Semi Genre-Savvy Overlord
- Location
- Canada
So to summarize:
Britannia keeps winning while everyone else just keeps losing.
So to summarize:
It also involves anything having to do with high-energy radiation energy. X-rays and such.
Blame the dice, not me. Although China had a really good roll this turn as well.So to summarize:
Britannia keeps winning while everyone else just keeps losing.
Hello Indonesia, you seem to have a pirate problem, want to collab with us? You get protection, we get to buy stuff from you?Indonesian Confederation: With the increased shipping of valuable Sakuradite and other materials, pirate activity is on the upswing in and around the islands. Several large cargo vessels are seized and their contents sold on the black market over the year. Cries for the Chinese Federation to take action apparently fall on deaf ears even as Britannia increases escort duties to compensate it's own naval trade. The ultimate response to the pirate threat has been undecided at this point.
So next turn we send our admiral to Indonesia with our fleet to protect convoys so we can get hire Indonesia sailors to man the rest of our ships and a resource base where we can buy supplies for our invasion of Australia and their pirate den.
I think we need to recruit the sailors before we start any combat operations and protecting ships from pirates is one, at least in my opinion. One part of our boats is unmanned and the other run on a skeleton crew. Not the best or even good conditions to start something.Naval Patrol Boats: 5 Naval Security Vessels. (+5 [Max. Bonus]) to Battlefield Commander Unit's Combat Rolls. CURRENTLY UNMANNED.
Naval Flotilla: 8 Frigates, 2 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer. CURRENTLY RUN UNDER SKELETON CREW - NOT FIT FOR COMBAT OPERATIONS.
That's why we go to Indonesia, to hire their sailors. As an Archipelago, sailors are going to be everywhere. They'll need to be trained up but they will be cheap, have motivation to help us deal with the pirates, and help open diplomatic relations with Indonesia by hiring their population.I think we need to recruit the sailors before we start any combat operations and protecting ships from pirates is one, at least in my opinion. One part of our boats is unmanned and the other run on a skeleton crew. Not the best or even good conditions to start something.
That's why we go to Indonesia, to hire their sailors. As an Archipelago, sailors are going to be everywhere. They'll need to be trained up but they will be cheap, have motivation to help us deal with the pirates, and help open diplomatic relations with Indonesia by hiring their population.
Hello Indonesia, you seem to have a pirate problem, want to collab with us? You get protection, we get to buy stuff from you?
So next turn we send our admiral to Indonesia with our fleet to protect convoys so we can get hire Indonesia sailors to man the rest of our ships (as an Archipelago nation, there'll be A LOT of sailors of varying skill levels. That also means that Indonesia should be heavily invested in their navy. That pirates manages to hijack them means that either they have tech that overpowers a Nation's navy (granted that nation mostly have last generation technology) or the pirates have someone feeding them information on military patrol routes and such).
Setting up a resupply base in Indonesia (or more accurately Nunally's island near New Guinea) would also be great as that would be a place where we can trade much more easily due to being right next to a neutral nation and not in the middle of the Pacific. Buying supplies like food for our invasion of Australia and their pirate den is much cheaper with buying locally with Duke Statdfelt giving us a discount than shipping from Britannia or a nearby Area. Duke Statdfelt can handle the supply lines and maybe buy land in Indonesia to make a weapons factory to make ammunition for our campaign.
While that is happening, our ninjas will infiltrate the pirates and prove once and for all that ninjas are better than pirates. Opening diplo-relations wih Indonesia would also be really important as we are going to be neighbors in the future once we annex Australia and Nunnaly is literally their neighbor with her island. So next turn we focus hard on Indonesia to get closer to invading Australia. Bonus is that Indonesia has a lot of beaches for a Beach Omake episode ^u^)
I think we need to recruit the sailors before we start any combat operations and protecting ships from pirates is one, at least in my opinion. One part of our boats is unmanned and the other run on a skeleton crew. Not the best or even good conditions to start something.
...you want to hire sailors from a different country for military operations? This is not a good idea. Firstly Britannia has already issues with immigrants, example being our admiral. They don´t allow Numbers or Honorary Britannian in high positions without proof of loyalty, but you want to hire complete foreigners into our military service. This will not only wex some of the utter racist in Britannia, but also many of our own potential allies. Why give such an honor of serving a prince to some ragtag bunch of foreign commoners? Furthermore, one of the prime things a massive empire like Britannia has is manpower. There will be more than enough personal we could recruit from inside our own borders. Most of them will even have military training, one more thing they have which puts them above using foreign sailors.That's why we go to Indonesia, to hire their sailors. As an Archipelago, sailors are going to be everywhere. They'll need to be trained up but they will be cheap, have motivation to help us deal with the pirates, and help open diplomatic relations with Indonesia by hiring their population.
We should make sure to send our fleet out to show the flag. Escort some shipping, patrol our waters that sort of thing. The new sailors we get will need the experience and we might as well buff us our reputation as someone who deals with disruptive elements while we are at it.pirate activity is on the upswing in and around the islands. Several large cargo vessels are seized and their contents sold on the black market over the year. Cries for the Chinese Federation to take action apparently fall on deaf ears even as Britannia increases escort duties to compensate it's own naval trade. The ultimate response to the pirate threat has been undecided at this point.
The fact that they see themselves as a superpower is rather pitiable.will allow [Japan] to stand more equally on the world stage with the other superpowers.
Rumour Mill Abridged.
*Happy Dice noises*
But completely in character for CG Japan. Hell they got invaded in canon for getting to big for the britches and pulling some shit because they thought they had more leverage and power than they did.The fact that they see themselves as a superpower is rather pitiable.
Well that and they expected the EU and CF to back them up and were not prepared for the amount of blitzkrieg Knightmares allow. War was over before the EU and CF could intervene.But completely in character for CG Japan. Hell they got invaded in canon for getting to big for the britches and pulling some shit because they thought they had more leverage and power than they did.
Also because Charles is a canny bastard: he diverted all his Knights and his Flagship fleet to the Indian and African fronts. Then he sent two of his children as "hostages".Well that and they expected the EU and CF to back them up and were not prepared for the amount of blitzkrieg Knightmares allow. War was over before the EU and CF could intervene.
The difference between Britannia and EU is striking. In the EU's case they are putting way too much stock into subpar efforts which highlights a danger of democracy in that it is easy to corrupt and easy to do it in a manner that is not obvious. The leaders of a democracy are generally leaders because they got elected not because they are actually good at their jobs. On the other hand in Britannia's case the leaders are there because they were appointed or got it through maneuvering and their own power. This is also not great however because just the fact Britannia still exists means that its leaders have to be strong but in the process a lot of people get trampled down in their pursuit of power leading to their continuation of rule becoming unstable. So as it is portrayed from this story democracy is fair and stable but tends to be ineffectual while Britannia style Darwinism leads to an unstable and unequal risky system with a strong leader. If you look back countries with dictators or monarchy tend to fail due to their leaders ineptitude while democracy leads to stable growth.Rumor Mill - Turn 4:
Britannia: Of greatest news this year is the revelation that a wide-ranging scheme within the noble house of Stadtfeld, the Duchy of Westhaven. Apparently driven by the revelation that Duke Isacc Stadtfeld's primary heir had been designated as his half-Japanese daughter, one Kallen Kozuki-Stadtfeld. This revelation, having been signaled sometime two years previous evidently set into motion an attempt by a large portion of the Duke's relatives to kill both him and his daughter. The Duke himself, aided by the forces under the flag of Lelouch vi Britannia, the eleventh prince, uncovered the conspiracy and turned over all involved in it directly to the Office of Secret Intelligence for an impartial review of their culpability. In the wake of the crisis, Lelouch vi Britannia has come to national attention and favor in the court. Kallen Kozuki-Stadtfeld has been rewarded by her father for serving as the go-between of their forces with a now-vacant seat of the family's wealth, being created a Baroness near the end of the year.
On the larger stage, the Britannian homeland has a steadily productive year across most sectors. Of particular note is the high-level talks which have been occurring between the Chinese Federation's governing body of Eunuchs and representatives of the Empire. While the exact matters are unknown, experts have pointed towards a possible loan of expertise or a mutual technological development agreement given the year's previous poor harvests in the CF. Within the broader empire, there is good news as well. A section of the tragically anarchic Area 5 has been brought firmly under Britannian control as imperial forces encircle and destroy a large group of armed insurgents, occupying the southeastern range of the territory in question.
Europa United: The EU military premiered their new, domestically-produced Knightmare Frame this year, dubbing the device a 'mobile melee artillery battery' given the notable lack of slash harkens and the larger-bore shoulder-mounted armaments. Widely panned and protested by the populace of Europe as a move aimed to cater to Britannian-style warfare, and a sub-par one at that, the Panzer-Hummel is only the start of the super-state's woes this year. Partway through protests, what is later determined to be a gas explosion destroys much the Marie Curie Institute for Radiological Science, spreading a sickening cloud of hazardous substances and chemicals over much of the city of Paris. In the wake of the disaster, clean up efforts and and the political repercussions have lead the EU to institute a series of bans and harsh restrictions on all radiological research going forward to ensure such a tragedy does not occur again. In general, this year has seen wide-scale backlash against many forms of scientific development.
So Charles if he wants a dynasty needs either to eliminate most rivals or has to tighten the controls on his own government.
It depends entirely on which area of the world you're talking about. The EU pursued a lighter-touch colonial system in Africa, Britannia sold India to the newly-formed Chinese Federation during the aftermath of them being kicked out of Europe. SE Asian colonies never got much of a start outside of the Spanish and Portuguese ones that predate Napoleon. There was a large amount of missionary work done, but not much else besides trade.So, how did the western power handled the world in Geass universe anyway? Was Africa, Middle East, India and Southeast Asia colonized and just recently declared their independence as nation states or are they just less developed, but mostly survived as a nation state without being subjugated by the European power?
*spittake*Britannia sold India to the newly-formed Chinese Federation during the aftermath of them being kicked out of Europe.
Ah okay I was wondering how the fuckBritannia sold India to the newly-formed Chinese Federation during the aftermath of them being kicked out of Europe.
Britannia sold India to the newly-formed Chinese Federation during the aftermath of them being kicked out of Europe.
Largest land sale in history.*spittake*
I'm sorry, what? Holy hell, that has to be such a clusterfuck. I mean, just the geography ...
It's a work in progress...Wait all at once? How did the Chinese Federation even manage to administrate the territory?
Like - just - over the Himalayas? The PRC can barely handle Tibet, and India has nearly the same amount of people as literally all of China! They must be the most populous nation in the world by orders of magnitude!