Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Heart to Heart
[X] The Opera

Heart to Heart: 99+10=109 // Crit: 97+09=106 // Crit2: 31+06=37
The Opera: 42+10+10 (Omake Bonus)=62
Oddly enough I am starting to be more surprised that we haven't had a triple crit than that we have had so many double crits.

Well we progressed Nunnally's SL so it wasn't a complete waste of an action.
On the other hand we are now going to have a 'remind Clovis you exist' action clogging up the already bloated personal section. Guess he can hang out with Hannes?

Honestly? I'm more than fine this, especially considering how important that roll was. Even if I'm somewhat sad that Lelouch didn't get to play the villain with some EXTRA HAM!
Given Nunnally enjoyed it I choose to believe Lulu did end up called to the stage, as the female lead.
Won't that give us another SL to manage? We're already having difficulties managing our current SLs as is.

It's either another SL or take a Stewardship advisor that has less Stewardship than our character, which is not good. Between those two options, the first one is more preferable (also we should soon be able to have a somewhat easier time with our SLing once we get a third Personal Action).
It's either another SL or take a Stewardship advisor that has less Stewardship than our character, which is not good. Between those two options, the first one is more preferable (also we should soon be able to have a somewhat easier time with our SLing once we get a third Personal Action).
There is the possibility that the in-story economic studies that Cornelia and their mother are pushing on her will give her a trait that further boosts her Stewardship in the next turn, or the turn after that. Possibly. But besides that, there are opportunity costs to consider and all that. Finding a new Advisor with a higher score than Euphy has even now might require luck and time, and even more of those if they would exceed Lelouch's score.

And the new options that Euphy would likely bring to the table might be worth it anyway. I like the unconventional approach she has for a royal to getting resources, and it is mentioned in the opening character choice -post that Lelouch is the favourite of the common masses because of his romantic origins. That might combo well. And if we are to conquer the whole Australia, the humanitarian aid and the basic infrastructure required to support it could be actually a good way of winning the hearts and minds of the conquered masses, when combined with other methods.
I really think that at this point, instead of trying to raise the SL of someone from our group so that we can turn them into a Stewardship\Diplomacy advisor, we really should instead make use of our connections to find a good Stewardship\Diplomacy advisor (especially for Stewardship, as we have the second highest Stewardship in our entire group of SLs and underlings, at 23 and only Schneizel is better than us at Stewardship , but only by about 2 points (25), so we really do not want any one of Euphemia, Kaguya or Milly as our Stewardship advisor).
That really depends. First of all a genius with 24-25 stat would require at least a crit in my opinion. Any other advisor for Stewardship would at best match Lelouch or be worse. There is also the fact that the current plan by her family is for Euphy to gain some economic education. Which might raise her Stewardship by 1-2 points. You are also forgetting the effects of SL perk bonuses. Any advisor we gain through connections will be SL1-2 at most. And the recruitment will take an action. If we raise Euphy SL for perks anyway we might as well get her as an Advisor.
As for working on Kaguya as a diplomatic advisor. First of all we don't know what effects Blood of the Kami has on her and Sayoko. It might be a Piety bonus or something to do with psionics. But it might be a general stat bonus (like Quick or Genius in CK2 or Royal Blood in this quest). Not to mention her connections which a lot of people agree are better than Euphemia with our focus on the East. Even if Euphy has a higher Diplo stat. I know there was a discussion about us taking to many foreigners to our court so lets not start that again until we get to trying to recruit her:).

There is also the problem of availability of actions. For the advisors or court members we got from actions:
Nunally - sister so we got her almost by default.
Jeanne - Evaluation [Intrigue] action in Turn 1. second degree success (82) for a DC 30/60/90/120 . A decent Military advisor due to the ONLY action so far that we could take to explicitly recruit an advisor as a reward. She only beats our current Martial stat due to a perk she gained after recruitment and a +2 bonus from a Personal action Crit (Red Queen)
Sayoko - Bodyguard Unit [Martial] in Turn 2. Critical success (103+89). She could potentially act as our Intrigue Advisor/Chief of the Imperial Ninja Corps if we go that way:). But not an advisor.
Wei - Talent Pool [Intrigue] in Turn 2. Crit (106+85). Leader of our covert ops unit. Not a court member. And that action was also a crit for a recruitment action we just got a really good squad instead of a character.
Gino - Royal Flight [Martial] in Year 3. Crit (108+94). Got a hero character but not an advisor.
Kallen - Prince and Pauper [Intrigue] in Year 3. Crit (100+98). Not an advisor but due to a lot of crits a really useful companion and highest SL at present. And an emphasis on LOTS of crits. And some good decisions for developing her during a miniturn resulting from more crits.
Dr. Jaegar & Dr. Hashima - Schneizel favour [Personal Action] in Turn 3. A 93 on interaction with choosing a recruitment favour which rolled with Schneizel Stewardship and crit (115+98) giving us exceptional Learning Advisor. We were short 2 points on the second roll for getting Lloyd Asplund and Cecille:).
Greta Romano - Patrol Boats [Martial] in Turn 4. Double Crit (112+111+88). And as an admiral due to our decision to keep her bloodthirsty self around. Still not an advisor.
Kaguya - Translators [Diplomacy] in Turn 5. Double Crit (110+108+60). Potential Diplomacy/Stewardship advisor if we raise her SL. Stated that we have 5-10 turns to recruit her while she is a hostage in our lands due to the deal between Japan and the Ashfords.

Can you see a pattern here? First of all we only got a single advisor recruitment action. The rest of our characters from actions are results of crits. Or normal successes on long time allies or family members (Milly, Euphy and Cornellia, Schneizel, Hannes) who are not part of our court.
But you might say. Hawkmoon you are forgetting we can get an advisor with our contacts.
So I'll break it down:
Ashfords - potential stewardship advisor recruited using their contacts. Unfortunately we are somewhat neglecting that connection so while they are loyal to our family
Duke Stadfeld - while we saved him and his title he can't help us recruit for a couple of years because he needs all his attention for fixing his own lands. As part of the favors he owes us he already sent some generic staff that gave us an extra Stewarship action. So no help in recruiting there for at least a couple of turns. Unless we really insist and burn through a lot of goodwill.
Walpurgis Club contacts - Here we might be able to use our own Intrigue for recruitment rolling. The problem is that we will need to stop being anonymous with some members to negotiate. And there is of course the problem of what we can offer them.

That doesn't even take into account the number of crits we need to get someone in the 22+ stat range.
Our QM also stated when recruiting a Stewardship advisor to get anyone decent we would need to either have some potential raw resources to develop or have a running company or a larger number of investments for them to manage. With our choices up to now we are more a PMC on the company front that isn't earning money due to lack of work. We need to grab Extend a Hand next turn (mainly due to the fact the action should be free with the results from turn 4 so will be easier on our budget) and work on our domain with Island Improvement (which we need to do any way as the lack of any real roads causes our other costs to grow like Watchtowers and makes our land forces less ready to react to invasions) and Resource Scouting (to see if there is anything worth to develop).
For Diplomacy any recruitment would require us to be doing some diplomacy or be famous enough for a decent candidate.
Basically exceptional people won't work for us unless they have a challenging job.
While we might get away with a problem child (like our Mado Scientiste in Learning or Piety advisor positions) a Stewardship or worse Diplomatic advisor needs to be presentable. And the good ones are known publicly. And mostly already taken. So we only can get someone with black marks due to being a small fish on the Diplomatic/Stewardship arena.

And on another note. A question to our QM @Slayer Anderson that came to me when researching this and jumping around. It might be already fixed next turn and I just missed it when catching up but shouldn't the cost for Extend a Hand be 0.
From turn 4 results:
Extend a Hand: 21+8=29 FAILURE

Towards the end of the year you find a stack of unsent mail that had been buried under the 'incident report' a few months prior. Pressing a hand to your face, you now understand why no one has returned any of your communications, even if only to politely decline. The year was simply too busy and you suppose something had to fall through the cracks.

Results: You successfully file for a Letter of Marque, but accidentally lose the letters you were going to send. Action available again next year at no change.
Turn 5 option description:
[ ] Extend a Hand: There are a number of both national and international interests threatened by piracy. As your own personal interests are as well and you nominally plan to do something about it, perhaps you should reach out to see who is willing to ally against you in the name of safer shipping lanes. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/60/90; Rewards: Increased funding options from groups threatened by pirates, potential job offers.
Unless I misunderstood the results. A no cost diplomatic option would really help with our budget next turn. Especially as we failed by 1 point and our last try and we went from 8 Diplomacy to 17 during the rest of Turn 4.
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Well I'm disappointed The Opera won, but atleast we got a SL up with Nunnally, and that Crit with Jeanne is hilarious.

Hopefully we can hangout with Gino and Milly next turn.
One thing I'm wondering about. We got a second Stewardship action from a favor by Duke Stadfeld. If we fill up our Stewardship advisor position (with Euphy for example) would it be possible to get some staff for a second Diplomacy action? The only requirement for getting an extra personal action is that we have 2 actions in each category from what I understand. We have 2 actions in both Intrigue and Piety which I think were mentioned as counting towards an extra Personal Action while not having an advisor in both sections.
Honestly that would be a better use of the favor than some extra income.
I kind of think the whole "too many SLs" issue is a bit overblown; unless we're trying to make everyone we've ever met SL 10, the main problem with more of them is not every person gets an action each personal phase (and I'm pretty sure that's deliberately already the case).

So long as we decide that Mr Brownsuit McBowlerhat our new stewardship advisor doesn't need to be SL 10 and in our harem, we can just take very occasianal actions with them and not bloat our workload too much.
And on another note. A question to our QM @Slayer Anderson that came to me when researching this and jumping around. It might be already fixed next turn and I just missed it when catching up but shouldn't the cost for Extend a Hand be 0.
I'll consider making the cost zero. I understand your reasoning, but... fail and action and you waste time and money. Like I said, though, I'll consider setting the cost to zero for extend a hand next turn.

That said, though, there will be a fair few money-making options during the first phase. Since you guys crewed your ships, you can now patrol! Which will get you revenue with martial actions! The amount will vary wildly depending on your roll, but there you go. You guys shouldn't have a huge problem making some bank next turn.
I kind of think the whole "too many SLs" issue is a bit overblown; unless we're trying to make everyone we've ever met SL 10, the main problem with more of them is not every person gets an action each personal phase (and I'm pretty sure that's deliberately already the case).

So long as we decide that Mr Brownsuit McBowlerhat our new stewardship advisor doesn't need to be SL 10 and in our harem, we can just take very occasianal actions with them and not bloat our workload too much.
The problem isn't "too many SLs". As I pointed out the problem is that:
1. We need to build up our fiefdom or have larger investments abroad to even start thinking about attracting potential Stewardship advisors. Similar for Diplomacy.
2. To get a really good advisors we need to rely on crits.

Our current advisor status:
Martial - Jeanne Rowe. A decent advisor from one of our starting actions. While now she has 24 Martial. She started with 19. We got +3 from a perk as a result of taking training in all 3 branches (Land/Knigtmares, Airforce and Navy) with good rolls and +2 due to a crit on a Personal Action.
Diplomacy - no advisor
Stewardship - currently held by generic staff on loan from Duke Stadfeld. Result of a lot of crits
Intrigue - our original primary stat so we got an extra action from the start. No advisor required
Learning - Dr. Kenshin Jaegar (with assistance of Dr. Madison Hashima). A high roll with Schneizel el Britannia (93 on a DC 20/80 Personal Action). And then a high crit for recruitment (115+98). We got a 25 Learning advisor
Piety - 2 action from Piety Workshop (Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 30 with 54 roll)and staffing it with Chasing Shadows (Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 50 with crit 108 + 95 roll due to +15 omake bonus). Potential advisor if we work on Aleister Crowley (stats unknown).

So from a normal action unless we crit we can expect an advisor in the 18-19 range. With a crit 20-23. With a high crit 24-25.
And that is only if we get a recruiting option as those will have pre-requirements (like setting up some extra income infrastructure for Stewardship).

For me those that are saying "We can get better advisors from contacts than from SL" really mean "Why waste time planning on getting decent advisors from our SL pool when we can crit and get a better advisor from non existing recruitment options" in my understanding. The plans to get Milly/Euphie/Kaguya as an advisor are because some people don't rely on crit rolls in their plans.
I'll consider making the cost zero. I understand your reasoning, but... fail and action and you waste time and money. Like I said, though, I'll consider setting the cost to zero for extend a hand next turn.

That said, though, there will be a fair few money-making options during the first phase. Since you guys crewed your ships, you can now patrol! Which will get you revenue with martial actions! The amount will vary wildly depending on your roll, but there you go. You guys shouldn't have a huge problem making some bank next turn.
I was asking that because the wording of the result in turn 4 seemed to suggest that the action can be taken again without cost since we paid for the preparation (getting the documentation for the Letter of Marque).
Results: You successfully file for a Letter of Marque, but accidentally lose the letters you were going to send. Action available again next year at no change.
EDIT: sorry. My mistake. Don't know why my brain read "no change" as "no charge". Noticed only after rereading the option again instead of skimming it. Please ignore that.
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I was asking that because the wording of the result in turn 4 seemed to suggest that the action can be taken again without cost since we paid for the preparation (getting the documentation for the Letter of Marque).
My counterpoint would be the explicit text that says 'at no change' indicating the cost would still be appended, but like I said. I see your point and I'll consider it.
My counterpoint would be the explicit text that says 'at no change' indicating the cost would still be appended, but like I said. I see your point and I'll consider it.
Noticed to late that on my first reading my brain read "no change" as "no charge" and it got stuck in my mind.
Only noticed after posting the last post and did an edit.

EDIT: @Slayer Anderson. Two questions due to my previous musings. Would getting a Stewardship advisor allow for the extra action from Duke Stadfield to be shifted to Diplomacy due to "further Political/Financial support available" in the rewards from the Purge? And if yes would that count for filling out all our "2 actions per turn to get an extra personal action" requirement?
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EDIT: @Slayer Anderson. Two questions due to my previous musings. Would getting a Stewardship advisor allow for the extra action from Duke Stadfield to be shifted to Diplomacy due to "further Political/Financial support available" in the rewards from the Purge? And if yes would that count for filling out all our "2 actions per turn to get an extra personal action" requirement?
No, it can't be shifted to Diplomacy.
Are Psionic ninjas too much to ask for?
Our ninjas are already psionic.

And if we are to conquer the whole Australia, the humanitarian aid and the basic infrastructure required to support it could be actually a good way of winning the hearts and minds of the conquered masses, when combined with other methods.

This is more or less Brittainia's standard MO in this quest anyway. @Slayer Anderson had a decent sized post on it.

They'd still be second class citizens though. At best.
They'd still be second class citizens though. At best.
The bigger the machine, the more cogs it needs.

...also, we'll see about that update tonight, but it might not happen. Today's been crazy and my schedule's in the toilet. Had an 8 AM eviction which involved, among other things, moving a 200 lbs sleeping couch out the door. Thankfully they'd already left by that point, but it's still a godawful mess and I'm going to have to go swamp it out some more in an hour or two...

Anyway, the point is, I don't have any time to write. Update will happen when it happens.
The bigger the machine, the more cogs it needs.

...also, we'll see about that update tonight, but it might not happen. Today's been crazy and my schedule's in the toilet. Had an 8 AM eviction which involved, among other things, moving a 200 lbs sleeping couch out the door. Thankfully they'd already left by that point, but it's still a godawful mess and I'm going to have to go swamp it out some more in an hour or two...

Anyway, the point is, I don't have any time to write. Update will happen when it happens.

Take your time. The quality of the work is far more important than rapid updates.
@Slayer Anderson I have a small question about advisors and recruiting them from our SL pool.
Would the advisor we chose for a position influence choices available? In a similar way to how our Learning advisor gave research trees?
For example would Euphy as a Stewardship advisor offer more/better hearts and minds projects due to her experience with such work? And as a Diplomacy advisor shift our options more towards peaceful relations and trying to build bridges?
Or Kaguya as a Diplomatic advisor give us more/better options with Japan and China due to her contacts? And as a Stewardship more contracts that deal with Knightmare development or research due to her mission to Britannia being about that? Or maybe focus on trade with Japan.
Or Milly as a Stewardship advisor bringing in options for building Knightmare production/development facilities to our lands and more cooperation from the Ashfords?

This is mostly because people seem to be really focused on their stats (which except for Milly are on the high side) when discussing recruiting them as advisors.

EDIT: Since I don't want to double post I'm editing.
How feasible would it be if after upgrading our island infrastructure with Island Improvements and recruiting archaeologists with Ruin Explorers could we maybe use a stewardship action (building an archaeology institute to house the findings and support staff in a similar way to our Piety Workshop) to get an extra archaeology only action for multi year projects. Any finds would need to be still researched as a separate action (or sold if there are no clues about psionics). This is mostly because archaeology isn't fast unless you are Lara Croft but that is rather explosive archaeology. We would still need to pay cost/upkeep for a specific expedition when it is authorised (or even take an action to start the expedition) and pass a dc but it wouldn't lock a Learning action in for how long an expedition lasts.

This is mostly for the future as it would take a couple of turns to set up. It could be a placeholder until we get a science institute for a 3rd Learnig action by giving us a category focused Learning action.
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Are Stats the Only Thing that Matters?
@Slayer Anderson I have a small question about advisors and recruiting them from our SL pool.
Would the advisor we chose for a position influence choices available? In a similar way to how our Learning advisor gave research trees?
For example would Euphy as a Stewardship advisor offer more/better hearts and minds projects due to her experience with such work? And as a Diplomacy advisor shift our options more towards peaceful relations and trying to build bridges?
Or Kaguya as a Diplomatic advisor give us more/better options with Japan and China due to her contacts? And as a Stewardship more contracts that deal with Knightmare development or research due to her mission to Britannia being about that?
Or Milly as a Stewardship advisor bringing in options for building Knightmare production/development facilities to our lands and more cooperation from the Ashfords?

This is mostly because people seem to be really focused on their stats (which except for Milly are on the high side) when discussing recruiting them as advisors.
Are Stats The Only Thing That Matters? - I think this is a fairly accurate translation of the above paragraph.

To a certain extent, yes, stats are really important. Beyond the mechanical advantage that the bigger number gives you, it's supposed to be representative of a given individual's abilities in the selected field.

On the other hand, yes, there is a flavor aspect to any given advisor. While a lot of people like to use Jeagar as an example here, I'm actually going to use Jeanne instead, to give the other side of the story.

Jeanne isn't very special when it comes down to the details. Yes, she's a good pilot. Yes, she's had officer training and understands the nuts and bolts of how an army functions. Outside of her particular personal skill in the pilot's seat, she's not particularly 'special.' That isn't to say that she's not good at her job, she's very competent, she just doesn't offer much in the way of unique advantages, though developing her has fixed some of those problems. In particular, using her to grab both Naval and Aerial training at the same time (when I would have dropped one of them the next turn if the other had been taken), has given her a certain amount of skill to develop army, naval, and air force options at the same time. That's something which would have been rather difficult without that trait. Jeanne's primary area of competence was the army and she's always going to be just a little better at that area.

However, because you've developed her the way you have and because of the way the CKII system is structured, that's going to get lost in the shuffle a little bit. Her numerical bonus is going to apply on any action you have her oversee, so it will appear that she's uniformally good at all military options when, in-character, she substitutes hard work for raw talent in naval and aerial doctrine.

So how do I compensate for this aspect of the game as the QM?

Well, Jeanne's land-based warfare options are always going to be just a little bit better than her naval options or aerial ones. The fact that you've got an admiral now helps a lot, though, it makes your naval options just about on par with your army ones. Air force still suffers, though... unless and until a crit happens and you suddenly have enough planes to formally install Gino as the head of an organized branch of your armed forces.

So, to summarize my answer to the original question now that I've explained how things work...

Kaguya as a Diplomacy Advisor: Her actions will always be a little better in the far east. This isn't because she's better at diplomacy in Japan/China, it's because she knows how to pick her battles. People will listen to her more than in Britannia. That said, she's still very high up the chain and nobles will talk to her out of necessity.

Kaguya as a Stewardship Advisor: She'll be better at making money than building stuff. Japan is fully developed and while they're good at maintaining what they've got, Kaguya's more involved on the financial side of things. She won't be incompetent or anything at infrastructure, but...

Euphie as a Diplomacy Advisor: Euphie won't actually be all that much better at talking to the nobles of Britannia than Kaguya would be. Sure, they'll more readily pay attention to what she says, but that doesn't mean they'll actually listen to her or go along with her ideal. She's an odd duck in the empire. Euphie's 'specialty' will be de-escalation, actions that lead towards peace... or at least not-war. She won't be bad at negotiating military alliances, especially since you're fighting unabashed pirates, it just won't be what she likes to do. She might be able to talk some of them into being less horrible, you never know. If there's anyone Euphie can get away with smashing the hammer of human kindness into, it'll be the piratical rogue states of Australia. Way fewer political repercussions there.

Euphie as a Stewardship Advisor: Evidently, Euphie's good at doing people-projects. Hospitals, roads, that type of thing. Civilian infrastructure options will be a bit better. Euphie will still know how to build a military base, she is Cornelia's sister after all, it just won't be her focus. She won't refuse to organize building anything you tell her needs to be built either, even if it's basically a giant defensive murder-box. Again, the fact that you're fighting pirates helps here.

Milly as a Diplomacy Advisor: Hey, you want someone who the nobility will actually listen to? That's Milly. She'll have more Britannian-based diplomacy actions, on average. It's her zone of competence. Give her a bit of time and she'll study up on foreign cultures enough to be able to hold her own.

Milly as a Stewardship Advisor: War. Milly will receive better options to build war material and stuff. She's not necessarily happy that what she's good at will be used to kill droves of people, but... it's what she's good at. She's got connections with the military too, from being one of the main KMF producers, so a lot of her financial actions will be military-themed too.

Overall, yes there will be some affect based on which advisor you slot for which spot, but it won't be crippling. On the other hand, it will really just be a slight bonus to a specific area of competence. Theoretically, if you want to specialize in a given area, it might be a good idea to pursue someone specifically for a given slot.
EDIT: Since I don't want to double post I'm editing.
How feasible would it be if after upgrading our island infrastructure with Island Improvements and recruiting archaeologists with Ruin Explorers could we maybe use a stewardship action (building an archaeology institute to house the findings and support staff in a similar way to our Piety Workshop) to get an extra archaeology only action for multi year projects. Any finds would need to be still researched as a separate action (or sold if there are no clues about psionics). This is mostly because archaeology isn't fast unless you are Lara Croft but that is rather explosive archaeology. We would still need to pay cost/upkeep for a specific expedition when it is authorised (or even take an action to start the expedition) and pass a dc but it wouldn't lock a Learning action in for how long an expedition lasts.

This is mostly for the future as it would take a couple of turns to set up. It could be a placeholder until we get a science institute for a 3rd Learnig action by giving us a category focused Learning action.
Since I'm the OP, I get to double-post.

I'd already planned for something like this to happen eventually, there just hasn't been much interest expressed in it.
Okay, based on the new clarified information on Advisors, I'm now even more firmly in the favor of getting Kaguya as Diplo and Euphy as Stewardship Advisors. Kaguya seems logical for Diplo, as I think that there has been interest in making some kind of alliance with the CF (which our Translator crit made quite feasible). And expanding to Australia will require extensive projects focused on civilian infrastructure, right up in Euphy's speciality.

Also, like it has been already pointed out earlier in the thread, Euphy is prime psionic empath candinate material from both the stat and IC perspective. Something that our faction is in almost unique position to develop and leverage further. Though so is Kaguya (and Sayoko) now that I think about it, at least in some psionic specialities if not the exact same one...
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