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By the reckoning of humanity, it is the twenty-nineth millennia. The birth of a Dark God, already responsible for the collapse of civilization into the Age of Strife, is nigh, and with it comes the dawn of the Age of Humanity. In the northern edge of the Galaxy,, Craftworld Vau-Vulkesh begins a defiant plan to reforge their own souls to reject the newborn Slaanesh. They will keep Vaul's fire burning, they and their allies, with the aid of technology lost to the other survivors, and defy...
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Six machine soldiers are sent to the island in the sky, hoping to put an end to another threat to humanity. When Bracket wakes in a freezing cavern, he is alone. But the mission must be carried out regardless, no matter what it takes.
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"that long epoch between the assimilation of the Andals and the coming of the dragons" as Archmaester Gyldayn puts it. This is a time of constant warring, shifting alliances and intrigues. Before the Dragons ruled, there were men. The Kings of the southern realms all had their eyes set on one thing, and gambled their gold, legacy, blood and lives in pursuit of it. Hegemony... Can you thrive in these tumultuous times where others fell?
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You are not Number Thirteen; you are Sora. No matter what happens, you have to remember that. The new heart within you is not welcome, and you're not going to blindly follow Xehanort's orders like the vessel he says you are. You will find a way out of this horrible Organization, and you will reunite with your friends, no matter how long it takes. Even if it means partaking in the web of schemes and agendas that exist among your so-called comrades, you will return to the light. Still...
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It is the 32nd Millennium and it has been 200 years since the Lord of Terra has launch his Great Crusade across the galaxy to scour the stars of Xenos and to reunite the vestiges of Humanity to banish the ignorance and darkness of Old Night. Yet within the dark corners of the galaxy and even within the very confines of Terra dark powers seek to corrupt the noble sons of the Master of Mankind, the Primarchs, that will set brother upon brother and shatter the very foundations of the Empire and...
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Congratulations SV, you are Taylor's power! Or, more accurately, Taylor's power is to receive letters from you. One letter per day, that is. Of at most 100 words. But don't fret, you'll be able to buy upgrades to her power! Like more letters! And more words! Awesome, isn't it? No, you can't give her other abilities. Her power is letters, duh. But surely, with all your knowledge of the setting and future events, you can guide her safely to rescue her world! Right?
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Welcome to Starbound: An Outworld Journey, a crossover between Starbound (Frackin Universe) and Worm. Don't hesitate to give me ideas for the story or even for Techs that aren't in starbound.
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