Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

finally someone gets it, playing with curses for their benefits is NOT a good way to go!

that's like being a radical inquisitor using CHAOS as a tool against CHAOS ITSELF!!! unless your malice that does not work!

edited: Hoshu....two words...

i'm more inclined to try and see if we can contact farore for guidance to cure this then trying to stave it off with marriage but hey too each there own i just don't wanna be forced to marry cuz of a curse
@san btw i just realized something according to this

farore gave us transformation to sacred wolf but shad said its dark magic? did farore curse us but i thought she liked us? and why can't we just un transform like normal?
The wolf form is in fact a curse of lingering Twilight magic from Ganondorf and Zant. The goddesses protected you from becoming a spirit but they couldn't stop it from affecting you completely.
Plan: I am Turtle, hear my mighty roar

[] Build Inner kingdom wall: Medium
-[] Rusl
[] Train Hoplites: 1000
[] Train Hoplites: 1000
[] Train Archers: 1000
[] Train Archers: 500
[] Capital Walls
-[] Imperial Authority

[] Claim Malonville region
-[] Malo
[] Build MORE lumber camps
-[] Imperial Authority


[] Train scouts
-[] Telma
[] Train scouts
-[] Imperial Authority

[] Research infantry technologies

[] Search for an Advisor

[] Searching for a Spouse
-[] Imperial Authority

Assumed Costs
Rupees: 4800
Stone: 1400
Wood: 900
Metal: 900

We need more wood.
The wolf form is in fact a curse of lingering Twilight magic from Ganondorf and Zant. The goddesses protected you from becoming a spirit but they couldn't stop it from affecting you completely.
probably needs a new thing then like curse of twilight since we just discovered it didn't come from farore and maybe add mechanic explanation?
if you mean roman legionaries... I regret to inform you that not only do they have a large wood cost, (Like massive) but they also only have a 8/10 maximum role effectiveness as defensive heavy infantry (the max you could get from training is 7/10 with a critsuccess.) With a mere 5/10 maximum effectiveness as heavy shock infantry.

The problem is the short swords, they are terrible for heavy infantry. You would be better off creating a spartan-esque troop. The difference between them and hoplites is shield size, amount of armor covering their body, and how many weapons they have. the max role effectiveness for them would be 10/10 heavy defensive infantry and 7/10 heavy shock infantry. They would also cost only 100 wood for 1000 spartans.

Just food for thought.

Well, shit, and here I thought that they would be a great heavy infantry that would desamate a lot of foes. All well, seems like we will go psudo-greek. Also if we start taking over the forested areas, will our wood gaining jump as well? Or is that not going to be a thing and we just need more infrastructure.
Plan: I am Turtle, hear my mighty roar

[] Build Inner kingdom wall: Medium
-[] Rusl
[] Train Hoplites: 1000
[] Train Hoplites: 1000
[] Train Archers: 1000
[] Train Archers: 500
[] Capital Walls
-[] Imperial Authority

[] Claim Malonville region
-[] Malo
[] Build MORE lumber camps
-[] Imperial Authority


[] Train scouts
-[] Telma
[] Train scouts
-[] Imperial Authority

[] Research infantry technologies

[] Search for an Advisor

[] Searching for a Spouse
-[] Imperial Authority

Assumed Costs
Rupees: 4800
Stone: 1400
Wood: 900
Metal: 900

We need more wood.

This plan is fine, but we could make the capital walls out of marble, which for 300 more rupees give us +1 to morale, which would be useful.
1st: Teeth and eyes transformed. Will grow longer canines and sharper teeth. Will be able to see in the dark and will glow in the dark. Gives Link a feral countenance and an aura that intimidates others. lowers diplomacy by 1 to increase relations increases by 1 in all other situations.

2nd: Anmal features. Will give link Wolf ears and a Wolf tail. Link gains much better hearing though loud noises will hurt him and may paralyze him. Link is also vulnerable to having his ears scratched. Gains large cuteness appeal to all women. +1 diplomacy.

3rd: Musculerature transformed. Will become leaner and gain denser muscle. Increased combat ability and strength but will also grow more hair on his body making Link look more wolf like and less appealing.

4th: increase of fertility. Will grow larger and more Virile but will come at the price of increased lust.

5th: Link becomes a Wolfos entirely. Game over sequence. You run off and join all the other animals.

Lust thresholds are every two years except for the 5th and final threshold.

Miniturn ends here
Wait you mean to tell me Link's been going dry this whole time!

Yo @san why doesn't Link do what just about every Lord in this sort of time period does and just go to a high scale whore house or get a mistress. There are way to many easy and relatively cconsequence free ways to get laid in this sort of time period for him to have allowed his Lust problems to get this bad.

Although it's good to know this won't really become a pressing problem for at least 2- 4 turns. Im perfectly fine with getting the 1st threshold and am also rather ambivalent towards the 2nd one as well, it's the 3rd one i plan to avoid like the plague. Although this really shouldn't be a problem for long regardless, we should be done scouting all the major directions in 2 to 3 turns so we should have unlocked all the potential marriage options to go after long before 3rd threshold becomes a problem.
[]Plan: I am Turtle, hear my mighty roar

I'm good for this, sooner we get married, the better we can get to know our wife, and in time come to love her and our children.
Too few ressources to spare as a whole. Survive Moblins first, then start pimping our capital

edited: this takes MORE priority then making ourselves look awesome...
point: we can make ourselves more awesome after we kill the moblins and loot the ever living crap out of their lands...might get some good wood and resources! who knows they may have a hoard of rupee's hidden away and some other interesting loot! might even have something for champion class units! (aka lesser hero units that can be attached to battalions to be as both best combatants and morale boosters!)​
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[ ] Plan Troops and Resources
-[ ] Train Heavy Infantry- Spartans
--[ ] Rusl
--[ ] 2 Authority
-[ ]Train Hoplites
--[ ] 1 Authority
-[ ] Train Archers
--[ ] 1 Authority
-[ ] Build Inner kingdom wall (Medium)
--[ ] 1 Authority
-[ ] Claim Malonville region
--[ ] Malo
--[ ] 1 Authority
-[ ] Attempt to improve population morale
--[ ] Mayor Bo
--[ ] 1 Authority
-[ ] Scout the Lakes Hylia region for resources
--[ ] Telma
--[ ] 3 Authority
-[ ] Build a research lab
--[ ] Shad
--[ ] 1 Authority
-[ ] Searching for a Spouse
--[ ] 2 Authority

3400 Rupees, 1720 left +300 upkeep (Malonville should cancel this out)
1200 Stone, 200 left- 700 used next turn
800 Wood, 100 left
950 Metal, 150 left

Authority used: 13 of 13

Of these actions only kingdom wall is multi turn. Resource wise very little left over. Put a lot into scouting for resources as we are really short on metal to the point that we cant raise a spartan unit off a turn of metal income. It is our big limiter when it comes to raising troops so we need to work on fixing that.
-[X] Send scouts southwest --[X] Assign Telma --[X] Assign Imperial Authority
Well... you finally learned why the Moblins never invaded you. They have been too busy setting up their own massive series of defenses to solidify their hold over Ordon Plains. Not only have they built a proper full sized Fortress in the center of it, but they also built at least a dozen small fortified camps throughout the plains. If you ever intend to take back Ordon plains for your people, you will be in for a full out war.

The scouts also thankfully managed to take out a small group of roaming Moblins and discovered communications between the main fortress and the Moblins homeland on them. The communications were plans of attack against you and your people! it turns out they are gathering their forces and intend to attack you within 1-3 years, the exact time of attack will depend on how quickly Moblins can be spared from their fighting with the other two Blin tribes to fight you. They intend to attack with a force of 40-60,000 Moblins of various types and several Giga boars making the coming battle to be very terrifying.

Rewards: -100 rupees, Revealed Ordon Plains, discovered new Moblin Fortress in central Ordon plains, learned roughly when the moblins will attack, Learned numbers the Moblins plan to attack with.
So lets assume this means

1 year = 40,000
2 years = 50,000
3 years = 60,000

We currently have 2100 units, and 10,000 Militia thanks to our resource limitation we can get at most 3000 units a turn. Take the max amount of turns we could have into account and that means, at most we can build up to 11,100 units and 10,000 Militia, giving us an absolute max total of 21,100 forces before they attack if they use all 3 turns.

oh they will still be good against regular Moblins... but their giga boars will slaughter them, their super heavy infantry will beat them, and their medium infantry will be able to hold their own against them somewhat, though they will still be somewhat butchered.

The problem is that regular moblins are super weak. I mean 5/10 effectiveness light shock infantry? almost anything you make can slaughter those guys. The medium infantry is about as strong as your hoplites though and they will generally be beaten in a straight fight against your cav. with 3-5 to 1 casualty ratio (you're the one.)

Lets assume a slaughter means 6 to 1 casualties. There light units are shit so lets assume 3 to 1 causality vs our light units.

1000 Cataphracts are worth 3000 to 5000 of there medium infantry 6000 of there light units.
1000 Hoplites are worth 1000 of there medium infantry and 6000 of there light units.
1000 archers is worth 3000 of there light units.
1000 Militia is hopefully worth 1000 of there light units

Let me be blunt were not going to beat them in a straight fight, not on our best day. But we also can't just expect to turtle up and survive, we do that and they will ravage our lands. What we need is force multipliers, hit and run cavalry to destroy there supply lines and some other guerrilla warfare tactics.

Saying all that here's my plan.

Current Imperial Authority: 13
Current Treasury/Resources at the start of this year/turn:
Rupees: 5120 – 4200 = 720

Stone: 1400 – 1050 = 350

Wood: 900 – 800 = 100

Metal: 1100 – 600 = 500

[] Plan: That's a lot of Moblins

-[ ] Build Inner kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains behind Ordontown in the southwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from surrounding Ordontown with some troops preventing them from leaving and then ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements. (Medium)
Cost: 400-800 Rupees, 500-1000 stone based on wall size.
Time: 1-3 Turns based on wall size
DC: automatic success.
Reward: a small, medium or large wall built. You must choose what size of wall you want beforehand. Can upgrade the wall size later on.
--[] Rusl

-[] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations. (1000)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Hoplites.
--[] Assign Imperial Authority

-[] Train Archers - Ranged light infantry armed with a bow, arrows and shortsword. Good at picking off troops from afar when hidden behind other troops or defenses. (1000)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Archers
--[] Assign Imperial Authority

-[] Train Light Cavalry (Bow/Sabre/Shield) {Hit and run / Bowmen} - Train some Light Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.) (500)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Light Cavalry
--[] Assign Imperial Authority

-[] Claim Malonville region - Claim Malonville and its surrounding lands. This will allow them to be a buffer for your kingdom against enemies from the north and northwest.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 300 Stone, 200 wood.
Time: 1 Turn.
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +100-400 tax income, +100-200 trade income, +living space, +kingdom size, Hylian refugees settle in Malonville, all Refugee maluses removed, Can build defenses to the west of it to block flanking attacks by the Moblins.
--[] Malo

-[] Attempt to improve population morale - hold a feast, Throw a party, Create a holiday. Do whatever it takes to improve how happy people are and how much they like you.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of population morale in place, of improving population morale by +1. If you fail by too much you might lose 1 population morale instead.
--[] Bo

-[] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[] Assign Imperial Authority

-[] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[] Assign Imperial Authority

-[] Send scouts southeast - You know what Hyrule has never done? Send scouts into the desert and mountains nearby. You should try it, who knows? Maybe you will find something/someone. Perhaps you will even find some resources!
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the nearby desert and mountains and what is in them.
--[] Telma

-[] Send scouts northeast - Send scouts into Faron Woods to map out the land and maybe find some resources. After all it's not like you will find any people over there... right?
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the Faron woods and what is in them.
--[] Assign Imperial Authority

-[] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
Cost: 800 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn how to make bombs
--[] Shad

-[] Research infantry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your infantry somehow... someway? (Anti Calvary formations)
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about infantry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

-[] Faith do nothing

This get's us started on the horse archers were going to need to destroy there supply lines and harass there forces and also starts us on whats going to be the majority of our units for the upcoming battle with the moblins, that being our archers and shield-men. It also gets us the force multipliers i mentioned in the form of anti Calvary training for all our infantry units and bombs for our archers and also hopefully for use in the creations of mines of some kind. This plan also kicks our secondary goal into high gear by getting us 2 more pair of scouts so we can find all the other big player much quicker and hopefully marry one of them as soon as possible. If were lucky and we happen to find Midna this turn we could marry her and get her forces to add onto our own which would change the entire military situation in our favor and get us much better options.

Really it's just a good thing the thresholds takes 2 turns each and don't actually really get negative until the 3rd one, so either way we have at least 4 turns on that front ( 2 if we want to get with a leader specifically so we can get there army to go with ours and help us out).

The time crunch is on.
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Woah ! I go To sleep and i awaken To see that the lustful trait has more effect that breaking the heart of some adolescents !

Not cool but I continue To want To wait to find a better party.

But seriously why couldn't we have an option To seduce a girl or find a mistress ?
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[ ] Build Inner kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains behind Ordontown in the southwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from surrounding Ordontown with some troops preventing them from leaving and then ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements.

Isn't 5 feet like a meter and a half? If it is, doesn't that mean that the small wall is essentially a chest high barricade you can stand on? The tallest is also what, 6 meters tall? The first one doesn't seem like it'll stop anything, and would barely offer the defensive boost as they don't even have to build siege equipment in order to climb it, just a friend or someone they trust to lift them up. The medium is already significantly better, but that just means its 3 meters high and repelling the siege equipment becomes difficult. The large one actually allows for proper repulsion of siege equipment and is only climbable if the blins actually build proper siege equipment or if the Elephant Boars ram the walls, repeatedly.
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6 hours have passed.

[X] Plan: That's a lot of Moblins

-[X] Build Inner kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains behind Ordontown in the southwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from surrounding Ordontown with some troops preventing them from leaving and then ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements. (Medium)
Cost: 400-800 Rupees, 500-1000 stone based on wall size.
Time: 1-3 Turns based on wall size
DC: automatic success.
Reward: a small, medium or large wall built. You must choose what size of wall you want beforehand. Can upgrade the wall size later on.
--[X] Rusl

-[X] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations. (1000)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Hoplites.
--[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Train Archers - Ranged light infantry armed with a bow, arrows and shortsword. Good at picking off troops from afar when hidden behind other troops or defenses. (1000)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Archers
--[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Train Heavy Infantry (Spear/Ax/Large Shield/ Plate armor) (Spartans) {Defense/melee} - Train some Heavy Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.) (500)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Heavy Infantry
--[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Claim Malonville region - Claim Malonville and its surrounding lands. This will allow them to be a buffer for your kingdom against enemies from the north and northwest.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 300 Stone, 200 wood.
Time: 1 Turn.
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +100-400 tax income, +100-200 trade income, +living space, +kingdom size, Hylian refugees settle in Malonville, all Refugee maluses removed, Can build defenses to the west of it to block flanking attacks by the Moblins.
--[X] Malo

-[X] Attempt to improve population morale - hold a feast, Throw a party, Create a holiday. Do whatever it takes to improve how happy people are and how much they like you.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of population morale in place, of improving population morale by +1. If you fail by too much you might lose 1 population morale instead.
--[X] Bo

-[X] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Send scouts North - Send scouts into the old Hyrule fields past the new Hylian lakes to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
Cost: 200 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information on the lands that used to be Hyrule Fields, knowledge on how the Goddesses wrath effected Hyrule fields.
--[X] Telma

-[X] Send scouts West - Maybe you should send some scouts Northwest of the Moblin lands. This area used to be a province of Hyrule, perhaps they also survived the calamity? If they did they might make staunch allies against the Moblins and decent trading partners.
Cost: 200 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information of the land to the West of the lakes Hylia, possibility of survivors?
--[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
Cost: 800 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn how to make bombs
--[X] Shad

-[X] Research infantry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your infantry somehow... someway? (Anti Calvary formations)
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about infantry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

-[X] Faith do nothing
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[X] Plan Troops and Resources
-[X] Train Heavy Infantry- Spartans
--[X] Rusl
--[X] 2 Authority
-[X]Train Hoplites
--[X] 1 Authority
-[X] Train Archers
--[X] 1 Authority
-[X] Build Inner kingdom wall (Medium)
--[X] 1 Authority
-[X] Claim Malonville region
--[X] Malo
--[X] 1 Authority
-[X] Attempt to improve population morale
--[X] Mayor Bo
--[X] 1 Authority
-[X] Scout the Lakes Hylia region for resources
--[X] Telma
--[X] 3 Authority
-[X] Build a research lab
--[X] Shad
--[X] 1 Authority
-[X] Searching for a Spouse
--[X] 2 Authority

From all the plan that have been posted, I think this one is the best for us right now.
For those who want to raise horse archers in order to try and raid moblin supply lines, I have to point something out. If the moblins aren't lethally stupid, after they lose one of their supply lines to our cavalry, they will most likely assign boars to defend them, therefore rendering our horse archers useless. I think we should focus on infantry and maybe siege engines, as the latter might be more effective against the boars than anything else we have.
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Oh and for peoples who wish created heavy infantry can i suggest you To envisage another name than spartan. I mean, this name was give a sparte Citizen so it don't make a lot of sense To give this name at our troops. Why not "immortals" ? A badass name gave To a badass units in persian and sassanid empire ;)

And for sidearm i suggest another weapon than short swords. Like san said It's not a very good weapon for heavy infantry. I think that a mace, and axe, a hammer or even a "normal swords should be better.
Isn't 5 feet like a meter and a half? If it is, doesn't that mean that the small wall is essentially a chest high barricade you can stand on? The tallest is also what, 6 meters tall? The first one doesn't seem like it'll stop anything, and would barely offer the defensive boost as they don't even have to build siege equipment in order to climb it, just a friend or someone they trust to lift them up. The medium is already significantly better, but that just means its 3 meters high and repelling the siege equipment becomes difficult. The large one actually allows for proper repulsion of siege equipment and is only climbable if the blins actually build proper siege equipment or if the Elephant Boars ram the walls, repeatedly.
ok heres the thing about this. Hylians and Ordonians almost never get taller than 6 feet, and all but the super heavy moblins are about 5 feet 5 inches tall max. so not so much chest high as neck high.

a 3 meter wall still allows for ladders to be used, yes. It also allows for basically any kind of siege equipment even. But that just means it is on par with a regular castle wall IRL which was hellish to get into. I do NOT use video game logic when it comes to combat here, I use RL logic and knowledge which means if you want to know how effective they will be, look up how effective armor and castles were in real life.

But yes each level of height does improve defenses a fair bit, but don't discount even the smallest wall as it provides a fairly high amount of defense itself still and remember, wall height is BEFORE considering Battlements. With them it adds an extra 6 feet of 1 foot thick stone with lots of gaps and holes for arrow fire.
Well this situation is a lot more dire then I thought it would be. That being the case I'll go with.

[X] Plan: That's a lot of Moblins

It covers most of our bases the only thing left to do is make more of the light Calvary and some heavy infantry next turn and we should be capable of locking them in place and ravaging there flanks and supply lines. Here's hoping things go to plan.