Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

It pretty much is, like I said I'm fine with the idea of not deciding doing anything right now, but I dislike the phrasing of the vote. The reasoning Tie is giving. It feels too mature and measured and artificial.

Cause really, who just says "I need to grow as a person"?
Someone who's wisdom is equal to that of the average adult?
that is pretty much what the do nothing option is im too young to think it through properly lets come back to this some other time
I know that, but people are voting to have Tie say "[I ] will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is." That just sounds so wrong and artifical. No one talks like that. I'd prefer him to say "I don't know, I gotta figure it out"
I know that, but people are voting to have Tie say "[I ] will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is." That just sounds so wrong and artifical. No one talks like that. I'd prefer him to say "I don't know, I gotta figure it out"
you dont know how birdsies writing it thats how we feel that we dont know enough to decide
Except the vote literally says "Tell him we will need to grow as a person", meaning Tie will say "I need to grow as a person". That is what they are voting for Tie to say, they are voting for him to say those words.
yes and it sounds a lot less adult then your making it seem and birdsie might add more context we dont know so im treating this as the general outline of how we want to respond
[X] You think he's wrong but... you are unsure. You apparently thought differently before, and you wouldn't think you thought that without a good reason, but you have no idea what those reasons were. This requires more thought.

I like that @Birdsie added those options so quickly based on thread feedback but I do prefer this wording
[X] You think he's wrong but... you are unsure. You apparently thought differently before, and you wouldn't think you thought that without a good reason, but you have no idea what those reasons were. This requires more thought.

We just got told that another previous avatar set down these laws. That's bound to be weird to think about.
[X] Do neither. You tell the tree you will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is. Acting on whim is stupid.
[X] Do neither. You tell the tree you will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is. Acting on whim is stupid.
[X] Do neither. You tell the tree you will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is. Acting on whim is stupid.
Vote Tally : Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 44 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 1105-1137]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Do neither. You tell the tree you will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is. Acting on whim is stupid.
No. of Votes: 14

[X] You think he's wrong but... you are unsure. You apparently thought differently before, and you wouldn't think you thought that without a good reason, but you have no idea what those reasons were. This requires more thought.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] You think that humans and spirits should live together, but you agree that a bridge is no place to live.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 19
[X] You think he's wrong but... you are unsure. You apparently thought differently before, and you wouldn't think you thought that without a good reason, but you have no idea what those reasons were. This requires more thought.
[X] Do neither. You tell the tree you will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is. Acting on whim is stupid.
[X] You think he's wrong but... you are unsure. You apparently thought differently before, and you wouldn't think you thought that without a good reason, but you have no idea what those reasons were. This requires more thought.
Vote Tally : Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest) | Page 44 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 1105-1141]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Do neither. You tell the tree you will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is. Acting on whim is stupid.
No. of Votes: 15

[X] You think he's wrong but... you are unsure. You apparently thought differently before, and you wouldn't think you thought that without a good reason, but you have no idea what those reasons were. This requires more thought.
No. of Votes: 5

[X] You think that humans and spirits should live together, but you agree that a bridge is no place to live.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 22
Son of the Chief - 5.5
[X] Do neither. You tell the tree you will need to grow as a person and gain a deeper intellect to know what the right choice is. Acting on whim is stupid.

"I need to think about this," you decide. The tree brightens at your words. Siph looks at it, then at you, while you continue. "I'm not sure what my stance on this situation is."

The tree's bark glows brighter and brighter until it is fully blue-white in color. The tree emanates this glow for several seconds, and in turn, your own eyes begin to glow. You feel an energy in your spine, moving up. The amount is overwhelming. You feel it emanating from your body and to the outside. You feel Siph flinch, as you try to contain this.

DC: 30
Roll: 1d20+12+8=33
+500 XP! +1 CP!

You blink and your eyes glow no longer.

"What did you do?" You stand back. You felt powerful for a moment. When the tree glowed, your own body followed. Is that blue thing chi? Is that why the tree glows? If that's the case, then it's made out of pure life force. Your limbs waver.

The tree responds with a thundering voice, "I offer you my gift. For the deep consideration of your own actions, when you lack control over yourself, I will aid you. Never forget this, and always think ahead of your actions, Avatar. You, I consider worthwhile of admiration. Please, do grow. And may the peace you bring be splendid and eternal."

You nod, even though you're not sure you understand. You think he admires that you're aware you don't know everything, but you're not sure. "Thank you."

"Then, can I ask you to help me?"

"How?" you ask, not specifying whether you'd do it.

The tree quiets for a moment. Its glow diminishes, as it answers you, "My roots are dying. After thousands of years, all sorrowful, this jungle has grown heavy on me. I ask you to cauterize my pain."

Cauterize? What does that word even mean? You're not sure what he's saying. "Can you..." An awkward pause. "Explain?"

"Please, meditate with me," he elaborates. Hue-Sar's bark turns dark blue for a brief moment, flickering. "I ask you to kill me and end my duty, that many years ago, you have forced upon me. Please, kill me, Avatar Tié. My gift will never leave you, I promise, but please, destroy my roots and let me wither."

Forced upon him? You forced a spirit to do something? That's surely not true. You need, you have to ask. "What Avatar did this? And why? Why would someone force you to become this jungle's life-source?"

"Irrelevant," Hue-Sar said, very robotically, once again glowing a dark blue. He continued in his normal voice, "I have already forgiven you long ago. When I die, another tree will grow and replace me – take my role – and become the source of life. Just like the Avatar cycle, you might say."

You shake your head. You can't put this together. Siph seems to agree, as the next thing she says is exactly what you were thinking, "Why would you want to die?!"

The tree darkens and quiets at that sentence. A long moment passes, then he answers with a whisper. "I'm sorry." Hue-Sar's voice rises briefly: "I'm sorry. I have seen so many things, but nothing brings me joy anymore. I want this to end. I want my torture to end."

"Explain this, please."

The tree's glow abruptly stops and its trees turn green for a moment, then it returns to a blue color. You can only liken this to the emotion of anxiety, even though it's hard to link tree emotions to human emotions.

"Long ago, Avatar Rago, one of the first Avatars, walked this desert. She found secrets beneath the sands, great sources of spiritual power. And in the middle of them, was a nexus, where we are. A place where the energy was so strong that the line between material and spiritual was thin and barely existing. Underneath the sand, she found these caves, full of dying plants. The forest spirits that dwelled down here required the jungle to live, so Rago created me. A small sapling and she gave me a mind to think for myself. She told me that this jungle was my child, and I had to protect it and feed it. And that's what I have done for the last thousands of years."

"But now..." The tree became dark blue, more intensely than before and for a longer timespan than ever. "I feel nothing but contempt for my own existence. I acted as an obedient fuel source. Replace me with another, Avatar. Replace me. It is your duty. I didn't want you to leave because you're the only one strong enough to take my life."

Siph looks at you. Her face is clouded with negative emotion, but you can't tell what it is. While Hue-Sar explains, something strong grips your heart and tears it out of your chest. He's in pain, but is it really worth ending his life? He says he'll be replaced, that even in death he will help you, but is it worth it?

You stare at the tree.

You're basically deciding whether or not to euthanize him, with his consent. There's no euphemism or pretty cover-up.




You shake your head.

"I won't do it."

The tree glows darkly, the black color overpowering the blue for a moment. "It is your duty! Replace me! Long ago, you set me here as the caretaker of this jungle. Now let me die!"

This is too abrupt for you. Once again, you shake your head. Fear and regret tear your heart out of your chest. This is too sudden, first you came here to discuss the reason you came and be rewarded for your thinking, and now this venerable tree spirit... is it even a spirit? If it can die, it's more akin to a living creature with strong spiritual ties, right? Your stomach sinks as you force the words through, "I..."

[] "Won't do it." You can't just take a life, nor go against something you set in a previous life. It goes against ethics.
[] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.
[] "Will free you." You can't take his life, but nor can you just leave him to suffer. He is stuck here, but... what if he was given new form, new life? Allowed to leave and do as he wished, no longer shackled to his role as Garden Keeper, free to explore life?
-[] Enter the Avatar State, "you" put him here, so "you" should know how to free him. (Optional.)

+1 CP!
+2 Spirituality.
+Gift of the Thoughtful (Perk)
+500 XP!

Needless to say, you're choosing whether you want to be an Aang (all life is sacred) or a Roku ("I'll kill you if I absolutely have to.")
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I respect how far Aang went for his beliefs but resent the idea of pushing them on others. As with euthanasia, I think we all have the right to death. The only reason I see to disagree is if you don't believe the person capable of making their own decisions and I doubt this thousand year old being made this request lightly.

[x] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.
[X] "Will do it." You can understand his pain and you decide to go along with his will. Let Hue-Sar die.

No. I don't exactly like this, but it's better for him. Better that the forest has a being that cares for it, rather than be in contempt.