Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] Plan A Man With A Plan

-[X] Name: Elias Andross
-[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan

-[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
-[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
-[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
-[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
-[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.

-[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.

I like multifaceted reasoning so...yeah.

Andross grew up in a shit neighborhood overlooked by heroes. He lost his parents young, then home, childhood was a crapshoot. Had a record before he even hit 18, closing doors he hadn't even realized might have been open. All this created an anger in him that lead to him become a supervillain, at least for a while. He retired/went into hiding/quit for a while, possibly after making enough money to be set for a few decades.

Then he ended up having a kid. And realized he couldn't be a villain anymore, not with something to protect, people to provide for. He knows better than anyone that being able to look at the world with hope is worth so much more than any amount of cash.

All of this feeds into his reasoning to become a vigilante.

He doesn't look like much of a villain, that would be on purpose. He's distanced his civilian persona from his villain one, looking as unassuming as possible when 'normal' to contrast how he looks and acts as a villain. It's also an attempt, at this point, to move past who he was/his villainy.

He doesn't actually need glasses but they're pretty good for changing the way a face looks, the slightest tint can shift eye color, and if you've got the cash you can have tech built into them for AR.

On first impression, he'll generally come off as nice if a little lost/self-absorbed and generically nerdy geeky. Digging past that takes a measure of luck and active effort, which most people won't do.
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@Lord Hater I think this works well what do you think its no MGS but it could still be fairly interesting playing a penitent villain who knows how effed up the system is.
[X] Plan A Man With A Plan
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@Lord Hater I think this works well what do you think its no MGS but it could still be fairly interesting playing a penitent villain who knows how effed up the system is.
[X] Plan A Man With A Plan

Most woke up. I personally like my own because I like military superheroe best. Slade and Deadshot are two of my favorite guys out there.

Man with a plan is cool though. I'll have to think about it.
Adhoc vote count started by Valkur on Apr 10, 2018 at 10:37 AM, finished with 32 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    -[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.
    -[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    -[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
    -[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
    -[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    -[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    -[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan
    -[X] Name: Elias Andross
    [X] Plan A Man With A Plan
    [X] Plan Savior
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
    [X] An old warehouse. Nestled deep in the heart of the industrial area of downtown. There's a million like them and you'd be close by if anything major happened downtown. You just have to make sure that no one sees you entering or leaving, but Keller says they have something in mind for that.
    [X] I've lost a lot throughout my life because of criminals. Scum that would hurt, even kill others for a few dollars. My parents, my home, almost my life on several occasions. But somehow, I've managed to survive. I've managed to bring myself here. And now, I'm going to make every would be villain pay.
    [X]Maes Hughes
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Liliana Rutherford
    [x] When I was just a kid, I used to be a sidekick for a hero, the Solar Shield. He was well known, well liked. But there was… the incident. He didn't make it, and I had to leave the city. But the passion for justice… I couldn't get away from it. So now, in a new city, I'm starting again with a new name, a new identity. And hopefully, none of the old baggage.
    [X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    [X] Plan EX - Special Forces
    [X] Evelyn Clements
    [x] Appearance:
    [x] Sonya Northwest
    [X] Luke Briar
    [X] Write-In - The Soviet born Andrew Ortiz was part of the GRU special forces or Spetsnaz. An elite group of soldiers tasked to carry out some of the most dangerous missions including but not limited to infiltration, intelligence collections, undercover work, Recon, and more. Andross was sent on a mission with his team deep undercover in the Middle East along with his team. Their mission was to collect information on the Dominions Puppet Armies, locate VIP's, and send information back to the Soviet Union's Military. However, there was a traitor within the ranks Dmitry Shalashenko. A personal friend and comrade of Andross betrayed them to the enemy for power and placement. They were tortured for months and Dmitry was never heard of again while his comrades suffered under the Dominions lackeys and interogators. When Andross begged for mercy one of the Doctors decided to give it to him in a harsh way that only true villains could: By giving him an experimental treatment designed to destroy his mind. However as the experiment was midway the Paragons forces broke in through the cieling and saved the Spetznas Team from experimentation and torture. Together they joined forces and continued the fight against the Dominion and thankfully winning the war. Andross's condition, however, worsened as he developed Psychic powers that created fear and suspicion within the GRU. He was spirited away from the USSR by his New Superhero friends to the U.S. However, that didn't stop his powers from growing which mandated him joining the league and working for the CIA as a Russian Translator much to the frustration of his old GRU comrades. But the worst wasn't over but later when Andross died and his only son found himself knowing Russian, Secret Special Forces Techniques, and Psychic powers. Again the league stepped in and found that somehow Andross was inside the child and later they were both inside the other child. Dormant but still there. Vassyilich retains memory, strength, endurance, skill, and of course his psychic edge making him a very powerful combatent...after the succesor learns how to PROPERLY use these tools. There is no known cure or similar being to this.
    [X] Picture -
    [X] Male
    [X] Andross Vassilych
    [X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
Proper tally rather than the messes posted above.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Apr 10, 2018 at 12:06 PM, finished with 33 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan A Man With A Plan
    -[X] Name: Elias Andross
    -[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan
    -[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    -[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    -[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
    -[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
    -[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    -[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Luke Briar
    [X] I've lost a lot throughout my life because of criminals. Scum that would hurt, even kill others for a few dollars. My parents, my home, almost my life on several occasions. But somehow, I've managed to survive. I've managed to bring myself here. And now, I'm going to make every would be villain pay.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [x] Sonya Northwest
    [x] Appearance:
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Savior
    [X] Evelyn Clements
    [X] This chick
    [X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    [X] An old warehouse. Nestled deep in the heart of the industrial area of downtown. There's a million like them and you'd be close by if anything major happened downtown. You just have to make sure that no one sees you entering or leaving, but Keller says they have something in mind for that.
    [X]Maes Hughes
    [X]Best Dad
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
    [X] Liliana Rutherford
    [X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan EX - Special Forces
    [X] Andross Vassilych
    [X] Male
    [X] Picture -
    [X] Write-In - The Soviet born Andrew Ortiz was part of the GRU special forces or Spetsnaz. An elite group of soldiers tasked to carry out some of the most dangerous missions including but not limited to infiltration, intelligence collections, undercover work, Recon, and more. Andross was sent on a mission with his team deep undercover in the Middle East along with his team. Their mission was to collect information on the Dominions Puppet Armies, locate VIP's, and send information back to the Soviet Union's Military. However, there was a traitor within the ranks Dmitry Shalashenko. A personal friend and comrade of Andross betrayed them to the enemy for power and placement. They were tortured for months and Dmitry was never heard of again while his comrades suffered under the Dominions lackeys and interogators. When Andross begged for mercy one of the Doctors decided to give it to him in a harsh way that only true villains could: By giving him an experimental treatment designed to destroy his mind. However as the experiment was midway the Paragons forces broke in through the cieling and saved the Spetznas Team from experimentation and torture. Together they joined forces and continued the fight against the Dominion and thankfully winning the war. Andross's condition, however, worsened as he developed Psychic powers that created fear and suspicion within the GRU. He was spirited away from the USSR by his New Superhero friends to the U.S. However, that didn't stop his powers from growing which mandated him joining the league and working for the CIA as a Russian Translator much to the frustration of his old GRU comrades. But the worst wasn't over but later when Andross died and his only son found himself knowing Russian, Secret Special Forces Techniques, and Psychic powers. Again the league stepped in and found that somehow Andross was inside the child and later they were both inside the other child. Dormant but still there. Vassyilich retains memory, strength, endurance, skill, and of course his psychic edge making him a very powerful combatent...after the succesor learns how to PROPERLY use these tools. There is no known cure or similar being to this.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [x] When I was just a kid, I used to be a sidekick for a hero, the Solar Shield. He was well known, well liked. But there was… the incident. He didn't make it, and I had to leave the city. But the passion for justice… I couldn't get away from it. So now, in a new city, I'm starting again with a new name, a new identity. And hopefully, none of the old baggage.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
Okay changed my vote to Man with a Plan.

I'll do some omakes to make Andros's canon. Maybe. Depends on my schedule.

I personally like my own because I like military superheroe best. Slade and Deadshot are two of my favorite guys out there.
While (probably) not actually having served in the military, Andross could certainly be military trained and/or themed. Off the top of my head, he's got a record and something that saw him through dead parents and a lost home, even if not well.

Could have been he joined a gang run by ex-mil, and picked skills up there. They probably didn't last long, picked off by other gangs or heroes, but he retained the training and/or training tools, with some connections here and there.

Or maybe he got it from his parents, and kept at whatever they taught him out of an attempt to honor them. Or, hell, while living on the streets he could have just raided the house of some blinding old man who used to be in the army. After narrowly avoiding death, the old man (amused) started to teach the kid how to survive before he finally kicked the bucket.

Basically, he's got room left in his backstory. Next voting round and/or via omake you could probably fit some of that in there.
While (probably) not actually having served in the military, Andross could certainly be military trained and/or themed. Off the top of my head, he's got a record and something that saw him through dead parents and a lost home, even if not well.

Could have been he joined a gang run by ex-mil, and picked skills up there. They probably didn't last long, picked off by other gangs or heroes, but he retained the training and/or training tools, with some connections here and there.

Or maybe he got it from his parents, and kept at whatever they taught him out of an attempt to honor them. Or, hell, while living on the streets he could have just raided the house of some blinding old man who used to be in the army. After narrowly avoiding death, the old man (amused) started to teach the kid how to survive before he finally kicked the bucket.

Basically, he's got room left in his backstory. Next voting round and/or via omake you could probably fit some of that in there.

The idea though is that he was literally trained by the Spetznas which are Russia's Special Forces soldiers. I was thinking an orphan that was caught up in one of Stalins purges but 'saved' by an Anti-Stalin Faction within the Union. They give him a super soldier serum (Like Deadshot) and sent off to fight the Dominion but his team is betrayed by Dmitry who is another Orphan. Because his body constantly regenerates he can't die and can survive some pretty difficult stuff. Add in specialized combat and firearms and you have a pretty deadly Merceanary with a one issue agenda: Find and Kill Dmitry the Traitor. Along the way he may or may not be down the CIA, Heroes, or even the Soviet Union.

Another idea is that he was a Spetsnaz Commando that was captured because of Dmitry turning traitor. The bad guys do some cliche torture and then decide to give Andross there serum for experimentation purposes. Afterall, if he can survive there torture without breaking down then there must be something special enough to be of use. Right? Right. But as the serum takes effect he becomes a psychic soldier with the ability to regenerate via concentrating on his cells. If you've heard of Ahirman from 40k he basically does what he does minus the bullet within Ahirman. Add in his Spetsnaz training and you have what I kinda want.

End Result of how he should come out is: Spetsnaz with Psychic powers tries to follow his old 'comrade' Dmitry while dealing with the times changing.

Optional: I'd like for him to also become dissalusioned with the USSR and defect over to the U.S and work with the CIA.

Very not sure however.
I don't know anything about Undertale sorry. I do sort of know Undine because I did see her when my old co-worker played Undertale on her Laptop in the office. She beat her by giving her some water I think. Wierd.
I don't know anything about Undertale sorry. I do sort of know Undine because I did see her when my old co-worker played Undertale on her Laptop in the office. She beat her by giving her some water I think. Wierd.

That was befriending her by showing her compassion and mercy and convincing her not to kill you anymore in the pacifist route.
That was befriending her by showing her compassion and mercy and convincing her not to kill you anymore in the pacifist route.

Just googled her. I like her so much I just want her to be part of some story one day. Btw guys I actully made a rough draft of my character as a canon character.

Omake: Soldier?


Summary: Agent Black and Agent White will be sent to Washington D.C Airport to approach one Andross Vassilich for work opportunities in the CIA. He's an Ex-Special Forces soldier from the Unknown Spetsnaz and GRU forces. His intel on them is extremely valuable as well as his confirmed psychic powers.

The USSR has contacted the President to turn him over via backchannels. Thus if he is not recruited he will have to be sent back to avoid future conflict.

Approach with caution and Recruit Andross Vassilich.

Name: Andross Vassilich

Occupation: Ex-Spetsnaz

BIO: Lieutenant Vassilich was sent to Persia at the outbreak of the Dominions many coups in the regions as part of a GRU operation. It is suspected that the GRU operatives were sent in to spy on the Dominions Military Forces and report back to the USSR.

However, our intel reports that there was a Traitor within the unit. The 10-man unit was turned over to a "Dr. Aluves" a known member of Dominions council heading secret experiments at the time.

The Spetsnaz were tortured and being forced to give up valuable intel on the USSR's objetives. Information which they all gave up except for Vassilich who refused to crack under pressure citing his patriotic pride.

The traitor and Dr. Aluves then decided to test his willpower by injecting him with various liquids and serums. The Liquids were apparently being tested beforehand to enhance the Dominions troops for world domination. When administered Vassilich was given minor psychic powers from reading unguarded minds to forcing matter to move. But that's not all as Dr. Aluves apparently grew even more interested in the subject and gave him serums to increase his bodies regeneration to previously unheard of levels. He was never informed of the experiments goals and thought it was just more torture.

Other drugs may have been used but cannot be confirmed for the following purposes: Super Strength, Fire bending, Increased perception, Jumping abilities, and slowing blood loss from wounds.

During the sessions, Vassilich experienced immense pain and passed out in several instances. At one point he was noted to have "asked Comrade Stalin if he could die" thus leading to speculation that his mind was starting to crack.

He was freed 2 months after capture by the Paragons fellow Heroes alongside his comrades. Together the Spetsnaz and Paragon worked to dismantle the region and push back the Dominion in order to achieve a decisive victory. The Traitor and Dr. Aluves was noted to have evaded capture and have been at large since.

However, Stalin considered the Spetsnaz traitors at worst and extremely suspect thereafter. Thus he ordered there sentencing to Gulags upon return to the USSR. Unknown to the Soviets was that Vassilich's powers previously weak and unrecognizable were starting to show within the Gulags. NKVD prison guards failed to notice or didn't act in a timely and effective manner. Unknown exactly due to weak inteligence gathering at the time of Stalins reign.

He freed himself killing all of the Prison Guards and escaped through the snow. The other prisoners followed him or made there own way. Eventually, they escaped via the Middle East and found themselves rescued by a Super Hero named [REDACTED] from the war against the Dominion. [REDACTED] arranged for there immigration to the United States on political asylum. Most information provided is because of voluntary disclosure from Andross Vassilich and [REDACTED] who is vouching for him.

Agent White and Agent Black are being sent to recruit Andross Vassilich for future 'Oppertunities' within the Agency. As of now he has been recognized by the proper authorities to be a Super Person. Approach with Caution.



P.S This letter must be destroyed after reading.

I sent it to the GM for thoughts and approval. Also no he won't have ALL of those powers. He'lls have psychic powers, mind reading, regeneration, and the rest into conventional military skills. Which is a lot still...hmmm

Anyways subject to GM approval and not done. The next bits are him being recruited by the CIA to help the USA learn more about the Soviet Intelligence Agencies and Methods as well as his likes/dislikes. Basically a personnel file of what he brings to the CIA. The last one will be a achievement folder of the secret medals the CIA gave him for his work in doing variously secret and dangerous missions.
Vote Tally

Voting ends in 2 hours, so if anyone is changing their vote or suggesting a new option, that's the deadline
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 10, 2018 at 6:36 PM, finished with 44 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan A Man With A Plan
    -[X] Name: Elias Andross
    -[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan
    -[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    -[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    -[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
    -[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
    -[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    -[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [X] Plan Savior
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Luke Briar
    [X] I've lost a lot throughout my life because of criminals. Scum that would hurt, even kill others for a few dollars. My parents, my home, almost my life on several occasions. But somehow, I've managed to survive. I've managed to bring myself here. And now, I'm going to make every would be villain pay.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X]Maes Hughes
    [X]Best Dad
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
    [X] Liliana Rutherford
    [X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [x] Sonya Northwest
    [x] Appearance:
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Savior
    [X] Evelyn Clements
    [X] This chick
    [X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    [X] An old warehouse. Nestled deep in the heart of the industrial area of downtown. There's a million like them and you'd be close by if anything major happened downtown. You just have to make sure that no one sees you entering or leaving, but Keller says they have something in mind for that.
    [x] When I was just a kid, I used to be a sidekick for a hero, the Solar Shield. He was well known, well liked. But there was… the incident. He didn't make it, and I had to leave the city. But the passion for justice… I couldn't get away from it. So now, in a new city, I'm starting again with a new name, a new identity. And hopefully, none of the old baggage.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
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I can see when I'm beat.

[x] Plan Knight Parent

Let's do this. Besides, we can be the True Hero even without my plan of Absolute Force.
I can see when I'm beat.

[x] Plan Knight Parent

Let's do this. Besides, we can be the True Hero even without my plan of Absolute Force.
Why not Man with a plan we can easily just have Tactile telekinesis with that.
Since a woman who can afford Armor and a kid who isnt an ex con doesnt really make sense for living in an old mansion
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Since a woman who can afford Armor and a kid who isnt an ex con doesnt really make sense for living in an old mansion

Sure it does if you want an isolated hideout for all of your vigilante activities that cannot be easily traced back to your civilian identity.

Also armour is no more expensive than a computer so you don't have to be rich to own one.
Sure it does if you want an isolated hideout for all of your vigilante activities that cannot be easily traced back to your civilian identity.

Also armour is no more expensive than a computer so you don't have to be rich to own one.
Its a parent who is actively involved i their kids life in what world is that in any way a healthy environment for a person to raise a kid since odds are our person doesnt have a record and can afford an ACTUAL place cause she can get a decent job.
Man with a Plan has a justification for not being there since a repeat offender could be a bad influence on his kid
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