - Allows you to summon your armor. Allowing you to don your armor any time.
Enchantment: Reinforce- Increases the durability of your weapons and armor, allowing it, and you in the case of your armor, to survive more hits than normal.
Fireball: Launches a fireball at an enemy. (Caution: Fire Spreads)
Thunderbolt: Summons a Lightningbolt from above a target to strike them.
Barrier: Summons a spherical barrier around yourself to absorb damage. Any significantly strong attack can break it.
