[X] Plan All-Encircling
-[X] Colubra Ezkutuko
-[X] Female
-[X] Snake fangs
-[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
--[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
-[X] History: Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
-[X] Traits:
--[X] Cynical
--[X] Weak
--[X] Quick-witted
--[X] Blessed by the Mother Goddess
--[X] Dust Aficionado
--[X] Dust Weaver

Edit:I also like how i was forgotten hehehe
Last edited:
Okay guys, our characters are getting in in one form or another. However, if the four of us vote together we can force a tie. So between the smart Fox, dueling Scorpion, aura angel and destiny angel who do we want to prop up?

So @NúmenoreanNazgûl, we have similar characters in mind and are neither reptiles nor mammals. Would you be willing to change your vote to at least get a bird on the throne?

Also @Chaeronea, you have four positive traits and only one negative trait, unless scarred got added in as a negative while I wasn't looking your plan isn't valid.

And all that jazz...

But we can't be sure if our char will be wearing stockings to roll down! And where's the gin and the piano?

Ugh. Chicago references. No one will get that, I bet.
Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on May 6, 2018 at 11:02 PM, finished with 160 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan All-Encircling
    -[X] Colubra Ezkutuko
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Snake fangs
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Cynical
    --[X] Weak
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Blessed by the Mother Goddess
    --[X] Dust Aficionado
    --[X] Dust Weaver
    [X] Plan Dust Wizard
    -[X] Name: Diamant
    -[X] Gender: Female
    -[X] Faunus Trait: Lynx(Ears)
    -[X] Champion Weapon: The Silverstave, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
    -[X] Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
    -[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    -[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.
    [X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
    -[X] Vulpa Clay
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Fox-ears
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Clubfooted
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Cynical
    --[X] Weak
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Leader
    --[X] Dust Aficionado
    --[X] Dust Weaver
    [X] Plan Striking Scorpion
    -[X] Ebon Ramirez
    -[X] Scorpion tail The Blessed By The Mother Goddess trait is needed for anything more than a cosmetic trait.
    -[X] Alkutul Alhamra (Arabic for Red Talons) A pair of wrist-mounted bracers each of which extrudes three foot-long blades of Dust-forged steel forward over the back of the hand.
    -[X] You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe.
    - [X]Scarred *
    - [X]Brawny *
    - [X]Branded*
    - [X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    - [X] Awakened Aura
    - [X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother (venomous stinger in prehensile tail)
    - [X] Duelist: A touchy ego and a quick trigger-sword finger make for a lethal combination.
    [X] Plan: Smoke in the Sky
    -[X] Crowe Angelus
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Grey feathered wings
    -[X] Guardian, a paired bayonetted musket and tower shield
    -[X] History: Slave, Clubfooted
    -[X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother: While all Faunus have a trait which separates them from Humanity, you were born with something unique. Perhaps it was a pair of beautiful wings, skin which can change color, fangs which leak venom or any other advantage which marks you as unique.
    -[X] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.
    -[X] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.
    -[X] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.
    -[X] Grimm Expert: The creatures of Grimm rule Remnant, and you decided early on to acquire as much knowledge about them as you could.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    [X] Plan Dust Angel
    -[X] Ikarus Schnee
    -[X] Male.
    -[X] White feathered wings
    -[X] Champion Weapon: The Silberstab, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
    -[X] History: You was the "Pet" of a tribal champion. He had taken an interest in you, stealing you from your original tribe in a raid. It had taken years for you to find the right time for your escape, but you did. In doing so, you made sure no one else would fall prey to your "owner" ever again. (Gain the Master Seducer/Seductress trait. One tribe in the area wishes to make an example out of you.)
    -[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    -[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.

Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on May 6, 2018 at 11:58 PM, finished with 161 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan All-Encircling
    -[X] Colubra Ezkutuko
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Snake fangs
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Cynical
    --[X] Weak
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Blessed by the Mother Goddess
    --[X] Dust Aficionado
    --[X] Dust Weaver
    [X] Plan Dust Wizard
    -[X] Name: Diamant
    -[X] Gender: Female
    -[X] Faunus Trait: Lynx(Ears)
    -[X] Champion Weapon: The Silverstave, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
    -[X] Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
    -[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    -[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.
    [X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
    -[X] Vulpa Clay
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Fox-ears
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Clubfooted
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Cynical
    --[X] Weak
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Leader
    --[X] Dust Aficionado
    --[X] Dust Weaver
    [X] Plan Striking Scorpion
    -[X] Ebon Ramirez
    -[X] Scorpion tail The Blessed By The Mother Goddess trait is needed for anything more than a cosmetic trait.
    -[X] Alkutul Alhamra (Arabic for Red Talons) A pair of wrist-mounted bracers each of which extrudes three foot-long blades of Dust-forged steel forward over the back of the hand.
    -[X] You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe.
    - [X]Scarred *
    - [X]Brawny *
    - [X]Branded*
    - [X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    - [X] Awakened Aura
    - [X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother (venomous stinger in prehensile tail)
    - [X] Duelist: A touchy ego and a quick trigger-sword finger make for a lethal combination.
    [X] Plan: Smoke in the Sky
    -[X] Crowe Angelus
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Grey feathered wings
    -[X] Guardian, a paired bayonetted musket and tower shield
    -[X] History: Slave, Clubfooted
    -[X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother: While all Faunus have a trait which separates them from Humanity, you were born with something unique. Perhaps it was a pair of beautiful wings, skin which can change color, fangs which leak venom or any other advantage which marks you as unique.
    -[X] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.
    -[X] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.
    -[X] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.
    -[X] Grimm Expert: The creatures of Grimm rule Remnant, and you decided early on to acquire as much knowledge about them as you could.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    [X] Plan Dust Angel
    -[X] Ikarus Schnee
    -[X] Male.
    -[X] White feathered wings
    -[X] Champion Weapon: The Silberstab, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
    -[X] History: You was the "Pet" of a tribal champion. He had taken an interest in you, stealing you from your original tribe in a raid. It had taken years for you to find the right time for your escape, but you did. In doing so, you made sure no one else would fall prey to your "owner" ever again. (Gain the Master Seducer/Seductress trait. One tribe in the area wishes to make an example out of you.)
    -[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    -[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.
    [X] Plan Dust Wizard
    -[X] Name: Diamant
    -[X] Gender: Female
    -[X] Faunus Trait: Lynx(Ears)
    -[X] Champion Weapon: The Silverstave, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
    -[X] History: You was the "Pet" of a tribal champion. He had taken an interest in you, stealing you from your original tribe in a raid. It had taken years for you to find the right time for your escape, but you did. In doing so, you made sure no one else would fall prey to your "owner" ever again. (Gain the Master Seducer/Seductress trait. One tribe in the area wishes to make an example out of you.)
    -[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    -[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.

Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on May 7, 2018 at 11:20 AM, finished with 171 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan All-Encircling
    -[X] Colubra Ezkutuko
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Snake fangs
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Cynical
    --[X] Weak
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Blessed by the Mother Goddess
    --[X] Dust Aficionado
    --[X] Dust Weaver
    [X] Plan Dust Wizard
    -[X] Name: Diamant
    -[X] Gender: Female
    -[X] Faunus Trait: Lynx(Ears)
    -[X] Champion Weapon: The Silverstave, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
    -[X] Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
    -[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
    -[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.
    [X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
    -[X] Vulpa Clay
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Fox-ears
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Clubfooted
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Cynical
    --[X] Weak
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Leader
    --[X] Dust Aficionado
    --[X] Dust Weaver
    [X] Plan Striking Scorpion
    -[X] Ebon Ramirez
    -[X] Scorpion tail The Blessed By The Mother Goddess trait is needed for anything more than a cosmetic trait.
    -[X] Alkutul Alhamra (Arabic for Red Talons) A pair of wrist-mounted bracers each of which extrudes three foot-long blades of Dust-forged steel forward over the back of the hand.
    -[X] You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe.
    - [X]Scarred *
    - [X]Brawny *
    - [X]Branded*
    - [X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    - [X] Awakened Aura
    - [X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother (venomous stinger in prehensile tail)
    - [X] Duelist: A touchy ego and a quick trigger-sword finger make for a lethal combination.
    [X] Plan: Smoke in the Sky
    -[X] Crowe Angelus
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Grey feathered wings
    -[X] Guardian, a paired bayonetted musket and tower shield
    -[X] History: Slave, Clubfooted
    -[X] Blessed by the Goddess Mother: While all Faunus have a trait which separates them from Humanity, you were born with something unique. Perhaps it was a pair of beautiful wings, skin which can change color, fangs which leak venom or any other advantage which marks you as unique.
    -[X] Touched By Destiny: Despite the cruel world you inhabit, you've always felt a sense of… purpose.
    -[X] Ugly: By the Gods… hideous people do exist on Remnant, and you're one of them! Gain one trait selection.
    -[X] Weak: You have been cursed with a weak frame in world of death. You've filled your time with other pursuits. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
    -[X] Idealist: Remnant is not a kind world, but that is why you must change it. Gain one Fate Point, prepare for the consequences.
    -[X] Grimm Expert: The creatures of Grimm rule Remnant, and you decided early on to acquire as much knowledge about them as you could.
    -[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
    -[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
[X] Plan All-Encircling

So many metal gear qoutes to be had!!! Our first 3 sons must be Solid, Liquid, and Solidous!!!

Also our husband should be Big Boss!
Last edited:
You're MGS3 Big Boss, if anything. Survive long enough to become Peacewalker Big Boss, then we'll see.

And just like that we have a new front runner. If nothing else, our voting block can mess with the existing power structure and put their own choice as a powerful... Wait. That would be spoiling it.
So after we get attacked and get put into a coma do we also need to make a body double?
Hmm, it looks like things have changed a bit.

Okay guys, our characters are getting in in one form or another. However, if the four of us vote together we can force a tie. So between the smart Fox, dueling Scorpion, aura angel and destiny angel who do we want to prop up?

So @NúmenoreanNazgûl, we have similar characters in mind and are neither reptiles nor mammals. Would you be willing to change your vote to at least get a bird on the throne?

Also @Chaeronea, you have four positive traits and only one negative trait, unless scarred got added in as a negative while I wasn't looking your plan isn't valid.

Scarred was gained from background, so his vote is indeed valid. He even marked it as such.

[X] Plan Dust Wizard
-[X] Name: Diamant
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Faunus Trait: Lynx(Ears)
-[X] Champion Weapon: The Silverstave, a staff of bright silver metal with a long spike on one end, and a socket on the other, in which a carefully worked Dust crystal can be mounted.
-[X] History: You was the "Pet" of a tribal champion. He had taken an interest in you, stealing you from your original tribe in a raid. It had taken years for you to find the right time for your escape, but you did. In doing so, you made sure no one else would fall prey to your "owner" ever again. (Gain the Master Seducer/Seductress trait. One tribe in the area wishes to make an example out of you.)
-[X] Coward - You didn't survive this long by sticking your head out as far as possible. Gain a trait selection.
-[X] Cynical: Religion may be popular now, but it's never really been your thing in the first place. Gain one trait.
-[X] Awakened Aura: While the process is brutal, having an Aura which can defend oneself is useful in these cruel times.
-[X] Dust Aficionado: Dust is sacred to every member of your tribe, but you are a master in it's veneration.
-[X] Dust Weaver: The art of weaving Dust into threads is a mysterious and art, one which has been mastered by very few people. You, however, are one such master. Requires Dust Aficionado.
-[X] Spark of Insight: Madness? Genius? Who knows, but you have sudden bouts of inspiration that can bear exceptional result... If they don't kill you first.

Unfortunately, I'm going to count this one as a new vote, since Veekie's plan changed from the original post. Rather than just copy and pasting the contents of the plan, just vote for the plan name.

In fact, let me just add that to the rules.
Done. I had actually considered voting just for the name at first, but then changed my mind because everyone else seemed to be copy-pasting the full thing.

Don't worry about it. I'm just going to keep that rule quiet until the next vote so I can scream at people to read the damn rules.
We will see who caves first Hoshu. I'm a long-haul QM. Do you think you can match my unceasing march?
[X] Plan All-Encircling
-[X] Colubra Ezkutuko
-[X] Female
-[X] Snake fangs
-[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
--[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
-[X] History: Free Faunus: You were born into the tribe, and you have only see the pain of your people, never experiencing the pain first-hand. You were the favored successor for the previous champion, and were prepared for that role by the Elders. You have learned much from the Elders, and only fools would call their true teachings into question. (Gain trait: Mystic. People within your tribe gain +1 Relation (Tribal Insider). It's harder to break from tradition, with anti-traditional choices receiving a .5 weight modifier.)
-[X] Traits:
--[X] Cynical
--[X] Weak
--[X] Quick-witted
--[X] Blessed by the Mother Goddess
--[X] Dust Aficionado
--[X] Dust Weaver

For once that i'm not the only people who want make a snake man.
You could've plead to wanting a mage character or liking the idea of a character having a literal Kiss of Death.

If she ever wants to have a normal relationship it will be a very interesting obstacle to typical expressions of affection, assuming that she doesn't have the setup as actual snakes where the fangs fold back into the mouth when not in use...