Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

Now that's not very nice. Sure you probably won't remember their names within a month, but you shouldn't treat them as fully expendable. After all, you need someone to guard your HQ and yourself.
Like i said, disposable. Their job can be done by statues
Like i said, disposable. Their job can be done by statues
I am just saying that treating all of your mercenaries and fighting forces as expendable might have serious negative consequences down the road. After all, no one likes being treated like cannon fodder.

Edit: except maybe the attack animals, statues, golems, plant life, and robots should you get your hands on them.
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I am just saying that treating all of your mercenaries and fighting forces as expendable might have serious negative consequences down the road. After all, no one likes being treated like cannon fodder.
Sorry, inner RTS player, sort of used to treating my units as disposable assets to keep around so that they can die later.
I desire- no, NEED to know more.
Turn 4
Turn 4:

With the captured team rescued and in the hands of the capable healers at the Temple, you can strike one headache off the rather long list you have. But before you can relax and take it easy, there are still many things to be done and more concerns to be addressed. That bunny bandit, Bethany, is still out there along with your stolen electronics, doing who knows what with them. Your fighting forces needs replenishing and expansion. You need more money to do research, build infrastructure, and hire more people. And now, you hear rumors of a war that is about to ignite again with your Foundation probably being caught in the middle of the fighting. If there is a silver lining to all of this, is that, even in war, there will be plenty of demand for practical research for military applications, even if the subject of research isn't better weapons. Taken altogether, it is a toss-up situation, with a good outcome and a bad outcome equally possible...

Wealth: 24+40-20=44
Time until rescue team fully recovers: 2

There are a total of SEVEN categories for you to vote on: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, and Personal. Please make your vote in Plan format to ease my workload. Also, you can assign Joan Frank to one action (excluding personal actions) to add her stats to the action...

Martial: The combat operation last month is the first of hopefully many victories, but it did drain your forces a bit. With war possibly over the horizon, there are plenty of military things to take care of in terms of from recruitment and training to questing and other combat related tasks. It will be a busy month for your hired help…

Pick 1:

[] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality: You need fighting men and women (and maybe monsters) and you need more of them, especially with war possibly around the corner. You and your company will focus their hiring efforts to expand your fighting forces' numbers very quickly without caring too much about quality.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] More Help Wanted, A Champion's Champion: Maybe instead of hiring more trained fighting men, women, and monsters right now, maybe you should find and hire a person with extensive combat experience and knowledge as your advisor, so you could properly manage your growing army better.
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 30. Reward: A Martial Advisor.

[] Questing for Cash: You have fighters in your group, but you are short on funds. You will send your current forces out around the area to perform various odd combat-related jobs and quests to earn funds for your future efforts.
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Basic Fortification Building: War is coming and you realized that a few of your assets and bases were looking quite exposed and a bit more vulnerable to attack than you like them to be. You and your company will construct new basic fortifications at a location of your choosing. This will make the location less vulnerable to enemy actions and attacks…
Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 20. Required: 2 combat groups. Reward: A location of your choosing will receive basic defensive fortifications, significantly reducing vulnerability to enemy attacks.
-Choose location:
-[]The Frank Foundation Headquarters Building
-[] Abandoned Mine near the Village of Greenhill
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Sweating for Self-Improvement: There is always room for more training when it comes to your fighting forces. Have your more experienced fighters drill, train, or otherwise improve their lessers to better the overall quality of your fighting forces.
Chance of Success: 50%. Required: 1 Veteran combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat groups improves.

[] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: The Leofarinian Army's spread out thinly due to the lack of man-power and it might cause some problems down the road when war actually breaks out. Captain Raymond requested that you help him and his forces out sometime by sending in some of your groups to help out with garrison and patrol duties when you have the chance. You will be compensated, of course, but it might not be much in terms of wealth since most of your payment is in gratitude…
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat group improves. Reward: Random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

Diplomacy: Your relations with various groups are quite stable and growing, especially with the Temple of the Divine Word. You are confident that you can try to petition some of them to send you a bit of aid or other favors. As always, there are much more to do in this field...

Pick 1:

[] Even Better contact with the Temple of the Divine Word: Annabelle and The Temple of the Divine Word are pretty close to your organization at this point in time. Maybe it is time to take this partnership to the next level?
Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Relationship Value with the Temple of the Divine Word increases.

[] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village knows you now at least and they regard you with a neutral tone, but they are probably not willing to do you any significant favors for now. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Better contact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill

[] Further contact with the Leofarinian Army: The local army garrison knows you now at least and they regard you with a curious tone, but relations between you and them could be improved. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the garrison?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Better contact with the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.

[] The Mercenary Company is in town: The Deathwood Company is the largest mercenary company in Leofarinia and they currently are in Greenhill because the reigning monarchs hired them to bolster the Leofarinian Army's numbers in preparation for possible war, despite unsavory rumors about them. You are not a fan of dealing with private military contractors, but since they are here, maybe you should get to know them?
Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Established contact with Deathwood Company.

[] Asking For a Little Bit More Help: While you hate begging, it is not exactly a sin to do so when you are in dire straits and, to be honest, you are not asking for that much, yet. You will go to a faction of choice and petition for them to give you aid, in whatever way they can spare…
Chance of Success: 55% (May go up depending on the faction chosen.) Reward: Random (what you get may differ depending on which faction was chosen.)
-[] Specify which faction to beg from.

Stewardship: Your income is getting bigger as time goes on and you actually have more money in your coffers than at the start of last month. This is good. However, you realize that, with dangerous times ahead, you will need a larger amount of money and income to support whatever you need to do...

Pick 1:

[] Sell what could be sold: There bound to be a few things that you have in the headquarters and on your persons that you really do not need for continued operations. Look around and see what could be sold off, and then sell them off...
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 0. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, other things.

[] More Foraging for Food and Cash: The herbalist herself did do a good job in gathering useable plant-life for research and selling for profit. Why not invest in her efforts so she could expand her capacities and her profit margins?
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.

[] Commercial space available for rent, cheap!: The headquarters does have some space available suitable for commercial activities like markets, workshops, and taverns. Why not you rent out some more space to local merchants and craftsmen to earn a bit of extra money that could be used for future endeavors...
Chance of Success: 55%. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +25, maybe some random stuffs.

[] Turn Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of flora in your inventory should bring in some funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Various Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi for a one-time +6 Wealth.

[] Turn Unknown Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of mysterious Flora in your inventory should bring in some better funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Unknown Herbs and Flowers for a one-time +9 Wealth.

[] Who WANTS dead people?: Recently, there is a strange young woman in the village that is seeking mostly fresh corpses of the recently fallen for… reasons unknown. She'll pay good coin, but who is she anyway?
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell all of the Dead bodies for a one-time +??? Wealth, ?????.

[] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
Chance of Success: 70%. Upkeep: 15. Reward: Income +25, random stuffs

Intrigue: With the chaos happening outside your company's walls recently and possibly in the near future, you really need someone to help keep an eye and ear out for any secrets or schemes that would really harm you, now more than ever...

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, A Personal Agent of the Shadows +1!: You would definitely need someone more experienced in this matter, since the consequences of failure for anything intrigue would be embarrassing at best, deadly at worst. Why not you go look around for a spy or private agent?
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: An Intrigue Advisor.

[] Into the Inn Again for More Inn-formation: You know now that the village inn might is a good place for information, judging from past results. Why not you go down there to see what kind of rumors and tidbits you can find again?
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all of the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Make a Profile, Annabelle: The local head priestess, Annabelle Hope, sure does have a lot of titles and power behind her, but you really do not know too much about her other than that. You should go around and get some background info about her, just to know her better...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Annabelle Hope made.

[] Make a Profile, Raymond: Captain Raymond is the local commander of the Leofarinian Army's Garrison at Greenhill and your point of contact for Leofarinian Army. He seems normal enough, but one could never be so sure. You should do some background checking on him, just in case...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Captain Raymond made.

[] Keeping Tabs, Bethany: Bethany is dangerous in more than one way. She is cunning. She is ambitious. She is an accomplished warrior with resources and contacts. She has made a fool out of you. She has your stolen electronics. And she has a goal. Anybody with such combination of traits and accomplishments can be a powerful enemy of yours. You should try to keep an eye on her and her actions, but since she has quite a bit of skill in intrigue, this may be difficult...
Chance of Success: 20%. Cost: 9 Reward: Location and actions of Bloody Bethany Bunny tracked.

[] What's been taken?: One thing that troubles you is that you do not really know what was on those computers and electronics that Bethany took, which is bad if they contain information, designs, schematics, and ideas that could be weaponized against you. You really should investigate to see what was on those devices and devise some sort of plan in case Bethany does get any ideas…
Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Contents of stolen electronics investigated.

[] Shady Merc Company: That Deathwood Company has quite a lot of rumors about them, some of them sleazy and unsavory, some of them a bit more alarming. You should try to investigate these rumors to the best of your abilities and sort through what's true from what's false, and what's still unknown.
Chance of Success: 45%. Cost: 5. Reward: Information about Deathwood Company complied and sorted out.


Research progress is constant, but with the troubles ahead, you really need to start picking up the pace if you want to use the power of science to save the day, in your own small way. At least, with all of your employees rescued, you can get focused on actually doing more research…

(Note: Options marked with an * requires a military escort assigned to the task, please specify which unit type and amount)

Pick 2:

[] Help Wanted, a Personal Assistant (Hunchback Not Required.): While you are sure that your researching capabilities are fine enough at this point, having more capacity will not hurt. And who knows? Maybe you can find someone special. You will endeavor to find a suitable assistant to manage your research projects.
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: A Learning Advisor.
[] Learn about the World: You are in a new world, one that is relatively fresh, unexplored, and, most of all, completely unknown to you and your company! To better survive and thrive in this world, you should assign a team or two to go out into the world, do some studies, and gather knowledge about the world.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge about a subject of choice, random stuffs.
-[*] World History Thus Far: What is this world's past and present like, and what could you speculate about it's future? (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)
-[*] Geological Studies: Survey the local terrain to see what the environment is like and kind of mineral resources you can potentially exploit…
-[*] Ecological Studies: Study the local flora and fauna and see how can you make use of both for future use…
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Bunny-people: Study the traits and culture of the human-like species with bunny ears and fur!
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Dark Elves: Study the traits and culture of the variant of elves with snow-white hair and coal-black skin!

[] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[] Production Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing the technology to build up a basic industrial base. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Electronics I: Focus your efforts on basic electronics, basic computers, and the production of both. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Chemistry and Materials I: Focus your efforts on rediscovering the myriad of common but vial chemicals and materials. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recent research.)
-[] Infrastructure Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing technology required to support an efficient operation.
-[] Commercial Appliances Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing common commercial appliances found back at home. (Note: +10% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Robotics I: Focus your efforts on developing basic robots and other kinds of automated machinery that think and move. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)

[] Magical Studies I: Since this new world have fantasy elements in it and your whole company was summoned out of nowhere, you are sure that magic do exist. Problem is that you do not know anything about magic, so maybe a beginner's study on magic is in order? Or maybe there is a book called "Magic For Dummies" somewhere out there… Who knows.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Fundamental knowledge about Magic, random stuffs. (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)

[] Build Up Computer Network: You have a computer network already, but with the busy days ahead, it may be wise to repurpose and refurbish some of the old computers in storage for additional computing power and storage… and maybe for other purposes down the line… Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Your computer network will be expanded…

[] Autopsy Research: You have a large pile of corpses just sitting around and doing nothing other than being creepy. Perhaps you should do some autopsy on those corpses, just to learn about the biology about the locals around here…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Werewolves Autopsy Research
-[] Lesser Wolves Autopsy Research

[] Creatures and Monsters Research: You have some specimens of a creature or monster in your possession. Why not you study them to gain knowledge of them for future use? It is just as good as doing an autopsy…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team, 1 group of creatures Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Thorn Throwers Research
-[] Animated Statues Research

[] Improved Biology Research: Now that you have some basic knowledge of the inner fleshy workings of a few kind of species and creatures, perhaps it is time to advance your knowledge of such things for future applications? Such applications range from basic things to more… exotic things out of those sci-fi fiction and movies you used to read…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: More Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Human Biology Research
-[] Bunny-people Biology Research
-[] Dark Elves Biology Research

[] Flora Research: You have samples of the local plant-life gathered in your storage rooms. Maybe it is time to do some research into these plants for future use?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a plant or fungi.
-[] Unknown Herbs and Flowers Research

[] Chemistry Research: Chemistry is one of the foundations for modern life and science, and your Foundation is more than equipped for research into such things in its history. It is time to start breaking out the bunsen burners and chemical beakers again.
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
-[] Basic Medicines
-[] New World Flora Medicines
-[] Basic Plastics
-[] New World Flora Poisons for Melee Weapons
-[] New World Flora Poison Gas Weapons

[] Summoning Ritual Research: During your faith studies last month, you have learned a bit about summoning rituals and how that they can be used to summon various divine creatures for various applications and tasks. You should investigate into how they work and see if the rituals can be fine tuned a bit…
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team and 1 Sisters Initiates Team Reward: Knowledge of summoning rituals, other stuffs.


While you did gain knowledge of the The Temple of the Divine Word's faith and their summoning rituals, that does not make you a convert!

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Someone Pious: Let's be honest. You are not a pious person and with the amount of work you have to do in order to kick the Frank Foundation into high gear, you probably will not have time for matters of faith. Why not you find and hire someone who will manage such faithful affairs for you?
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 25. Reward: A Piety Advisor.

[] A More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[*] Other Faith Investigations: Surely with the amount of diversity in cultures and species, there surely have to be other faith systems out there. Invest some time and resources into investigating other religions.
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Reward: Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[] A Divine Summoning: With some knowledge of summoning rituals in hand, maybe it is time to try to get some divine help for your organization. Your Sisters Initiates and Sisters of the Mace will perform a ritual to try to summon a divine creature to aid you in whatever you need.
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team and 1 Sisters of the Mace team. Reward: A random divine creature is summoned and added to your forces list.


With all of the chaos recently, free time is just as precious as gold right now. And because of that, you intend to maximize the utility of said free time you have…

Pick 1:

[] Movie Nights!: You have a large LCD TV in one of the more spacious rooms and you have a nice collection of movies on your network, for SOME reason. Why not organize some movie nights to pass the time and take all of your minds off the situation at hand…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Organize Your Computer Even More: Your personal computer is more organized than ever in so many years, but there is a section of your computer that still needs attention. Why not take this time to clean up a bit more?
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Your computer is more organized, Random stuffs.

[] Friday Fun Games Fun!: There is a number of associated computer games on your network for SOME reason. And you have a computer network. Why not organize some gaming nights to pass the time and releasing some stress by losing at some games?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.
-[] Annabelle Hope, Head Priestess of the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Melancholy, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Hollybrook, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Catherine, Priestess Initiate for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Raymond Evans, Senior Researcher for The Frank Foundation
-[] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.
-[] Village Head of Greenhill.
-[] Commanding Officer of the hired Black Rabbits group.
-[] Commanding Officer of the rescued Sunset Phalanx group.
Note: specify a topic to discuss if you want, or you can leave it GM's choice.


Here is turn 4. Front page's updated with the latest info as well.
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[X] plan time for discovery!!!!!!

[X] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: The Leofarinian Army's spread out thinly due to the lack of man-power and it might cause some problems down the road when war actually breaks out. Captain Raymond requested that you help him and his forces out sometime by sending in some of your groups to help out with garrison and patrol duties when you have the chance. You will be compensated, of course, but it might not be much in terms of wealth since most of your payment is in gratitude…
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat group improves. Reward: Random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
  • (1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen
  • (1) Basic Mercenary Archers
  • (1) Basic Mercenary Swordsmen

[X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village knows you now at least and they regard you with a neutral tone, but they are probably not willing to do you any significant favors for now. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Bettercontact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill

[X] What's been taken?: One thing that troubles you is that you do not really know what was on those computers and electronics that Bethany took, which is bad if they contain information, designs, schematics, and ideas that could be weaponized against you. You really should investigate to see what was on those devices and devise some sort of plan in case Bethany does get any ideas…
Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Contents of stolen electronics investigated

[X] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[x] Commercial Appliances Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing common commercial appliances found back at home. (Note: +10% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)

[X] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
Chance of Success: 70%. Upkeep: 15. Reward: Income +25, random stuffs

[X] Summoning Ritual Research: During your faith studies last month, you have learned a bit about summoning rituals and how that they can be used to summon various divine creatures for various applications and tasks. You should investigate into how they work and see if the rituals can be fine tuned a bit…
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team and 1 Sisters Initiates Team Reward: Knowledge of summoning rituals, other stuffs.
-[x]Joan Frank bonus + 20

[X] A More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[X] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.
-[x] Commanding Officer of the rescued Sunset Phalanx group.

Garrison... we have to write-in or will be voted latter?
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The votes are still open, but I do have a couple of questions to ask:

1.) Do you all prefer me to post the dice rolls for the various choices after votes are closed and before the posts are made or not?

2.) I can't help but notice you all went for the commercial appliances option rather than redevloping something more... useful in the not so subtly forshadowed war. Care to explain? I am curious.
Interesting quest, reminds me of the 1632 series. I think we need to create some basic gunpowder weapons ASAP.

[X] Plan This Is My Boomstick:
-[X] Basic Fortification Building: War is coming and you realized that a few of your assets and bases were looking quite exposed and a bit more vulnerable to attack than you like them to be. You and your company will construct new basic fortifications at a location of your choosing. This will make the location less vulnerable to enemy actions and attacks…
Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 20. Required: 2 combat groups. Reward: A location of your choosing will receive basic defensive fortifications, significantly reducing vulnerability to enemy attacks.
-Choose location:
--[X]The Frank Foundation Headquarters Building
-[X] The Mercenary Company is in town
-[X] Mining for Wealth
-[X] What's been taken?
-[X] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[X] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[X] Chemistry and Materials I: Focus your efforts on rediscovering the myriad of common but vial chemicals and materials. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recent research.)
-[X] Help Wanted, Someone Pious
-[X] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
--[X] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.
The votes are still open, but I do have a couple of questions to ask:

1.) Do you all prefer me to post the dice rolls for the various choices after votes are closed and before the posts are made or not?

2.) I can't help but notice you all went for the commercial appliances option rather than redevloping something more... useful in the not so subtly forshadowed war. Care to explain? I am curious.[/1]

1 latter.

2 we can do a lot of things there is just a problem....Advisor and the money for get them..... time to resolve this....
I'm a little worried about the mining being included in both plans... Remember that the mine is a significant distance from town and will need to be defended. Taking the mining option means that we'll need to split our forces in two. It is risky that way.
I'm a little worried about the mining being included in both plans... Remember that the mine is a significant distance from town and will need to be defended. Taking the mining option means that we'll need to split our forces in two. It is risky that way.

Half? Why so much troops? Just one team will be ok.

In the end is just a mine not a bank or a city, if we find gold is anoter story but i don't think so.
Half? Why so much troops? Just one team will be ok.

In the end is just a mine not a bank or a city, if we find gold is anoter story but i don't think so.

Well, okay, we can split up our troops differently but it still means we have a second place we are committed to defending. I'm not sure that is worth the bit of extra net income it gains us. We'll have worse security and a lower amount of deployable forces... It makes it a bit harder to do actions like the Leofarinian Army Request efficiently.
[X] Plan Making Medicine

[X] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat group improves. Reward: Random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[X](1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen
-[X](1) Basic Mercenary Archers
-[X](1) Basic Mercenary Swordsmen
[X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Bettercontact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill
[X] More Foraging for Food and Cash: Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.
[X] What's been taken?: Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Contents of stolen electronics investigated
[X] Flora Research: Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a plant or fungi.
-[X] Unknown Herbs and Flowers Research
[X] Chemistry Research: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
-[X] Basic Medicines
-[X] Joan Frank bonus + 20
[X] A More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.
[X] Chatting with people: Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.
-[X] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.

5+10+10=25 and 25 < 44.

Basic idea is to invest in a herbs and medicines business. We expand our herbalist operation getting us some more plants and then research the plants so we can make them more valuable. We also study basic medicines so we can cover gaps in what the herbs can do. This should give us a decent profit long term without committing us to defending another location we probably can't hold against any real attack.

Making friends with the villagers means we may have a market for our medicines and I don't think it is a bad idea to know our neighbors.

We also try to make friends with the local garrison commander since he can probably give us some more accurate info on the war coming up. And detaching our troops has a chance to improve them which is probably a good idea since they are pretty basic right now.

The faith study and the inventory are less important IMO but I think they are the best options in their respective categories.

Yes but we must increse our income or we can´t grow!

Needing to commit troops is also a permanent cost. Those are troops not out making money or gaining experience. And it honestly doesn't make that much more money than other options.