Thank you so much for this Quest torroar! It's been one of the bright lights that's helped me during theyears, and one of the best stories I've read.
Congratulation @torroar on seven years of this amazing quest!! It been a treat reading this since late 2020 and can't wait where you take us on the story of freddy and possibly his children!
Both that I've stuck to this quest so long, and that you guys have stuck with me as well through the ups and down
I am gonna be honest, I stopped reading at Karak Ungor for a while before continuing where I left of and that was because I think that was when I was getting into Fate so I ended up reading that until I got it all out of my system.
There are a lot of stories that I have watched but this is one of the few that I think about even when I don't get an alert. Honestly one of these best.
Thanks a bunch for 7 years of this quest Torroar! I love coming back to different sections every now and then and seeing how the characters and world only seem to grow in depth, and while there are certainly points of great struggle or frustration caused by rolls or mismatched expectations or whatever, I have only ever had fun reading and rereading about this mad little dynasty! This is the only quest I've ever felt compelled to contribute to, and oddly enough an idea for another omake has been knocking around in my head fairly recently. I'm a little busy with work lately, but I'll see if I can find the time to type it out in the next soon.
I come forth from the shadows to put forwards my sincere congratulations. Well done Torroar, it is a rare person that could manage to keep a quest of this quality going so long. I joined mid Karak Ungor, and never regretted being along for the ride for even a second. The greatest praise I believe I can give is that I think of this quest in my day to day life and have introduced it to some of my friends as an example of forum questing.

For many years of quiet enjoyment, silent tension and wide smiles;
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Congrats on 7 years Boss Man!

I discovered this quest fairly late in its run (2019), but that doesn't change the fact that it's easily one of the best quests that I've ever read, to the point that it got me to create an account here and contribute to it.

For as long as you're willing to continue writing for this quest, I'll be here. Thanks for 7 years of quality.
Congratulations on the 7 years @torroar .

This quest got me into warhammer, beat back life into my long dead muse, and got me to try new things. It literally wouldn't be an exaggeration if I said the tender moments of the quest got me to tear up a little.

Thanks for the memories, Tor. We'll read whatever you end up writing, whether it's another 100 chapters of Dwarf Hold reclamation, or Frederick getting naked with elves, dwarves, amd skaven again, we'll be here.
Newbie here, finished catching up this month, and I have to say I am enthralled. One of my favorite quests on the forum and I can't wait to see more it! Thank you for all the work you've put in @torroar !
Wow, seven years huh. I remember first starting to follow you wayyyyyyy back when you started your Albion quest here :D
The quest, probably the drunk dreams of the count of averland, as that's the only way that it would make sense, the mad count himself would be the only explanation as to how their would be a reference to the quest honestly.
Have to add but thank you @torroar for the 7 long years of this wonderful Quest even though i joined late thank you for rekindling the passion that i have in Warhammer Fantasy and your Blood Ravens Quest in particular for introducing me to a higher form of fanfiction.
Damn good memories. Still vaguely remember the waifu wars back in the day.

Thanks for the past 7, and hopefulyl more to come!