Avatar: The Last Dicebender (A:TLA/A:LOK Quest)

[X] "... F-Fine."

Sucks, but if we try talking to another spirit, inevitably there will be conflict with this one, and shit will get outta hand. Have to talk with it now.
Wait, what? Where was it said that she was number 1000? Because if so, the average lifespan of an Avatar is 10. Harmonic Convergence is every 10,000 years after all.
"I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes"

I do remember being weirded out when I got that result and wondering if most Avatars died as infants, but actually, that being non-literal makes sense.
"I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes"

I do remember being weirded out when I got that result and wondering if most Avatars died as infants, but actually, that being non-literal makes sense.
Of course even then, without it being a HUGE overstatement, it does not bode well for their mortality rates. Even if they are exaggerating by 4 times, and having only done it 250 times, that is still an average life-span of 40.
Of course even then, without it being a HUGE overstatement, it does not bode well for their mortality rates. Even if they are exaggerating by 4 times, and having only done it 250 times, that is still an average life-span of 40.
I think the two of you are forgetting something very important.

That writers cannot do math to save their lives.
I think the two of you are forgetting something very important.

That writers cannot do math to save their lives.
Even if they can't, what is said is canonically said, and we have to assume the person saying it is not being puppeted by the Elder Gods. They don't got much reason to lie, it seems unlikely to exagerate THAT much, and I assume the Avatar are capable of basic math, so, odds are it is within excess of 200.
Even if they can't, what is said is canonically said, and we have to assume the person saying it is not being puppeted by the Elder Gods. They don't got much reason to lie, it seems unlikely to exagerate THAT much, and I assume the Avatar are capable of basic math, so, odds are it is within excess of 200.
That, or said being has very bad memory.
Even if they can't, what is said is canonically said, and we have to assume the person saying it is not being puppeted by the Elder Gods. They don't got much reason to lie, it seems unlikely to exagerate THAT much, and I assume the Avatar are capable of basic math, so, odds are it is within excess of 200.
I think I found a really good answer related to this over here. Quoted below:

He's clearly using hyperbole. If there had been a thousand avatars in the last ten thousand yearsthen the average lifespan per avatar would be just ten years.
In my answer to; How many Avatars have there been? I pointed out that in the Avatar episode "Southern Air Temple" we see a chamber containing approximately 130 statues representing prior incarnations of the Avatar. These are tiered in 7 ascending rows plus a further 51 statues at floor level giving a grand total of 181 previous avatars.

In the film "Avatar : The Last Airbender" we see the same temple, but this time with 6 tiers, each containing 30 status (in 5 blocks of 6) plus a larger statue of the most recent avatar; Roku. Again, this gives a grand total of 181 statues.
Given the similarity in numbers, it seems likely that this figure is intended to be the canon figure.
If we assume that the average mortality rate of an avatar is 53 and that the next avatar is born at the moment of the previous avatar's death then there would have been 180(ish) avatars in 10,000 years prior to the events of "The Last Airbender" (10,000 / 54 = 180ish)

On further consideration, it may be that he's describing the fact that he's had to master each element (e.g. of four) each time he's reborn in which case he would have had to learn how to bend the elements a grand total of 724 times, close enough to a thousand that the quote could make some sense.
Two things of note.

1. It wasn't confirmed the next avatar is born after the previous dies?
2. 724 times or more, depending on which ones got Energybending as well.
1. It wasn't confirmed the next avatar is born after the previous dies?
The answer does say, "if we assume".

My personal addition to this is to take all these numbers with a grain of salt. Especially Roku's line which basically amounted to intimidating Jeong-Jeong. We're dealing with 10000 years, which is a huge timeline. Pretty much everything about the avatar has become myth at this point. If the avatar says he's lived a thousand lifetimes, people in-story pretty much have to take his word for it.
Holy crap. I'm writing the update. The dice are fucking crazy on this one.