Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Tentative RFP requirements
~> absolutely required
-< optional but preferable

Medium Coast Guard cutter
~> 200-400 tons
~> 20-30mm autocannon
~> around 30 crew
~> 1 RHIB + launching and recovery equipment
~> 1 surface search radar (high fidelity)
~> 1 surface search radar (high volume)
~> IFF
~> around 30 knots
-< +5 days endurance
-< +4000 km patrol radius
-< around 5000 horsepower
-< tea brewing facilities

Maritime Patrol Aircraft
~> 1 surface search radar (high fidelity)
~> 1 surface search radar (high volume)
~> IFF
~> Electronic warfare
~> 2 weapon pylons (torpedoes, depth charges, AGM missiles)
~> +8 hours flight endurance
-< 1 centerline wet pylon (weapon, electric, fuel)
-< 1-2 pylon (weapon, electric)

Response Boat
~> 15-20 tons
~> 12+ meters length
~> Head (toilet)
~> one(1) heavy machine gun
~> around 45 knots max speed
-< 500 km range
-< Boiling Vessel

Tentative RFP for coast guard firefighting platform
~> water gun, 500+ gallons per minute flow rate.
~> 50+ tons displacement
~> HMG caliber self defense weapon
~> 750 gallon internal tank equipped for chemical fire retardant
-< slash harken anchor unit

That, or if we get a helicopter as our maritime security aircraft, we can just buy a 800 gallon bambi bucket or something


Bare minimum for coast guard and anti-piracy work. Might want to add a more heavily armed patrol boat too though.
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That's reactive, if we want to eliminate the pirate threat permanently, that means invading Australia. Eventually. Probably not for a few turns.

That means frigates, destroyers, and ground troops.
I'm assuming that if we're conquering Australia, we're gonna be calling mum and schneizel, both of whom can call in Army and Navy assets.
Coast guard work would be stuff like anti-piracy, drug interdiction, rescue lifesaving, harbor control, security, buoy maintenance, fishery protection, and generally making sure that anyone who decides to screw around in our EEZ regrets it.
Doesn't Nunnally have land in New Guinea? Which is really close to Australia and right next to Indonesia. So we can likely borrow her base or ask her for support in dire circumstances like double crit fails. Not likely to happen but I would be nice to have her as a safety net if we plan to handle Australia.

I think we should invest in Indonesia next turn, it is growing to be an economic powerhouse with that motherlode. Investing in the company in charge of excavating the Sakuradite is a safe investment. More money, good relations in a Sakuradite supplier, good relations to an independent country right next to where Nunnaly has her feif, And close to Australia which is where we'll likely go to for our campaign.

Can we get submarines? Not subs that can launch ballistic missiles. Something like the U-boat but cheaper would be perfect in combatting pirates as I doubt they'll have the money to buy advanced sonar to detect an advanced enough sub.
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So... someone more informed on SV update stuff than me...

People are aware that images on a lot of threads and stuff are borked right? It's not just me, I hope.
So... someone more informed on SV update stuff than me...

People are aware that images on a lot of threads and stuff are borked right? It's not just me, I hope.
Hmm... the character images in the spoilers?

Oddly enough I am still getting something to click on of I move my mouse over them just right, and can get an image up as a result. Outside of that, I'm not following many quests currently so I'm not aware of too many borked images.
Turn 4 (Phase I)
Turn 4 (Phase I)

You are sixteen this year.

As you lean back in the padded chair, a man with slightly graying hair carefully sweeps a razor over your neck with the skill of someone who's been practicing his trade for decades. You'd hired the man on recommendation from Reuben Ashford. Evidently, the duke's son had decided to 'trade up' to a younger, and more female, model of assistant. Only Reuben's recommendation had saved the man's career, as callous as it was. Being fired by upper nobility, whatever the reason, would be an indelible black mark on a person's record.

"I'm sorry I don't have more work for you yet, Jefferies." You state as the man removes his blade and cleans it one last time.

The man inclines his head. "I am at your highness' disposal, no matter the work load you wish me to handle."

You didn't doubt the sincerity in the man's voice even as you ran fingers over the smooth skin of your cheeks and neck. Regardless of everything else, the man did a very good job. Not even a trace of the annoying stubble which had been plaguing you over the past few weeks. Running your hands through your shortened hair, you gave that a rustle as well and nodded.

"Mother's barber would have continued seeing me, but I do think it time for a change of pace about these things. Besides, she's confessed to a lack of skill at using a razor." You stated as you examined your appearance more closely. "I am satisfied. Ask for the Head Butler and he will see to your formal hiring. I am afraid in the full course of things you may be required to move to a relatively isolated location, though."

The man sags with relief. "If it keeps my family in the manner they are accustomed to, I will endure even service on the battlefield, sire."

You nod and stand, taking your leave as the man bows.

Jeanne greets you with a nod. "Very good, your highness. I wouldn't want your reputation to take a hit if you weren't looking your best."

There's just the barest hint of a smile in the comment, showing that no matter how hard the woman tries, she's dropping her guard just a bit. Perhaps in the next decade you'll hear her laugh... though you wouldn't put money on it.

"So what do we have on the docket now, Dame Rowe?" You ask instead as she brings out a stack of folders.

"As... informative as the last year was, your highness, we really do need to make efforts on deciding force composition this year if you wish to make any progress at all on military efforts. Especially now that you have a location to actually house any forces you'll be commanding." You do hear the note of anxiety in Jeanne's voice, as slight as it is.

You suppose you understand her point of view. After all, this will be the fourth year she's been with you as a military advisor with... well, little in the way to actually advise on. She's done good work, but if you hadn't snatched her up she'd likely be winning glory and accomplishments on the field of battle... or consigned to a record room due to the Euro-Britannian's gender bias, you suppose.

"...and let's see, Isacc Stadtfeld." You mutter, looking over the information Kallen had provided. In all honesty, this might be able to wait a year, especially if you make a show of raising a group of knights to serve under you. That will probably be all the explanation Stadtfeld needs, but the man does have significant shipping interests in the Pacific and if he is irritated over the matter, you shouldn't take chances.

On the other hand, though, you could easily have more important things occupying your time.

Specifically, there's the concern that you need money. Given your efforts to cut out middlemen and buy cheaper bulk good under anonymous shell companies last year, you've saved a lot of money. However, you're going to need far more if you truly plan to raise an army and take to the field. Truthfully, you need someone to run your finances and start building up resources...

...but to do that, you need enough of a material base, both financial and physical assets, for them to manage. Without that, it's likely that any advisor you can attract will automatically be of sub-par quality. To that end, it's likely that you'll either need a significant portfolio to show off to attract someone, a significant deposit of natural wealth, or start up a company.

...or, well, you could just get Milly to do it.

If you could put up with Milly that much.

That's... a big if.

Current Annual Income: 1600 BRN
Current Annual Upkeep: 750 BRN
Current Banked Income: 1650 BRN


[ ] Knights & Days: A little pricier than simply raising a regular military unit. Simply put, you'll be taking up the call of any second or third sons of noble families who can afford their own Knightmare Frame and putting them to use on the field of battle. Of course, you'll be paying for a higher price for the housing of both them and their machines. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 300; DC: 50; Rewards: You'll have a squad of knights in giant robots at our beck and call. Martial options increase widely.

[ ] Cross-Training: The more 'cost-effective' option to raising your own unit. Instead of getting mainline combat troops, you'll be taking the men (and women) you already have and putting your spies through formal military training under Jeanne. Of course, you'll also be picking up a few more men and turn the ones you got last year into officers. This will take your specialists and allow them to be used in regular military operations, not just Intrigue operations. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30; Rewards: Turn your spies into soldier(-spies), broaden their uses. (OCCUPIES SPY UNIT FOR TURN THREE, WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INTRIGUE OPTIONS)

[ ] Raise a Unit: It would be suicide, after all, to plan to head into battle with a mere two people. That isn't to say this would make you ready to go to war, but everyone has to start somewhere. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 200; DC: 20; Rewards: Raise a small military unit from your personal fief, loyal to you specifically.

[ ] Fighters: Pick up a small squadron of a dozen fighter airplanes and crews. It will be expensive, especially since you'll have to import fuel and ammunition, but you'll likely have unquestioned air dominance over the immediate area around New Caledonia should anyone come calling. Admittedly, though, you'll have little ability to project that dominance. Cost: 600; Upkeep: 300; DC: 40; Rewards: Acquire and import a dozen fighter planes of good quality for your personal use.

[ ] Patrol Boats: Buy out a small number of coast guard vessels with their heaviest armaments for piracy patrols. Against a pirate 'fleet' they likely won't be too much of a defense, but they will likely deter any lesser raids and allow you to nominally secure the waters around New Caledonia. Cost: 600; Upkeep: 300; DC: 40; Acquire and import a half-dozen patrol boats and crews to begin patrolling your fief.

Diplomacy: CHOOSE ONE

[ ] Extend a Hand: There are a number of both national and international interests threatened by piracy. As your own personal interests are as well and you nominally plan to do something about it, perhaps you should reach out to see who is willing to ally against you in the name of safer shipping lanes. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/60/90; Rewards: Increased funding options from groups threatened by pirates, potential job offers.

[ ] Meet the Locals: Arrange a meet and greet with the nobles living on islands near your own. Neither of them are particularly social as far as you're given to understand, but you should be able to at least make yourself known to them and their small fiefs. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/60; Rewards: Open dialogue with the nobles near New Caledonia.

[ ] Isacc Stadtfeld: You don't know the man personally, but having Kallen jump ship from being his heir to being your knight could generate some problems with him if he is so inclined to take offense. Best head that off at the pass before anything untoward happens. Cost: 0; DC: ???; Rewards: Contact with Kallen's father, stop any problems from occurring from her new status; Failure: ???

[ ] Entente Cordial: You must, as a royal, seize the day. As such, you will endeavor to reach beyond the social circles of the empire and outward to the children of ambassadors and foreign officials to broaden your understand of the world, and how best to rule it. Hopefully without giving any indication of foreign sympathies, of course. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 50; DC: 30; Rewards: Make a friend among foreign visitors/Vary by degree of success. Potential trait gain.

[ ] Translators: Hiring a few people who can speak foreign tongues would be a good idea if you intend to go abroad, but do you intend to? Still, having them available if you run into Chinese pirates in Australia, Russian-speaking tribes in Asia, or other odd tongues in odd places might be a good thing, just to cover your bases. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 50; DC: 20; Rewards: Remove any penalty for attempting diplomacy with non-english speaking foreign groups. Potential trait gain.

Stewardship: CHOOSE ONE

[ ] Investment Opportunities: Making money isn't easy, but it is simple. All you have to do is find an enterprise requiring startup capital, provide that money, and then reap the rewards. Just... pick carefully. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/60/90; Rewards: Earn Greater Income/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Overseas Investment: As above, so below; as domestic, so foreign. Basically, do what you did in Britannia, but not in Britannia. Just... in a completely foreign market which you are entirely unfamiliar with... very cautiously. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; DC: 40/80/120; Rewards: Earn Greater Income/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Piety Workshop: You have the knowledge and skills at this point to properly construct something you've only properly seen in your mind's eye. Once properly constructed and manned with personnel, this structure will allow you a great deal more versatility in properly administering your projects, as well as generally allowing you to pursue a greater quantity as well. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 200; DC: 30; Rewards: +1 Piety Action when Piety Workshop is crewed.

[ ] Resource Scouting: There are plenty of groups within the empire that make a living simply by tallying the resources of unmapped islands and, well... mapping them. Contact one of them, give them the coordinates to your island, and see what they turn up. Hopefully they'll find something useful or valuable. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30; Rewards: Determine if there are any potentially valuable resources on your island. Potential Stewardship options increase.

[ ] Sell Sword: Blood for Gold is the ancient creed of the mercenary, known in modernity as a Private Military Corporation. There are a number of lords and ladies in the Empire who see raising armies and fighting wars as a matter of lesser importance to their own businesses and affairs. Solving their problems for them isn't very glorious, but it can win friends and make money. Or you could just set out to raid and pillage unaligned territories using the scum of the earth. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 300; DC: 20; Rewards: Increased Options across many categories, Start your own PMC, fight wars for money.
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So I think for at least one of the martial options should us either gathering a group of knights or raising a military unit we have put it off long enough.
As of now, I do not have a plan (at least, not yet), but I really think that in Stewardship we should take one of either Investment Opportunities\Overseas Investment because we need more income. Also, regarding Diplomacy, I'd say we should go for either Translators or Extend a Hand (and we really should avoid the Isacc Stadtfeld option, as I fear that a failure there is only going to make the situation worse for us, and ??? DC combined with our low Diplomacy means that we're going to fail that action).
[X] Plan Russian Adventurism
-[X] Knights & Days
-[X] Fighters
-[X] Translators
-[X] Investment Opportunities

This would basically get us a force we could take into Russia next year and hopefully the income to sustain it since we'd be running close to the red just trying to maintain it. So even though I'd like the workshop I passed on it this time. The other option would the the PMC, but I don't know that we'd want the prestige hit.
Plan Growing Roots
[X] Raise a Unit
[X] Patrol Boats
[X] Extend a Hand
[X] Overseas Investment

For now, Insulindia is our backyard, that means we have to start looking at New Caledonia as our homebase, not Pendragon.
That means getting our foot in the door with foreign markets as well as the parties involved in them.

We can attach ourselves to Britannia as much as we want, but we'll never be a big enough fish for our ambitions if we're playing in someone else's backyard. (Clovis, Guinevere, etc.)

We need to start building up our own position. That means making sure we can defend on land, scout at sea, and have enough money moving around that we can afford to keep expanding.
So I think for at least one of the martial options should us either gathering a group of knights or raising a military unit we have put it off long enough.
Yeah, Jeanne's getting a little antsy now that the base on New Caledonia has been built. If you guys plan to make a run at military stuff you kind of need to start building one. She's not irritated or anything, but she's through being subtle about things. You'll notice that there's no way to avoid building a personal military this year.
As of now, I do not have a plan (at least, not yet), but I really think that in Stewardship we should take one of either Investment Opportunities\Overseas Investment because we need more income.
I've tucked in a few money options here and there beyond Stewardship just to make sure you have enough money. There will be an intrigue option to steal some money/resources using your spy team, for instance in Intrigue this year. That won't be regular income, but it can give you a boost.

...that's not to say I don't recommend taking a funding option from Stewardship this turn in addition to one of the others.
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Yeah, Jeanne's getting a little antsy now that the base on New Caledonia has been built. If you guys plan to make a run at military stuff you kind of need to start building one. She's not irritated or anything, but she's through being subtle about things. You'll notice that there's no way to avoid building a personal military this year.

I've tucked in a few money options here and there beyond Stewardship just to make sure you have enough money. There will be an intrigue option to steal some money/resources using your spy team, for instance in Intrigue this year. That won't be regular income, but it can give you a boost.

...that's not to say I don't recommend taking a funding option from Stewardship this turn in addition to one of the others.

Does Britannia have a gold-based/silver and gold-based currency or is it fiat?

Cause there be gold in them hills.

How much that helps us might change depending on the nature of the currency. In what ways? I couldn't tell you, but it seems like a question that would matter.
I did some quick research and I've come away with the impression that Britannia having a stable fiat currency means that all that gold is a win until the market adjusts.
If they're on a gold standard, we'll be actively devaluing our country's currency the more we mine.

If that's wrong, someone please correct me.
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Here is my plan,
[X] Plan: Build Up
- [X] Knights & Days
Might as well get them to protect our land in case someone decided to raid it. A group of Knightmares can handle an invasion by pirates pretty well. Raise a Unit would be preferable since it has more people to spread out and defend more areas, but placating Kallen's dad is a very nice bonus.

- [X] Fighters
I initially wanted Patrol Boats to give advanced warning. But since Fighters can attack both air and sea invaders while also being able to help defend the island if invaders managed to land. Advanced Warning will be nice but they can't do much with only 6 boats, but 12 Fighter Jets can perforate boats or launch missiles at ships or aircraft. We won't be able to defend against infiltration though, so we'll have to pick infiltration countermeasures next turn.

- [X] Issac Stadtfeld
Not making enemies when we don't need to is always a priority. With the Knights Martial we have a valid reason, and putting it off might irritate him for us to get an even harder DC than usual.

- [X] Resource Scouting
OP says to make portfolio to attract Stewardship adviser, so we are making portfolio. I would have liked to make a Foreign Investment to Indonesia since they are swimming in Sakuradite right now, so investing in them is a very lucrative yet safe option, but we need to find out what we have at the moment to attract a Steward adviser.
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[X] Plan: Pacific Shipping
-[X] Knights & Days
-[X] Patrol Boats
-[X] Isacc Stadtfeld
-[X] Investment Opportunities

Okay, looking over things this is my plan. Knights and Days is an investment into the future for knightmare units. We have already recruited one of the biggest potential knightmare pilot candidates, so getting a unit to leverage Kallen seems straightforward.

The next three have some actual notable synergy, which I do not know if it will actually effect anything in terms of rolls and/or rewards, admittedly.
  • We're making a navy with boats.
  • Kallen's dad runs a shipping company in the pacific (so he has interest in our actions here)
  • We'll be making investment opportunities while talking to a business mogul. (And said investments may involve getting some deals with shipyards, which could help with a navy build up)

Also, there's a non zero chance that if we take Extend a Hand we could end up meeting Isacc anyways, so it would probably be better to meet with him on purpose as opposed to accidentally.
[X] Plan Establishing the Foundations
-[X] Knights & Days
-[X] Patrol Boats
-[X] Extend a Hand
-[X] Investment Opportunities

Same plan as Pacific Shipping, but instead of gambling on the Stadtfeld action to not fail too badly (therefore not only wasting the action, but making things worse regarding the whole Kallen situation), I'm going for Extend a Hand, because we need more funding and the Stewardship actions for that are not going to be enough in my opinion.
I will say that I don't trust petty nobility options, so I hope the Knight option doesn't attract too many toxic personalities.
[X] Plan Establishing the Foundations

Huh, I wasn't getting any notifications for this thread after the SV update. Guess I'll need to read the backlog.

Edit: Wasn't that big of a backlog :grin:
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