Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

So the Lance is dropped during the melee?
it usually broke on the charge actually, the wooden haft is made to break so it does not throw you off your horse from the laws of action-reaction. applied here as the impact of the lance causing a blowback of force up it into the rider if it didn't break.

"every action has an equal and opposite reaction." Isaac Newton.

but ya if it didn't break it was usually dropped. Lances were just better at delivering that impact force into killing potential and the Swords, axes, and hammers made better melee weapons with each having a different type of troop it specialized in killing.
Alright got a 30 minute break in between classes so i can finally show you guy's my plan for the turn. This plan was made with one thought and one thought only in mind.

We are getting attacked next turn.

Point blank if we don't get attacked by next turn i will eat my god damn hat. The sweet spot for attacking us is almost passed and it will be a cold day in hell before i believe that our enemy's won't at least take a single poke at it. Militarily speaking waiting any longer then 5-6 turns to attack us is a horrible idea, so we must assume that were getting attacked at the end of the turn or the start of the next.

As such we need to get the bread and butter of our build out right the hell now or were going to get fucked. Right now we have shock troops and defensive troops but no devastating hit and run horse archers or skirmishing rangers this needs to be fixed right the heck now.

Everything in this build is designed around keeping us alive when we get swarmed by the inevitable horde of enemy's. Well except for finding a piety advisory, that's their because were finally making decent money so we can afford to start working on one of the churches within the next 2 turns

[] Plan here it comes

-[] Establish Training Grounds lvl 2 - In order to train more skilled troops and keep up with the demand for more troops, the establishment of a more advanced training grounds is necessary.
Cost: 800 Rupees, 400 wood, 200 stone.
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Can recruit and train more skilled troops, can recruit more troops at once, can build more advanced facilities, Chance of additional bonuses.
--[] Rusel

-[] Train Light Cavalry (Bow/Sabre/Shield) {Hit and run} - Train some Light Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Light Cavalry
--[] Assign 3 Imperial Authority

-[] Stimulate Internal Trade - Spend some money funding merchants to try and increase trade in your new nation. It should increase your wealth in the long run.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn. takes 2 turns to take effect.
DC: small success 25-40, Medium success 41-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Increases trade income by 25-100% based on roll, Chance of increasing influence with either or both merchent/Lord factions.
--[] Malo
---[] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[] Hylian dispersal - Spread the remaining Hylians throughout the Kingdoms many villages and few smaller towns. This will annoy the Hylian and Ordonian commoners a bit.
Cost: 300 rupees
TIme: 1 turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +300 rupee tax income, chance of -1 influence with Hylian commoners, Ordonian commoners will feel less loyalty to Link, Refugee maluses removed.
--[] Bo
---[] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[] Send scouts Northwest - Send scouts towards the old Hyrule fields and lake to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[] Telma
---[] Assign Imperial Authority

-[] Send scouts southwest - Perhaps you should send some scouts in the direction of the Moblin lands. This will give you an idea of what they might be doing and if they are preparing to invade you at the moment. Though it won't give you much of a warning, you will need to send a party INTO their lands for that.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[] Build a research lab - Build a research lab to do experiments in.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 200 stone, 100 wood.
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: New research options, chance of +1-3 to future research actions.
--[] Shad

-[] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor
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voting can now start
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[X] Plan Establishing Defensive Measures
-[X] Establish Training Grounds lvl 2 - In order to train more skilled troops and keep up with the demand for more troops, the establishment of a more advanced training grounds is necessary.
--[X] Assign Rusl
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
-[X] Train Light Infantry (bows + sword) {bowmen} - Train some Light Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
-[X] Raining rocks - Build Large Onagers on top of Ordontown's new towers. This will let you bombarded Blin with rocks to kill them with better effectiveness than with bows.
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
-[X] Stimulate Internal Trade - Spend some money funding merchants to try and increase trade in your new nation. It should increase your wealth in the long run.
--[X] Assign Malo
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
-[X] Send scouts southwest - Perhaps you should send some scouts in the direction of the Moblin lands. This will give you an idea of what they might be doing and if they are preparing to invade you at the moment. Though it won't give you much of a warning, you will need to send a party INTO their lands for that.
--[X] Assign Telma
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
-[X] Send scouts Northwest - Send scouts towards the old Hyrule fields and lake to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority
-[X] Build a Library - Build a Library to store all the books you can possibly find.
--[X] Shad
--[X] Assign Imperial Authority

This is basically Void's plan, with the exception that I've ditched Training-Intrigue in order to put another +20 to Raining rocks, which I consider to be pretty important right now.

Also, in case there's something invalid about the plan, please do enlighten me, in case I can't find any real problems with the plan.

EDIT: Apparently I went over the authority limit by one. Therefore, I took out one of from Raining rocks... thanks to @Void Stalker for pointing that out!
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[X] Plan Prepping for War
-[ ] Establish Training Grounds lvl 2 - In order to train more skilled troops and keep up with the demand for more troops, the establishment of a more advanced training grounds is necessary.
--[] Assign Rusl
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
-[] Train Light Infantry (bows + sword) {bowmen} - Train some Light Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
-[] Raining rocks - Build Large Onagers on top of Ordontown's new towers. This will let you bombarded Blin with rocks to kill them with better effectiveness than with bows.
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
-[] Stimulate Internal Trade - Spend some money funding merchants to try and increase trade in your new nation. It should increase your wealth in the long run.
--[] Assign Malo
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
-[] Send scouts southwest - Perhaps you should send some scouts in the direction of the Moblin lands. This will give you an idea of what they might be doing and if they are preparing to invade you at the moment. Though it won't give you much of a warning, you will need to send a party INTO their lands for that.
--[] Assign Telma
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
-[] Send scouts Northwest - Send scouts towards the old Hyrule fields and lake to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
--[] Assign Imperial Authority
-[] Build a Library - Build a Library to store all the books you can possibly find.
--[] Shad
--[] Assign Imperial Authority

[X] Plan Establishing Defensive Measures
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[X] Plan here it comes

-[X] Establish Training Grounds lvl 2 - In order to train more skilled troops and keep up with the demand for more troops, the establishment of a more advanced training grounds is necessary.
Cost: 800 Rupees, 400 wood, 200 stone.
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Can recruit and train more skilled troops, can recruit more troops at once, can build more advanced facilities, Chance of additional bonuses.
--[X] Rusel

-[X] Train Light Cavalry (Bow/Sabre/Shield) {Hit and run / Bowmen} - Train some Light Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Light Cavalry
--[X] Assign 3 Imperial Authority

-[X] Stimulate Internal Trade - Spend some money funding merchants to try and increase trade in your new nation. It should increase your wealth in the long run.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn. takes 2 turns to take effect.
DC: small success 25-40, Medium success 41-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Increases trade income by 25-100% based on roll, Chance of increasing influence with either or both merchent/Lord factions.
--[X] Malo
---[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Hylian dispersal - Spread the remaining Hylians throughout the Kingdoms many villages and few smaller towns. This will annoy the Hylian and Ordonian commoners a bit.
Cost: 300 rupees
TIme: 1 turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +300 rupee tax income, chance of -1 influence with Hylian commoners, Ordonian commoners will feel less loyalty to Link, Refugee maluses removed.
--[X] Bo
---[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Send scouts Northwest - Send scouts towards the old Hyrule fields and lake to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[X] Telma
---[X] Assign Imperial Authority

-[X] Send scouts southwest - Perhaps you should send some scouts in the direction of the Moblin lands. This will give you an idea of what they might be doing and if they are preparing to invade you at the moment. Though it won't give you much of a warning, you will need to send a party INTO their lands for that.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
--[X] Assign 2 Imperial Authority

-[X] Build a research lab - Build a research lab to do experiments in.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 200 stone, 100 wood.
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: New research options, chance of +1-3 to future research actions.
--[X] Shad

-[X] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor

If there are good odds we get attacked next turn then first and foremost we need to prioritize our mongol horse archers.
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[X] Plan here it comes

I'm curious you guys who do you think has the triforce of power. Pieces of the triforce are suppose to seek out the person who best represent them once it's been broken or it's wielder killed not counting Link and Zelda since there souls reincarnate so they never really die. Ganondorf doesn't have that luxury so it had to go to someone new who do you think has it.
[X] Plan here it comes

I'm curious you guys who do you think has the triforce of power. Pieces of the triforce are suppose to seek out the person who best represent them once it's been broken or it's wielder killed not counting Link and Zelda since there souls reincarnate so they never really die. Ganondorf doesn't have that luxury so it had to go to someone new who do you think has it.

Midna is almost guaranteed to have it.

We know the goddess have no problem with her having one since they didn't smite her when Zelda saved her by sacrificing her power and giving her the Triforce of Wisdom for a short time near the middle of Twilight Princess and since the Triforce of Power would have went to a person that best represents it's self, Midna is all but guaranteed to have it. Not only is she the most powerful person in Hyrule who's name isn't Link, Zelda or Ganondorf, but she is also extremely in sync with the Triforce of Power as far as personality goes as well, combine that with the fact that she was so close to it when it's host was struck down and the idea of it going to anyone other then her just doesn't make any sense. She is perfect for the thing in just about every way hell her entry in Hyrule Warriors call her and i quote.

The most powerful and vicious of Twili

The real question we should be asking is, does she still have the fused shadow. Because if she does i am legitimately terrified of the idea of ever having to fight her, with that thing and the Triforce of Power she's just as broken as Ganondorf.
Midna is almost guaranteed to have it.

We know the goddess have no problem with her having one since they didn't smite her when Zelda saved her by sacrificing her power and giving her the Triforce of Wisdom for a short time near the middle of Twilight Princess and since the Triforce of Power would have went to a person that best represents it's self, Midna is all but guaranteed to have it. Not only is she the most powerful person in Hyrule who's name isn't Link, Zelda or Ganondorf, but she is also extremely in sync with the Triforce of Power as far as personality goes as well, combine that with the fact that she was so close to it when it's host was struck down and the idea of it going to anyone other then her just doesn't make any sense. She is perfect for the thing in just about every way hell her entry in Hyrule Warriors call her and i quote.

The real question we should be asking is, does she still have the fused shadow. Because if she does i am legitimately terrified of the idea of ever having to fight her, with that thing and the Triforce of Power she's just as broken as Ganondorf.

Do we have some sort of plan to deal with her if she is hostile.

Do we have some sort of plan to deal with her if she is hostile.

Midna is not going to go to war with us, just because she can. She's just not, ok.

Midna and Link spent the better part of at least a few months traveling around Hyrule together, fighting monsters, saving one another, and just being the only person the other could talk to in general. They are probably better friends then most people think is possible. Hell if the end of Twilight Princess is anything to go by there are decent odds she's in love with Link.

No, we have a much better chance of ending up in conflict with Zelda then we do Midna.
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:mad:I will confirm NOTHING about who has that triforce.... it could be Link himself for all you know, what would you say to that huh? maybe he has it because he is the everchosen and has not unlocked it yet! :p
I will confirm your chances of getting into a war with Midna makes the thought a joke they are so low.

Zelda chances though.... well let's get into it.

1) Hyrule technically owns Ordona as a vassal province... not even a proper nation.

2) Zelda barely knows Link in this and has no significant reason to like him.

3) Zelda's court is full of most of the worst of Hyrule's former nobles in terms of greed.

4) nobody, not even you knows you are blessed by the goddesses, meaning that won't save you. While she believes her line is blessed by the goddesses to be the rightful rulers of Hyrule and its surrounding lands.

5) you have a nearly non-existent army while even now she still has a MUCH larger and more powerful army than anyone else.

6) unless you cut the duke out you will be wanting to claim the lands around Lake Hylia for yourself since that is Agitha's dad's former lands.

Now reasons for you not to go to war

1) you helped fight Gannondorf

2) your province was a former ally

3) she may be busy with other probems

4) .... ya that's about it.

SO how likely do you all think war with Zelda is hmm?
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Well.... I think that when we will have our own army of hoplite/mongol/cataphracts, maybe that we should give her a little "hello bitch, remember me ?"

Damn i want so much find Midna to marry her, unify our kingdom in something totaly new in hyrule and give at Hylians a lesson of humility :D