Grimm Attention, Morale, and other rules and systems
This post is meant to be a repository of various rules and systems. In short, this post is a look behind the curtain. Also, these systems are subject to change as I mess with them.

Grimm Attention grows with every attack, and it measures how well the Grimm in the area know of your camp. A low Attention (<20) indicates Young Grimm make up most of the attack, with the age and danger of the Grimm growing as Attention does. Attention grows faster when morale is low, which means Grimm tend to attack harder after a tribe suffered Morale Shock.

Progression: Every time a Grimm attack happens, the Grimm Attention grows by 5. When the Grimm Attention breaks 25, 50, 75 and 100, special Grimm show up.

Atlas Specific: The Winter months of Atlas are harsh, which is the origin of the large, ever-burning bonfire found in most nomadic tribes. The Grimm are not immune to this freezing winter, and Grimm Attention resets and does not grow during the Winter months. However, the winter is far deadlier than the Grimm, and tribesmen will die. Nomadic tribes are far more vulnerable to the winter than settlers. You can burn Wood to resist, and improving one's housing does mitigate this to a point. Housing has two options: improving Tents or building Huts. The former is less heat effective, but doesn't affect the camp's movement, while the later is more heat effective but slows camp movement.

When things are going well for the tribe, they go really well. People feel great, talk with people they haven't talked with in months, and everyone walks with a new hop in their step. Even the Grimm seem like less and less of a problem. On the flipside, when things are not going well, THINGS AREN'T GOING WELL. This is the Morale system, and it is the most important system for the players to keep track of. Morale is rated on a scale of -50 to +50 initially, however it can be increased to -100 to +100 over the course of the game. A tribe's Morale modifies the Grimm
  1. The Morale Treadmill: No matter what heights your Morale climbs to, it always eventually return to 0. Two turns after Morale is changed, positive Morale reduces itself by 1 towards 0, with this number doubling every Turn if Morale has not been increased. This is also true in reverse, as time tends to heal wounds.
  2. Effects of Extremes: High and Low Morale affect the chances characters will gain or develop the Idealist or Fatalist Traits, both of which give a Fate Point and affect the Grimm. As anyone who has seen the show knows, Grimm notice negative emotions over positive ones. Positive emotions are represented by Idealist, and Fatalism represents the negative emotions. So, what balances out Fatalism's drawback? The chance to master a monster and go down a unique path by burning a Fate Point. There are no masters left in the world for the Grimm to turn to, but there can be yet more. Idealism also has a mechanic associated with it, but... It is exceedingly rare, and manifests generationally.
  3. Food and Morale: You know the saying about prisons and how they're three missed meals away from complete anarchy? In this case, the tribe is three missed meals away from a depression cycle. The tribe can, for the most part, barely survive without Food for a month, as they can be effective scavengers on a large scale if pressed, but every month without Food reduces Morale by 25. Consequently, raising rations creates Morale growth at the cost of increasing Food upkeep, with <2000 people requiring 1 Food naturally, and 2000<x<4000 requiring 2 Food, 4000<x<6000 requiring 3 Food and so on. By doubling the Food upkeep cost, you have Morale grow by 1 each Turn, so long as you can keep the Food rolling. Morale will decrease by 5 when you move off of double rations, so be careful.
    1. If Morale ever reaches the lower limit through missing meals, then Morale Shock automatically occurs with no roll to resist.
Morale Shock: Oh boy, the big one, the one which is resisted by the the starting perk. This is going to be interesting. Let me clue you in one one of the truths of The Embers Crackle.​

Remnant has clinical depression.

It's big project, the one which it spent it's life working towards was shattered in front of it and every time they try to pick up the pieces, their hands get more and more cut up. And every so often, the friends of the asshole which broke the big project come by and kick the shards out of their hands, forcing them to pick it up all over again. The ones living in the broken project, the tribesmen, are practically insane from a life lived in the shadow of Grimm and slavers. So, when things go well, they're going great. But when something extremely bad happens, like the walls get torn down in a Raid or a tenth of the tribe gets snatched up by slavers, or the Grimm swarm inside the walls, your Tribe's Morale has a chance to completely fall apart, reversing all the positive Morale into negative Morale. This is known as Morale Shock.

"So, Morale Shock is just inverting the amount of Morale we have?" I hear you ask. "That doesn't sound like that big a thing." Well, that's where the second part of Morale Shock kicks in: Recovery. If the Tribe suffers from Morale Shock, then the Morale Treadmill rule doesn't apply. In order to get your Morale back into control, you'll need to devote actions to Morale Recovery until you get to either 0 or positive Morale, where normal rules apply. (Oh, and Morale Shock can never turn a negative Morale positive. If ever it would do so, Morale is reduced by 20 and Morale Recovery is required.)

Morale Shock is a 1d100 roll, with a target number determined by just how bad the catastrophe was. A pack of Beowulfs managing to get inside would have a Target Number of 30, whereas Raiders setting fire to the camp and running down non-combatants would put the TN around 70 (with it jumping to 100 if the walls were torn down). (The scale goes up to a Target Number of 1000, with 200 being "A White Knight killed the Champion", 500 being "The Bellicist passes nearby" and 999 being "All four Calamity attack the camp, slaughtering most of the tribe and tearing down every building.". 1000 is the impossibility, for the exact thing needed no longer exists, but you never know).

So, how do the Elders help protect against Morale Shock? Well, at the current level, they provide a +20 against Morale Shock (the normal effect) and a free reroll of any failed Morale Shock test (starting perk effect). Normally this would be the end of it, unfortunately the current power structure of the tribe is far from stable, despite the plans of a certain man. One more thing to fix.

For now, the lack of unity in the tribe is keeping the Morale Shock Bonus from rising, but once the barrier is out of the way, you can improve the bonus through a few ways. There is the secular, which involves tribes coming together for a mutual defense (a risky proposition, though steps have been made in that direction). There is the societal, which involves either strengthening the priestly class or indoctrinating the people with cultural traits. There is the spirit, which involves strengthening the faith of the tribe, whether through ordered ceremonies and tradition or a new aspect of the faith. Then, of course, there is the nuclear option: Your people can't attract Grimm if they don't have any emotions. So, just remove emotions.

It's up to you to figure out how to do that.

So, you're looking to raid another tribe and get some nice resources out of it? Well, you've come to the right place. Finding a camp is done in three phases, each dependant on what comes before.

First is the Locate phase, where the scouts attempt to find the enemy camp. The roll in this case is 1d100 + Tribal Intrigue + Mods vs a Target Number determined by just how well hidden a camp is. The default number is 50, though it can be raised and lowered with certain decisions. If scouts manage to find the camp, then we move onto the Discover phase.

The Discover phase is a check to see if the scouts are discovered, and this is a simple Roll vs Roll. Both defenders and scouts roll 1d100 + Tribal Intrigue + Mods, and compare their result. If the scouts win, then they get away unscathed, but with anything less than 3 Degrees of Success, their tracks are spotted. Anything about 3 DoS provides them with more information (i.e. bonuses) to raids or other actions. If the defenders win at all, then we move onto the Suppression phase.

One final 1d100 + Tribal Intrigue + Mods roll determines if the scouts get away to tell their tribe who they found, or if the camp's location is safe for a little longer. In either case, scouts will die if they are discovered in order to give their allies the best chance to escape, though if they manage to beat the defender by 3 or more DoS, then all of them escape.
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Idealism also has a mechanic associated with it, but... It is exceedingly rare, and manifests generationally.

Silver Eyes obviously.

The scale goes up to a Target Number of 1000, with 200 being "A White Knight killed the Champion", 500 being "The Bellicist passes nearby" and 999 being "All four Calamity attack the camp, slaughtering most of the tribe and tearing down every building.". 1000 is the impossibility, for the exact thing needed no longer exists, but you never know

So uh.... some questions. First what is a White Knight because the name sounds to ominous to just be a wandering warrior? Secondly the heck is The Bellicist? Third what are the Calamity? The four horsemen? Finally I'm guessing 1000 is Salem as she is explicitly dead in the setting and would fit hitting the absolute max. Or the Brothers return for some reason.
So uh.... some questions. First what is a White Knight because the name sounds to ominous to just be a wandering warrior? Secondly the heck is The Bellicist? Third what are the Calamity? The four horsemen? Finally I'm guessing 1000 is Salem as she is explicitly dead in the setting and would fit hitting the absolute max. Or the Brothers return for some reason.

The secrets of the Hvitur Ridari, as well as the Calamity known as The Bellicist, The Contagion, The Voracity and The Miasma will be revealed in good time. Or hopefully never, since just one of them would be enough for a Total Tribe Kill. Personally, I quite like the fact I got permission to use Kingdom Death Monster tier Grimm. Oh, so good!

Thinking on it, we do have a Grimm Expert in the mix... Oooooooh, and I know just the person to go to.
Fires and Fear (3-3)
You shuddered against the late spring cold snap, drawing the fur around you as you surveyed the scene. Three Beowulfs, so young their face masks had yet to develop, laid scattered just beyond the sharpened timber wall with a fourth impaled on those very timbers. The scent of Grimm smoke was strong, the smell of burnt meat mixing with ashes filling the air, and it almost covered up the real reason why you were here.

Three pieces. In its death throes, the Beowulf had managed to not only carve through a warrior, but also send her mid torso flying outside the wall. You held the edge of your fur to your nose, trying to ignore the smell of viscera as the wind shifted. "How many Beowulfs were here?" You asked of the warrior nearby.

"Six in all. They didn't run until that one got Bo, and it was the last we killed. They're getting bolder, Colubra."

"That doesn't bode well." You trailed off, looking at the body before searching for where her chest went. "This is going to take a lot of work before she's presentable for the funer-" You stopped mid sentence, shifting your eyes back to the treeline. There was something moving back there but what was...

"Shit!" You cried, pointing at a trio of humans hiding in the trees. "Raise the alarm, and get every warrior we have to capture those assholes! They found the camp!"


There is one thing which always follows a camp discovery: chaos. Mobilizing warriors to stop scouts was never a quiet process, and in the rush, word always spreads. Word spreads from one tent to two, two to four, and in mere minutes the entire camp knew their camp was no longer safe. The people were close to panic, but the Elders were doing their job and keeping a complete panic from spreading.

Camp Discovered, Target Number: 10.
Automatic Success due to Elder Bonus. Morale Shock avoided, Morale unaffected.

The spies ran as soon as the first warrior leapt off the wall, and their chase was soon covered by the trees. You were left waiting, looking closely at the treeline to see if any other spies were foolish enough to linger. Unfortunately, any spies left weren't so incompetent as to let themselves been seen. You would need to send out search parties if you hoped to find any more.

With little else to do, you gathered the remaining Warriors and manned every inch of the wall. You waited, looking and listening for an enemy raid. A shorthour after your force left, you saw smoke rise over the treetops, your fears of it being a signal fire replaced with the more present terror of a forest fire. With luck, the fire would burn itself out before it reached the camp's clearing. Still, those with a shortness of breath would be in danger if the wind turned. One more problem to add to the list.

Another shorthour later, the wildfire's spread had slowed, and though you had to breathe through a bundle of cloth, your forest cover was not too damaged. 'Not that it really matters,' you thought to yourself as you saw your warriors return, dragging two bodies. Two human bodies. 'Shit.'

Between securing the walls, establishing a constant watch, and making sure no one else died, you heard your search party's story. They had tried to capture all three, however things went wrong as soon as they broke the treeline.
The first spy had charged them, literally throwing himself onto their axes in order to give his team more time to escape. The second did much the same, attacking with a knife before taking his own life, denying them a captive.

The third didn't kill himself to keep their secrets, or to protect a nonexistent fourth member. Instead, he pulled out a bag of ground Red Dust and threw it, causing the wildfire which was still burning the forest. 'And of course, he got away, so our camp is known. And to make it all worse, they all carry Schloss style bronze knives. Can this day get any better?'

"Colubra," One of your warriors said, who you recognized as the youth who was in the last bout in the Contest barely a week ago, "I think they hate us."

There was a long, uncomfortable pause before you answered. "Yes, I think they do. Now gather up a search party. Find out if they were the only ones to find us, and do it fast. As the old world said 'Waste makes haste' and there is a lot of wasted forest now."

Schloss have found the Schnee camp and one scout got away. Camp Location is now known. In addition, warriors found signs of another spying party, though who they are is unknown.

Grimm attack: 36 - 5 (Morale) + 15 (Pack of Beowulfs) + 10 (Grimm Attention) = 56 vs 25 + 5 (Static Defense) +25 = 55
Grimm wins with 0 DoS. Casualty roll is a d6.
A pack of young Beowulfs try to scale the walls. The Warriors drive them back, taking one dead. Grimm Attention is now 15.

Camp Locate Attempts, TN to find the camp is 50.
Attempts which have gone Unnoticed in the Discover phase are removed from both the Locate and Discover phase.
Schloss: 61 + 12 = 73
????: 42 + 20 = 62
Oh boy, this doesn't bode well.

Discover Attempts
Schloss: 36 + 20 = 56 vs 19 + 12 = 31 Discovered
: 26 + 20 = 46 vs 48 + 20 = 68 Not discovered, but tracks were seen.

Suppression Attempt:
Schloss: 69 + 20 = 89 vs 99 + 12 = 111 Other than two kills, the Schloss scouts get away.
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By the by, chronologically, this and the two part event which will come up on the 15th are happening in the last two days of Spring, and Turn 4 starts on day 1 of Summer. In short, things are happening really fast.
The Call of Winter (3-4-1 Event)
Barely a day had passed since the tribe learned their home was no longer safe, and a painful smog settled on the camp as the forest fire slowly burned itself out. The public panic had subsided, replaced with a much more private, quieter dread. The Elders were doing their jobs, roaming around the camp with thick scarves wrapped around their faces, ensuring no one panicked hard enough for the Grimm to notice. If the Grimm attacked now, you doubted the people would have been able to contain themselves.

You coughed, wrapping the scarf tighter as you ground your teeth. You had wanted to celebrate the close of your first Season as Champion, having kept your position despite your Rivals trying to force you out. You wanted to celebrate having just the rope needed to hang Diamant out to dry, and having formed a connection with another tribe. Unfortunately, here you were, held up in your practically empty tent, waiting for the smoke to not be murderous. The waiting was starting to drive you mad.

To make matters worse, your husband hadn't earned your forgiveness yet. Sure, you could have let him in anyway but if you gave him an inch, he'd do it all over again. He couldn't have even waited three months before trying to get someone on the side. And Vulpina of all people! What in the name of Dust drew him to go after that foul mouthed battle-woman?

You sighed and looked dowards, the marks still imperceptible. 'I doubt this is doing you any good as well, little one. Don't worry, I'll make sure things are peaceful from now on.' Your thoughts, however, were interrupted by distant shouts and people sprinting past your tent. Your heart dropped.

Fearing the worst, you rushed to the door, finding tribesmen streaming not away from the shouting, but towards. Struck by the strangeness of this situation, you followed, hearing the object of the shouts before you had finished climbing the wall. A single voice, loud as though it was being shouted from the top of a man's lungs, from outside the wall.

"I am Bor of the Winter Warriors!" A human clad in white shouted at the wall, hands empty to show he was unarmed. The jeers and insults coming from your people nearly drowned out his words, having found an outlet for their dread. "I have come to beg for sanctuary!"

A stone flew from the wall, the assailant unknown to you, but the act wasn't what interested you. What caught your interest was the ripples of white light which ran over his skin in response to the thrown stone. His Aura was awake and active, making him only slightly less dangerous than Ebon. He paid no mind to the blow, continuing on without pause. "I offer myself and my skills if you grant me safety!"

You could feel the fear of your people grow, and soon the insults and curses mixed together into a deafening roar. The roar did not even phase Bor, as he took in a breath and repeated his words once more. He continued even as rocks fell like rain for a brief moment, his Aura deflecting each blow. It withstood ten, and then ten more without falter. On the twenty first, however, the white light rippled into nothingness and he reeled back, holding the side of his head. Blood trickled through his fingers, a good hit.

For a moment, you thought it had shut him up, but he simply stood, withstanding another stone as he raised his arms. "I am Bor of the Winter Warriors!" Once more he repeated his speech, and you wondered if this human was determined or just an idiot. Anyone who would continue to beg for safety while stones fell upon him had to mad.

Beyond the shouts, you heard someone running behind you, and was surprised to see Natalius behind you, one of the Schloss crossbows and bolt in hand. He puffed, shoving the crossbow into a warrior's hands with a curt "Load." His eyes found you, and he stepped towards you. "It has to die, Champion!" The Elder of Elders said, all but shouting to be heard over the rancor. "It knows where our camp is, and we have already let one group escape If it follows us, we will never be safe again!"

"He has an Aura," You heard another unwanted voice, and saw Ikarus. 'Entirely unwanted,' You thought. "An Aura means he's a capable warrior, and you know as well as I just how useful such a thing is! Let him in, and we'll have another shield to guard ourselves with."

"Silence, Ikarus!" Natalius responded with a fast wave, glancing back to see if the his loader was yet finished. "The people would never allow a Human inside the walls! To allow such would be to spit upon the very foundation of this tribe!"

Your husband sneered, "The foundation, or your little game of Champions?"

Natalius grew red in the face and spat. "Willing Pet!" Ikarus had struck a nerve; something you did not need at all right now.

"Both of you shut up!" You shouted, glaring both of them down. "Panicking will get us nowhere, and this fight is over. Husband, shut up. Elder, hand me that crossbow and keep your mouth shut. Neither of you are helping, and it's my decision to make. I am the Champion here." Your words did have an effect, as the two watched you. The warrior, for his part, finished fumbling with the crossbow and handed it to you, bolt ready to be loosed.

You weren't under any illusions of you actually intimidating the pair. Their compliance was just a matter of them finding a better solution: shoving it onto the Champion. 'Well, I can't shove it off onto anyone else, so let's think.'

You weighed the crossbow in your hands as you did the same with your options. 'Fire the crossbow and kill him, or welcome him inside and hope the tribe doesn't revolt as soon as I do so. Rather white and black, as the old world said, but I wonder if those are the only options. I can't just let him leave, the people would kill me if I did.'

Below you, you heard Bor repeat his speech once again, the rain of rocks slowing as your people ran out of stones to throw. "I am Bor of the Winter Warriors! I have come to beg for sanctuary!"

No matter how this went, it would be your choice, and your choice alone.
[] Write-In

Voting moratorium in place for 24 hours. At 10PM GMT, on April 14th, voting will begin.
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Ah, gotta love it when inspiration strikes. I expected this to take longer, but I proved myself wrong. Now, time to kick back and watch.
The winter warriors are the Human/Faunus group that got annihilated right?

There should be a few more than one of them left, might as well ask where the others are before making a decision.
Lying Coldly (3-4-2 Event)
The winter warriors are the Human/Faunus group that got annihilated right?

There should be a few more than one of them left, might as well ask where the others are before making a decision.

A Winter Warrior shouting for sanctuary and continuing to do so even as he was stoned half to death seemed far more important than Bor was letting on. For the moment, however, you couldn't speak over the rising din of your people. While they had run out of rocks, they were more than ready to hurl insults. You needed some room to speak.

You knocked the warrior on the arm. "Gather your friends and get the people to shut up. I need to speak." The warrior nodded and moved through the crowd. Even though nigh thirty warriors moved for silence, the people still took almost a fifth of a short-hour to stop their verbal assault. In the end, however, all eyes focused on you. You could see the question in everyone's eyes: would she kill the Human?

"Bor of the Winter Warriors." You called out, holding the crossbow though not yet aiming. "I am Colubra, Champion of this tribe. I have questions for you. Approach within ten paces of the wall, slowly."

Control of the situation was in your hands, which become quite evident as Bor did as you ordered. You still were not sure if this was not a trap, but you would deal with that in due time.

"Stop." You commanded, and were immediately complied with. "The last I had heard, there were twenty Winter Warriors left, not just one. Why have only you presented yourself, Bor of the Winter Warriors."

Bor bowed, clearly attempting to flatter you. "Champion Colubra, my tribe was devastated by an old White Knight and his horde at the beginning of spring. Our uninjured were taken by Tiers, leaving myself and nineteen others. We attempted to keep the tribe alive, however we could not. Instead, my people have scattered to the wind, attempting to find a tribe which would take us in. I and I alone have come to your camp to beg for sanctuary."

31 + 20 = 51 vs 32 + 8 = 40
Colubra detects a lie.

You watched Bor closely, and you saw his eyes dart to the side in the middle of his speech. He was lying, though you weren't exactly sure just what he was lying about. Did his people not actually scatter to the wind and were here now, or was he not truly a part of the Winter Warriors?

"Bor, do you know who we are and who I am?" You shouted, trying to see his intentions.

Bor was quiet for a moment, looking at the faces on the wall. "I believe I do, and I know the tales of your tribe, Champion. I know of your hatred for my kind. Even so, I have come to ask for sanctuary for myself and my kin, if you would allow it. In return, I offer my skills as a devoted of the Winter Hunt, and my life if you should ask for it." He bowed once more, much more a plea than a matter of flattery.

You turned away, looking towards Ikarus and Nautilus, the two the closest you had to advisors at the moment. Well, if they had opinions to give, you'd damn well get them.

"Elder, what do you think of accepting the Faunus from their tribe, and sending the rest to the Tarenti?" You asked, with a pointed look. "Would the tribe accept that resolution?"

Natalius considered for a moment, looking to the ground and mouthing a prayer. "We always have and always will accept our brethren. However, I cannot say the same of the Tarenti. Relying on them is unwise."

Your husband spoke up, finding something to agree upon. "So, we contact the Tarenti and hand him over. In the meantime, we can make use of him in our forces-" Ikarus was cut off by a shout from one of the tribesmen beyond the cordon of warriors.

"Colubra!" Called a scaled man, straining to see around the warriors. "Kill him! Kill the murderer of our goddess! Kill him!" His words were picked up by the people nearby.

"Kill him! Kill him!" The words became a chant, spreading through the tribe like a plague.

"Kill! Kill!" As they chanted, their faces were distorted by snarls and bared teeth. Their collective dread turned from fear and into hatred. Some seemed ready to leap off the walls themselves, held back from tearing into Bor only by the cooler headed of the warriors.

"Perhaps not, then." You hear Natalius remark, obviously as surprised at the hatred in your people's eyes as you were.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The chanting grew deafening, before a large gout of flame erupted above the heads of the tribe. The sight was enough to shock your people into silence for a moment, and Ebon's voice cut through the silence.

"Shut up! The Champion makes this decision! Not you! So shut up and let her decide!"

His words seemed to be enough for the moment, as silence reigned once more. The hatred in your people's eyes, however, were still firmly directed at Bor.

AN: The vote from the last post remains open.
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I don't suppose we could compromise by taking in the faunus members of the tribe and trying to get the Tarenti to take in the humans?
Well, there was a bit more discussion, though I think the vote delay didn't help there. Regardless, voting is open. And it shall remain open until I have 5 votes, in which case the 24 hour timer will start.
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[X] Ask him to prove his skills, the worth by which he may earn refuge.
[X] Ask him to prove his skills, the worth by which he may earn refuge.

Hmm, what type of trial do you have in mind?

I don't suppose we could compromise by taking in the faunus members of the tribe and trying to get the Tarenti to take in the humans?

And the last post has been updated. The tribe wanted to make itself heard.
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Okay, I have a plan. But it involves packing up the camp, raiding the Schloss with the Tarenti again and handing the human Warriors off to the Tarenti at the end of it.
What are they supposed to be good at?

Colubra does not know terribly much about the Gathering of the Winter Warriors, nor does anyone in the tribe. They are the remnants of a tribe which came from the south before being shattered by the Grimm, so they are strangers in a familiar land. There are a few more things which are known.
  • The Winter Warriors are a mixed tribe, meaning both Faunus and Humans live together equally. This is very much the exception to the rule in the Mantle Highlands, and the tribe's shattering can be interpreting as proving the rule.
    • And yes, this tribe did mess with the Schnee tribal myth by just existing.
  • Nearly all of the Winter Warriors are known to have awakened Auras, which has two distinct benefits.
    • Firstly, having an Awakened Aura provides both a shield around one's flesh, and improves the physical abilities, especially in combat. In my calculation for Personal Combat Score (the stat used for duels), having an Aura (and then improving it) really inflates one's PCS. AN: I'm working on changing the formula I use to calculate PCS in light of the recent changes in CK2. I need to balance everything, but even having an Awakened Aura at the moment increases one's PCS by 20 (so far not implemented in this quest.)
      • This boost to PCS can be countered by catching them off guard.
    • Secondly, an Awakened Aura provides a boost to one's Health (a hidden stat), which roughly translates to adding a few years to one's life by simply having it. Some people with truly special Auras, called Wellspring Auras, live far, far longer than their peers. There are even rumors of Huntsmen, the greatest Warriors of the Four Kingdoms, still living despite the half millennium which has passed since the fall.
      • This boost in health may be the reason for the Winter Warrior's name, which possibly made a tradition of raiding during winter. However, as they were shattered in their first winter on the Mantle Highlands, this cannot be proven.
  • Your scouts reported they only saw twenty total Winter Warriors the last time they passed through, meaning the tribe is all but dead, having the majority of their tribe siphoned off by the Tiers. Those left are either the weakest, or the most committed to their dead tribe.
[X] Ask him why he chose your tribe specifically, and why they sent a human emissary, if he already knows how your tribe feels about humans.
[X] Ask him why he chose your tribe specifically, and why they sent a human emissary, if he already knows how your tribe feels about humans.
[X] Ask him why he chose your tribe specifically, and why they sent a human emissary, if he already knows how your tribe feels about humans.
Well, counting Veekie's slightly early vote, we have 5 votes, so the timer should start. However, out of fairness to those who voted for an ordeal, I'll wait to start the timer until they've clarified a little.
[X] Ask him why he chose your tribe specifically, and why they sent a human emissary, if he already knows how your tribe feels about humans.