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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


For a thousand generations, the Galactic Republic of Hyrule has overseen an era of prosperity. The Republic Fleet, the Jedi Order of Wisdom, and the secret powers of the royal line of Alderaan have kept a fragile peace, allowing all the good peoples of the galaxy to flourish, be they human, Deku, Wookie, Zora, Twi'lek, or whatever else. This era seems suddenly drawing to an end, however, as a warlord from Wild Space named Darth Agahnim has struck, dealing a dizzying blow to the galaxy's...
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This Quest was written with 100% all natural, organic, up-and-recycled words. It uses the simplest possible game system (outlined in the next post) and otherwise uses a narrative-first structure. Please read through carefully and vote responsibly. What do you do when change seems impossible? When the world has made your voice so small you cannot remember how to speak? How do you fight against that which is so massive, so labyrinthine, and so powerful that no one alive can completely...
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A miracle. A monster. A tyrant. A king. All these things described the newly anointed Demon King Ganondorf, first pure-blood king of the Gerudo in over a century. King to a dying race, either he would see the Gerudo resurrected and amongst the great peoples of the world once more, or he would die trying. And if a lot of other people had to die on the way, well, that was why the Demon King ruled. Legend of Zelda AU drawing heavily on the Breath of the Wild map.
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Hyrule, once prosperous and peaceful, has been conquered and beset by terrible evils. Link, a young man who lived isolated from the world, rescues a mysterious young woman of an ancient and powerful bloodline. This chance encounter sets in motion events that will lead them both into legend...
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Legacy of the Goddess is a rational-deconstruction take on the Legend of Zelda setting, as an AU cross with the cosmere setting. See infopost threadmark for more information. Note: This quest is active. Pay no attention to the "self-requested ban" tag on the OP. :whistle:
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Hyrule is a land that has been wreathed in legend, Of Individuals, Relics, The land itself, and the Nations that Reside there. This is the legend of one such nation residing in one such land. With a new age comes new individuals and old nations made anew. You are one individual attempting to lead your nation to new heights, will you succeed and rise to the heights of legends or fail and fall to history…
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Even as Malice dies the world spins onward, but the towering titans made to do battle against it. Now that the apocalypse has ended, what will become of them? Will they be shuffled away to sleep for ten thousand years more? No. Not if anyone left after the Calamity has anything to say about it.
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Ocarina of Time as you've never seen before
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Be the Hero the warhammer world needs.
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One-way portals have opened up across fiction, and deposited numerous characters, creatures, and treasure in one world.
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Second person pov quest where you are an inhabitant of Breath of The Wild.
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A young girl wakes in July of 1991, a strange dream at the edge of her thoughts. Normally her dreams are filled with death and blood, clashing blades and charging steeds... but most of all her dreams normally center around a hill... Covered in the dead, where she fights against a light so bright it blinds - Not only does it blind her, but the light itself cannot see. The same morning, another young boy wakes with the same strange dream in his own thoughts, a startling change from the dreams...
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The land of Lorule is very similar to Hyrule in many respects, but it is its own unique entity. However, just like with Hyrule, evil forces seek to work their dark designs upon this land. If not you, who will step up and stop them?
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Link in Warhammer Fantasy
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The Main quest and all that happens within
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An Alternate Universe take of Legend of Zelda, where Zelda is a Gerudo, Ganon is a Goron, and Link is a Zora
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You floated in an effervescent void, surrounded by light. You fell. You flew. And then you...
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What’s this you’ve found? It looks like a place that needs a hero. Why not yours? Why not...
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A/N: Hello denizens of SV! My name is BlazeTheMaximum or Blaze for short, and I have come to...
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Cutting down another of Ganon's monsters, you kept moving through the burning city. Hylians were...
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AN: Despite what the title might imply, this is not an insert fic. This is kind of a merger...
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Once upon a time, there was a land called Hyrule, a kingdom that was bordered by other kingdoms...
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Your name is Link, the latest incarnation of the celebrated Hero of Hyrule. Your story was...
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This world is not young. It is as old and scarred as time itself. These sands that envelope it...
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You wake up with a pounding headache. Arg. Damnit Purah, your teleportation rune is ass...
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Three centuries ago, the ancestors of [ ] Crown Prince Link Urbosan Hyrule II [ ] Crown...
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Hello, all, this is a reboot of Aranfan's Hyrule Dynasty Quest, done with his permission. The...
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The Land of Hyrule. A land created by the Three Golden Goddesses and then given to the Great...
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Falling. Absently, you’re aware that you are falling, hurdling in free-fall ever downwards...
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“Are you sure?” Zelda asked. You nod, going over to your pantry to pack rations. “Link,”...
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