Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Cool great update as always!

Now personally I want to keep the extra stewardship option right now since it's so useful for us but I feel we should get the mercenaries and elite mercenaries along with the political backing for the invasion that we should do sooner rather then later. And on the child front I'm kind of tempted to shove him off to lelouchs mom and see what she does with him. Because I'm not really interested in the special victory condition with New Heaven.
[ ][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)

I pick this one, because we are on really good terms with Kallen's dad and keeping things going well is good for us

-[ ] Business Deals (Opens up Special Diplomatic/Stewardship Actions)
-[ ] Shadow Companies (Opens up Special Intrigue/Military Actions)
-[ ] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)

So I know we already have stuff we don't have time to do, but more money per term options are always worth it, while shadow companies should need useful to our spies
Though, I think we can give up business deals for Merc if people want to start invading now

[ ][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.

I want this, but I'm worried we wont

[ ][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you couldsee if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.

if we have to I know she can handle it, but I fear what she will turn the kid into
Hm. Whatever is going on in the CF is probably bad, but we might be able to use it to our advantage. As such, our current focus should be on maintaining our relationships while at the same time opening up new options. Stadfeldt has been a consistent ally, we should stick with what works and get the business deals and shadow companies. I am undecided about what I want to do with the kid, our mother might be a decent choice, but part of me wants to stay involved.
I'm willing to see what the OSI would offer us since we should be able to trust them to not fuck us over. Hell, something like him might get us the chance to get brought into the crazy stuff Charles and Victor are dealing with in the background (or more likely a chance to prove if we should be brought into the secrets)

Although, @Slayer Anderson does Euphie know about the kid yet? It might fit her character to decide to make him her responsibility but she has changed from her canon self a bit so I can't be certain.
Although, @Slayer Anderson does Euphie know about the kid yet? It might fit her character to decide to make him her responsibility but she has changed from her canon self a bit so I can't be certain.
She knows the broad strokes, but hasn't met him yet. Further explained, she knows that your forces retrieved a 'captive child' from the pirates, but not the exact circumstances around it, just that they were planning to kill him. She doesn't know he has any grander importance, so sending him off to, ostensibly, live a 'normal life' somewhere won't seem odd to her.
The sole dark spot in an otherwise bright forecast for the nation are the hints of internal discontent following the suggested transition of the position of Prime Minister to a hereditary appointment. Rumor has it that in response to the suggestion factions nominally backing Kururugi Genbu have begun investigating other routes to power
Japan, being a country that you have invested quite a bit of time and effort to understand, is undergoing some political turmoil. It seems as though Kururugi Genbu, fresh off the latest bout of elections the previous year, has decided to put forth measures to make his office hereditary. The Sumeragi, normally close relations and supports of the Kururugi political apparatus have broken ranks over the decision. You aren't entirely sure why, mind you, but this fits the overall narrative concerning Kaguya's broken engagement. You don't know her former intended's opinions on the matter of the engagement, but his father the Prime Minister, is reported to be very unhappy over the entire debacle, to the point where the man is considering formally censuring the Sumeragi Zaibatsu. You aren't sure how to turn this infighting to your advantage yet, though.
Yeah, that's an unsurprising reaction by the Sumeragi head and greatly explains why he was willing to nix Kaguya's engagement. He was likely looking for a way to do it anyways and needed a means of leveraging his own personal power in response to Genbu's rather blatant power grab so this kills two birds with one stone for him. Genbu's response to this is, while understandable, a giant 'well what did you really expect?' People don't just sit by while you make yourself top dog and trying to turn your elected position into a hereditary one is going to piss a lot of people off as it dramatically reduces the accountability you have towards them.

[ ][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
Thinking on the Stadtfeld vote, but I want to get out right now that I am 100% against this.

We do not have the time to properly devote to a young, indoctrinated child with immense psionic potential. This is doubly true when he is a valued asset of an enemy that very much wants us dead at the moment. We gain very little by keeping him here, as we'd have to devote many piety or learning actions to do something with him, and we're kind of tapped out on learning by pursuing two tech paths at once, and Piety is providing support. This is to say nothing of the personal actions we'd have to devote when we currently need every personal action to solidify our growing entourage.

Quite simply, we do not have the time to raise a child properly. If we want him to have a good childhood, give him to mom. If we want the psi-secrets unlocked, let the OSI handle him and hope they treat him humanely (CC is still there, so there are decent odds of that), but we really can't afford to deal with this personally.
Hmm, sticking Xiaobao with Marriane could be a solid idea. She would undoubtedly inform Charles and VV and it would stay out of the OSI besides the upper ranks. But Euphie would also be a solid person to take care of him. So would Kaguya.

Well we definitely have a bevy of viable options on this front at least.
Rumor mills are so much fun!

Both Li Xingke AND Kaguya losing contact with Tianzi does not bode well, She is likely in her Canon situation or Worse

Genbu or Some group in Japan is also doing some shady shit as well, but on the plus side the Kaguya-Suzaku engagement is broken so no problems from that if we decide to make Kaguya a Harem member

I was hoping we got some New Heaven Equipment for our own purposes if only because Lelouch not looting this Psionic gear would be out of character for him, but did not expect 4 prisoners, though keeping them away from Xiaobao is a must until we can discern their intentions... in fact these prisoners are likely how we can learn about New Heavens Secret Victory condition rather than Xiaobao who was purposefully raised ignorant, I would not be surprised if one of these prisoners actually hates New heaven or more likely hates Tiang Wang (Though very unlikely considering what we know of New heaven society)
So here what I'm thinking so far

[ ][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-We want to keep that extra Stewardship action it's just too useful to have.
-[ ] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[ ] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
- We've grown enough where it's time to build an actual army for our conquest that and I want a proper force for the next fight we get into instead of a battalion of troops at most.
-[ ] Political Backing (Bonus to Rolls Defending Territory Claims)
- Simple here have him back us up on our Australia claims to make it harder for others within the Empire to interfere with us.
[ ][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you could see if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.
- I want to host him off to Lelouchs mother for the simple fact that the child see's us as the literal devil that is not productive at all for turning him into a pawn better to send him off to someone he won't see as evil incarnate but who we can trust will shape the child into a useful tool for the family. That and we already busy as it is we don't need this added onto us so let's shove him off to someone else for a change.
Alright so about an hour has passed now so onto the vote!

-[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you could see if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.

So I'm preparing for us to invade Australia by gaining troops and supply's for it because on most other fronts we're doing pretty well only thing we truly lack is an actual army to take the ground. But also keeping the extra stewardship option since that has been really valuable for us to have and I don't want to give it up yet. And now since the child see's us as a literally devil I feel it's best if we give him over to lelouch's mother, I'm sure she won't mind helping us here since we've asked so little from her and I'm fully confident she can turn him into a tool our family can use as well. But if we keep him I feel that'll be counter productive for us since it'd be a constant uphill battle for us personally.
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[x][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you could see if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.
[X][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you could see if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.

I'll take some more time to think on the other choice.
I said the political situation in the CF is not as nice as the thread thought and no surprise the most powerful faction makes their play. Please do not succumb to the illusion that we will be able to change that quickly or easily. Regardless of how many problems the CF has it is still one of the three great superpowers of the world. If it was that easy to manipulate them, they would already be a puppet.

[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.

I will be honest I don't think we will have an invasion this turn or even the next one. But I see combat actions on the horizon and one more re-roll would be a great bonus and maybe we will get far enough in the third turn from now to start an invasion. Therefore, I see no use in getting the bonus for putting our claim there. We need to take the land and then defend the claim. I see us just getting to the taking land part in three turns time, not more.
We get quite the amount from the actions taken this last turn, therefore money is out, and we have what it feels like ten-times our capacity of options in all categories. We really really don't need more.

For minder, I remain with my mind set on Euphemia.
Even if the kid doesn't like us he has too great potential to be given to anyone else and personally, I don't see any positive of handing him over to our mother except making him better adjusted. Maybe not put him with the zealots tho, that would mess him the f up.
Maybe see about asking the Tibetan monks to send someone to mind him for a favor later?
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.
[X][ISD] No, instead you'll be holding onto the sakuradite for the open market, but you still wish to maintain the current deal. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years, keep sakuradite privileges for later use, no surplus favors)

[X][XB] You're simply too busy even with the new members of your entourage, however you could see if your mother would take him. You can trust her to be discreet.
[X][ISD] Keep the current deal until further notice with the addition of allowing him the remaining half of the sakuradite you will purchase from the IC. (Maintain the +1 Stewardship Action for 3 more years and Choose 3)
-[X] Mercenaries (+Army Support, Automatically Enables Invasions)
-[X] Elite Mercenaries (+Strategic/Logistical Support, 1 Reroll on Land Combat Military actions per year.)
-[X] Merchant Marine (+Navy Support, 1 Reroll on Naval-related Military Actions per year.)
[X][XB] You will keep him at the base in New Caledonia and find a permanent minder for him at a later date.