Sign Oath - Dire Summer (Strike the Blood) (Waitlist Only)

The reason why me and Dust chose two insane, traumatized Darkest Dungeon vets was because that the image of Vastal and Abdul crashing in on the MC's harem shenanigans like a meteor made out of trauma and depression was funny to us. :V
Shitty harem anime setting. That qualifier is important :V

Right fuck that noise then.

Name: Deadpool. Captain Deadpool. That's spelled D-E-A-D-P-O-O-L. I'm going to repeat myself, Dee. Eee. A, like how the Canadians go-
Also known as the Merc with a Mouth.
Also known as Wade Wilson. Yeesh, fine mom.
Was that really that difficult?
Yes. Yes it was.
Appearance: Deadpool as played by Ryan Reynolds, from the movie Deadpool.
Wade, some of us haven't watched that movie.
Bulls*** some of us haven't wa- Everyone's watched my movie! Except Jerry, f*** Jerry by the way.

Also really, bleeps? Look, just put up an image like the lazy a** you are.

Origin: I'm from Marvel Comics, you silly goose. You know, the guys who make the better films?

Oh come on, we all know Batman vs Superman was a gongshow. And Justice League. And literally every other movie those other guys have made. Except Wondie's movie, good job Diana! I watched it, it was pretty good if I do say so myself. But yeah, I'm from Marvel Comics. X-Men, the Avengers, all of those people.

I wonder if Logan's going to be showing up?

Backstory: Which backstory?

Just give them the backstory from your film-

No seriously, I've had, like, so many backstories. Not as many backstories as some of those other comic-book characters- Anyways, which film? Are you talking about the one where I had my mouth sewn shut?

Oh. Oh, that film. Alright, okay, so I'm just going to look at my wikipedia article for this one. Ex-Special Forces guy, gets involved with an escort, learns he has cancer, goes to get treatment for his cancer-

Gets subjected to days of torture because of this motherf***er, Francis, gets horribly disfigured but unlocks a superhuman ability, then goes on a roaring rampage of revenge in order to get his face back. That's me. That's the guy I was describing. You're welcome.

Oh and I killed Francis bee tee dubs.

Personality and Life Philosophy: I'm the Merc with a Mouth!

Give them the abridged version again.

This is because you're too lazy to look up the wiki again, isn't it? Fine. I'm a wisecracking mercenary who constantly breaks the fourth wall. I'll have you know I'm fun to hang out with!

Oh come on! So I'm irreverent and this whole fourth-wall thing is, well, it makes me look insane. But I am insane! Insane in the membrane! It makes me approachable!

... Sure it does Wade, sure it does.

Abilities: Ooh, ooh, this is easy!

- Superhuman Strength! I stabbed through stone in my movie! Definitely superhuman.
- Heightened Tolerance to Pain! I cut off my own arm in my movie! Didn't even slow me down.
- Superhuman Mobility and Speed! Sure i might've been tortured and my face might look like hamburger now, but hey, I'm fast, I'm strong. I'm the best.
- Regeneration! Extreme regeneration. Slashes and cuts healed in seconds, crushed bones and internal damage healed in minutes. The comic-book iteration of me'd have regeneration jacked all the way up to straight-up immortality buuuuut-
The nerf bat taketh away?

Just so! In this RP, if I get my head blown off, I'll die! And uh, if I get my brain totally destroyed-
And I can only die once! No coming back to life like Optimus Prime, or Superman, or basically every other comicbook character in the last fifty years.

Equipment: I've got my swords, they're on my back. Authentic Japanese steel, folded ten thousand times-

And I've got my guns. They're two pistols, and I have some ammo for them. I call the one on the left Veronica, the one on the left's Betty. Eh? Eh? Get it, it's from TV tropes-

Just about. Now all that's left is for the nice, handsome, beautiful fella that's our GM to look at this thing and judge it appropriately! We're probably not getting in because this sheet's basically unreadable, mostly because the person writing the sheet thought it'd be funny to write the sheet this way-

But I'm sure you'll get a better, more serious sheet written. Haha, ah, that was a joke. And it was bad.

Go write a better sheet now, you lazy bum. And next time format it better!

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Generic_Generica - Wade Wilson
No, keep it! It's totally legit.

It's also fucking unreadable, so here's an actually readable version with pertinent goddamn information.

Name: Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool.
Origin: Marvel Comics
Backstory: Wade Wilson was a mercenary for hire, living in New York City. Life was going pretty good for him. He had a hot girlfriend, he had a sexy bod and then he was diagnosed with cancer in his liver, lungs, brain and prostate.

So y'know, the incurable type of cancer.

He made the choice to be cured from that cancer, so off he went to some facility. Where he was tortured. Excruciatingly tortured. It was quite painful. And he ended up getting horribly disfigured, which was even worse. But he unlocked an extremely potent healing factor, which was good.

Some things happened, Wade went on a roaring rampage of revenge in order to get his goddamn face back, he killed a lot of people and he ended up hooking back up with Vanessa. So things ended up alright.
Personality: He's a sarcastic, cynical manchild who feels no sense of shame, who insults and belittles others to his own amusement and who's essentially psychotic.

He also breaks the fourth wall. All in all, he's crude, vicious, egotistical, slightly sadistic, and he's got no inhibitions or emotional restraints.

And he's not a f***ing hero.

- Regenerative Healing Factor that allows him to heal from any injury and illness. Bullet wounds close in seconds, broken bones heal in minutes. He could take damage to the brain and live.

For the purposes of this RP if his head gets blown off or otherwise destroyed, he's down and out.
- Master Marksman, Swordsman, Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Look, he was a mercenary, he killed people, assume he's good at killing people.
- Superhuman physiology that lets him pull off superhuman feats. Like stabbing straight through stone, or being able to outmanuver gunfire. He's not Superman, but he can certainly leap a few meters and he can easily lift a man over his head. While stabbing him. With his swords.

- 2 Katana swords strapped to his back.
- Various small blades holstered to his suit
- 2 IWI Desert Eagle Mark XIX. Eight rounds in the left magazine, four rounds in the right.
- His costume. It's a red suit. It's so bad guys can't watch him bleed.


Be advised I'm going to be totally irreverent and un-serious if I actually get chosen for this shindig, as unlikely as that may be.

And i'm going to be spamming so many goddamn quote boxes.

Look it was this or Abridged Alucard.
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Nanimani - Lady Maria / Tamamo-no-Mae
So, I spy a Bloodborne app. The setting involves vampires.
This may be a tad unfair in comparison, but it's not like she has blood vials.
Name: Maria
Gender: Female
Crossover: Bloodborne

History: You know this already.
Lady Maria, born a noble of the tainted blood of Cainhurst, became one of the first Hunters under Gehrman, and one of the best. Few are the Hunters that have successfully internalized the Art of Quickening, but her internalization is such that the power dwelled in her bones, a shortcut for lesser Hunters to draw on her own power.

Eventually, she participated in an attack on a fishing village, slaying the mutated without mercy, assuming them beasts like any other. However, upon seeing those of Byrgenworth greedily tearing eyes from their skulls, upon seeing the Great One's orphan taken... She learned the truth, her eyes opening. She cast her beloved Rakuyo down a well. She could not bear to participate in slaughter again, not when she would doubt herself at every beast slain.

Instead, she went to the Healing Church. A Hunter that refused to hunt, she found another use. The poor people who found themselves experimented on, those who became both more and less than human. She cared for them, trying to make their lives better, inspiring their adoration. And yet, her ability to help... It was limited sorely. She could give a patient a key, let them smell the flowers and feel the breeze, but it didn't matter if they were no longer human enough to enjoy it. She could hold a poor man's hand, let him know she was there for him, but it would keep away the beasts in his mind when she left.

It was too much. Whatever she did, she couldn't truly help them. Eventually she couldn't take it any more, and she left, going out into the town at night in search of an end less shameful than killing herself. She bore no weapon and had always trained with her sword, but went to fight ravenous beasts that shrugged off bullets. It was a slaughter. Beasts died by the drove, Maria's body growing soaked in her own blood and theirs. Eventually, though, she fell. The First Hunter, her teacher, found the body later that night, wounded almost past the point of recognizability. Indeed, for one unable to see things as they truly are, she truly would have been so. Her body was buried later in the yard of the Hunters' Workshop, the first grave of many.

Her mind, however, did not. Her deeds in the fishing village from so long ago had left her a curse. She found herself in a Nightmare, another realm formed by the Great One that accepted the survivors' cries for revenge. Hunters engaged themselves in the Hunt once more, killing and being killed, eventually becoming little more than the Beasts they hunted.

Maria, however, did not. Instead, she made her way to the Healing Church's patient wards, to the clocktower above. She sought answers, what this place was, rather than simply shrugging and returning to her job. And, of course, she found them. Beyond the city where the Hunters did their job, beyond the Healing Church and its experiments, the fishing village lie. The people were back, if rather hostile at her presence. She did not push forward.

Instead, she made her way back to her clocktower. She had no interest in growing into a slavering beast, she could not help the people here, she would not continue investigating if it meant repeating her past mistakes. So she found a chair and sat, body eventually taking the posture of a corpse. A hunter of the Dream showed up, with wild curiosity unbound, so she gave them an honest death. They didn't stop at that. It took a long while, but what can one do against a Hunter that always comes back to try again? She died again there. And now, she wakes up in this new reality.

Her bearing and formal words mark her as the noble she was born as, elegant and one step removed from the person she's talking to, a true noble. Actually listening to what she says, however, paints a rather different picture. Formal wording or not, she does not dance around the issue in any case, as blunt as a punch to the face. Indeed, she hates when people don't say what they mean, as straightforward as anyone.

Frankly, despite her accepting her role as Hunter, she still dislikes needless fights. She'll do it if she needs to, of course, to protect herself or others, but that is a matter of necessity. It's not even the standard trope, that she doesn't enjoy fighting, as she very much does. That Yharnam blood always carries madness with it, after all. It is simply that she doesn't want to kill people. She's made enough mistakes in her life with that path; she'd rather

A note, she possesses a great sympathy for those who have been manipulated, used, those who do not deserve what has happened to them. She'll go out of her way to protect or just generally help people like that.


Well, first of all, body's different from most. Real strong, real fast. Her swords can make mincemeat out of things guns were set aside as useless against. Smacking someone through an oak bookshelf filled with books is entirely possible. It's street level superhuman, but still noticeably superhuman.

Really fucking durable
All Hunters are more durable than a standard human, able to keep going despite gaping wounds and even work at closing them. Maria, however, is more than a cut above. The tainted blood flowing through her veins is that of a noble of the Vilebloods, related near-directly to the Queen, who is quite literally immortal, able to live on as chunks of flesh.

While she may not be as ridiculously enduring as the Queen, she's still resilient enough that multiple stabs to the heart are as nothing to her. Localized wounds, even to major organs, will do little, even a stab to the brain won't kill. Suffocation definitely won't, she eventually just stopped breathing with no ill effects. The only surefire methods of killing her are to cut her head off or to reduce a large portion of her body to hamburger/ash. Or to obliterate her in an energy beam or something. Though this doesn't give her the ability to regenerate limbs. If an arm's cut off or something, that's it. No more arm.

In addition, she'd even harder to put down thanks to the nature of her blood. All those who become Hunters gain this skill: The freshly shed blood of opponents heals their wounds. Indeed, it is one of the primary reasons many fight as beasts, savagely ripping their foes to pieces without care for their own swiftly-healed wounds. Maria's own blood, especially potent, allows her to regenerate from her own shed blood as well, to an extent. It's not like the blood from getting shot would be enough to heal the wound. The only thing it allows is for her to be affected by blood loss, as it's replenished as quickly as it's lost.

This is, put briefly, the ability to see things as they are though eyes on the inside, remnants of glimpses of the true nature of the cosmos. In essence, illusions and the like don't work, she sees the true form of shapeshifters, pierce though most forms of mental interference, etc. However, man wasn't meant to have this knowledge. Her mind is more fragile, and viewing too much more eldritch shit may break it entirely.


She's real good at fighting. Not really much else to say here. Beasts came in all shapes and sizes, and it's not like she hasn't had to fight against human opponents either. It's not like she's supernaturally talented, either. Just real good at it.

Blood Bullets
With normal guns, Beasts would be unharmed, the bullets bouncing off their hides. Understandably, this was a poor state of affairs for those that would hunt them. Hunters discovered a way to use their blood as both propellant and bullet, putting more stopping power in their shots, enough to give even a Beast pause. Maria's blood is greater than a typical Hunter. Her bullets can shoot through steel.

Of course, she is also stronger than the typical Hunter. Really, she's less dangerous with her gun than a sword, but it provides range and can be a nasty surprise.

Art of Quickening

The final thing she uses normally, this is the ability to basically teleport short distances at the beginning of a movement. For example, rather than hop to the left, she could vanish in a swirl of mist, reappearing five meters or so to the left. A teleport is faster than a single step, even for her, and teleports can be chained together. This means that her distance, unless the enemy is real fast, is effectively whatever she wants it to be.

In reality, it's more like reducing the distance between where she starts and where she ends up to nothing, though. If the mist she poofs into for the step can't pass something, like a wall, she can't quickstep past it.

Blood Control

Lastly, Maria's heritage has given her great control over her own blood. When she's bleeding enough, she can use her swords to model large blades of her own flowing blood, increasing their length and cutting power. In addition, slashes from these blood blades sends ribbons of cutting blood, flickering to slice away at opponents to deepen the wound or slash enemies that dodge back. With focus, she can concentrate a slash for greater power. Building up that which she bleeds for a couple seconds allows her to let out a practical laser of eldritch blood. Of course, actually getting those two seconds... Well, not easy.

Maria, however, chose her blades precisely because they worked best with her skill rather than her blood, as most Cainhurst katanas did. Using this skill is rather distasteful to her. It may, in the end, be another tool at her disposal, but it's one she'd rather not use. She'll stab herself through the heart to get enough blood to use them if she thinks she has to, but she's really rather not.

In a battle where she is heavily injured and under serious risk of death, this gains an additional aspect. Following the flashing blood, the flame of a Hunter follows, purifying tainted blood with fire. It also burns the shit out of people in its way, of course.

Also, I now recognize an opportunity to do this. And wow, I find I really wanna do this.

*Posts of the thread continue*
Hahaha, it's a shitty harem anime?! Perfect!
Name: Tamamo
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
I'm gonna be brief with this since I find myself hating doing these over and over again more the more I do them.

A part of the goddess Amaterasu wanted to be human, so she incarnated herself as a human. This wasn't the first attempt to reject her own divine status, but it was the first one that worked and left the sun in the sky, so score. The incarnated girl, without the memories of who she used to be, was named Misukune, grew up, and became a courtesan of the emperor. She earned a new name there, the one she's now most often called by. Things went well, and the emperor fell in love with her. They did not stay that way.

The emperor became sick, and at the same time, Tamamo found distinctly non-human parts coming to surface, with some of her old memories. She hid them well for weeks as the emperor grew steadily worse, but when her true nature was uncovered, she was chased out of the palace, called a demon, the plotter behind the emperor's malady. She was hunted down by an exceptionally large army, and wiped them out. The next one was luckier. Given how many she'd killed, she didn't want to kill any more. But they ignored the her pleas for mercy, and an enchanted arrow found her heart.

Surprisingly upbeat, all things considered. It's her natural personality, rather than an act, though if she grows attached to someone, she'll act in a way she thinks they's enjoy. One should take care not to think her bubbly nature means she's dumb, though. Rather the opposite, that. Her wisdom, along with her beauty, was known far and wide in her life. The world she's found herself in is different from the one she lived her life a part of, but that just means she needs to learn about it.

Other notes... She wants to live among humans, not placed above them and venerated as a god. It's a simple wish, but the fact of the matter is not even incarnating allowed her to truly be human. The island, then, must be a paradise on earth. She has the opportunity to live as she wants. And, perhaps, to find a husband? More than anything, she wants to form a bond with someone, to love them, to care for them, and to have her feelings returned. It doesn't matter whether they're man or woman, saint or sinner, so long as they accept her for who she is and try to do the right thing.

Her own sense of morality's a bit skewed by all that killing she did to those who came after her. She doesn't really care about killing, if it's to protect those she cares about. Even if they feel bad, she won't. This isn't really something she's eager to share. Her fear of rejection is understandably rather high. Hard for her to present anything other than her best face to someone she likes unless she's incredibly comfortable with them.


Once more, it's the superhuman body! Less so this time, though. She's certainly much stronger, faster, and more durable than a human, but nowhere near the level of those that fight superhumans by punching them.

She only has one tail, rather than the nine she used to have, but that's still a lot of magical power to throw around, coming from her. Her magic, though, is a bit different than most systems. Rather than chant or perform a ritual or just cast a spell, she turns part of her body, usually a plucked hair, into an item that produces an effect. These can have a multitude of effects, including a defense against being scryed, forcefields, or just exploding when near a non-her person. The important thing though, is that since they're "Natural effects" rather than spells, they get through any kind of anti-magic effect the same way a missile, tear gas, chimera poison, or something would.

It can also be used to influence those around her and foretell the future, even one's time and place of death, but... Well, she's not a fan of using those kind of things. Like her ability to transform into most anything, her experience has lead her to believe using them is a bad idea.

Eightfold Blessings of Amaterasu

A tool of the gods, this mirror has the power even to resurrect the dead with a range of an entire country.
However, as she is, incarnated and all, Tamamo doesn't have the Authority to use it like that. The best she can do is to reduce mana costs to 0 for a short time. It's useful, sure, but outside of drawn-out confrontations and a reduced need to rest after a fight, it's not that useful.

What is always practical, however, is the fact that as a divine tool, it's basically indestructible and hovers around her. By directing it to do more than lazily circle around her, she can use it as a shield or to cut things with its surprisingly-sharp edge. It's not something that can attack with the force of a magical knight with his sword, but it's certainly better than punching, and it can't be sliced through like her hand can.
Also, I now recognize an opportunity to do this. And wow, I find I really wanna do this.
The two apps are basically fine, but please make an explicit note of which one you'd prefer to play.

*Edit; All of the apps submitted so far don't seem to have any outstanding issues.
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samdamandias - Ralph Sjonauka
Name: Ralph Sjónauka

Appearance: To those without magical perception, Ralph is a perfectly ordinary human, albeit with thick glasses and knobby joints. To those with magical perception, he is a man of crystal and brass, with fine knobs and gears for joints and an orrey of multicolored lenses in place of eyes, accompanied by a sense of crispness in the air. When he uses his powers, a swirl of orange leaves seem to drape over his shoulders like a cloak and the air smells like harvest-time.

Origin: NWoD Changeling The Lost

The first thing you must know about the Lost is that they were stolen. Stolen away through trickery, force, or betrayal. Those Others bound them, twisted them, turing them into all sorts of things. Ralph spent time as the focusing array of a telescope, something part tool, part oracle.

The second thing you need to know about the lost is that they are stolen. They stole themselves right out from under their Keepers' noses, stealing a little bit of the power of Arcadia as well.

They gather in Freeholds for mutual protection. Ralph was fortunate to find one, and spent many years there without ever officially joining, due to a mistake in the wording of the temporary oath the local Summer King had him swear. Ralph kept to the spirit of that oath, finding many friends in the Freehold of the Watch, and going on many adventures with them. And during the last days of that Freehold, it was the fact Ralph was sworn to help the Freehold, but wasn't a part of it that lead to him being appointed Autumn Regent, as there were no suitable candidates for Autumn King, and all who were sworn members of the Freehold of the Watch had been cursed.

The Freehold fell, but only a few lives were lost, and all the survivors agreed that the loss of their home and their friends was balanced by the death of two of the True Fey, Chernobog and The White Lady.

Ralph packed his bag, and set out wandering the many paths of the Hedge.

Personality and Life Philosophy: Ralph is generally reserved when dealing with other people, and his body language seems subtly off. Ralph is also incredibly curious, and will not be satisfied until he has examined something backwards, forwards, upside-down and inside-out.

  • Wyrd (5/10)
    • Measure of power and reserves of glamour/mana 14/14
    • use of glamour/mana causes Mantle to be more obvious, but doesn't break the Mask.
    • Recharge via exposure to emotion, especially fear
  • Hedge beast companion, Jasper the Hunting Spider
    • Intelligence between a smart dog and a 10-year old
    • Stealthy, trained in survival, tracking, and first aid
    • Did I mention he's a spider the size of a small dog?
    • Has a British accent
    • Contract of Four Directions
      • Determine direction to a target
    • Contract of Smoke
      • Disguise tracks, leave no tracks, be extra sneaky
  • Fae Mount, the flying squid-cycle
    • Summonable/dissmisable
    • Is a motorcycle that is also a squid that flies
    • Can fit up to three other passengers
  • Pledgesmith
    • Able to create magically binding oaths with a few words
    • Doing so without the knowledge and consent of all parties is a dick move
  • Hedge Access
  • Mystic Contracts
    • Each clause has a loophole that allows Ralph to invoke the magic without spending mana, more powerful effects usually require more mana and are more restictive in their loopholes
    • Spellbound Autumn
      • See magic, talk to undead, examine artifacts, command magical creatures,
    • Fleeting Autumn
      • Learn fears, tell really scary stories, become immune to fear, help allies deal with fear, become target's greatest fear
    • Element of Glass
      • Immune to damage from glass and sand,can cover self in obsidian spikes,
    • Element of Fire
      • Immune to damage from non-weaponized flame and heat
    • Communion with Glass
      • Sense glass, speak with glass elementals, sense through all glass within half a mile
    • Omen
      • Learn past trauma, minor luck boost, moderate fortune telling, combat precog
  • Bridgemason
    • Spend mana to build stuff really fast, more mana=faster
    • For reference, four mana means a small fort in a few minutes
    • If a 'mundane' sees the building process, the structure will collapse
Occult- is an expert in all matters occult. If he wasn't, he'd be dead
Survival- knows how to survive and forage in all sorts of terrain, including those which are less than real.
Legalism- can twist and exploit the wording of contracts or oaths as almost second nature.
Guns- can shoot pretty darn good. If he's using his scope, he pushes the boundries of what is possible
Ride- Okay, enough to get by. Don't expect fancy tricks
Medicine- Ralph has some basic first-aid training.
Resources- Ralph can break off small shards of crystal or gather crystal dust for bartering or selling.

Dragonbone scope, mated to semi-magical high-power rifle. It is mother of pearl and obsidian, made from the bodies of two dragons and is made of glass.
Semi-magical high-power rifle. It will keep working in places where reality is having a three martini lunch before calling it a day, but is otherwise unremarkable
Flannel shirt, Jacket, Pants, Sturdy boots, multitool, wooden checkerboard, duffel bag containing what Ralph calls his lab-in-a-bag (Chalk, clay, candles, lighter, tubing, small magnets etc)

Since this is a shitty harem anime involving lots of vampires, I should point out that Changeling blood makes vampires trip all the balls.
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God and the Snake - Klaus von Reinherz
I'm just going to slip this is here, all according to plan.


Name: Klaus von Reinherz
Origin: Blood Blockade Battlefront

Backstory: A behemoth of a man, Klaus was the third son of the prestigious Reinherz family, a much respected line of Germanic nobility. At a young age, he eventually joined a Vatican backed organization named the Fang Hunters, a division of monster slayers that dedicated the whole of its efforts to defending humanity from 'Blood Breeds' - humans who have had their DNA overwritten by magical and have been consumed with a wild bloodlust. During his time with the organization, he was apprenticed to the legendarily cursed Fang Hunter Blitz T Abrams and became partners and confidants with Steven Starphase.

During a mission in New York City, Steven and Klaus were caught in the Great Collapse, wherein New York City began being pulled into another universe known as the Beyond. During the events of the Great Collapse, the pair attempted to defend a refugee hospital from an attack by an Elder Blood Breed, a functionally immortal lifeform. Their losing battle was interrupted a hastily assembled coven of mystics, who began binding the shatter remains of New York City to its native reality.

As this was happening, Klaus and Steven suddenly found themselves sitting on a street corner of Hellsalem's Lot, a city built upon the bones of NYC even as it floated over an inter-dimensional void. The pair had seemingly traveled a year forward through time, and could subsequently find no proof of the battle they'd endured or the hospital they'd defended.

Never ones to be discouraged, the pair turned their attention to preserving this newfound city: Situated as it is on the edges of two universes, Hellsalem's Lot was a bloodily place faced constantly with near-apocalyptic threats. To safeguard the city and its inhabitants, human and Beyondian, they formed 'Libra', a secret society of superhumans that would prove vital to preserving HSL and its residents.

Personality and Life Philosophy: Though his towering height may fool the unaware, Klaus is in truth the model of nobility. Possessed of a native honor and determination that drives him to take any risk and bear any burden to defend the lives of others (even those who perhaps do not deserve such a service), Klaus is in many ways the grounding heart of Libra. Considered even by the eldritch to be irrational in his behavior, Klaus refuses to allow fear and anger dictate how he lives his life.


Brain Grid Blood Battle Style: A Germanic blood based martial arts form based around the creation and projection of cross-like weapons. One of the most versatile combat styles on Earth, Brain Grid legendarily boasts nine hundred and ninety nine different techniques.
  • Pattern 999 - Ewigkeit Gefängnis: The Eternity Prison, a technique by which Klaus can seal immortal Elder Blood Breeds in small crimson crosses via the invocation of their real name. A powerful technique on his homeworld that makes him as the only human truly able to slay an Elder, its utility in this world is questionable at best.
Genius: Klaus is possessed of a powerful intellect, capable of analyzing his enemies at a breakneck speed. In noncombat terms, he has on several occasions played a variant of eldritch chess (known as prosfair) that grows increasingly complex as the game continues for several days straight, in opposition to an undefeated grandmaster of the game.

  • A pair of combat gauntlets meant to channel his Blood Battle Style.
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Aodyssey - Astolfo • Santa • Lily
For the purpose of this article, despite its inapplicability, Astolfo will be referred to with he/him pronouns. With apologies to Divider.

Name: Astolfo・Santa・Lily・Archer
Origin: Matter of France (Nasu-flavored)
Astolfo was the King of England and Lombardi in the epic Carolingian cycle. He was a Duke. He was one of the famous twelve paladins of Charlemagne.

Astolfo was also a talking myrtle tree. Let's back up a little bit.

The stories of the Matter of France was written by the mad poet-narrator Aristo. It is told through canto, a format of storytelling whereby a minstrel sang the long poems to an audience. The major theme of the epic is love and its effect, with the different ways this is expressed explored through the various characters.

We're first introduced to Astolfo in Canto 6, where he claims to the resting Ruggiero to be a man cursed by a wicked water witch to become a tree. This is false, but regardless he was 'restored' to the form of a human and accompanied his savior. 'This canto will seem strange to stay-at-homes', the poet stated, addressing the crux of Astolfo's character as well as reinforcing the theme played out during the epic.

The perspective of the story properly shifts to Astolfo in Canto 15, where Queen Logistilla gave him a book of counter-spells and a horn that, when blown, would scare away all men and beasts. This is an aside, but the horn fires a horrible blast [scocca orrendo] that make the earth shake and the whole world tremble [la terra e tutto 'l mondo trieme]. Rather than a tool of intimidation, it is more accurate to compare it to a fully automatic shotgun that scares all with its awesome power. In Canto 33 and 34, Astolfo used this 'horn' to scare away harpies; this feat is likened to the repulsion of an invading army. Back to Canto 15, Astolfo expressed a desire to circumnavigate the globe, citing adventure and aversion to quietude. His advisors refuted the idea, but allowed that perhaps a future pioneer of the stars might manage it. He tamed the magical white-tailed horse Rabicano. He further managed to trick and capture Caligorante with a net made to trap gods, enlisting his service. Finally, he managed to locate the weak spot of the immortal Orillo with the book and slay him.

He also made friends with two guys who were fighting Orillo, but they were sorta just punks. He unhorsed them in a latter joust with his lance. Canto 18 is frankly all over the place, written as fanservice to the poet's patron, Ippolito.

In Canto 21, Astolfo found himself captured in an island of vengeful women. He was left behind in the following prison riot, but he managed to escape himself with his horn in Canto 22. We see again his usage of the book of counter-spells and the horn when he dispelled an enchanted castle and defeat an illusionary witch. He takes reins of an otherworldly phantom horse and passed his former steed Rabicano to Bradmante, a wandering knight he came across. He reasoned that he'd travel light.

Canto 28 was porn. In Canto 33, Astolfo was traveling the world of his hippogriff when he arrived at the land of Emperor Senapo, also known as Prester John. He was wealthy and powerful, but in his youth, he sought to conquer Heaven. In retaliation, God cursed him with blindness. Further, an army of harpies would come to kill one hundred thousand of his men. A prophecy stated that a man on a flying horse will come to save them, and so Astolfo managed to fend the harpies off with the horn, earning the Emperor's favor.

In Canto 34, Astolfo followed the harpies to their den in Hell, where he descended. There he met a woman condemned to the first layer but was forced to turn back by the smokes. He bathed in a spring from a living rock and went to paradise, conveniently nearby, where he met St. John. The saint gave him a quest to recover Orlando's sanity by traveling to the moon, where all lost things can be found. He discovered there vials containing liquid, thin and clear. These are the sanity of the people who fall in love; Astolfo took Orlando's and his own with him. He traveled to the palace of the Fates and observe their workings. In Canto 35 he observed the swans that worked with the Fates to preserve the fame of legendary men from River Lethe. This ends the story of the adventurer Astolfo.

In Canto 38, Astolfo led an invasion of Africa with a group of men given to him by the Emperor Senapo. The men became an army once Astolfo prayed to God, who turned nearby rocks into fine horses. In Canto 39 God gave him a navy made out of fallen leaves and he managed to force Orlando to inhale his sanity back up his nose.

In Canto 40 and 41, Astolfo would be the vanguard of the French army. Canto 42 began with heavy stones falling on him. He was never seen again.

Astolfo's story was firstly one of adventure. His true identity is a talking myrtle tree who awoke to sentient from the runoff water used in the magical workings of the witch Alcina. His kingship was referenced twice, in Canto 6 where he claimed it such that Ruggiero would rescue him and in Canto 28, a sexist in-story porn.

Astolfo・Santa・Lily・Archer was "a true and rightmost qualified candidate for Santa!" "I'm also a flowering tree, that's basically the same as Lily." "I have been defeated by Santa without even getting a chance to fight, so now I must become her Servant (Fake)! Are you proud of me, Caligorante?"

Incidentally, this Astolfo got here on a whim. He is neither real nor fictional within the scope of other works.

Personality: Astolfo was a restless soul who has the temperament to never remain at one location. There is no living being likelier to be adventuresome than a tree. Having recovered his sanity, Astolfo is quite possibly the sanest person possible; he can easily identify the best personal course of action available to him in various situations. He has a comic detachment to the way he views the world and readily sees the emotional investment he assigned to each action with clarity. He is literally extravagant.

This has no bearing on his personality, however, and he proves impatient and excitable. He'd just decide to do things as he pleases, without deceit nor regret. In this way, he is extremely predictable to people who knows him even a tiny amount.

Magic Resistance (Summer) - The name is strange, but Astolfo is immune to the magical effects that use Water or Illusion as a medium. He automatically disbelieves all illusion, although a transformative effect cast on him could be sustained by the caster. He knew well the illusionary haze of the beach and will never fall prey t- There he goes. Astolfo can be harmed as normal by mundane or magical means exempt from the above. Not to put too fine a point to it, but he is simultaneously a tree and a human. Magical dispelling effects that overcame his resistance will return him to a talking tree form. He is vulnerable to fire and tornado, which quite put his feat of taming Rabicano into perspective.

Hippogriff - Normally the mount would fall under his equipment, but frankly it is smarter than him. Astolfo has had a falling out with his mount recently due to a certain incident with sharp-ended antlers and it fled to parts unknown. Astolfo can call it back with his weapon with 1/3 chance of success. Each time Astolfo fires, roll a dice. On a 1 or 6, the Hippogriff comes back in the next post. If the Hippogriff came back and the situation wasn't important or life-threatening, it remains huffy.

Chivalry- Astolfo is an able Knight, above average but not notable. The exception is his jousting ability, which is exceptional. Despite negative affinity to deceit, he prefers to fight with cunning rather than strength.

Magic Horn - It's a magical automatic shotgun. We can beat around the bush all day and refer to it as a horn or an arquebus, but it's a shotgun. Its magical properties are extremely loud noises and enhanced damage to both armors and fortified positions; he destroyed a magic castle with it. Its mundane property is being a gun.

Book of Counterspells - A book that gave insight into the weakness of creatures and workings of magic. If he successfully identifies his opponent, he can consult the book for methods to overcome them. It's a bit out-of-date.

Saint's Gift (Fake) - The basic qualification of a Santa is the gift bag, but the one Astolfo has slung on his shoulder is empty. He intends to fill it.
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Tada Taro - Munakata Kei
This is my primary character sheet.

Name: Munakata Kei
Origin: Medaka Box

Once, while walking down the street, a boy came to the realization that was obvious and disturbing in the same time: the realization that humans were incredibly fragile. Strangulation, stabbing, poisoning, using a sword, crushing to death, hanging, starvation, hitting them with a car, beating to death – there were so far too many ways to kill a person.

The name of this boy was Kei Munakata, and he was a natural-born killer, but moreover, he was also an Abnormal. In short, an Abnormal is an individual born with unique capabilities that makes them stand apart. In the boy's case, this desire to kill people was what made him an Abnormal in the first place.

He couldn't help it. Even if he didn't want to kill anyone, whenever he saw a person, he instinctively wanted to kill them. Munakata Kei was a contrary existence – a killer that didn't want to kill. Before he could succumb to this urge, he was recruited for the Flask Plan, a project whose main goal was to turn a normal human into an Abnormal. The reason Munakata Kei had joined them was the extreme loneliness he felt.

There, he received training in the usage of hidden weapons. That said, if we were to speak about his ability to use those weapons effectively, then he would be a total novice. He simply had no aptitude for learning this. If anything, all those weapons were simply means to scare away people. It was the same reason he was added to the nation's most wanted list despite being innocent.

This way, everyone would be too scared to approach him, and therefore, he wouldn't try to kill them. This contrary existence – a serial killer that didn't kill anyone, and a natural-born murderer that didn't want to murder anyone – Munakata Kei lived in complete solitude, but even then, he wanted to meet people, wanted to talk to people, wanted to make friends and hang out with them.

To a casual observer, Munakata Kei appears to be a stoic and reserved individual, but behind this façade lies a person that always plans to kill anyone he meets. It's not like he wants to kill them, but the thoughts of killing come to him as naturally as the act of breathing. Even then, Munakata knew that killing was unethical and wrong.

In some ways, he is no different from an ordinary boy of his age. He hates being lonely. He wants to have friends that could understand him, friends he could hang out with, friend that could make this loneliness he felt go away. And for those friends' sake, he would be willing to kill without any hesitation.


Hidden Weapons Specialist: Munakata is a hidden weapons specialist. He is capable of hiding numerous weapons inside his clothes, some of which appear to be bigger than the boy himself. The aforementioned weapons include swords, hammers, spiked clubs, guns, grenades, a bazooka and a boomerang. That said, he isn't particularly skilled in using those weapons, often preferring to overwhelm his opponents with their sheer quantity.

Killing Impulse: Munakata's Abnormality is his instinctual drive to kill people. Rather than a trained martial artist, he is a killer. Those inhuman urges coupled with his personality also makes him an expert at inflicting non-lethal wounds.

Superhuman Speed: In a way, all those weapons he carries all the time serve as a restraint of sorts. Munakata is abnormally fast and can move at such speeds that to a normal humans, he can momentary vanish from their sight.

Equipment: Various assortment of hidden weapons.
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Xanith - Shizuru
Here, a not-vampire that's totally not a character for Double Cross I'm reusing. No idea what I'm doing with this, stuff might be off considering I'm running off memory for the rulebook. Whee~

Name: Shizuru
Origin: Double Cross

Backstory: Shizuru is what is known as a Renegade Being, a sample of the Renegade virus that has achieved sentience. The strain that would come to call herself Shizuru was born through infecting an urban legend, inspired by that of the folk tale of the Gratitude of the Crane.

This is a lie.

During the Omokage Island Incident, in which the entire population of Earth spent half a day seeing the dead before the visions stopped, a woman who had died in a high profile plane accident reappeared, her appearance having not aged a day since her "death." That being who would come to be known as Shizuru was a reincarnation of sorts. The Renegade had infected fragments of memories and regrets of the deceased scientist, but remained a dull, unthinking "ghost," until the Incident jumpstarted a climb into awareness.

Born fully aware of her true existence as a living virus entwined with the memories of a dead woman, "Shizuru" attempted to separate her current self from the girl who had died. The lie of her being a manifestation of a legend was a part of this. Still, the regrets of the dead ached, and Shizuru attempted to find closure, of sorts, to friends and acquaintances of the body and regrets she had inherited. What she found, was unsettling. There are records that prove her previous incarnation existed, but of those who knew the one who died, there were only disappearances, and experiments her previous self had left behind. With only a precious few solid memories of her past "life," Shizuru had only the barest hints as to what she suspected were the tips of a conspiracy.

With so little to go on, she simply turned away from the mystery, and tried her best to cast away the remaining attachments of her previous life.

Personality and Life Philosophy: While born from the leftover memories and regrets of a human, Shizuru is keenly aware of her own inhumanity, and tries to hide the gaps in her social mores, knowledge, and morals in general. She adores humanity, and while less energetic than her previous life, she has a warmth of her own. Shizuru finds her happiness through others, and finds it incredibly difficult to turn away from those she finds unhappy. Combined with a streak of stubbornness, this can cause her to smother someone in sympathy, and as much as she'd like it, baked goods don't always raise spirits.

Shizuru is terrified of her identity being overwritten by that of her previous life, and has dissociated much of those memories. Having a smell or a sight trigger an old memory causes great distress to her. Much of this was caused by her investigations into who she was in that previous life, as while the girl she was in a previous life was an outwardly a cheery, almost maniac woman, Shizuru finds the old her to be an amoral monster with a god complex.

Renegade Being - As a living embodiment of the Renegade virus, Shizuru is similar to regular humans who carry an active infection, also known as Overeds. In general, this grants superhuman abilities, leaving them more durable, with the average Overed able to shrug off small arms fire and capable of rapid regeneration. The more often or heavily these abilities are used, however, the more the Renegade is active and able to encroach onto the infected's mind, causing impulses that will eventually lead to that person losing all rationality and rampaging. Meditation can be used to draw back from that edge, yet at the same time, the closer to irrationality one gets, the more powerful ones abilities get. Shizuru has a rather stereotypical impulse that she must suppress, the thirst for blood. It can be triggered by stress, power overuse, or any random occurrence (~plot shenanigans or whatever~), and failing to suppress the impulse leads one ever closer to losing themselves.

Hemokinesis (Syndrome: Bram Stoker) - A strain of the Renegade virus that allows the Overed to manipulate their blood. For Shizuru, she chooses to express this by forming servants of blood. Though she generally chooses to merge with them in combat to enhance her own strength, as alone, they are rather weak and require micromanagement. Weapons Shizuru creates through her own lifeblood are generally strong as their mundane counterparts, but can scale up in power as long as she is willing to chance losing self-awareness. The farthest she has pushed this is high explosive level damage, though she knew of another user who was able to damage telomeres with their attacks, but they were an unthinking rampaging monster at the end of the battle.

Blood Related Cantrips - Shizuru can perform complex tasks by maintaining perfect control over her heartbeat and blood flow, she could easily perform brain surgery (if she actually knew how to even poke around in one). She is also able to gather a person's information from blood, figuring out how fit they are, their age, even what emotions the person was feeling when their blood was shed.

Assortment of Blades - Secreted throughout her outfit.
For the purpose of this article, despite its inapplicability, Astolfo will be referred to with he/him pronouns. With apologies to Divider.
I'm sure he will forgive you. Don't forget to link this sheet to him anyway.

Also, see what I mean when I said that you're more likely to get us all banned. :V

I'm just going to slip this is here, all according to plan.
Now we're just missing one...
On Inhuman Appearance
Oh yeah, I should make a note of this: in a departure from canon, there are obviously inhuman individuals walking around, so even more out-there, appearance wise, characters won't draw a lot of attention, with a minor caveat.

Demons are allowed to live on Itogami Island provided they register with the Man-Made Island Management Corporation and wear a Demon Registration Band, which both marks them for what they are and detects dangerous amounts of magic coming from the wearer. You can hide that you don't have one, but if you get caught you're going to have to answer some questions to the police.
I have question: how easy it is to get your hands on some weapons in Itogami? Asking for a friend.