Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

Guys, he repeatedly said he wanted to die in this update despite Tie's deflections and denials. Maybe, his death causes a chain reaction which brings down this oasis, but better a willing guardian than sucidial and antagonistic warden. Maybe, there are terrible consequences with our sister for doing this and not being better.

However, this Treeman got put here with no choice in the matter, or ability to leave his post. At least, this way he chooses to act the way he wants.
@RookDeSuit - I don't mind putting him out of his misery as a backup, but if there's a chance we can free him and he'd want that then I think it's worth a shot. Not sure he'd even think of us freeing him an option.
If we go avatar state doesn't that let the white posit know that the avatar is out their? Which something we don't want? Also by proxy does that not also let the red lotus know? I am up for freeing the tree but to use he avatar state and reveal ourselves seems like a bad plan at this point in time.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Mar 8, 2018 at 5:08 PM, finished with 1203 posts and 27 votes.
If we go avatar state doesn't that let the white posit know that the avatar is out their? Which something we don't want? Also by proxy does that not also let the red lotus know? I am up for freeing the tree but to use he avatar state and reveal ourselves seems like a bad plan at this point in time.

They should already know that anyway. All of the avatars are born soon after the previous avatar dies.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

Guys, he repeatedly said he wanted to die in this update despite Tie's deflections and denials. Maybe, his death causes a chain reaction which brings down this oasis, but better a willing guardian than sucidial and antagonistic warden. Maybe, there are terrible consequences with our sister for doing this and not being better.

However, this Treeman got put here with no choice in the matter, or ability to leave his post. At least, this way he chooses to act the way he wants.
Or, instead of murdering him, we can free him of his shackles. He is not forced to be a warden, and he will now have the ability to leave his post. If he still wishes to persue death when given the option to have any life he wants, he very well can now.
If we go avatar state doesn't that let the white posit know that the avatar is out their? Which something we don't want? Also by proxy does that not also let the red lotus know? I am up for freeing the tree but to use he avatar state and reveal ourselves seems like a bad plan at this point in time.
They already know. Another is born when one dies, so they already know we are out there. All it'd let them know is that we entered the Avatar State. Which... does nothing for them, besides encourage them to look harder. Doesn't help them find us in the least.
Or, instead of murdering him, we can free him of his shackles. He is not forced to be a warden, and he will now have the ability to leave his post. If he still wishes to persue death when given the option to have any life he wants, he very well can now
His entire purpose was to nurse the forest. What will he do once free? If we do free him what is his motivation for living?
His entire purpose was to nurse the forest. What will he do once free? If we do free him what is his motivation for living?
Whatever he wants. As for motivation, what is OUR motivation? We don't really got one, most people don't, we just live, and enjoy living.

He could follow us for a time if he wished, and we could try to show him around Life. Or he could wander off completely on his own. The point is, it's HIS choice. If he still wishes death, he is now capable of persuing such a wish rather than requiring us to inflict it upon him. He now has a choice other than "Die or be a slave forever".
Also, this being knew one of the first avatars. I so want to question him. He might know how the avatar cycle came about and give us IC knowledge of Raava. Being able to talk to her would be awesome.
His entire purpose was to nurse the forest. What will he do once free? If we do free him what is his motivation for living?

What is anyone's motivation for living? It looks like he's suicidal, but most suicidal people who fail in their suicide attempt later report that they regretted the decision but thought it was too late after they jumped off the bridge or took pills or whatever. You see people do things like attempt to overdose on pills and then call 911, for example. People have a strong instinctual desire to live. Suicide is usually an emotional reaction during a time of crisis, and once the person passes that crisis even if they're still depressed they tend not to attempt to commit suicide until the next time they are in a crisis. This is why in places where euthanasia is legal it's usually only allowed for terminal illness.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If there is another option, we should take it first.

If this takes multiple attempts, then it also gives him multiple attempts to convince us into killing him. I say we do our best to free him and give him another form (or... I dunno, turn him into a tree spirit that can travel or teleport to other forrests and explore the world).

If this doesn't work the first time, we do our best to calm him down, then try again. If we do this for... say... three attempts with no headway to either free his form, fix his depression, or give him a new appreciation of his life... then maybe we should go ahead and put him out of his misery.

But we at least try to fix the problem another way first.

Edit: And if anyone here is super interested in getting shiny things... it's possible the form we ultimately give him could be something like a sky bison or some other kind of creature we could ride, or just have as a pet like Momo. The guy is a truly ancient tree spirit given sapience by the Avatar and has grown on top of a nexus of spiritual energy for millennia. No matter what physical form he ultimately takes, he should be oozing magical power, or end up a friendly spirit we can contact in the spirit world.
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The Avatar State is a fail-safe last-ditch "throw everything we have at the enemy" move. If we somehow enter the Avatar State, the White Lotus will think we are in danger and double their efforts. That being said:

[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.

because it was our mistake and we will fix it. Also want to play a game of Chase with the White Lotus
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If there is another option, we should take it first.
Are you sure it is permanent I mean reincarnation could happen, I think enlightenment and becoming one with the universe seems like the only permanent option.

[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
They already know. Another is born when one dies, so they already know we are out there. All it'd let them know is that we entered the Avatar State. Which... does nothing for them, besides encourage them to look harder. Doesn't help them find us in the least.
Actually, by crisscrossing witness reports and the fact that half of Ba Sing Se didn't go to hell on the same day the supposed Avatar went Super Saiyan lets them mark off some places on the map as: "OH, SO HE'S NOT HERE."
[x] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
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Actually, by crisscrossing witness reports and the fact that half of Ba Sing Se didn't go to hell on the same day the supposed Avatar went Super Saiyan lets them mark off some places on the map as: "OH, SO HE'S NOT HERE."
There's still every place on earth that isn't a city with people like that. Like, maybe we were on a boat at the time, just about to arrive at a major city.
There's still every place on earth that isn't a city with people like that. Like, maybe we were on a boat at the time, just about to arrive at a major city.
That's why I said it will speed up their investigation, not make it instantaneous. It's not like the White Lotus has clairvoyant marble-druids that can go: "Oh, he's in the Si Wong Desert, you guys."
That's why I said it will speed up their investigation, not make it instantaneous. It's not like the White Lotus has clairvoyant marble-druids that can go: "Oh, he's in the Si Wong Desert, you guys."
Well, they PROBABLY don't, because if they did, they'd have already found us. Because there are some people who can sense anyone anywhere, because they have become that enlightened and in tune with the worlds energy. Guru Pathik was one, but he might be dead, and Toph becomes another if she isn't already.
[X] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[X] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him.
Our traits support this action, and if we manage this we'll become the youngest Avatar to control the avatar state, which would be fun.
Our traits support this action, and if we manage this we'll become the youngest Avatar to control the avatar state, which would be fun.
We've got a +29. Good, but not THAT good. Plus, we are learning to control it in a very controlled scenario. We aren't learning to control it in a war, but while sitting in a peaceful glade beneath a spiritual tree.
We've got a +29. Good, but not THAT good. Plus, we are learning to control it in a very controlled scenario. We aren't learning to control it in a war, but while sitting in a peaceful glade beneath a spiritual tree.
We're also in an area that explicitly connects the physical and spiritual worlds. Symbolism!