Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

What would be our return for those investments other than a somewhat educated work force? sure we'll get a lot of good will and maybe we can hire them to join the island defense force but what else is there?

Other than getting the local economy moving? Pretty sure we tax the inhabitants of our fief. The more they have, the more our share comes out to.

Better agricultural practices means we're less reliant on imports, and therefore less vulnerable to navel blockade.

Getting them to buy in early means less chance of them being subverted down the road too.
Better agricultural practices means we're less reliant on imports, and therefore less vulnerable to navel blockade.
And importing everything can be something of a hit on our pocketbook. We're never going to be fully self-sustaining (for example I doubt there will be any traditinal minerial resources of worth here but less Sakuradite) at least being able to feed ourselves would be great.
Now that we have our desirable advisors and inner circle except for the cursed Diplomacy position. I'm in 100% support for Caledonia's development! Tourism ahoy!
What would be our return for those investments other than a somewhat educated work force? sure we'll get a lot of good will and maybe we can hire them to join the island defense force but what else is there?

The problem is that training up a Stone Age work force to any sort of proficiency with modern weapons, tactics and technology is a costly endeavor, and at that point we are better off just hiring mercenary companies, <koff> I mean private military consultants.

The clinic, water supply, and throwing baubles at them makes Brittania seem like gods, the last thing we want is some pirate king using them to distract us at a bad moment. From a purely imperialistic perspective, we need to make sure that they can't be used against us, and long term getting their stuff. Sandalwood harvesting that's great but eventually you will need them to use modern equipment to load it all up for the processing plant in Area... let's say 4, to sell in Brittania, to say nothing of finding a trendsetter in the nobility to help with marketing the product.

Eventually... we need to expand the airport and become a destination for cargo and possibly passenger trains. We can go full Tropico on New Caledonia, but don't lose site of the prize... Australia. Imagine having the coast of East Australia: Exotic furs, farms, vineyards, uranium... uh hmm... is nuclear power a thing yet? <shrug> and the material wealth, to say nothing of the vast stretches of land we can offer to the nobility to make Australia a jewel of the Empire. How many duchies will we be able to grant for the right price?

EDIT: Also a clinic for the natives... not a hospital, heck our base probably will have better medical facilities
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It will take at least 2 generations of natives to get used to the industrial time/schedule way of living. Remember their way of life is very different from ours.
uranium... uh hmm... is nuclear power a thing yet?
Dunno in quest, but in canon, its iffy. Nina Einstein went insane, created a nuclear bomb, and tried to blow up Zero and everyone around him using it to avenge the dead Princess Euphemia, which failed to detonate. Beyond that I don't think its ever brought up again. But later on using Sakuradite in addition to Uranium-235, she created 'The Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament (F.L.E.I.J.A.)' As a "Heavy Strategic Anti-strongpoint Neutralize Warhead". The first time one was detonated was in the Tokyo Settlement and it killed 35 Million People.

Info: 'It is a bomb of an unknown type, developed using sakuradite to cause a tremendous collapse effect obliterating all matter within its area of effect. It has the destructive power of fifty mega-collapse effects and is reinforced with sakuradite by twenty units. Its range is at least 3,000 meters within a cylindrical zone, preceded by a 1,300-meter radius spherical zone, and a tertiary range of 5,000 to 8,000 meters. The succeeding bombs created by the Toromo Institute, however, removed Nina's limiter, giving ten times the set range.'

Edit: The Activation Sequence.

  1. Sakuradite Explosion
    Sakuradite within the F.L.E.I.J.A. is detonated in mid-air.
  2. Nuclear Fission
    The immediate energy caused by the sakuradite explosion then causes a nuclear fission reaction.
  3. Folkvangr Field Creation
    The collapse effect starts at the creation of a Folkvangr Field.
  4. Sessrumnir Sphere Expansion
    The collapse effect known as the Sessrumnir Sphere expands until it reaches its set range capacity.
  5. Sessrumnir Sphere Reduction and Vanished (Space Transfer)
    The Sessrumnir Sphere then rapidly reduces until it vanishes, along with everything caught inside the sphere. Air rushes to fill the space that the sphere (along with all matter absorbed into it) once occupied. This effect also damages nearby units and vehicles.
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Yes, among the wide and varied list of weapons this timeline of CG could really do with never inventing, that happy fun pink ball of doom is right up there.
Eventually... we need to expand the airport and become a destination for cargo and possibly passenger trains.
Uh, where are these trains coming from?

Anyways, luxury tourism is probably out for the most part. We have to keep in mind that we are going to be the pioneers in a completely new field of study that has things like producing Sakuradite on an industrial scale as some of the potential end goals. We're going to need to have some serious security measures to stop the undoubtedly large number of spies attempting to steal our secrets.
Dunno in quest, but in canon, its iffy. Nina Einstein went insane, created a nuclear bomb, and tried to blow up Zero and everyone around him using it to avenge the dead Princess Euphemia, which failed to detonate. Beyond that I don't think its ever brought up again. But later on using Sakuradite in addition to Uranium-235, she created 'The Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament (F.L.E.I.J.A.)' As a "Heavy Strategic Anti-strongpoint Neutralize Warhead". It first time one was detonated was in the Tokyo Settlement and killed 35 Million People.

Info: 'It is a bomb of an unknown type, developed using sakuradite to cause a tremendous collapse effect obliterating all matter within its area of effect. It has the destructive power of fifty mega-collapse effects and is reinforced with sakuradite by twenty units. Its range is at least 3,000 meters within a cylindrical zone, preceded by a 1,300-meter radius spherical zone, and a tertiary range of 5,000 to 8,000 meters. The succeeding bombs created by the Toromo Institute, however, removed Nina's limiter, giving ten times the set range.'

Yeah... that's the funny part... but scratching the surface of how the science of Code Geass works is just... headache inducing

Anyway. In terms of a New Caledonia economic development plan I see some ways forward: Material, Strategic, Tourism

Material. Someone already brought up Sandalwood but the real driver of New Caledonia's GDP in our world is Nickel. Apparently New Caledonia is fifth in our world behind Indonesia, Philippines, Russia, and Australia. So Nickel Mining operations are essential but limit them to certain areas of the island. Given that the major suppliers of Nickel are in order (Foreign power, Brittania, Contested territory, Anarchy) we have the opportunity to make nice with our new friends in the club. Maybe swing a mining contract to one of our new friends at the secret to gain some leverage in the Nickel market. Now in terms of uses for nickel? well many, but I doubt we can support alloy industries or steel production, export only is enough, gives us an excuse to be a naval powerhouse and prep for Australia. But here's the catch, we are probably going to run afoul Guinevere's economic partners trying destabilize the Nickel Market like this. This ties nicely to the next part

Strategic: The worlds trade routes flow through this area of the world, and it would be an awful shame if ships were attacked by pirates. I'm sure many noble interests would appreciate the firepower of securing the sealanes. Add onto this air refueling and telecoms? We are essential to the expansion of Brittania's interests in the South Pacific. We have some cruisers and a destroyer, perhaps soon we can get an amphibious carrier with which to launch gunships and knightmares and we will have a navy to be feared by the Queensland pirates. We build bigger port facilities and expand the airport. Once the border is secured... well...

Tourism: Well... once the area is safe, the opportunity for more profit is to be had in new developments on the beaches of New Caledonia... once you move the natives to reservations or educate them or whatever. Just look at this

The tourism brochures write themselves. Build a five star hotel, make New Caledonia a pseudo tax-haven, and watch the rich aristocrats flock to paradise! We are in the Southern hemisphere so clearly we are the ultimate winter getaway. Perhaps the Duke of New York, or the Duchess of San Francisco, or other prominent nobles can find a way to spend time in New Caledonia... all while convincing the Prince of the isle just how amazing their thrid cousin would be as the Count of Adelaide, or the Duke of Queensland, or the Duchess of Melbourne. Of course our new friends in the secret club will set up shop... Huh... I wonder how much money running a casino could be... hmm... Just how much of an influence powerhouse could New Caledonia be?... Quite a lot, and that's not even taking into account our Prince, his sister the Knightmare Ace, the other noble heiress Knightmare Ace, and the occasional visit by the Third and Second Princess of Brittania... oh right and you know our mother occasionally needs a getaway from Pendragon too, hence the villa we built on Marianne Cove... Why mother? Why didn't you tell me you are bringing the Emperor? Opportunities abound.

EDIT: Also, this doesn't necessarily mean we can't do the Sakuradite, but in terms of outsourcing and making us profits to fund other ventures: like war, or Sakuradite? We do this right and the money pours in as does the influence, letting us work on our side projects with Sakuradite and war.
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Anyways, luxury tourism is probably out for the most part. We have to keep in mind that we are going to be the pioneers in a completely new field of study that has things like producing Sakuradite on an industrial scale as some of the potential end goals. We're going to need to have some serious security measures to stop the undoubtedly large number of spies attempting to steal our secrets.
Cultural Tourism is probably the most easiest way to include our natives in Caledonia workforce on the short term.

I don't worry much about spies because we have decent martial and intrigue focused capable units/heroes
What would be our return for those investments other than a somewhat educated work force? sure we'll get a lot of good will and maybe we can hire them to join the island defense force but what else is there?
Well for one thing we are likely obligated, by expectation if not by law, to provide basic welfare to the people within our personal domain. Not doing so will likely be a stain on our reputation as a land owning noble.

Side note: Your question rather neatly highlights why the, surprisingly sensible and effective, Empire building strategy in this setting wasn't used much IRL: All the meaningful benefits are long-term.

Provide clean water, medicine and a few luxuries will earn the admiration and cooperating of the populace. Offering the brave and curious the chance of education and advancement will provide a trickle a loyal and dedicated people. Eventually the combination will result in a loyal and productive populace. But only after generations have passed.
Dunno in quest, but in canon, its iffy. Nina Einstein went insane, created a nuclear bomb, and tried to blow up Zero and everyone around him using it to avenge the dead Princess Euphemia, which failed to detonate. Beyond that I don't think its ever brought up again. But later on using Sakuradite in addition to Uranium-235, she created 'The Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament (F.L.E.I.J.A.)' As a "Heavy Strategic Anti-strongpoint Neutralize Warhead". The first time one was detonated was in the Tokyo Settlement and it killed 35 Million People.

Info: 'It is a bomb of an unknown type, developed using sakuradite to cause a tremendous collapse effect obliterating all matter within its area of effect. It has the destructive power of fifty mega-collapse effects and is reinforced with sakuradite by twenty units. Its range is at least 3,000 meters within a cylindrical zone, preceded by a 1,300-meter radius spherical zone, and a tertiary range of 5,000 to 8,000 meters. The succeeding bombs created by the Toromo Institute, however, removed Nina's limiter, giving ten times the set range.'

Edit: The Activation Sequence.

  1. Sakuradite Explosion
    Sakuradite within the F.L.E.I.J.A. is detonated in mid-air.
  2. Nuclear Fission
    The immediate energy caused by the sakuradite explosion then causes a nuclear fission reaction.
  3. Folkvangr Field Creation
    The collapse effect starts at the creation of a Folkvangr Field.
  4. Sessrumnir Sphere Expansion
    The collapse effect known as the Sessrumnir Sphere expands until it reaches its set range capacity.
  5. Sessrumnir Sphere Reduction and Vanished (Space Transfer)
    The Sessrumnir Sphere then rapidly reduces until it vanishes, along with everything caught inside the sphere. Air rushes to fill the space that the sphere (along with all matter absorbed into it) once occupied. This effect also damages nearby units and vehicles.
...Wait. That's a clean bomb. I hadn't thought about it, but F.L.E.I.J.A. shouldn't have any fallout, if it works like that. I suppose Nina needs some congratulations. She did better than us.
Anyway. In terms of a New Caledonia economic development plan I see some ways forward: Material, Strategic, Tourism
The limitation of course would be us managing to find said desposits. Also we can't assume that NC will have the same mineral resources etc as IRL. We're going to have to perform the action and hope for the best.
...Wait. That's a clean bomb. I hadn't thought about it, but F.L.E.I.J.A. shouldn't have any fallout, if it works like that. I suppose Nina needs some congratulations. She did better than us.
And then she developed a counter tech that relied on manual input (!) in order to cancel the detonation sequence (!!) in midair (!!!). It's all but explicitly stated that the only two people who could pull that off were Suzaku and Lelouch, in their specific Knightmares, working in tandem.

CG tech be bullshit, yo.
And then she developed a counter tech that relied on manual input (!) in order to cancel the detonation sequence (!!) in midair (!!!). It's all but explicitly stated that the only two people who could pull that off were Suzaku and Lelouch, in their specific Knightmares, working in tandem.

CG tech be bullshit, yo.
Yeah, that was fucking crazy. Those two are both absurd, and it's great.

Oh hell, we're probably going to have to fight Suzaku, huh? Some things never change.
We were told that if we proved any of our Learning Adviser's theories true, we'd likely start getting money thrown at us for how it would revolutionize the world. So we could, instead of building a tourism complex, use that money to build a research complex and hire the natives for menial labor under the reasoning of it providing better info sec.

Seriously, sakuradite industrial processing and flying infantry are the sort of things that are easily classified as government secrets since they give the government such an absurd advantage over the rest of the world. The need for infosec while inventing psitech is going to be real.
And then she developed a counter tech that relied on manual input (!) in order to cancel the detonation sequence (!!) in midair (!!!). It's all but explicitly stated that the only two people who could pull that off were Suzaku and Lelouch, in their specific Knightmares, working in tandem.

CG tech be bullshit, yo.

To be fair that was a beyond bleeding edge development she Llyod and Cecil cooked up in a few hours. Given more time they could probably make it a more viable system.
Oh hell, we're probably going to have to fight Suzaku, huh? Some things never change.

That is entirely up in the air, Britannia hasn't run into the Sakuradite Crisis that led to conquering Japan(which was explicitly pointed out as a bad idea). If we do something like end up using Japan as an ally in a war on like, Korea, or maybe Japan(slim, but possible) we could even end up working alongside him.
To be fair that was a beyond bleeding edge development she Llyod and Cecil cooked up in a few hours. Given more time they could probably make it a more viable system.
I mean, it worked the first time. As intended. Without issue.

That's beyond phenomenal. They went from untested theory to working prototype in hours.