Sign Oath - Dire Summer (Strike the Blood) (Waitlist Only)

Oh yeah, I should make a note of this: in a departure from canon, there are obviously inhuman individuals walking around, so even more out-there, appearance wise, characters won't draw a lot of attention, with a minor caveat.

Demons are allowed to live on Itogami Island provided they register with the Man-Made Island Management Corporation and wear a Demon Registration Band, which both marks them for what they are and detects dangerous amounts of magic coming from the wearer. You can hide that you don't have one, but if you get caught you're going to have to answer some questions to the police.
So quick question how does that apply to Sukuna? Also she is technically carrying around a demonic artifact (the Miracle Mallet was originally made my Oni, although only an Inchling can use it) and is the direct descendant of a legendary Oni slayer from Japanese folklore.
I have question: how easy it is to get your hands on some weapons in Itogami? Asking for a friend.
Its part of Japan, and while the Sword and Gun Control Act probably wasn't passed in this universe, its still a bit trickier than 'going to a gun store'.

Your options include antique swords and such from antique shops, looting Island Guard members or their armories, finding and then purchasing or looting weapons from a terrorist group, and similar.
So quick question how does that apply to Sukuna?
Obviously inhuman, would be expected to be registered. Has the advantage of perhaps being even smaller than pixies, and so most people would believe you can't wear a band because they don't come in your size, if you told a convincing lie.

Also, you're hard to spot and really hard to examine to see if you have one, it probably won't be an issue.
Also she is technically carrying around a demonic artifact (the Miracle Mallet was originally made my Oni, although only an Inchling can use it) and is the direct descendant of a legendary Oni slayer from Japanese folklore.
...That's nice?

A 'Demon' in this case is actually using 'Mazoku' instead of other alternatives, so they're actually referring to 'magical beings' with the term. You don't need to be 'demonic' to be a 'Demon'.
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Its part of Japan, and while the Sword and Gun Control Act probably wasn't passed in this universe, its still a bit trickier than 'going to a gun store'.

Your options include antique swords and such from antique shops, looting Island Guard members or their armories, finding and then purchasing or looting weapons from a terrorist group, and similar.
Hmm... If we're talking about the possibility of looting Island Guard members for their weapons, what kind of weaponry they usually carry? And what about their equipment? Basic body armor? Something more? Also, are they human? All of those are quite important, you see.
>tfw you realise you messed up Model A's stats and need to basically rewrite everything from the ground up

;-; y must this happen to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
On Basic Island Guard Equipment
Hmm... If we're talking about the possibility of looting Island Guard members for their weapons, what kind of weaponry they usually carry? And what about their equipment? Basic body armor? Something more? Also, are they human? All of those are quite important, you see.
Most grunt-level Guardsmen are human. They wear full body armor and carry submachine guns with enchanted ammo. If they know what they're responding to, they can load on up specific counter-equipment, like rounds that stop Therianthropes from assuming their animal forms. Most squads have an Attack Mage with them, but what they can do varies drastically.
@Azrael, I assume my sheet is fine. But do I need any additional nerfing?
'Explosives' isn't really game breaking as presented.
Obviously inhuman, would be expected to be registered. Has the advantage of perhaps being even smaller than pixies, and so most people would believe you can't wear a band because they don't come in your size, if you told a convincing lie.

Also, you're hard to spot and really hard to examine to see if you have one, it probably won't be an issue.
Thankfully I am naturally a rather cautious person and was planning on sneaking around to begin with. I just hope that people won't pay much attention to a random bowl showing up since that is my safe place and temporary mobile house.
...That's nice?

A 'Demon' in this case is actually using 'Mazoku' instead of other alternatives, so they're actually referring to 'magical beings' with the term. You don't need to be 'demonic' to be a 'Demon'.
Ahh got it, so basically any magical species is a 'Demon'....I'll probably have a problem with that IC since that seems needlessly discriminatory.
I take it back, I don't think you'd do it, but Nuclear Weapons are disallowed entirely.
*flashbacks of Instant Bullet intensify*

Most grunt-level Guardsmen are human. They wear full body armor and carry submachine guns with enchanted ammo. If they know what they're responding to, they can load on up specific counter-equipment, like rounds that stop Therianthropes from assuming their animal forms. Most squads have an Attack Mage with them, but what they can do varies drastically.
Hmm, that sounds nice. I'll probably borrow a few of those later. In exchange, Kei can offer them some massage. He's quite skilled in extreme style acupuncture, you see.
No, you wouldn't. You're being referred to as a 'Magic Race'. You might confuse the two meanings of 'Ma' briefly, but its not the name that's discriminatory.
Okay got it, also I found a picture from one of the official manga that can act as a good reference for how big I am.

Going to add it to my sheet along with my Bowl Hat since I realize that I need something to wear on my head when I'm not using the larger bowl.
On Tech
What is the technological level of the setting? How advanced is the stuff my character has compared to theirs?
Bit of a tricky question. Strike the Blood is a 'near future' setting where a lot of things are similar, and a few things are more advanced. One of the biggest differences is the existence of Magitech.

So while they might not be able to create plasma in the chamber of a gun and contain it in a magnetic field, they could make a gun that shoots fireballs. The European Kingdom of Aldegyr has magic-powered airships and unmanned drones, for example.

*Edit; some other examples are one of the haremettes being shown with a small computer with a holographic keyboard, robots being on the market for both house chores and combat purposes, the ability to make artificial lifeforms called homunculi.
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Finished adding some edits, forgot how hilariously tanky Mega Man characters are in general when first writing up the sheet so I had to change a lot of things. Am willing to make a completely different sheet if you judge Model A's defenses too great.

Finished adding some edits, forgot how hilariously tanky Mega Man characters are in general when first writing up the sheet so I had to change a lot of things. Am willing to make a completely different sheet if you judge Model A's defenses too great.
What does 'resist 99% of damage done to him' mean in this context?

Like, Nasuverse Karna has an explicit ability that means he only takes a tenth of the damage he should. Is this similar?
What does 'resist 99% of damage done to him' mean in this context?

Like, Nasuverse Karna has an explicit ability that means he only takes a tenth of the damage he should. Is this similar?
Basically, Mega Man tech is hilariously bullshit - especially the armor. An outdated-by-ZX's-standards Mega Man X in his weakest state can take rockets to the face and keep smiling.

Here? Yeah, I'd describe it like Karna's ability - yeah, weapons and attacks are damaging him, but nowhere near as well as anyone would hope or expect.
Basically, Mega Man tech is hilariously bullshit - especially the armor. An outdated-by-ZX's-standards Mega Man X in his weakest state can take rockets to the face and keep smiling.

Here? Yeah, I'd describe it like Karna's ability - yeah, weapons and attacks are damaging him, but nowhere near as well as anyone would hope or expect.
I see. Then, speaking hypothetically, should he be attacked by a hundred of weapons simultaneously, would he feel one percent of damage from every single attack or from the damage done overall? Hypothetically speaking, does he experience pain the same way people do? Hypothetically speaking, should his legs get punctured by a pair of spears, will he still be able to walk? Hypothetically speaking, would he feel the disorientation from having his head smashed by a mallet?

... I'm speaking hypothetically, of course.
Then, speaking hypothetically, should he be attacked by a hundred of weapons simultaneously, would he feel one percent of damage from every single attack or from the damage done overall?
Every single attack.
ypothetically speaking, does he experience pain the same way people do?
Transformed? He's basically a robot, so while he does have a pain-like damage detector, I'm not sure his transformed state actually feels pain like humans do.
Hypothetically speaking, should his legs get punctured by a pair of spears, will he still be able to walk?
If you managed to have an attack that overloaded and destroyed his armor, Grey would literally explode from the force and power. So no, he wouldn't. :V
Hypothetically speaking, would he feel the disorientation from having his head smashed by a mallet?
...No? Getting hit with enough force will make him flinch though, but getting hit in the head with a hammer won't disorient him.
Every single attack.
Transformed? He's basically a robot, so while he does have a pain-like damage detector, I'm not sure his transformed state actually feels pain like humans do.
If you managed to have an attack that overloaded and destroyed his armor, Grey would literally explode from the force and power. So no, he wouldn't. :V
...No? Getting hit with enough force will make him flinch though, but getting hit in the head with a hammer won't disorient him.
How well would you handle a needle sword through the eye? Because that seems like something you can't really armor.