Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

So. What do you think we should train for the next turn ? Personally i'm for continue to cataphracts and hoplites.

We should continue to send scouts to discover Midna and her peoples too.

If we had enough money we should try to rebuld the cities too.
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but we also have to hold onto our towns and walls...slow and steady people...slow and steady...

also I doubt we will be able to marry midna @Kalrotix without pissing off the goddesses...remember what happened to Hyrule? and I doubt a missionary service is going to help until we have grand temples...but first we will need small temples EVERYWHERE in order to not piss each of them off!

so we have to play this delicately...and get the army up and running until we can stand against the army of Hyrule, because those guys are going to be nasty in their reclamation efforts!

also we might have to take a mistress soon, or a lover...as much as it pains me.
but we also have to hold onto our towns and walls...slow and steady people...slow and steady...

also I doubt we will be able to marry midna @Kalrotix without pissing off the goddesses...remember what happened to Hyrule? and I doubt a missionary service is going to help until we have grand temples...but first we will need small temples EVERYWHERE in order to not piss each of them off!

so we have to play this delicately...and get the army up and running until we can stand against the army of Hyrule, because those guys are going to be nasty in their reclamation efforts!

also we might have to take a mistress soon, or a lover...as much as it pains me.

I know that marry with Midn will be a little... complicate, but i realy would see this option. because i like this this character and i would see the options with her ^^

For Hyrule, it's real. But don't forget that they have their own problems, so we will have some times before be confront with them. Another reason to send scouts to find allies.

Archers are also our advantage and we have a walled town that would be the front line with siege equipment to target the giga boars

Good points.
Considering that we just got ourselves some trebuchets, we might want to consider researching combat applications of fire, especially since the moblin fortress that we're going to have to deal with at some point is only made of wood.
i think that our cavalry will be more decisive for the war, it's our cultural advantage and against undisciplined moblin they will can make ravages.
no it is the exact opposite, boars the size of elephants would frighten the horses too much for Cavalry to have any effect from closer ranges.

If you want to beat them you want to use siege equipment... because boar hides are thicker per size than elephant hides... which means arrows will have barely any effect on them... Well barring a lucky shot in an eye or something.

Also moblin fortresses are treated wood, so fire is not as effective, still has an effect but it is harder to burn it.
no it is the exact opposite, boars the size of elephants would frighten the horses too much for Cavalry to have any effect from closer ranges.

If you want to beat them you want to use siege equipment... because boar hides are thicker per size than elephant hides... which means arrows will have barely any effect on them... Well barring a lucky shot in an eye or something.

Also moblin fortresses are treated wood, so fire is not as effective, still has an effect but it is harder to burn it.

"Sigh" okay so not more badass heavy cavalrymen.

Go for hoplite and archers.
"Sigh" okay so not more badass heavy cavalrymen.

Go for hoplite and archers.
oh they will still be good against regular Moblins... but their giga boars will slaughter them, their super heavy infantry will beat them, and their medium infantry will be able to hold their own against them somewhat, though they will still be somewhat butchered.

The problem is that regular moblins are super weak. I mean 5/10 effectiveness light shock infantry? almost anything you make can slaughter those guys. The medium infantry is about as strong as your hoplites though and they will generally be beaten in a straight fight against your cav. with 3-5 to 1 casualty ratio (you're the one.)
oh they will still be good against regular Moblins... but their giga boars will slaughter them, their super heavy infantry will beat them, and their medium infantry will be able to hold their own against them somewhat, though they will still be somewhat butchered.

The problem is that regular moblins are super weak. I mean 5/10 effectiveness light shock infantry? almost anything you make can slaughter those guys. The medium infantry is about as strong as your hoplites though and they will generally be beaten in a straight fight against your cav. with 3-5 to 1 casualty ratio (you're the one.)

okay, good to know, thanks . And how are their archers ?
on the other hand who keeps sacrificing to the dice gods? like seriously staph we might regret it if we keep rolling high!
*hides sacrificial dagger behind his back*
You know if Malo keeps this up we might want to get him checked to see if he has a bit of the Triforce because I call divine shenanigans. This is the kind of large scale effects Link would pull off from making friends and/or killing giant monsters, Zelda from having proxies do her bidding and Ganandorf from beating everything into submission.
Arc 1: Lustful miniturn: Has minor Sexual content (light descriptions of privates, mention of sex happening.)
Roll: 66 somewhat mitigated

Result: Near the end of the year Link ended up breaking under the weight of his wolf-form induced lust. He ended up going for a night on the town in the bars looking for someone to pick up and ended up bringing them back home with him. His feral instincts took over and he ended up going all night with them even after they fell unconscious.

The next day he woke up and realized just who he had sex with and found he was sleeping beside Ashei of all people! His minor freakout woke her up and somewhere between his frantic apologies and bowing his head Ashei told him he was forgiven.

"This was just a drunken bit of fun between friends and fellow warriors. Do not take it to heart." Ashei stated.

Later on in the day Link kept on feeling a weird itch in his privates. Worried he contracted some kind of disease he checked once he got home... however rather than some disease his penis's shape and size changed! It now looks like a wolves penis and is slightly bigger than it was before.

'Dammit it appears giving into my wolf forms lusts came with a bigger price than I thought!' Link thought in fear as he quickly ran off to talk to Shad about it.

After showing Shad and explaining what and how it happened Shad stated that he will look into it and see about what caused it and how to fix it.

Research roll: 82 Great success!

Result: A week later after Link returned to Shad to find out the results Shad told him that the dark magic was still underneath the surface and seeking a way to return and corrupt him once more. Shad could not find a cure but he did find that the only way to avoid further incident and corruption is to engage in intercourse on a more regular basis with someone he actually cares about.

"The feelings of love will mitigate the lust which is what the Dark transformative magic requires to change you. Plus the regular intercourse will ensure a lack of lust buildup and prevent further transformation." Shad told Link. "The good news is that even if you have a few further incidents you will be fine, I was able to figure out the progression of the magic as well. In fact if you let a few more of these transformations go through you will likely end up stronger than you are now."

Shad told Link of how it will progress each time he loses himself to his Animal instinct.

1st: Teeth and eyes transformed. Will grow longer canines and sharper teeth. Will be able to see in the dark and will glow in the dark. Gives Link a feral countenance and an aura that intimidates others. lowers diplomacy by 1 to increase relations increases by 1 in all other situations.

2nd: Anmal features. Will give link Wolf ears and a Wolf tail. Link gains much better hearing though loud noises will hurt him and may paralyze him. Link is also vulnerable to having his ears scratched. Gains large cuteness appeal to all women. +1 diplomacy.

3rd: Musculerature transformed. Will become leaner and gain denser muscle. Increased combat ability and strength but will also grow more hair on his body making Link look more wolf like and less appealing.

4th: increase of fertility. Will grow larger and more Virile but will come at the price of increased lust.

5th: Link becomes a Wolfos entirely. Game over sequence. You run off and join all the other animals.

Lust thresholds are every two years except for the 5th and final threshold.

Miniturn ends here

(the sexual stuff is in fact needed and does have additional effects as has been added to Links character sheet.)

Ya this is the most sexual this fic is going to get but I thought this might be a hilarious way to represent a game over danger. ;)

have fun and enjoy! :D
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Nope waiting for Midna or for us to at least find another faction head to marry, doing otherwise would be a gigantic waste. Worst come to worse we can just do what most feudal lords did back in the day get a mistress or a whore which ever is more convenient.
Roll: 66 somewhat mitigated

Result: Near the end of the year Link ended up breaking under the weight of his wolf-form induced lust. He ended up going for a night on the town in the bars looking for someone to pick up and ended up bringing them back home with him. His feral instincts took over and he ended up going all night with them even after they fell unconscious.

The next day he woke up and realized just who he had sex with and found he was sleeping beside Ashei of all people! His minor freakout woke her up and somewhere between his frantic apologies and bowing his head Ashei told him he was forgiven.

"This was just a drunken bit of fun between friends and fellow warriors. Do not take it to heart." Ashei stated.

Later on in the day Link kept on feeling a weird itch in his privates. Worried he contracted some kind of disease he checked once he got home... however rather than some disease his penis's shape and size changed! It now looks like a wolves penis and is slightly bigger than it was before.

'Dammit it appears giving into my wolf forms lusts came with a bigger price than I thought!' Link thought in fear as he quickly ran off to talk to Shad about it.

After showing Shad and explaining what and how it happened Shad stated that he will look into it and see about what caused it and how to fix it.

Research roll: 82 Great success!

Result: A week later after Link returned to Shad to find out the results Shad told him that the dark magic was still underneath the surface and seeking a way to return and corrupt him once more. Shad could not find a cure but he did find that the only way to avoid further incident and corruption is to engage in intercourse on a more regular basis with someone he actually cares about.

"The feelings of love will mitigate the lust which is what the Dark transformative magic requires to change you. Plus the regular intercourse will ensure a lack of lust buildup and prevent further transformation." Shad told Link. "The good news is that even if you have a few further incidents you will be fine, I was able to figure out the progression of the magic as well. In fact if you let a few more of these transformations go through you will likely end up stronger than you are now."

Shad told Link of how it will progress each time he loses himself to his Animal instinct.

1st: Teeth and eyes transformed. Will grow longer canines and sharper teeth. Will be able to see in the dark and will glow in the dark. Gives Link a feral countenance and an aura that intimidates others. lowers diplomacy by 1 to increase relations increases by 1 in all other situations.

2nd: Anmal features. Will give link Wolf ears and a Wolf tail. Link gains much better hearing though loud noises will hurt him and may paralyze him. Link is also vulnerable to having his ears scratched. Gains large cuteness appeal to all women. +1 diplomacy.

3rd: Musculerature transformed. Will become leaner and gain denser muscle. Increased combat ability and strength but will also grow more hair on his body making Link look more wolf like and less appealing.

4th: increase of fertility. Will grow larger and more Virile but will come at the price of increased lust.

5th: Link becomes a Wolfos entirely. Game over sequence. You run off and join all the other animals.

Lust thresholds are every two years except for the 5th and final threshold.

Miniturn ends here

(the sexual stuff is in fact needed and does have additional effects as has been added to Links character sheet.)

Ya this is the most sexual this fic is going to get but I thought this might be a hilarious way to represent a game over danger. ;)

have fun and enjoy! :D
gotta go check the rules!
Edit: okay as long as we don't go beyond dragon age and got themes were good.

anyways i don't think going to 2nd form is bad idea cuz there some perks to it. plus it gives me homestuck nostalgia.
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gotta go check the rules!
Edit: okay as long as we don't go beyond dragon age and got themes were good.

anyways i don't think going to 2nd form is bad idea cuz there some perks to it. plus it gives me homestuck nostalgia.
I was kinda aiming for you guys slowly turning into a Faunus from RWBY, figured it might be interesting. ;)
ARC 1: Turn 6: Blin Invasion coming soon. Defenses needed, troops needed, Can reclaim lost land!
'Welp this year it's time to train as many troops as I can.' Link thought in determination. 'I should also have as many defenses set up against the Moblins as possible.'

'It might also be a good idea to reclaim Malonville. The extra land would go a great way towards providing a buffer for the capital Roma.' Link smiled as he planned out possible future actions.

'Maybe I could even send a scouting expedition to the west and north. The west would be fairly likely to find some survivors. However learning more about how the goddesses wrath affected Hyrule might be a good idea too. You never know what kind of new monsters such an incident might create.' Link frowned thinking of new possible dangers to his kingdom.

'No matter what though Troops need to be trained, and a wall needs to be set up either around the capital, or between the mountains. Otherwise once the Moblins can just walk past Ordontown when they attack and destroy Roma with ease.' Link growled at the thought of those Moblin scum ravaging his capital and killing his people. 'I will never allow that to happen.'

this is a line

Current Advisors:

Martial: Rusl +14 to any martial action he is applied to.

Administration: Malo +17 to any Administration action he is applied to.

Diplomacy: Mayor Bo +19 to any diplomacy action he is applied to.

Intrigue: Telma +18 to intrigue actions she is applied to.

Research: Shad +14 to any research action he is applied to. Also grants a +7 bonus to all magical actions, if it is magical research and he is directly applied to it, +21 to the action.

Current Imperial Authority: 13

Current Treasury/Resources at the start of this year/turn:
Rupees: 5120

Food: natural food level 5.

Stone: 1400

Wood: 900

Metal: 1100


[ ] Build Inner kingdom wall - Build a wall between the mountains behind Ordontown in the southwest of your kingdom. This will block the Moblins out from surrounding Ordontown with some troops preventing them from leaving and then ravaging the rest of your kingdom. must choose wall size, small is 5 feet tall, medium is 10 feet, large is 20 feet tall. All have same thickness of 5 feet at base though larger two narrow near top to 4 feet thickness. All walls have battlements.
Cost: 400-800 Rupees, 500-1000 stone based on wall size.
Time: 1-3 Turns based on wall size
DC: automatic success.
Reward: a small, medium or large wall built. You must choose what size of wall you want beforehand. Can upgrade the wall size later on.

[ ] Build Military Barracks - Build a barracks at the Training Ground to house the troops you will soon have. It will be considerably cheaper to house an army here than to grant them a stipend to pursue their own lodgings.
Requires: Training Grounds
Cost: 800 Rupees, 600 wood/stone.
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: -10% military upkeep for a varying number of troops

[] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations.
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Hoplites.

[] Train Archers - Ranged light infantry armed with a bow, arrows and shortsword. Good at picking off troops from afar when hidden behind other troops or defenses.
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-150 metal
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Archers

[] Train Light Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Light Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Light Infantry

[] Train Medium Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Medium Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, 10-100 metal, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Medium Infantry

[] Train Heavy Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Heavy Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, 30-300 Metal, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Heavy Infantry

[] Train Light Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Light Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Light Cavalry

[] Train Medium Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Medium Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, 20-100 metal, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Medium Cavalry

[] Train Heavy Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Heavy Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, 40-200 metal, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Heavy Cavalry

[] Capital Walls - Build walls around your capital to improve defenses. --[] Make it with marble (requires upgraded marble quarry)
Cost: 700 rupees, 400 stone, 300 more rupees if made with marble
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Improved capital defences, if made with marble +1 pop moral.

[] Train siege engineers - Train people to construct siege weapons or tunnel under enemy fortifications.
Prerequisite: Basic Primary School System
Cost: 500 rupees, +100 rupees upkeep.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Siege engineers who can construct siege weapons in the for offensive actions. without them you cannot build offensive siege equipment.

[] Claim Malonville region - Claim Malonville and its surrounding lands. This will allow them to be a buffer for your kingdom against enemies from the north and northwest.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 300 Stone, 200 wood.
Time: 1 Turn.
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +100-400 tax income, +100-200 trade income, +living space, +kingdom size, Hylian refugees settle in Malonville, all Refugee maluses removed, Can build defenses to the west of it to block flanking attacks by the Moblins.

[] Build Stone Road network throughout Ordona - Build Stone roads throughout your kingdom, this will stimulate trade and let you move armies around much faster.
Cost: 100 rupees, 400 Stone, +100 rupee upkeep, + 400 rupees temporary upkeep.
Time: 2-8 turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-100.
Reward: Road network built throughout Ordona, +100 trade income, increase population growth by 10%, population becomes slightly more spread out, trade income gains a +10% modifier, armies move 25% faster throughout Ordona.

[ ] Increase Livestock Production - Just about every race loves meat and dairy except perhaps the Zora and would be happy with more affordable meat. Invest money to increase production.
Cost: 200 Rupees, -2 food levels for 5 turns,
Time: 1 Turn, will take 3 turns to kick in.
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Increases population morale by 1, +1 food level.

[ ] Build MORE lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +300-700 wood Income (risk of deforestation)

[ ] Build Basic Primary School System - The people of Ordona generally lack knowledge on how to read and write, beyond its merchants, lords and a handful of other people.
Requires: Library, printing press.
Cost: 2000 Rupees, 800 stone/wood, 200 wood, +100 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns, takes effect after 2 turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: All rupee income +20% modifier, +5 learning rolls.

[] Increase size of the capital
Cost: 800 rupees, 600 stone/wood, +200 temp rupee upkeep
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: +200-500 tax income, +100 trade income, -1 food level, Refugee malus removed, Guaranteed loss of -1 racial influence with Ordonian Lords, possibility of -1 racial influence with the Hylian Lords.

[] Attempt to improve population morale - hold a feast, Throw a party, Create a holiday. Do whatever it takes to improve how happy people are and how much they like you.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of population morale in place, of improving population morale by +1. If you fail by too much you might lose 1 population morale instead.

[] Hylian dispersal - Spread the remaining Hylians throughout the Kingdoms many villages and few smaller towns. This will annoy the Hylian and Ordonian commoners a bit.
Cost: 300 rupees
TIme: 1 turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +100 rupee tax income, +1 food level, chance of -1 influence with Hylian commoners, Ordonian commoners will feel less loyalty to Link, Refugee maluses removed.

[] Attempt to improve how much a race/faction likes you - Hold a feast, Throw a party, Give them money. Do whatever it takes to improve how much a faction likes you and respects your authority.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of influence you already have, of improving racial/faction influence with a single faction by +1. If you fail by a lot you might lose 1 racial influence with the faction, or with a different faction.

[] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.

[] Send scouts North - Send scouts into the old Hyrule fields past the new Hylian lakes to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
Cost: 200 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information on the lands that used to be Hyrule Fields, knowledge on how the Goddesses wrath effected Hyrule fields.

[] Send scouts West - Maybe you should send some scouts Northwest of the Moblin lands. This area used to be a province of Hyrule, perhaps they also survived the calamity? If they did they might make staunch allies against the Moblins and decent trading partners.
Cost: 200 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information of the land to the West of the lakes Hylia, possibility of survivors?

[] Send scouts southeast - You know what Hyrule has never done? Send scouts into the desert and mountains nearby. You should try it, who knows? Maybe you will find something/someone. Perhaps you will even find some resources!
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the nearby desert and mountains and what is in them.

[] Send scouts northeast - Send scouts into Faron Woods to map out the land and maybe find some resources. After all it's not like you will find any people over there... right?
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the Faron woods and what is in them.

[] Scout the Lakes Hylia region for resources - Send scouts to look around the new Hylian lakes to see if any resources can be found. Who knows, maybe the apocalypse changed enough to add or reveal new resources. You are certain you will find SOME resources out there though how much and what is the question.
Cost: 300 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Information on the resources that can be found in the Lakes Hylia region.

[] Build a research lab - Build a research lab to do experiments in.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 200 stone, 100 wood.
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: New research options, chance of +1-3 to future research actions.

[] Figure out how to build a printing press - One of the people who aided you on your quest, Shad, had mentioned to you the idea of using pre-made blocks covered with ink to copy books. He mentioned that this was a recent creation in the capital of Hyrule and that it could revolutionize education. Sadly the capital is lost and the machine with it, however you can try to build your own.
Cost: 400 rupees, 100 metal, 100 wood.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Prototype printing press, can start to create your own printing press machines.

[] Research infantry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your infantry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about infantry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

[] Research Cavalry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your Cavalry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about Cavalry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

[] Research armor technologies - Try to make some kind of improved armor for your troops to wear. Certain to improve survivability! (maybe... Satisfaction NOT guaranteed.)
Cost: 400 rupees, 200 metal.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn an easier way to make armor, or how to make a new type of armor!

[] Research weapon technologies - Try to make some kind of improved weapons for your troops to use. Certain to improve killing potential! (maybe... Satisfaction NOT guaranteed.)
Cost: 400 rupees, 100 metal
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Some kind of new weapons or a way to make them more easily.

[] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
Cost: 800 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn how to make bombs

[] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor

[] Build a Grand Temple to Farore - Build a massive Temple to Farore in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1500 Rupees, 600 stone, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Followers of Farore', Can train Priests of Farore, +5 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a Grand Temple to Din - Build a massive Temple to Din in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1500 Rupees, 600 stone, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Disciples of Din', Can train priests of Din, +5 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a Grand Temple to Nayru - Build a massive Temple to Nayru in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1500 Rupees, 600 stone, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Acolytes of Nayru', Can train Priests of Nayru, +5 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a few dozen small churches - Build several smaller temples spread throughout the city dedicated to the combined religion of the three goddesses. This will lower the risk of angering the other goddesses once you start building the Grand temples.
Requires: Capital
Cost: 1000 Rupees, 300 stone/wood, +100 rupee upkeep
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Creation of the faction 'Devotees of the Golden Goddesses', Can train Priests of the Golden Trio, +3 to Faith actions.

[] Training - Pick a stat to train, it gets more difficult to train the higher it is, and it gets easier to train if you have supporting buildings or other things to train the stat. (Like training grounds for combat or martial.)
Cost: 0 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: Roll 1d100 -the points in the chosen stat +any aids to training the stat. 0/200 progress
Reward: +1d2 to the stat of choice.

[] Searching for a Spouse - Try to find someone to marry and have kids with. *Lustful trait countdown started! If you do not find a wife in two years you will have another incident with possible influence loss and guaranteed body change!*
Cost: 0 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: hidden roll +/- spousal approval modifiers
Reward: spouse choice mini-turn.
(marrying someone within your nation boosts loyalty. Marrying someone important from another kingdom boosts diplomacy. Marrying a ruler from another kingdom or their heir gives you the chance to combine both of your kingdoms into one combined kingdom.)

Turn ends here.

So there you go, a bunch new actions this turn and you are plenty stronger. Came close to running out of resource last turn, so make sure to keep a close eye on them this turn.

Hope you enjoyed the turn! And again GET MORE TROOPS AND DEFENSES! your trial is a military one not an economic one.

oh also

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