no, we first still have to become world ruler before we can even attempt space combat tactics or counter mesures. people keep thinking the aliens will show back up really soon, let's be honest they probebly won't.
no, we first still have to become world ruler before we can even attempt space combat tactics or counter mesures. people keep thinking the aliens will show back up really soon, let's be honest they probebly won't.
who knows, we know they have, or at least had a really good fleet of spaceships. who's to say these aliens didn't die out in the few millenia we have had between them attacking earth and now
I'm rather for space capable flying Knightmares. Or even some more space exploration. New Caledonia is a couple of degrees closer to the equator than Cape Canaveral so launching should be easier.
As for why (in addition to the fact space capable transforming KMF are cool) we could get observation satellites, gps systems, communication satellites, orbital weapons (due to lack of any agreements to keep weapons out of space). Basically the fact that who controls the orbitals controls the world is true in a world without WMDs. Conquering space (and making it useful) would be a really big feather in Lelouch's cap in his bid for the throne. Having backdoors in communication satellites or military observation/spy satellites would be really useful for planning Intrigue, Martial or Diplomacy actions.
Even having suborbital transports could be useful for being able to project our forces around the world. If we are going for smaller elite reaction forces it would help if our forces could get to an operational area within less than a day, deal with the problem and return.
If ever roll world event "Start of the space race" it will get really interesting.
Unfortunately for that we still need to expand our infrastructure.
I'm rather for space capable flying Knightmares. Or even some more space exploration. New Caledonia is a couple of degrees closer to the equator than Cape Canaveral so launching should be easier.
As for why (in addition to the fact space capable transforming KMF are cool) we could get observation satellites, gps systems, communication satellites, orbital weapons (due to lack of any agreements to keep weapons out of space). Basically the fact that who controls the orbitals controls the world is true in a world without WMDs. Conquering space (and making it useful) would be a really big feather in Lelouch's cap in his bid for the throne. Having backdoors in communication satellites or military observation/spy satellites would be really useful for planning Intrigue, Martial or Diplomacy actions.
Even having suborbital transports could be useful for being able to project our forces around the world. If we are going for smaller elite reaction forces it would help if our forces could get to an operational area within less than a day, deal with the problem and return.
If ever roll world event "Start of the space race" it will get really interesting.
Unfortunately for that we still need to expand our infrastructure.
I'm hoping for that. Unfortunately we will be a couple of turns from taking her Theory action. It is rather pricy so I think most will vote for plans to get computers and some saleable tech from Jaeger. Then there is the fact that we want to get into archaeology. Especially after the toy Carine got in the canon omake. And the fact that the QM confirmed that he has some mechanism in mind to make archaeology work not take Learning actions. We will just have to set that up. There are just to many ruins (we have 2 possible locations from the Orb alone and Jaeger mentioned that he knows of others). I hope we can take her theory action in Turn 7 to get her tech tree.
With this omake becoming canon I'm getting somewhat worried. Carine just got upgraded in her threat rating. Lelouch really needs to start working on his personal psionic combat skills with mind control chakrams floating around. Not to mention her mother. Scary woman who can match Lelouch on his strongest field.
Every royal is a threat in some way so lets see what we have learned so far.
Schneizel can rule based on politics alone but his skill at war and intrigue is not minor although if he is like in the anime he has problems with understanding human ingenuity due to basing his strategies off of chess.
Odysseus is suitably pliable to gather enormous amounts of support although not a good leader himself he will attract powerful and ambitious partners.
Guinevere is wealthy and has a better grasp on business and domestic concerns at least among the powerful and wealthy so she is dominant in financial matters.
Cornelia is a military women who can fight lead and plan a campaign so she is powerful if not a subtle leader she has the potential to become a symbol of Britannia pride which is a political coup in and of itself.
Euphemia while naive is not incapable as she has a way with the public and a creativity that makes her a wild card somewhat. Nunnally is a talented pilot and loyal absolutely so she has value if only as the fact you can trust her to be nice. Bothe Euphemia and Nunnally are also valuable in that they ultimately don't bother with the political status quo so they are somewhat of dark horses.
Clovis is popular I guess but that counts for something and he is well known which does add to his legitimacy in a bid for the throne.
Carine is brutal that is it. Military or martial she might be a genius but she has less impulse control than Cornelia which limits her to operations not military campaigns with her greatest asset and pitfall being she will cause damage probably massive amounts. Honestly I am not sure she has much else although possibly good intrigue support from her mother. Her Chakram is only good for personal confrontations.
Hannes seems to be dabbling in money and manufacturing.
Lelouch is honestly something of a jack of all trades in this quest as he has abilities are decent in all stats so I guess the most valuable thing is he has no blatant weaknesses? Then again he doesn't seem to focus on any particular area so I guess that from time limits he hasn't developed as much of a base?
a few questions
Will there be any other royal children like say a fourth princess or an 8th prince? For that matter does Lelouch have any half l siblings being born right now or are still in their diapers? Charles has 108 wives after all and so far we seem to be focusing on the most prominent and powerful ten or so and their children but Charles is an emperor and a man so he has a reputation to keep and maybe some need? I am not sure.\
Is Bismarck Mexican or a gypsy because I don't think dark skin is a normal trait in pure blooded Britannians? If he was a gypsy and psionic it could be a possible explanation for his Galahad's sword Excalibur being so powerful as it is some kind of device to crete a really sharp edged barrier.
Actually does the Knight of one in this continuity have the right to govern an area as his own? If so I would suggest that it is likely Area 1 or 2 if for no reason other than to keep it close to the homeland and his emperor so it saves him the time of commuting. Actually does Bismarck have a noble title himself?
Finally a small suggestion that could fill up the remaining slots in the Knights of the Round. The solution is simple if you cannot find people good enough to be Knights then choose youths who are impressionable and talented enough to mold into highly powerful warriors put them through a training program and competition and those that result from this program can fill the remaining seats. Anya could be some experiment that gives her insane loyalty and hair trigger accurate shooting abilities that allow for her to pass the training program and get a seat. Gino could also come out of this program as a knight of Round. As for the remaining slot that could come from the Lancelot test pilot if that is a thing in this universe who could be a Number or honorary britannian which for nothing else could make for a good story. Nothing says a Knight of Round cannot be an honorary Britannia or that a Number cannot participate in this Rounds training program.
Sorry if this comes off as convoluted and rambling or preachy or an attempt at wish fulfillment and this is by no means a command to actually write this but I am hungover and stir crazy over a lack of restful sleep. I somehow wrote this while drunk last night and it is sitting on my computer here is hey I thought why not post this anyway.
She hates Marianne because despite being the commoner Empress, Marianne is still popularly known as "the Flash", the only possibly true love of Charles, and is well liked in some circles. Constantine on the other hand, literally killed for Charles, and feels like she is disrespected by her peers, and has taken too close to heart the words of Machiavelli "It is better to be feared than loved"
Yeah, because piloting Knightmare Frame is only done during parades and exhibitions, and in no way result in massive loss of lives of the opposition with its overwhelming technological advantage
Beside, what kind of amateur hour Intelligence Specialist dreams of recognition and limelight?
I didn't want to really go this much into depth on Constantine in case Slayer wanted to change things, but the above is correct and I am well aware of Constantine's hypocrisy. The way I justify it is that she was perfectly content being the scariest consort of Charles ever, his executioner, his problem solver for espionage matters. She got married cause it cemented her loyalty to Charles and made her father happy. Things changed when Carine came into the picture. Constantine had never planned to have kids, in fact she probably considered getting rid of Carine but once Carine was born, she loved her daughter and her life changed in an instant. Suddenly the recognition and limelight she had abhorred for her entire career was finally needed. As soon as the idea came through her mind that Carine, her own legacy could be the next Emperor she threw herself into that. In her mind she knew that Carine being tenth in line doesn't really matter, and that it would all come down to violence and wars anyway, so she would raise Carine to be a martial genius. No throne is earned or kept on simply well wishes and charm after all
Carine is her ambition and legacy, and she'll do much to try and make that happen. This is why she is so tough on Carine, and wants her to be better than herself. This drive is what alienates the other Empresses, they had thought the Sixth Empress would not have kids. In fact the other Empresses probably only found out about Carine when the Sixth Empress showed up with a two month old Carine at the quarterly tea party where Charles meets his children.
Britannian Empire: Of greatest news in the homeland of the empire this year is the multi-year cultural project that is Clovis la Britannia's 'Imperial Rock' Opera, slated to be the newest advancement of musical theory and a fusion of heretofore taboo musical schools from the EU and some Caribbean colonies. In spite, or possibly because of, the complex political and social discussions around its release, as well as the numerous harsh criticisms of the prince's trampling of Britannian musical doctrinal staples and traditions, the work is a resounding success. Praised by both Prime Minister Schneizel and, unexpectedly, one of the Fastest Men Alive and noted South Seas Pirate Hunter, Prince Lelouch vi Britannia, a number of other royals have offered glowing reviews. Princess Guinevere, on the other hand, was quoted as "wholeheartedly approving of the subject matter" but describing the methodology of the work as, "leaving something to be desired of."
Between the Prime Minister's many social programs and initiatives, as well as Princess Guinevere's continuing staunch support of what many are beginning to see as a wavering resolve for the good of the empire's war effort, amongst other thing, public sentiment is beginning to shift towards the Second Prince as a more favored imperial candidate, though such a matter is likely decades off from being a legitimate concern.
In the Areas, though, news isn't quite so rosy. Carine ne Britannia, having taken up a position as Marquess of Oaxaca, has seen a number of difficulties during her short time as the reigning noble. Public statements issued by members of her retinue blame the problems on the stubborn refusal of a small cross-section of the locals to accept the goodwill of the empire. With violence in the area at a twenty-year-high, the Marquess has approached the subordinate throne of the Emperor of New Spain for aide in quelling the discontent. Surprisingly, late in the year, the two factions have publicly announced a series of planned joint operations to see to the pacification of the region and ensure the welfare of all imperial subjects. The Governor of Area 1 offered little comments, save for expressing a wish for the matter to be settled as quickly and smoothly as possible.
North Africa League: Likely the last time this super-state will be mentioned outside of history texts, the forces of the eighth army group, the fifty-seventh heavy armored cavalry, as well as a full half of Princess Cornelia li Britannia's personal forces under command of Andreas Darlton crushed the remaining two army groups of NAL regulars at the Battle of Benghazi. Considered the true and final death knell for any possibility of a return of the NAL to the antebellum status quo, the fractured remnants of their government residing in Europa United or the Middle Eastern Federation have vowed to fight on.
Unfortunately, the Second Princess dealt an enormous blow to that resolution as she took the remainder of her forces eastward again and, with aide from the Britannian Atlantic Fleet assigned to the Mediterranean, retook Cairo from the MEF forces, pushing them back to the Sinai Peninsula and leaving the Suez Canal firmly in Britannian hands, with only the eastern-most edge of NAL territory still under MEF control. To punctuate the victory, Emperor Charles zi Britannia has formally declared the formation of Area 10, which is set to encompass all former territorial holdings of the NAL.
Of significant international discourse at the moment, though, is the damage to the Suez Canal in the wake of the MEF retreat. While both sides have declared that the other is at fault for the partial destruction of the international trade waterway, evidence has been hard to gather in the active war-zone. Britannian officials have gone on the record as assuring the world that the restoration of the canal will be one of their highest priorities in the coming years, specifically the responsibility of the new Viceroy-Governor of the Area, who is expected to be announced next year at court.
Middle Eastern Federation: The MEF's ongoing war against the Britannian Empire extends beyond the land-based conflict in the north of Africa. In addition to the ongoing ground-war, the MEF and HBE fleet assets in the Indian ocean have been skirmishing for the previous year, resulting in a series of definitive Britannian victories. Still, MEF naval forces have been able to rally and retreat in good order as Britannian resources are rearranged to create new lines of supply in order to possibly open up a second front somewhere either on the coast of the Arabian Sea, within the Gulf of Oman, or if Britannian forces will dare the heavily-fortified Strait of Hormuz to gain access to the MEF's major coastal ports in that region directly.
Still, as the war in North Africa becomes a losing proposition for the MEF, they have debuted a hybridized combat vehicle taking lessons from both the EU's land cruisers and Britannia's now-infamous KMFs. Dubbed the Bamides, the MEF has pledged that it will be of great aide in keeping imperial forces from touching the heartland of the Federation. However, only time will tell if this is true or simply the impotent boasting of the Empire's next colonial possession.
Ethiopian Empire: After the hard-fought landings on the Yemenese coast last year, commentators on the Ethiopian war effort were skeptical that the empire could make serious progress. Definitively proven wrong over the course of the year, Ethiopia's conquest of the foreign nation is well under way by the end of the year, with fully half of the region under control, specifically most of the important port cities and coastal area. MEF officials have publicly railed against the move, but prioritized the defense of their own territory beyond token volunteer forces. At this point, the war could go either way in the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula.
Europa United: Europe spends the year putting itself back together from the disaster that was the previous seasons. Rushing out its military reforms and calling up a citizen-army to restore the super-state's public order, protesters are peacefully dispersed and the announcement of the Panzer-Hummel's return to the drawing board is greeted with wide-scale applause by the populace. In addition to the new series of radiological legislation going into effect, a general feeling of increased public safety is had throughout the continent. Even as cleanup efforts continue in Paris and memorials are held for the rising death toll, the resolve of the greatest democracy on Earth to not falter further has steeled itself. The one looming shadow, however, is the announcement the Rus Republic makes midway through the year.
Rus Republic: In conjunction with EU efforts to restore public order, the President of the Rus Republic has peacefully dispersed many demonstrations against his previously-stated policy decision to leave the EU itself. While discontent within the nation remains high, there is an ongoing air of optimism within the region that the republic will be able to forge its own path without foreign entanglements. In a series of press releases, the president has affirmed his nation's decision to leave the EU and has begun moving forward with the extended process of cutting the Gordian Knot of fifty years' worth of economic, political, and social ties. Expected to take at least five years, his political opponents have vowed to obstruct the effort at each and every step. It is unknown how long the process will actually take.
[Seriously, the Rus Republic can't roll a saving throw. They just can't. Now that this course of action is set in stone and the leadership has been decided for the republic, they'll be receiving a special rule: Opposite Day. Low rolls are good, because that means the political opposition is causing trouble. High rolls are bad, because it means that the administration is successful in its stupid. Just watch them roll a Nat. 100 next turn, I swear.]
Euro-Britannia: The subordinate-empire has publicly yielded to offers of economic aid from greater Britannia. With an infusion of capital, the empire has moved forward with rearmament and reorganization of its military in the still-poignant wake of the destructive battle in central Asia several years prior. Of special note is a series of governmental gag orders issued to numerous press organizations throughout the year, shutting down one independent newspaper after its refusal to comply with a cessation of printing speculative stories on the involvement of Britannian or Euro-Britannia agents in the Rus' decision. The stated reason for such actions has been the "willful endangerment of peaceful coexistence between imperial territories and foreign states."
Chinese Federation: The Chinese Federation turns its attention inwards as it moves forward with agricultural reform programs, to widespread acclaim of its people. Many factions express disquiet at the importing of Britannian experts in the field to increase the available training staff, but the results speak for themselves. A token effort by the EU has seen similar representatives make the long voyage to the Vermillion Throne, though clashes between the two have seen Federation officials forced to run interference. Stirrings at the imperial court within the Federation have given hints at further stories of interest in the political background, but a notoriously-harsh hand towards foreign journalists and a heavily state-controlled media has locked out any potential stories.
Japan: The traditionally-neutral nation-state shocked the political spectrum this year by sealing a cooperative research agreement with the Britannian Empire to reproduce the Knightmare Frame.. Widely credited to the Sumeragi Zaibatsu, the Ashford Conglomerate, and the Royal House of vi Britannia, imperial assent to thrones both foreign and domestic is granted in the later months of the year. Spokesmen for the Sumeragi Zaibatsu have released public statements to the effect that Kaguya Sumeragi, daughter of the current chairman of the company, has elected to take a tour of Britannian territories in conjunction with the agreement in order to better study KMFs as a part of Lelouch vi Britannia's personal retinue. Gossip rags and talk shows in both the empire and the island nation have been alight with discussion of a more formal alignment of the vi Britannia and Sumeragi Zaibatsu, despite the rumored existence of a marriage contract between the young woman and her cousin, Suzaku Kururugi.
Indonesia Confederation: Chinese Federation officials have, in the wake of increased piracy, recognized the need for a greater military presence in the region to defend the client superstate of Indonesia. However, the results of talks between the two governments have not been encouraging. Having long-distanced itself from joining the Chinese Federation as a full member state, Chinese diplomats again proposed that closer ties between their governments would allow a greater unilateral ability to hunt pirates within or around their territorial waters. Citing the nearby possessions of the HBE and the CF's lack of desire for any sort of military incident to happen between their respective fleets, the asian super-state has insisted that substantial commitments will have to wait until such time as either Indonesia is fully brought under the banner of the Chinese Federation or proper naval guidelines within the region can be established between the two superpowers.
Confederation officials have been scathing in their responses, many pointing out the characteristic lack of concern for the ongoing humanitarian crisis the pirates represent. This, coupled with oblique references by Federation officials that larger financial contributions from the IC could help justify a larger fleet commitment, have increased friction between the two groups. Cries of political opportunism increased as the Chinese Federation moved on to increase taxes in the Indian Military Zone with the announcement that a new naval fleet would be constructed. Expected to patrol the Bay of Bengal to cut down on pirate attacks targeting Indian goods being shipped to the CF, political commentators can't help but note the increased commitment to the region draws parallels to the Britannian empire's aggression in the Arabian Sea. No official statement has been issued by either government to definitely point towards confrontation or cooperation in the region at this point in time.
East & West African Unions: Although little of note happens with the 'Dark Continent' this year, talks have surprisingly moved forward with the neutral nations between the two unions. The traditionally intransigent landlocked nations of central Africa, it appears, have finally been brought to the negotiating table. Now, with the north and south of the continent controlled by the Holy Britannian Empire, nations on either shore are more eager than ever to have trade routes which cannot be endangered by Britannian naval dominance of the area in a time of war. With the actions of Now-Knight of the Rounds Luciano Bradley still fresh in the minds of many citizens, politics in the region appear to be changing.
A/N:Well, that took longer than I thought, but I suppose funerals do eat some of your week (my uncle, he'd had a stroke two years ago, he's in a better place now) ...and, with that, I'm officially on vacation for a week or two. Time to chill and maybe do some other writing for a little bit. Not that this quest isn't fun, but it is a lot of work. Also, I'll take the time to reformat some options and make a final decision on how to implement the Knight of Honor system, since I put off the action this turn. I'll still be on-thread at least once daily to check for questions, omake, and stuff, just don't expect a super-fast turnaround on them.
Is it something the Emperor will decide or something people will volunteer for and the new Governor will be chosen among the volunteers.
I am basically asking what are the chances the Emperor will decide to apoint Lelouch the new Governor of Area 10 and if its possible to refuse if he does?
Is it something the Emperor will decide or something people will volunteer for and the new Governor will be chosen among the volunteers.
I am basically asking what are the chances the Emperor will decide to apoint Lelouch the new Governor of Area 10 and if its possible to refuse if he does?
It's a combination of qualified applicants and the Emperor deciding that he wants someone specifically to do the job. It's likely that if you hadn't been obviously aiming to actually accomplish things and make a name for yourself, Charles might have selected you in order to both punish you for laziness and get you to fulfill your own potential.
As you're both doing something worthwhile and there are plenty of other candidates who actually want the position, it's unlikely Lelouch will get called up.
Is it something the Emperor will decide or something people will volunteer for and the new Governor will be chosen among the volunteers.
I am basically asking what are the chances the Emperor will decide to apoint Lelouch the new Governor of Area 10 and if its possible to refuse if he does?
In addition to what our QM mentioned we have a canon omake which points at Clovis being a candidate that Schneizel might push for.
Lelouch seems to have gained a new title with "South Seas Pirate Hunter". At least we are getting some recognition in the capital. We need to find an opportunity for Nunnally and Kallen to gain their own titles.
With the political situation in the region the diplomatic action "Extend a Hand" seems to be more attractive. Especially if we can leverage our goodwill with CF (due to the result of Translators).
With Diplomacy being our weakest stat? We might have gotten lucky and gained 2 perks that raised it recently to a decent amount but foreign affairs is not where we should focus.
The plan is to focus on conquering Australia and becoming Governor/Viceroy for it. That is a better power base than an office and will play to our high Stewardship stat (which will only grow with our forays into Piety). Being a Governor/Viceroy would show if we have the capacity to rule better than just showing we are diplomats (which we are not).
Alternative it is to use Learning and Intrigue to get achievements that way. Like first man in space or something like that.
So it occurs to me that as of now, we do not know exactly how we're going to get our relevant SLs to become our advisors after we raise their SL level enough to be able to take them as advisors. (what I mean by this exactly is that we don't know if raising the SL level of the relevant SL will give us at some point a separate action for recruiting them as advisor in whatever category we are interested in or if raising the SL level of the relevant SL will have them as potential advisor candidates on an action for searching advisors at some point) (though if you anyone were to ask my opinion on this, I'd say it's more likely we get a separate action available from a normal advisor search action specifically to make the relevant SL into an advisor)
So it occurs to me that as of now, we do not know exactly how we're going to get our relevant SLs to become our advisors after we raise their SL level enough to be able to take them as advisors. (what I mean by this exactly is that we don't know if raising the SL level of the relevant SL will give us at some point a separate action for recruiting them as advisor in whatever category we are interested in or if raising the SL level of the relevant SL will have them as potential advisor candidates on an action for searching advisors at some point) (though if you anyone were to ask my opinion on this, I'd say it's more likely we get a separate action available from a normal advisor search action specifically to make the relevant SL into an advisor)
It will most likely be a Personal Action. We might have had a chance to grab Euphemia this turn due to a Mini-turn to resolve the events. A successful roll would have raised her SL to 5 (which was mentioned as a requirement once) and the Mini-turn might have had options deciding if we want to offer her sanctuary from the court (instead of her going into academics) and might involve a vote on the capacity in which she would join (Stewardship Advisor, Diplomacy Advisor or other).
For Milly we had "The Ashford Heiress" where according to the description we would have us meeting Reuben Ashford to discuss the possibility of recruiting Milly. She just has a lower SL requirement for recruitment.
I don't think we will need a normal action for their recruitment unless it will be a part of their "recruitment quest" like building some factories for Milly to oversee or some project for Euphemia for Stewardship.
It sounds like there are plot hooks for us to do some anti-piracy actions near Indonesia. We badly need intelligence on the pirates though, and diplomatic connections to follow up on anything we do there.
And ultimately either an expanded recon airforce or larger fleet, though perhaps we can capture some ships from pirates in the process. Apparently pirates over there have military grade destroyers and cruisers.
Longer term maybe some sort of indonesian area patrols can be arranged in exchange for sakuradate contract.
Then having access to cheaper sakuradite we could make a deal with the Ashfords, who would in turn provide us with more giant robots. Both as payment and prototypes to test in real conflict.
And if Lelouch ever figures out a way to mass produce his own sakuradite, well we would have a way to sell it without anyone asking questions.
Also there's an opportunity to make deal with the Britanian Navy here. Those guys had specialized underwater knightmares in OTL, so there is some money and interest in this area. We are in good position to initiate their development and iron out their requirements/doctrine in realistic conditions vs and enemy posessing their own navy and knightmares. We have both the scene, the pilots and connections with designers.
Once we have a prototype squad, we can contact and make a deal with the navy elements. Maybe they can lend us some ships or pilots in exchange for a training program and basing (though we would need to expand for that). Or provide funds for more RnD. Or something else.
Ultimately underwater knightmares are very niche and meh, but its a short term option to get some income, loan materiel or personnel to expand our capabilities, establish connections, get some experience, prepare for possible Australia push, and so on.
Also if current wet navy ever transitions into space navy (instead of making a new branch), well that wouldnt be bad at all.
Problem is I feel like the number of our yearly actions may be too limited to seriously invest into this, unless we decide that this is part of our main strategy.
And figuring out what our main strategy should be is another thing entirely.
Kinda feels like we would like to do a little bit of everything - Russia, Australia, Japan, possibly China, some interests in Cambodia or perhaps even Spain, etc. Not to mention military, psionics research, building up industry/mining if we go that way, knightmares, space, etc.
There are too many things we could do, but if we try to spread out and dont get the crits, our affairs can end up like that Hannes guy who we talked to that one time and forgot all about him.
Gossip rags and talk shows in both the empire and the island nation have been alight with discussion of a more formal alignment of the vi Britannia and Sumeragi Zaibatsu, despite the rumored existence of a marriage contract between the young woman and her cousin, Suzaku Kururugi.
Suzaku: +pop open champagne bottle* Woohoo!
Genbu: Really Suzaku ?
Suzaku: You're not the one who has to deal with her days after days. Let me have this.
Suzaku: +pop open champagne bottle* Woohoo!
Genbu: Really Suzaku ?
Suzaku: You're not the one who has to deal with her days after days. Let me have this.
Not as far off as you might joke. Remember when I said Kaguya had, like, a dozen reasons for this gambit?
Just like Lelouch is a slightly self-absorbed imperial prince that isn't intimately experienced with the dark side of the empire, Suzaku hasn't had the extensive trauma that his fratricide and the suffering that he inflicted on his own nation. Resolving, in some way, the whole Sumeragi-Kururugi marriage agreement is going to be one of Kaguya's big social link quests.
Oh my god, between the fastest man alive, foreign connections, open acclaim for Imperial Rock, and the South Seas Pirate Hunter epithet- the Britannian public has to see Lelouch as some kind of debonair swashbuckler. That's amazing.
I suppose there's a lot to be said for making a brand for yourself early in politics- but this is magnificently absurd.
>the fastest man alive, foreign connections, open acclaim for Imperial Rock, and the South Seas Pirate Hunter
He also has some recent renown as A Secret Agent Knight of Justice (saved the family of his exotic secret lover from spies assassins). And a hidden tropical island base, minus a volcano but still counts.
Apparently was already the favorite of the common people due to his mother's origins. Yeah this kind of gossip is just adding on fuel to that fire and he seems to be building up quite a reputation. Especially among the youth and teenage girls.
Pretty sure will soon be famous for having a combat harem too - he has ninja maids as a bodyguard unit, probably seduced two heiresses of knightmare-producing conglomerates to act as advisors, a half-foreign (in fact, only Milly and his sisters arent half-something) loyal shield-maiden from Russia, and overall seems to be collecting beautiful female aces including his own sisters.
The kicker is that harem or not, once assembled he will effectively have three proven knightmare super-aces (J, K and N) and another trio of well connected princesses/heiresses as diplomats (M, K and E), making this a functional combat harem. The fact that he collected such a strong team while seemingly constraining himself - either depite his manly vices or intentionally to build up his chosen image - might actually raise his reputation even further.
Hey just throwing this in here, but wouldnt it be a good idea to put some heavy R&D in aircrafts? I mean if o understood correctly this world is just reaching/breaking the sound barrier, thats rediculous, we have BFMechs we can afford a better airforce, it would also help our military rep, because until the Float sistem is invented KMF are going to mean shit against a stealth bomber