User Fiction

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For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

Weird History

Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!

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A displaced ship carrying Titans of Legio Astorum during the Horus Heresy are displaced in time and place, and possibly universe. They decide to become Mercenaries. These are their stories.
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What happens when an island that is technically not recognized gets sent over a hundred years into the past? Well, when the island is Taiwan and the year is 1911, then you’re going to have an island full of people trying to change history. And a world of people who might have similar ideas. Or to put it another way, “GATE without nationalism or being weird about it… and in Taiwan.” For the record, I don’t really have any opinion on Taiwan/RoC/whatever you want to call it. If you want to...
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I am the second of the King George the Fifth-class Battleships, HMS Prince of Wales. One of the first Shipgirls. You may know me from many of the battles of the Second World War. There was my battle with Bismarck when I was still a steel-hull, my first big action as a full shipgirl in the Java Sea, and my point-blank gunnery duel with Kongo off of Guadalcanal. I've seen much in my eighty year life, but it all started during that horrible war... Or in one sentance: In which Wales and...
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The Americas are gone but for the portions of it that had some connection with or were points of first contact to the Old World. Which is why Western South and MesoAmerican Islands are here due to Polynesian contact, the Tlinglit are here due to accessing East Asian Boats and Nails, New England is here due to Viking contact and the Antilles are here due to Columbus. -- I want to see if I can run the game parallelly on two sites to get more participants and a more mixed flavour.
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ISOT Punic War
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On an alternate Earth, with more islands and a more diverse Humanity, there is a nation older than recorded history., with its founding lost in myths and legends, and a similarly ancient university within that nation's capital. There are Roman and Nordic influences that are still obvious even in the present day. Technology is more or less the same as present day, with an internet and everything that goes with it, albeit with aesthetics that reflect earlier eras. Two young women start at the...
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While King Rhaegar I "The Dragon Prince" was successful in putting down Robert's Revolt, his troubles were only just beginning. Cross posted to AO3
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What is a wacky alternate history idea of yours?
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A timeline for the Black Mirror universe.
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It was a strange woman called The Doctor who found me, saying she was a time traveller who'd lived for centuries. I was trapped in an endless castle, then she showed me what true endlessness really looked like. I can go with her anywhere in time and space now... except back home.
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A cross between Taylor and the USS Texas. A girl beaten and battered, betrayed by her sister and abandoned by the system meant to help her. Little did she expect to receive help from who she did, or from where, and now a veteran of every American theater from the deadliest war in human history shares her mind and body. Well, she won't be boring at least. But is there something more hiding under the weary war hero's guise? Something more than even "I win" woman can foresee? Is she even the...
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Lord of the Rings kingdoms come to real life Dark Ages.
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A story of growth. A story of self confidence. A story of pride. A story of power. A story of the ages, for the ages. A story of triumph. A journey through an old world, towards a new goal. Where the myths of the past are challenged, and new lore rises in a bright future. Welcome to a moment in history...the birth of the legend herself. This is the story of someone with great love and an even greater dream. The story of someone who dreamed of changing the world, and everything it was made...
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On the 23rd day of the fourth month of the year 1928 after the Valkyrur Conquest, an unlikely encounter happened, and the history of the world changed. From this encounter what will become the Koller-Gunther Industries industrial giant was born. Though it was a small step in a long journey to success, what followed was how a handful of men and women could lay the basis for the falling of a giant. The following chapters will tell the story of a colossal effort overshadowed by the stars on the...
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A collaborative fiction on the premise of the 1950s gaining access to Youtube.
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When Operation Exodus falls victim to a catastrophic misjump, they find themselves in a galaxy eerily like there own. Only it ain't kansas anymore. Here be aliens.
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The year is 1934 and stormclouds gather over Europe. Minerva Golding - a Jewish woman living in London - watches the nightmare that takes shape in Germany while trying to survive the homegrown fascist movements that seem eager to take the reigns in her homeland. But her worries about Mosely and the Blackshirts are somewhat derailed when she gets a mysterious telegram - a telegram that ushers her into a world of secret wizards and magical schools and whimsical creatures. Sadly, the magical...
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The year is 1912, and California is in the midst of and oil boom. People from all over the country are flocking to tracts of land, speculating on if it may have oil underneath it or not. For very few this is a time of business, drilling well and raking in massive profits as demand seemingly never stops. For many this is a time of failed gambles and ruination. For Alice von Braun this is all just very annoying.
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A tale of cultures, nations, and nonhumans natives vying for dominion of a new world from the perspective of an outside observer.
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A Legend of Korra & Transformers Crossover
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Earth's oil supply becomes highly centralized.
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After the defeat at the Battle of Yavin, Vader jumps into hyperspace, only for himself to be taken into the JLU universe by accident. Free from Sidious's servitude and from the Galactic Civil War, he forges an empire in the Milky Way Galaxy while searching for who he is. That's, of course, if he can escape the mad woman known as Queen Maxima, who is trying to be his loving wife.
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A snowy alternate-history Earth, ruled by cabals of murderous creatures of the night. And three friends, whose fates are splintered when one of them is no longer like the others.
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PoD: 1727 If I ever get this off the ground and not have it rot away as a passion project, the ideal format I would have it in would be self-contained novels.
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Hey everyone, this is a rewrite of the Wolfenstein series after the new colossus. I never played new blood and never will, because who in their right mind thought adding leveled enemies to a series like that was a good idea? This is what I would have done with the story. It's a long work in progress, and I hope you'll enjoy it as I add on to it. A link to my patreon is at the end of the first chapter, and for anyone worried about copyright law, I can post fanfic there so long as the posts...
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If I had known that buying that mansion- and island -off the coast of Crete was going to come with portals to Equestria's past and present, I would have bought a cabin in Brazil. Originally posted on
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For nearly twenty years, the nations of Earth Bet have been plagued by monsters known as Endbringers. The Three, as they are known, are all equally terrifying with their potent abilities and their purpose to bring nothing but the end of civilization. Rising from the Earth itself comes the Hero Killer, Behemoth. A localized kill field so powerful that only the most durable of capes can hope to resist it. He is inexorable in his advance, with his brute strength and immense durability, filling...
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What if the future isn't Tomorrowland or Mad Max? What if history just goes on?
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North Africans interrupt European expansion
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Rose Quartz dies, and then she wakes up
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