Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

@Slayer Anderson, at what point in Cornelia's plan would she announce her intention to marry Schniezel? Just before she begins her attempt to become Tzarina, immediately after becoming Tzarina, after some time has passed and after she has consolidated and solidified her Rule of the Rus, or after the reunification of the Rus and Euro-Britannia.
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It has been awhile and I'm currently rereading but does anyone expect that Lelouch is aiming for emperor in quest?
It has been awhile and I'm currently rereading but does anyone expect that Lelouch is aiming for emperor in quest?

There's a divide there for players. The spectrum ranges from "We have to take the throne no matter what!" to "So when do we get to bend the knee to Big Brother Schneizel?"

I think there's still some on the fringe that want to burn Britannia to the ground, but don't know for sure.

Functionally, the peace between factions has been kept because that issue is well into the future, and almost certainly will be after we start dealing with Australia directly.
Personally I don't understand why so many players think the Throne is such a long shot. There's easily another 20 years/turns left until the issue of who succeeds Charles is really relevent. Big guy is as healthy as an Ox and isn't going to croak any time soon.

I also don't see Schnizel's claim as nearly as insurmountable as people seem to think.
Personally I don't understand why so many players think the Throne is such a long shot. There's easily another 20 years/turns left until the issue of who succeeds Charles is really relevent. Big guy is as healthy as an Ox and isn't going to croak any time soon.

I also don't see Schnizel's claim as nearly as insurmountable as people seem to think.

It's not a question of impossibly, it's a question of if it's worth it. There's a good chance that the succession will be "Emblem of Blood 2: Electric Boogaloo". It will be less of an absolute mess if we back Schneizel, which will also let us focus on other tasks.

Other tasks include, in no particular order: winning the shadow war, figuring out immortality, finding the Mars ruins, not being an absentee father to Lelouch's eventual children, discovering more about ancient humanity, etc.

Sure there's the argument that getting the throne could help in some of those goals, but it's unclear with it so far out if those benefits will be worth the opportunity costs it took to get the throne.


Don't worry about the throne. We can decide if it's worth it later.
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@Slayer Anderson, at what point in Cornelia's plan would she announce her intention to marry Schniezel? Just before she begins her attempt to become Tzarina, immediately after becoming Tzarina, after some time has passed and after she has consolidated and solidified her Rule of the Rus, or after the reunification of the Rus and Euro-Britannia.
In all likelihood, it will be after she takes the throne of the reunified Russian Empire.
I'm of the camp that wishes to build up our own power base and seperate from Britannia.

We don't have political, military, or financial backing compared to Schneizel, plus we have better things to do then get mixed up into that cluster.
Actually we have a pretty good chance of taking the throne, sure our powerbase might suck economically, militarily and PR wise compared to everyone else but we are the master of all the ninja clans of Japan and have spent time improving them.

All we need to do is have our thousand of ninja assassins assassinate all other claimants for the throne aside from those we are in bed with (Cornelia, Nunnally and Euphemia).
It's not a question of impossibly, it's a question of if it's worth it. There's a good chance that the succession will be "Emblem of Blood 2: Electric Boogaloo". It will be less of an absolute mess if we back Schneizel, which will also let us focus on other tasks.

Other tasks include, in no particular order: winning the shadow war, figuring out immortality, finding the Mars ruins, not being an absentee father to Lelouch's eventual children, discovering more about ancient humanity, etc.

Sure there's the argument that getting the throne could help in some of those goals, but it's unclear with it so far out if those benefits will be worth the opportunity costs it took to get the throne.


Don't worry about the throne. We can decide if it's worth it later.
I'm not sure how it could devolve into another Emblem of Blood honestly. By the time it comes around the only viable candidates would probably be Schnizel and Lelouch and we/they, I would think, could settle that peacefully and both would want to. Maybe over a nice Chess match lol. If Guinivere started shit Lelouch and Schnizel together should be able to easily slap her shit down.

And honestly I don't see it as particularly hard to gain a better claim than Schnizel in our position as long as things go half way decently. As long as nothing horrible happens it should be well within our abilities to Conquer Australia, bring Japan into the Empires fold diplomatically, and, maybe just maybe, merge the Empire with China through a marriage to Tianzi. We also have the rock solid support of both the Ashfords and the Stafields, big names in Britannia.

Schnizel though doesn't really have any big time accomplishments to his name. While he is Prime Minister and very popular among the Empires people and nobles most of what he's done is diplomatic work and such. No impressive military victories or such like Cornelia. Should Cornelias plan work he'll have the Rus to his name but ultimately that wouldn't be his accomplishment, it would be Cornelias.

And that of course assumes that we, the Players, allow Cornelias gambit to go uninterrupted. I personally think we could easily throw a wrench into her plan to Conquer the Rus then marry Schnizel. Mostly the second, marry Schnizel, bit.

We can do this by Announcing Lelouch's intention to marry Euphemia during her invasion or after she has succeeded in becoming Tzarina, while also making it fairly obvious that Lelouch has designs for making a claim on the Throne. By doing this we utterly eliminate Cornelia as a political opponent as she would never purposely take an action against Euphimia.

It would also make perfect sense in character as, after all, we have been giving Cornelia quite a large amount of help with her gambit. Letting her use our navy to transport her army and now netting her Armenian support? Between that and then announcing an engagement between Lelouch and Euphimia after Cornelias invasion of the Rus would show that they supported her through the whole thing which is something I can see Lelouch and Euphimia doing in character regardless of political concerns.

They wouldn't even be doing it specifically to interrupt her plan of marrying Schnizel as, unless Cornelia fills them in before then, they wouldn't even know about that part of her plan. In doing so we would effectively force Cornelia to side with Lelouch.

By doing this we take away what would probably be Schnizels biggest piece for his claim to the Throne and make it ours.
In all likelihood, it will be after she takes the throne of the reunified Russian Empire.
Perfect. We could announce the engagement to Euphie once Cornelia conquers the Rus Republic but before she unifies it with Euro-Britannia.
I'm not against letting him take the throne as long as he doesn't get in the way of space and psionics. He can have Earth while we grab the entire Solar System. My main concern is to be ready for when the reapers or whatever was behind the apocalypse arrive.
I'm not against letting him take the throne as long as he doesn't get in the way of space and psionics. He can have Earth while we grab the entire Solar System. My main concern is to be ready for when the reapers or whatever was behind the apocalypse arrive.
It has been confirmed by the QM that the ones behind the apocalypse were the Protheans, and they seem to be still around as a civilization, if fortunately as a greatly dimished one after suffering their own near-apocalypse. I'm guessing they fought against the Reapers and somehow survived, though I'm not sure if they actually won and defeteated the Reapers (or whatever caused such destruction to their people).

Also, we are not sure about Schneizel's endgame, and that is... concerning. Which is why I'm quite anxiously waiting for the page 500 for the OOC question rewards to come so that one of us can ask that question. Which is why its best that we focus on gathering as much power as feasible meanwhile, if it becomes necessary to make a bid for the Empire's throne, which most of us luckily were going to do anyway.
I'm not against letting him take the throne as long as he doesn't get in the way of space and psionics. He can have Earth while we grab the entire Solar System. My main concern is to be ready for when the reapers or whatever was behind the apocalypse arrive.

Problem with that is that most of these programs will be sponsored by the state.

Personally while i prefer the throne i have nothing against Schneizel getting it under condition that in that case we go and build our own power base, maybe go for Australia and the Marry in CF to be real power behind the throne, which is where our intrigue will be put to good use, also add in diplomancing Japan in CF as well. This will basically give us influence we want in Emperor of Brittania route, free time to pursue our own agenda due to Tianzi being Empress while still having dependable ruler we can influence opposed to Schneizel who i plainly see calling the shots in any form of our relationship if he's Emperor.

Basically i prefer to have our own independent power base and that kind of deal with Schneizel where we divide the world between us isn't really out of possibility, he basically did it for Ody in show and we are already quite influential in East Asia anyway.

Edit: shame that we missed out on that Chinese noble title though.
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With regards to the throne, I want to know what Schneizel's end game is before deciding to either step aside or aid him in taking the throne. If his goal does not conflict with ours I would be willing to simply grind up his SL, secure Australia as a vassal empire, and focus on the psionic/space/secret history of humanity aspect of the quest.

On the flip side this is Schneizel, the man who's plan in cannon was literally to get a magitek nuke armed space station into orbit and then rule the world through fear of total annihilation, so for all of Schneizel's affability, skill, and mild manners I do not trust him to not have something insane under wraps.
We will just conquer/marry into China/japan/the rest of the South Asian Countries and Australia. Then there will be three superpowers, all controlled by us or our siblings.
I also want the Britanian Triumvirate with Schneizhel in the Main Britanian Throne, Cornelia in the Russian Throne, and Lelouch in the Co-prosperity Sphere Throne (China and Japan). With Cornelia married to Schneizhel and us to Euphemia, it is a really solid alliance between us siblings. Western Europe will not know what hit them.

(I really want to progress our Schneizel SL)
With regards to the throne, I want to know what Schneizel's end game is before deciding to either step aside or aid him in taking the throne. If his goal does not conflict with ours I would be willing to simply grind up his SL, secure Australia as a vassal empire, and focus on the psionic/space/secret history of humanity aspect of the quest.

On the flip side this is Schneizel, the man who's plan in cannon was literally to get a magitek nuke armed space station into orbit and then rule the world through fear of total annihilation, so for all of Schneizel's affability, skill, and mild manners I do not trust him to not have something insane under wraps.
I don't know how it is in this quest specifically, but WoGs about canon CG actually indicated that Schneizel was something of a cypher. He went all "evil powermad tyrant" because that's what was expected of him. He doesn't actually have any real desire of his own, he just act in accordance with what he think other people see him as because he has no personal drives.

But that canon CG, no idea if that's still the case here.