Okay, answer that question well necessitates a little explanation of how I count results/rewards...
Basically, getting higher than the DC accomplishes the action.
Getting substantially higher than the DC will get you a nice little side-reward, such as getting a 60-80 result on a DC 10 project. This is the zone where I usually roll for a trait if that's part of the potential reward. There are a few 'less good' traits in the lower numbers... at least, there were for the starting options.
If your result is 90+, but not a crit, you get the best possible reasonable result. See Schneizel's action this past phase. Excellent game of chess, good info, and Schneizel decides to help you out with a small (for him) favor.
Now we get into Crits.
Generally speaking 100-149 will get you the same broad reward, maybe a little better on the upper end. This represents an awesome stroke of luck on your part, something outside the realm of 'normal' possibility, but still believable every now and then.
Once you get into the 150-199 range, you get a little crazy. Special stuff far outside the realm of possibility representing a rube-goldberg-esque series of events allowing for something awesome to happen. The Holy Shit area.
200+? Completely disregard your idea of what a reasonable outcome would be and a miracle happens. Lloyd Asplund is a highly regarded prodigy in his field who, while not especially notable right now, can virtually write his own check anywhere he wants. Him coming to work for Lelouch (who's still kind of second-rate in royal status) would be a miracle. Eccentricities aside, he's worth it. People will fight over him because his work is generally amazing. The only struggle is getting him to work on what you want. This is where Cecile comes in.
Now, referring back to your original question. 150+ was the zone where a learning advisor basically got a 'side-kick' to help them. Cecile is already bookmarked as Lloyd side-kick/caretaker.
So, yes, you'll get a kind of 'junior advisor' tagalong to go with whichever advisor you pick that will ensure they stay functional and productive. In addition to having a very good advisor, you'll also have fewer 'issues' pop up from time to time with any nutty mad scientist you hire.
Edit: The other advantage to having a sidekick advisor is that is broadens the specialization of your primary advisor and gives them another area where they get smaller bonuses when they work on.
On the one hand, funny. On the other hand, don't quote and then edit my posts again. I take serious care at making sure my math is right before I post rolls.
No, Rakshata has actually already been slotted into somewhere in the lore I've written up. She was my go-to if you managed to get 250+, though, through a series of weird circumstances.
No more questions on advisors. I'll have the list up sometime later tonight, maybe in about six hours. I've still got some stuff to do before I can get to writing.
Are we sure~~ Schneizel isn't someone's PC or an isekai PC? His stat line are very much result of an optimized built for full power emperor, the piety dump is even covered with royalty/head of faith background.
I mean Schneizel almost beat Lelouch for Emperor of the World and terrified Charles in canon. Two superpowered individuals with immortal companions and whole chunks of the globe behind them, and Schneizel was the one they both feared the most.
I mean Schneizel almost beat Lelouch for Emperor of the World and terrified Charles in canon. Two superpowered individuals with immortal companions and whole chunks of the globe behind them, and Schneizel was the one they both feared the most.
Of course Charles and Lulu fear Schneizel. Charles wanted to recover the happier past, Lulu wanted to grasp the unknown but more hopeful future, and Schneizel represents the cold will of the present that is accumulation of past. Nearly nobody in and out of the established wanted change from the present, and they were the ones with bulk of worldly everything. Immortality on individual basis is more on the negative side in the show, since one can't do much without organizational level help. Took mind control and super weapon to change the course of the giant snow boulder.
Nina "Nuke" Einstein: Well, nuke but none of the radiation and drawback.
Earl Lloyd "Pudding" Asplund: Super advanced mecha stuff and anything flying that is not a airplane or chopper.
Rakshata "Indian Rebellion" Chawla: The other super advanced mecha scientist.
Everyone else are either caretaker or side character or ova_that_is_not_canon.
In real life prototypes tend to fail, blow up, or just didn't pan out (too expansive, heavy, or excellent on paper and defeated by physics). Which is very much not exciting.
Eh, those are early prototypes. The super prototypes of Code Geass are more like the one off custom made model that has to get gutted to figure out how to allow for economical mass production.
They do lack the important recalibration and maintenance after every engagement that they should have though. But logistics is a neglected field in most stories, or heavily abstracted away.
Did Schneizel get himself Lloyd then? He's definitely the kind of guy that would multitask when doing something like this. It'd make sense if Schneizel acquired him around now too since it would fit the Canon timeline.
Suppoding that he was in the running, wouldn't Lloyd jump into Lelouch's offer for chance of Ganymede combat data though? I mean the guy fucking offered to marry Millie for it when the Ashford is a family decades fallen from grace and the Ganymede was an obsolete first gen frame
I mean in the world where Marianne lives, the Ashfords is the cutting edge of knightmare frame tech
Wouldn't Lloyd jump into Lelouch's offer for chance of Ganymede combat data though? I mean the guy fucking offered to marry Millie for it when the Ashford is a family decades fallen from grace and the Ganymede was an obsolete first gen frame
The problem is that at this point in time nobody on our end of the chain thinks Lloyd is anything but an eccentric who cant get his often talked about masterpiece to even move.
Naw, Im not insisting he become the advisor, I just find it weird that QM says it would be a "miracle" for Lloyd to choose working with Lelouch over his other option when given the circumstances, Lelouch is a foot in the door to basically his dream if KMF development is his passion
Naw, Im not insisting he become the advisor, I just find it weird that QM says it would be a "miracle" for Lloyd to choose working with Lelouch over his other option when given the circumstances, Lelouch is a foot in the door to basically his dream if KMF development is his passion
Naw, Im not insisting he become the advisor, I just find it weird that QM says it would be a "miracle" for Lloyd to choose working with Lelouch over his other option when given the circumstances, Lelouch is a foot in the door to basically his dream if KMF development is his passion
I mean its more a question of narratives. If we could effortless get Lloyd to work for Lelouch a lot of stuff would get trivialized. Thus someone like him has to be hidden behind some absurd requirements, otherwise its no fun.
Suppoding that he was in the running, wouldn't Lloyd jump into Lelouch's offer for chance of Ganymede combat data though? I mean the guy fucking offered to marry Millie for it when the Ashford is a family decades fallen from grace and the Ganymede was an obsolete first gen frame
I mean in the world where Marianne lives, the Ashfords is the cutting edge of knightmare frame tech
Well, as stated, the Ganymede is still Marianne's property, not Lelouch's and considering that Lloyd/Cecile explicitly made it clear that the 'marriage' would basically be sexless and loveless, since all Lloyd cared about was his work... I don't see that as being a huge sacrifice on Lloyd's part.
Really, though, I think the Ganymede would actually go up in value if the Ashfords were removed from power and Marianne died. If that were to happen, it'd be a much rare 'collectible' piece of history based on designs that aren't being used any longer. It has that 'niche' appeal in that scenario.
...honestly, Lloyd would be more likely to work for Nunnally than Lelouch based on her establishing reputation as a KMF prodigy.
I mean its more a question of narratives. If we could effortless get Lloyd to work for Lelouch a lot of stuff would get trivialized. Thus someone like him has to be hidden behind some absurd requirements, otherwise its no fun.
I made Lloyd hard to get for a number of reasons. One of the primary ones being that as much as people might want him to be their Learning Advisor... it just doesn't make much sense narratively. I see Lloyd as going to the highest bidder, simply because they'd let him have the most funding, resources, etc... and he'd probably work in a clause to be given a lot of executive freedom to work on what he wants.
He'd be very hard for me to write and keep in character while working for Lelouch, is what I'm saying.
There's also the fact that I'd like to use some OCs and establish more world-building instead of only defaulting to canon characters. Especially considering there aren't a huge number of scientists with a lot of utility in Code Geass. Maybe five, max, if you count some fringe guys from the side-stories.
*Consider the dogs representations of what she could build one day, not what she has at her disposal currently.
Bertrand Smith is a Class A Britannian Felon who's secured the most consecutive life sentences ever handed down by any court in the world for nonviolent crimes. Simply put, he is a young man on the bleeding edge of the digital world. His hobbies are making a mockery of Britannian law enforcement, stealing the private secrets of the nobility and imperial administrators alike, as well as defrauding foreign banks of millions. He crossed the line, however, when he attempted to crack Britannian diplomatic ciphers. Evidently, Schneizel sent a personal cadre of agents to seize and arrest the twenty-two year old. Surprisingly, they encountered stiff resistance from his 'companion' Su Tollard, a Resident of Britannia on a lapsed foreign visa from a country that no longer exists. The girl evidently sicced a series of drones on the agents in a tight defensive formation that left the agents stymied for several hours.
Bertrand's specialty is coding, hacking, and software development. This dovetails nicely with Su's specialty in robotics and drones. Neither have any level of formal education or very detailed personal histories, but ascribe their actions to a strange sense of patriotism under questioning. Evidently, they believe that by finding holes in the system and exploiting them without explicit malice, they enable the government to repair them properly. Schneizel's specialists had them under long-term observation, rating their motives at a half-truth, with the remainder of the factors coming from thrill-seeking behavior that was never properly channeled productively. If you decide you don't want them, your brother has added a note to their file that they will likely be snatched up by the OSI and spend the rest of their lives doing exactly what they have been until now, though under imperial direction and oversight.
Bertrand Smith & Su Tollard: Advanced Learning actions open up in Cyber-warfare, Cyber-security, and Unmanned Drones. Special Feature: Imperial Ethics - They enable law-breaking actions against the Britannian Empire itself as long as they can be justified for it's long-term gain and prosperity.
[ ] Dr. Hugo Zhishi
Dr. Hugo Zhishi was building giant robots before anyone else, and has been longer than anyone else. His earliest designs date back to the Great War, wherein he was the head of an experimental joint EU-Chinese Empire Research division. That said, his creations bear little resemblance to modern knightmare frames. His personal files state that he was initially interested in developing piloted vehicles for hostile environments, without the intent to send any onto the battlefield. It is from his research, though, that both the EU and the Chinese Empire (later the Federation) would develop their most advanced tank designs. Evidently, the good doctor saw this as a personal betrayal and proceeded to blow up the facility he was stationed at before approaching then-Prince Charles zi Britannia and personally offering full documentation for the enemy forces' armored vehicles.
Retired three times in the past twenty years, he's come out of retirement each time restless and irritable. This will be his fourth, which is only possible due to his... assistant 'Lizzy.' Schneizel either has no idea who the girl is or is unwilling to commit anything to paper about her history, but her personnel file is rather... thick. Apparently, she's gifted in cybernetics and medicine, both of which she's been using to keep Dr. Shishi up and about after the series of debilitating injuries he suffered over the course of his dangerous line of work. There are also a few mentions of deep psychosis in the girl, but apparently she's perfectly functional when working with the doctor. Schneizel adds that Dr. Zhishi, rather than having to be approached about a new line of work, threw his hat in the ring after hearing that your brother was poking about.
Dr. Hugo Zhishi & Lizzy: Advanced Learning options open up in Manned Robotic Vehicles, Hostile Environment Exploration, and Cybernetics. Special Feature: Technical Pacifist - May disguise development of civilian equipment as military for funding or mass production.
[ ] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
Dr. Kenshin Jaegar is the most reassuringly documented, as well as a good example of exactly why you'd rather not know the full and unabridged backstories of your other applicants. Born to a German father and Japanese mother in Japan, the boy attended primary school and passed with incredibly high marks. Due to eccentricities within the nation's school system, though, he was prevented from skipping years and subsequently bullied relentlessly. In a mixed bit of luck, though, his father was revealed as a spy and the family fled the country for the EU. There, he attended a number of universities and majored in ancient history, mythology, and neuroscience. After finally publishing his doctoral thesis on the theorized origins of psionic development, though, he was promptly blacklisted by every credible EU university, college, and institute of higher learning.
After this, he evidently spent the latter part of his teens and his early twenties wandering Europe utterly destitute and, as was later established, going quietly insane. Rather, loudly insane given that he had to escape a mental asylum to leave the EU... and then a similar institution in the NAL, and then likewise in the MEF. The documentation from this time are scattered, but he apparently ended up highjacking a plane to flee back to Japan in order to rescue his childhood friend from what he described as "The Cabal of Ludd" or simply "The Organization." Which he apparently believes is a shadowy multinational force attempting to blind the world from certain types of scientific and psionic progress.
Exactly what happened in Japan is a mystery shrouded in far, far, far too many explosions and deaths for you to be completely comfortable with, but the end result was Kenshin Jaegar begging the Britannian Embassy for political asylum in conjunction with his childhood friend, a noted astrophysicist who... no one is actually sure why she accompanied her insane friend after he showed up, but as she's never offered a reasonable explanation, many believe it to be Stockholm Syndrome. Similarly, no one knows why their request for asylum was granted, a note which Schneizel explicitly writes in with a large question mark. The story picks up from there with Jaegar's submission of his doctorate thesis, which he rewrote from scratch on the spot to a Britannian University and summarily handed his doctorate and a teaching position.
Putting the matter bluntly, the man is honestly overqualified for any job except teaching. He speaks over eighteen languages with complete fluency, has shown a startling familiarity with firearms and CQC, can drive or pilot a number of military vehicles, escaped from more than ten mental institutions and national borders, and is a complete blackhole for any common sense or reason. He spends his days on campus ranting and raving about "The Organization," speaking into deactivated cellphones, and accusing a number of staff members of being agents of the cabal or foreign governments. The dean of his department personally wrote an attached letter begging you to take him off their hands. Dr. Madison Hashima, the childhood friend, is his teaching assistant despite working in the wrong department for her credentials, and... a perfectly normal academic from everything that you can tell, despite having adopted Dr. Jaegar's pension for wearing a lab coat wherever he goes.
Dr. Jaegar & Dr. Hashima: Advanced Learning options open up in Psionics, Archaeology, and Astrophysics. Special Feature: Unorthodoxy - Projects will not require any level of political support, approval, or viability to Britannia at large.
*A/N: All individuals have a guaranteed 25 Learning and will provide an additional action, other stats and traits to be revealed upon selection. Their assistants vary slightly as their scores don't matter as much.
[ ] Bertrand Smith
plays into what we are already good at (meaning spy stuff) [ ] Dr. Hugo Zhishi
bit more war focused but can hide it like is not? [ ] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
batshit insane but likely could help with a lot of things