Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by dnzrx on Apr 15, 2018 at 12:48 AM, finished with 204 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Making Medicine
    [X] plan time for discovery!!!!!!
    [X] plan time for discovery!!!!!!
    [X] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: The Leofarinian Army's spread out thinly due to the lack of man-power and it might cause some problems down the road when war actually breaks out. Captain Raymond requested that you help him and his forces out sometime by sending in some of your groups to help out with garrison and patrol duties when you have the chance. You will be compensated, of course, but it might not be much in terms of wealth since most of your payment is in gratitude…
    [X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village knows you now at least and they regard you with a neutral tone, but they are probably not willing to do you any significant favors for now. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village?
    [X] What's been taken?: One thing that troubles you is that you do not really know what was on those computers and electronics that Bethany took, which is bad if they contain information, designs, schematics, and ideas that could be weaponized against you. You really should investigate to see what was on those devices and devise some sort of plan in case Bethany does get any ideas…
    [X] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
    -[x] Commercial Appliances Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing common commercial appliances found back at home. (Note: +10% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)
    [X] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
    [X] Summoning Ritual Research: During your faith studies last month, you have learned a bit about summoning rituals and how that they can be used to summon various divine creatures for various applications and tasks. You should investigate into how they work and see if the rituals can be fine tuned a bit…
    -[x]Joan Frank bonus + 20
    [X] A More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
    [X] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
    -[x] Commanding Officer of the rescued Sunset Phalanx group.
    [X] Plan Making Medicine
    [X] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat group improves. Reward: Random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
    -[X](1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen
    -[X](1) Basic Mercenary Archers
    -[X](1) Basic Mercenary Swordsmen
    [X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Bettercontact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill
    [X] More Foraging for Food and Cash: Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.
    [X] What's been taken?: Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Contents of stolen electronics investigated
    [X] Flora Research: Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a plant or fungi.
    -[X] Unknown Herbs and Flowers Research
    [X] Chemistry Research: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
    -[X] Basic Medicines
    -[x]Joan Frank bonus + 20
    [X] A More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.
    [X] Chatting with people: Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.
    -[X] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.
Turn 4 Results
[X] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: The Leofarinian Army's spread out thinly due to the lack of man-power and it might cause some problems down the road when war actually breaks out. Captain Raymond requested that you help him and his forces out sometime by sending in some of your groups to help out with garrison and patrol duties when you have the chance. You will be compensated, of course, but it might not be much in terms of wealth since most of your payment is in gratitude…
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat group improves, random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[X](1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen
-[X](1) Basic Mercenary Archers
-[X](1) Basic Mercenary Swordsmen

1D100 => 89

You are quite pleased when you received the reports from the field. The reports praised the sent mercenaries as they seem to do their job very well, from patrolling simple routes and performing garrison and guard duties. Recently, they assisted the Leofarinian Army in ridding another abandoned mining camp of bandits. Thanks to the mercenaries' performance, the Army suffered significantly fewer casualties then normal.

In the end, Captain Raymond was quite satisfied with their services and is looking forward to more mercenary assistance from your organization. You were also quite pleased with the combat groups' performance and as a result, gave them a little bonus to purchase better weapons, armor, and supplies for themselves. This experience and the new equipment should better their performance in the future, which is a good thing since you can sense war getting closer and closer…

Success: Sent mercenaries did their assignments admirably. Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison, was quite pleased with the services.

(1) Basic Mercenary Spearmen -> (1) Veteran Mercenary Spearmen
(1) Basic Mercenary Archers -> (1) Veteran Mercenary Archers
(1) Basic Mercenary Swordsmen -> (1) Veteran Mercenary Swordsmen

Wealth Gained: 1D100 => 23
Loot Gained: 1D100 => 13

While the real prize of this endeavor was the undying gratitude of Captain Raymond as well as combat experience for your troops, earning some material wealth on the side-note would have been nice. Unfortunately, the amount of wealth earned, after all of the expenses, wasn't much, mainly since the Leofarinian Army gets most of the wealth taken from the bandits as per protocol. The situation was the same with the amount of loot gained, not much was gained since the Leofarinian Army gets the first pick of the pile. All of this was expected, if not disappointing. Still, gaining some wealth is better than none, and the mercenaries did manage obtain a magic scroll. The Sisters of the Mace examined the scroll and they said that the scroll is a minor summoning enhancer scroll that makes the results of a summoning ritual better. How in the world those common bandits got their hands on something like this, they have no idea…

(Wealth: +4)
(Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll gained!)

[X] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village knows you now at least and they regard you with a neutral tone, but they are probably not willing to do you any significant favors for now. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Better contact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill


THe village of Greenhill was quite scared, and for good reason. There is a potential war with the much more powerful Xelma on the horizon and the entire village will be one of the first spots targeted by their military if or when they invade. And in their current state, their chances of surviving will be around the same as a snowflake's in a burning volcano.

This is a big problem, but it did give you a big opportunity and an angle to work with to better gain their trust. Before the big speech to the village, you meticulously crafted and rehearsed your speech to eliminate any sigh of doubt and weakness while broadcasting a tone of kindness, strength, and decisiveness.

Once you know that you are ready, you called in a meeting with every villager down to the smallest child. With an audience before you, you let your crafted speech flow out like water. The primary points that the speech covered is that the Frank Foundation understands the fears that the Village of Greenhill has about the impending invasion, that they should not be very afraid since the Foundation is doing everything in its power to protect the Village, and that the Foundation will never abandon, forsake, nor forget the Village no matter what happens in the future, be it invasion, the plague, or a demon invasion.

The feedback is very positive. In fact, the feedback was far more positive than you ever expected. It seemed that your rousing speech had done more than eased the fears of foreign invasion. The speech has caused them to trust you a lot more, which could lead to more and better favors for the foreseeable future. God-willing, you will not betray their trust and fulfill your promises, as repayment for their abundant trust.

Critical success: You have masterfully eased the fears of foreign invasion with your rousing speech. The village loves you and trusts you a lot now, potentially earning you many favors and opportunities.

(Relationship upgraded to level 2.)
(Relationship status with Greenhill improved drastically.)
(New actions unlocked.)

[X] More Foraging for Food and Cash: The herbalist herself did do a good job in gathering useable plant-life for research and selling for profit. Why not invest in her efforts so she could expand her capacities and her profit margins?
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.

1D100 => 6

It seems that the most recent investment into the herbalist's efforts didn't pay off this time. The reason that she told you is that, with the increased demands from the recently arrived mercenary companies and the Leofarinian Army, the competing herbalists affiliated with such groups have intensified their foraging efforts. It is to the point that it is not possible to expand her capacities without becoming unsustainable.

She suggested other options for growth instead, either by farming the flora instead (with her leading the effort of course) or by coming up with more applications for the plant-life. Of course, there is the option of looking further outward for answers as well…

Failure: All local sources of flora and fungi are all tapped out without becoming unsustainable.

(New actions unlocked.)

[X] What's been taken?: One thing that troubles you is that you do not really know what was on those computers and electronics that Bethany took, which is bad if they contain information, designs, schematics, and ideas that could be weaponized against you. You really should investigate to see what was on those devices and devise some sort of plan in case Bethany does get any ideas…
Chance of Success: 90%. Reward: Contents of stolen electronics investigated.

1D100 => 30

After a comprehensive investigation into the contents of the electronics, you concluded that things could have been a lot worse and that while you haven't really dodged that bullet, it only grazed you so to speak.

You are pleased to know that the procedure for computers taken to a field was followed. That is, no unrelated work files, research, or computer programs outside the basic package are allowed on any computer taken to the field. All that was on those computers was an open source word processor, an open source graphics editor for photos and vector graphics, an open source spreadsheet editor, and a folder full of "reference pictures" downloaded from the Internet months ago since apparently one of the members of the captured team like to draw on the computer as a hobby. Thankfully, none of the said reference pictures contain anything compromising to your technology advantage, although they might give Bethany some crazy fashion ideas to exploit.

In short, those captured electronics contain no data, information, technology, schematics, designs, or anything of significant economic, industrial, or military value. However, you realize two things. First, while the computers did not contain anything very important, the fact that Bethany has working and advanced computers means that she have important and practical pieces of technology that could allow her to close the technology gap at a much more rapid pace. The world processor's dictionary alone contains enough valuable ideas that will make Bethany very dangerous while the spreadsheet's mathematical functions could very easily be weaponized.

The second thing is that since Bethany now might potentially know how valuable your devices could be in her hands, she will try to steal more pieces of technology from you in the future. Either through brute force or with guile, you will need to be on guard for potential technology theft from now on...

Success: Contents of stolen electronics investigated and discovered.

(New actions unlocked.)

[X] Flora Research: You have samples of the local plant-life gathered in your storage rooms. Maybe it is time to do some research into these plants for future use?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a plant or fungi.
-[X] Unknown Herbs and Flowers Research

1D100 => 38

Without too much difficulty, your researchers have managed to catalog the unknown flora and fungi that you have in your inventory. With just as much lack of difficulty, they performed many different kind of tests and experiments in hopes that you can find a use for them.

While the results are not exactly earth-shattering, they are interesting and positive at the least. The researchers managed to discover that, through various procedures, chemicals important to modern technology can be extracted from some of these flora and fungi. For example, one specific common and foul-smelling fungi yields sulfuric acid when burned in the presence of water while another fungus yields nitric acid when chopped up and boiled in water. Another example is that when a particular looking flower and a common leaf were to be boiled together in water, different kinds of strange hydrocarbons and polymers for plastics was the result.

While you are appreciative about the results, they still confuse you a little bit like how one manages to get the hazardous but useful sulfuric acid from a mushroom of all things…

Success: Unknown flora, fungi, and their potential applications successfully researched.

(New research actions unlocked.)
(New actions unlocked.)

[X] Chemistry Research: Chemistry is one of the foundations for modern life and science, and your Foundation is more than equipped for research into such things in its history. It is time to start breaking out the bunsen burners and chemical beakers again.
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
-[X] Basic Medicines
-[X] Joan Frank bonus + 20

1D100 => 75+20 (Martial: Joan Frank) = 95 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

There is only one way to describe what you and your Foundation have just accomplished:

A miracle.

Thanks to the archived knowledge of modern medicine stored within your computer network, the advanced knowledge of the useful local flora, and your personal intervention and efforts, the Frank Foundation have rediscovered a few very important modern medicines and ways to mass produce said medicines. Said medicines include the common painkiller Ibuprofen, medical grade ethanol as a disinfect chemical, and the mother-of-all-modern-medicines, the antibiotic Penicillin. While these medicines are not really a substitute for the borderline miraculous healing magics practiced by your Sisters of the Mace for example, they will be very useful nonetheless in reducing casualties after a battle or during a plague. It will also help relieve some of the workload from the Sisters of the Mace too, hopefully.

On a side note, you also figured out a way to mass produce modern soap bars for better hygiene.

Critical success: The Foundation have miraculously rediscovered very important modern medicines, including modern antibiotics, and their mass production methods. You also found out a way to mass produce modern soap.

(New research actions unlocked.)
(New actions unlocked.)
(Casualty rate due to battle injuries and wounds decreased.)

[X] A More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

1D100 => 69

The topic of this month's studies was different. Instead of focusing on the basic dogma and history of the religion, the studies more focuses on the religion's history and stories of the past in much more detail. You carefully written every detail that you hear from your Sisters Initiates, from locations of these stories and divine events to the descriptions of the legendary beasts, beings, and artifacts mentioned. While you are still skeptical of the existence of these events, you now have enough information that you could start investigating them at your command.

On a side note, your studies into the summoning rituals continued and as a result, you feel better at the chances of summoning something nice…

Success: Your knowledge into the The Temple of the Divine Word's religion deepens as you gain knowledge of past events, artifacts, and beasts of note. You also continued your study into the summoning rituals.

(New actions gained.)
(New piety options gained.)

[X] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.
-[X] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.

1D100 => 18

Unfortunately, Captain Raymond is incredibly busy with preparations for the very possible outbreak of war with Xelma and, as a result, really does not have the time to spare to chat to you in person as much as he wants to. But he did send a letter to you directly. In that letter, he thank your services provided by your mercenary squads and he regrets that the rewards did not express how grateful he was. He also petitioned a request from you. He wants you to continue to help Leofarinia until all of her threats are eliminated for the foreseeable future and drive the Foundation towards that goal by performing research with military applications, be it weapons or other supplies, tools, and devices.

Since he asked so nicely and politely, maybe you could accommodate his request soon...

Failure: Captain Raymond is too busy to meet with you in person.


I was busy throughout the past two months and really didn't have too much free time until now. Character sheets will be updated and the options for turn 5 will be posted soon.
Turn 5
Turn 5:

The previous month was pretty calm and a bit on the dull side of things in comparison to the excitement of the previous months. Your forces are going about performing mercenary work. Your researchers are doing quite a bit of useful research, especially in the field of medicine, and you are performing your tasks of maintaining public relations and studying the Divine Word's faith quite well. However, this is no time to slack off. War is on the horizon and Bethany is still about, plotting her next nefarious scheme against you. You need to be on top of your game if you are to survive whatever the future throws at you.

Wealth: 23+40-20=43
Time until rescued team fully recovers: 1

There are a total of SEVEN categories for you to vote on: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, and Personal. Please make your vote in Plan format to ease my workload. Also, you can assign Joan Frank to one action (excluding personal actions) to add her stats to the action...

Martial: The mercenary work last month did provide valuable training and experience for your forces, but it will take more than just that to survive what is coming. With war possibly over the horizon, there are plenty of military things to take care of in terms of from recruitment and training to questing and other combat related tasks. It will be a busy month for your hired help…

Pick 1:

[] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality: You need fighting men and women (and maybe monsters) and you need more of them, especially with war possibly around the corner. You and your company will focus their hiring efforts to expand your fighting forces' numbers very quickly without caring too much about quality.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] More Help Wanted, A Champion's Champion: Maybe instead of hiring more trained fighting men, women, and monsters right now, maybe you should find and hire a person with extensive combat experience and knowledge as your advisor, so you could properly manage your growing army better.
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 30. Reward: A Martial Advisor.

[] Questing for Cash: You have fighters in your group, but you are short on funds. You will send your current forces out around the area to perform various odd combat-related jobs and quests to earn funds for your future efforts.
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Basic Fortification Building: War is coming and you realized that a few of your assets and bases were looking quite exposed and a bit more vulnerable to attack than you like them to be. You and your company will construct new basic fortifications at a location of your choosing. This will make the location less vulnerable to enemy actions and attacks…
Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 20. Required: 2 combat groups. Reward: A location of your choosing will receive basic defensive fortifications, significantly reducing vulnerability to enemy attacks.
-Choose location:
-[]The Frank Foundation Headquarters Building
-[] Abandoned Mine near the Village of Greenhill
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Sweating for Self-Improvement: There is always room for more training when it comes to your fighting forces. Have your more experienced fighters drill, train, or otherwise improve their lessers to better the overall quality of your fighting forces.
Chance of Success: 50%. Required: 1 Veteran combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat groups improves.

[] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: The Leofarinian Army's spread out thinly due to the lack of man-power and it might cause some problems down the road when war actually breaks out. Captain Raymond requested that you help him and his forces out more by sending in some of your groups to help out with garrison and patrol duties when you have the chance. You will be compensated, of course, but it might not be much in terms of wealth since most of your payment is in gratitude…
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat group improves, random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Leofarinian Army Request – Hunt Down Those Scouts: Captain Raymond have read the reports from the patrols and garrisons about the various odd and strange facts that are showing up of the late, chiefly among them was the presence of that summoning scroll that is way too expensive to be in the hands of common bandits. He theorized that Xelma is sending out scouts disguised as bandits in order to get the lay of the land and to prepare the way for an invasion force. As a result, he wants to hire your more experienced groups to go out into the field and hunt down any of Xelma's scouts in hopes that your efforts will delay the coming invasion…
Chance of Success: 75%. Required: 1 Tier-3 combat group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude, Xelma's invasion plans possibly delayed for a short period of time.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Property Protection (free action): Some of your valuable properties that you had captured are practically unguarded and vulnerable to attack should the enemy decides to actually attack. You should send some troops and supplies out to your properties and assets to protect them from enemy capture or destruction…
Required: 1 combat group. Reward: the selected property gains a garrison of troops that will automatically defend the property from any hostile force.
-Select one:
-[] Abandoned Mine
-[] Captured Fortified Mining Camp
-[] Increase the amount of personnel and/or wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

Diplomacy: During your previous month, you have accomplished much in terms of diplomacy by practically winning the Village of Greenhill to your side for the foreseeable future. However, there are still much to do in this field, from building relations to petitioning for additional aid in your endeavors...

Pick 1:

[] Even Better contact with the Temple of the Divine Word: Annabelle and The Temple of the Divine Word are pretty close to your organization at this point in time. Maybe it is time to take this partnership to the next level?
Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Relationship Value with the Temple of the Divine Word increases.

[] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village adores you and consider you as the local hero, but there are still room for improvement before even greater favors could be called in. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village a bit further?
Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Better contact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill

[] Further contact with the Leofarinian Army: The local army garrison knows you now at least and they regard you with a curious tone, but relations between you and them could be improved. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the garrison?
Chance of Success: 85% Reward: Better contact with the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.

[] The Mercenary Company is in town: The Deathwood Company is the largest mercenary company in Leofarinia and they currently are in Greenhill because the reigning monarchs hired them to bolster the Leofarinian Army's numbers in preparation for possible war, despite unsavory rumors about them. You are not a fan of dealing with private military contractors, but since they are here, maybe you should get to know them?
Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Established contact with Deathwood Company.

[] Asking For a Little Bit More Help: While you hate begging, it is not exactly a sin to do so when you are in dire straits and, to be honest, you are not asking for that much, yet. You will go to a faction of choice and petition for them to give you aid, in whatever way they can spare…
Chance of Success: 55% (May go up depending on the faction chosen.) Reward: Random (what you get may differ depending on which faction was chosen.)
-[] Specify which faction to beg from.

[] A Favor to Ask of You - Greenhill: With your relationship and level of trust between the Village of Greenhill and the Frank Foundation at its highest point right now, maybe it is time to cash in a favor and get something nice from the Village?
-[] An Advisor (Cost: 38, a guaranteed advisor of random specialization)
-[] Experienced Fighters (Cost: 10, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad)
-[] A Piece of Treasure (Cost: 10, a randomized piece(s) of treasure)

Stewardship: The rate your income is growing has stalled last month due to the unexpected failures from the herbalist's efforts. However, from this failure, more opportunities to increase your income have arisen. If you want to pull off something big, you need more income and more money in your accounts...

Pick 1:

[] Sell what could be sold: There bound to be a few things that you have in the headquarters and on your persons that you really do not need for continued operations. Look around and see what could be sold off, and then sell them off...
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 0. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, other things.

[] Farming for Food and Cash: The herbalist suggested that since it is not really possible to expand her operations any more due to recent events, why not she grow and farm the herbs and fungi instead? She can get started with the more quick growing plants and fungi for a quicker turnaround by the end of the month and it will be quite profitable especially in wartime situations. All that she ask is to use some of your vacant land around your campus and a little start-up money...
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 5. Upkeep: 5. Reward: Income +10, random stuffs.

[] Commercial space available for rent, cheap!: The headquarters does have some space available suitable for commercial activities like markets, workshops, and taverns. Why not you rent out some more space to local merchants and craftsmen to earn a bit of extra money that could be used for future endeavors...
Chance of Success: 55%. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +25, maybe some random stuffs.

[] Turn Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of Flora in your inventory should bring in some funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Various Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi for a one-time +6 Wealth.

[] Turn Unknown Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of mysterious Flora in your inventory should bring in some better funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Unknown Herbs and Flowers for a one-time +9 Wealth.

[] Who WANTS dead people?: Recently, there is a strange young woman in the village that is seeking mostly fresh corpses of the recently fallen for… reasons unknown. She'll pay good coin, but who is she anyway?
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell all of the Dead bodies for a one-time +??? Wealth, ?????.

[] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
Chance of Success: 70%. Upkeep: 15. Reward: Income +25, random stuffs.

[] Doing the Pharma, Part 1: You have the knowledge and plans to manufacture modern medicines and hygiene items at a larger scale than what you are currently doing in a laboratory, but you lack the infrastructure to do so. While you would love to build up your capacities to the massive standards of the major pharma companies of your world, you realize that you have to start from somewhere. Building a small dedicated facility for these items would be a good start…
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 15. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +15, random stuffs.

Intrigue: With the chaos happening outside your company's walls recently, you really need someone to help keep an eye and ear out for any secrets or schemes that would really harm you, now more than ever...

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Agents of the Shadows: With everything going on all at once in recent times, you should probably start retaining a personal spying division to investigate various happenings and peoples of interest, and to take some covert actions if necessary.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of Intrigue hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] Help Wanted, A Personal Agent of the Shadows +1!: You would definitely need someone more experienced in this matter, since the consequences of failure for anything intrigue would be embarrassing at best, deadly at worst. Why not you go look around for a spy or private agent?
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: An Intrigue Advisor.

[] Into the Inn Again for More Inn-formation: You know now that the village inn might is a good place for information, judging from the results of past months. Why not you go down there to see what kind of rumors and tidbits you can find again?
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all of the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Make a Profile, Annabelle: The local head priestess, Annabelle Hope, sure does have a lot of titles and power behind her, but you really do not know too much about her other than that. You should go around and get some background info about her, just to know her better...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Annabelle Hope made.

[] Make a Profile, Raymond: Captain Raymond is the local commander of the Leofarinian Army's Garrison at Greenhill and your point of contact for Leofarinian Army. He seems normal enough, but one could never be so sure. You should do some background checking on him, just in case...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Captain Raymond made.

[] Keeping Tabs, Bethany: Bethany is dangerous in more than one way. She is cunning. She is ambitious. She is an accomplished warrior with resources and contacts. She has made a fool out of you. She has your stolen electronics. And she has a goal. Anybody with such combination of traits and accomplishments can be a powerful enemy of yours. You should try to keep an eye on her and her actions, but since she has quite a bit of skill in intrigue, this may be difficult...
Chance of Success: 20%. Cost: 9 Reward: Location and actions of Bloody Bethany Bunny tracked.

[] Shady Merc Company: That Deathwood Company has quite a lot of rumors about them, some of them sleazy and unsavory, some of them a bit more alarming. You should try to investigate these rumors to the best of your abilities and sort through what's true from what's false, and what's still unknown.
Chance of Success: 45%. Cost: 5. Reward: Information about Deathwood Company complied and sorted out.

Learning: Research progress is constant, but with the troubles ahead, you really need to start picking up the pace if you want to use the power of science to save the day, in your own small way. At least, with all of your employees rescued, you can get focused on actually doing more research…

(Note: Options marked with an * requires a military escort assigned to the task, please specify which unit type and amount)
Pick 2:

[] Help Wanted, a Personal Assistant (Hunchback Not Required.): While you are sure that your researching capabilities are fine enough at this point, having more capacity will not hurt. And who knows? Maybe you can find someone special. You will endeavor to find a suitable assistant to manage your research projects.
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: A Learning Advisor.

[] DIY Research (Free Action): With all of the new tasks that would require supervision from a Science/Engineering Team, maybe you can lend a hand and do some of the research yourself, freeing up some personnel for other tasks.
Joan Frank will do some research and fulfill the Science/Engineering Team requirement for one research task. Note that with this action, you cannot apply her personal bonuses for any other task this turn.

[] Learn about the World: You are in a new world, one that is relatively fresh, unexplored, and, most of all, completely unknown to you and your company! To better survive and thrive in this world, you should assign a team or two to go out into the world, do some studies, and gather knowledge about the world.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge about a subject of choice, random stuffs.
-[*] World History Thus Far: What is this world's past and present like, and what could you speculate about it's future? (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)
-[*] Geological Studies: Survey the local terrain to see what the environment is like and kind of mineral resources you can potentially exploit…
-[*] Ecological Studies: Study the local flora and fauna and see how can you make use of both for future use…
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Bunny-people: Study the traits and culture of the human-like species with bunny ears and fur!
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Dark Elves: Study the traits and culture of the variant of elves with snow-white hair and coal-black skin!

[] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[] Production Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing the technology to build up a basic industrial base. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Electronics I: Focus your efforts on basic electronics, basic computers, and the production of both. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Chemistry and Materials I: Focus your efforts on rediscovering the myriad of common but vial chemicals and materials. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recent research.)
-[] Infrastructure Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing technology required to support an efficient operation.
-[] Commercial Appliances Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing common commercial appliances found back at home. (Note: +10% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Robotics I: Focus your efforts on developing basic robots and other kinds of automated machinery that think and move. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Power Plants I: Focus your efforts on developing power plants for additional energy generation. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)

[] Magical Studies I: Since this new world have fantasy elements in it and your whole company was summoned out of nowhere, you are sure that magic do exist. Problem is that you do not know anything about magic, so maybe a beginner's study on magic is in order? Or maybe there is a book called "Magic For Dummies" somewhere out there… Who knows.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Fundamental knowledge about Magic, random stuffs. (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)

[] Build Up Computer Network: You have a computer network already, but with the busy days ahead, it may be wise to repurpose and refurbish some of the old computers in storage for additional computing power and storage… and maybe for other purposes down the line… Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Your computer network will be expanded…

[] Autopsy Research: You have a large pile of corpses just sitting around and doing nothing other than being creepy. Perhaps you should do some autopsy on those corpses, just to learn about the biology about the locals around here…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Werewolves Autopsy Research
-[] Lesser Wolves Autopsy Research

[] Creatures and Monsters Research: You have some specimens of a creature or monster in your possession. Why not you study them to gain knowledge of them for future use? It is just as good as doing an autopsy…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team, 1 group of creatures Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Thorn Throwers Research
-[] Animated Statues Research

[] Improved Biology Research: Now that you have some basic knowledge of the inner fleshy workings of a few kind of species and creatures, perhaps it is time to advance your knowledge of such things for future applications? Such applications range from basic things to more… exotic things out of those sci-fi fiction and movies you used to read…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: More Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Human Biology Research
-[] Bunny-people Biology Research
-[] Dark Elves Biology Research

[] Chemistry Research: Chemistry is one of the foundations for modern life and science, and your Foundation is more than equipped for research into such things in its history. It is time to start breaking out the bunsen burners and chemical beakers again.
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
-[] New World Flora Medicines
-[] New World Flora Chemical Processing
-[] Basic Plastics
-[] New World Flora Plastics
-[] Basic Poison Gas Weapons
-[] New World Flora Poisons for Melee Weapons
-[] New World Flora Poison Gas Weapons

[] Modern/Future Medical Research: The recent breakthroughs in medical technology has made possible more advances in medical research. Maybe it is time to start developing more exotic medicines and medical devices?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 12. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Medical Technology and Knowledge gained, other stuffs.
-[] Advanced Modern Medicines
-[] Basic Combat Drugs
-[] Advanced Bandages
-[] Prosthetics
-[] Life Support Devices

[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research: Captain Raymond of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison has requested that you help out with the defence of Leofarinia in his latest letter to you. While you could possibly contribute by sending your armed forces to help out the overburdened garrison, donating your research time into more militant applications is a viable alternative as well. After all, you should have something that he would be impressed by…
Chance of Success: 95% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge and Technology gained and shared with Leofarinian Army, improving effectiveness, random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[] Better Melee Weapon Designs
-[] Better Ranged Weapon Designs
-[] Better Armor Designs
-[] Gunpowder Knowledge
-[] Better Fortification Designs
-[] Knowledge of Ballistics

[] Summoning Ritual Research: During your faith studies last month, you have learned a bit about summoning rituals and how that they can be used to summon various divine creatures for various applications and tasks. You should investigate into how they work and see if the rituals can be fine tuned a bit…
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team and 1 Sisters Initiates Team Reward: Knowledge of summoning rituals, other stuffs.

Piety: While you did gain even more knowledge of the The Temple of the Divine Word's history and their summoning rituals, that does not make you a convert!

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Someone Pious: Let's be honest. You are not a pious person and with the amount of work you have to do in order to kick the Frank Foundation into high gear, you probably will not have time for matters of faith. Why not you find and hire someone who will manage such faithful affairs for you?
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 25. Reward: A Piety Advisor.

[] A Even More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 15 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[*] Other Faith Investigations: Surely with the amount of diversity in cultures and species, there surely have to be other faith systems out there. Invest some time and resources into investigating other religions.
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Reward: Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[] A Divine Summoning: With some knowledge of summoning rituals in hand, maybe it is time to try to get some divine help for your organization. Your Sisters Initiates and Sisters of the Mace will perform a ritual to try to summon a divine creature to aid you in whatever you need.
Chance of Success: 54% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team and 1 Sisters of the Mace team. Reward: A random divine creature is summoned and added to your forces list.
-[] Use the Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll to make the result better.

[] Divine Intervention Investigations: With the latest lessons into the The Temple of the Divine Word's history, you have gained knowledge of various events, artifacts, and beasts of importance to the religion. While most of them could be written off as distorted legends, some of them seemed credible enough to be worth investigating. Since you can't investigate them myself, you shall send someone else in your place to investigate...
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Tier-3 combat group. Reward: A divine event, artifact, or beast is investigated, random stuffs.
-[] The Blue Stone of the Second King
-[] The Rotted Skeleton of the Evil Red Dragon

Personal: With all of the chaos last month, free time is just as precious as gold right now. And because of that, you intend to maximize the utility of said free time you have…

Pick 1:

[] Movie Nights!: You have a large LCD TV in one of the more spacious rooms and you have a nice collection of movies on your network, for SOME reason. Why not organize some movie nights to pass the time and take all of your minds off the situation at hand…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Organize Your Computer Even More: Your personal computer is more organized than ever in so many years, but there is a section of your computer that still needs attention. Why not take this time to clean up a bit more?
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Your computer is more organized, Random stuffs.

[] Friday Fun Games Fun!: There is a number of associated computer games on your network for SOME reason. And you have a computer network. Why not organize some gaming nights to pass the time and releasing some stress by losing at some games?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.
-[] Annabelle Hope, Head Priestess of the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Melancholy, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Hollybrook, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Catherine, Priestess Initiate for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Raymond Evans, Senior Researcher for The Frank Foundation
-[] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.
-[] Village Head of Greenhill.
-[] Commanding Officer of the hired Black Rabbits group.
-[] Commanding Officer of the rescued Sunset Phalanx group.
-[] The Hired Herbalist.
Note: specify a topic to discuss if you want, or you can leave it GM's choice.


I work fast this time. Character sheets will be updated soon.
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Well, those critical successes are nice and the failures are at least not anything truly critical. Despite the difficulties with getting more herbs I think the plan to make money selling medicines is still quite viable. We'll just have to set up farming instead.

Going to evaluate the new options later.
I feel for Martial we should start looking for an adviser. Seeing how it seems we're going to be doing a lot of fighting in the future... might not be a bad idea to look for an intrigue adviser as well. Other then that start setting the foundations for being able to make more money.
I got work now will post a plan latter, wait for me plaese?

Oh and i think we need more Agents for intrigue before an adviser.
Considering the war, I think we need to introduce gunpowder to the Leofarinian Army. It's a game-changer that will give them a significant advantage in the war.
I feel for Martial we should start looking for an adviser. Seeing how it seems we're going to be doing a lot of fighting in the future... might not be a bad idea to look for an intrigue adviser as well. Other then that start setting the foundations for being able to make more money.

The downside to that is that both those advisors won't be giving us more money most likely. We'd have more actions but the same amount of money to spend on them... That could make it tricky to do anything useful with said actions. And in the case of martial actions a martial advisor wouldn't increase the amount of troops we have.

Also the actions for getting those advisors are pretty expensive and the odds for their success could be better...
Time to review a bit I think:

The mercenary work last month did provide valuable training and experience for your forces, but it will take more than just that to survive what is coming. With war possibly over the horizon, there are plenty of military things to take care of in terms of from recruitment and training to questing and other combat related tasks. It will be a busy month for your hired help…

Pick 1:

[] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality: You need fighting men and women (and maybe monsters) and you need more of them, especially with war possibly around the corner. You and your company will focus their hiring efforts to expand your fighting forces' numbers very quickly without caring too much about quality.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] More Help Wanted, A Champion's Champion: Maybe instead of hiring more trained fighting men, women, and monsters right now, maybe you should find and hire a person with extensive combat experience and knowledge as your advisor, so you could properly manage your growing army better.
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 30. Reward: A Martial Advisor.

[] Questing for Cash: You have fighters in your group, but you are short on funds. You will send your current forces out around the area to perform various odd combat-related jobs and quests to earn funds for your future efforts.
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Basic Fortification Building: War is coming and you realized that a few of your assets and bases were looking quite exposed and a bit more vulnerable to attack than you like them to be. You and your company will construct new basic fortifications at a location of your choosing. This will make the location less vulnerable to enemy actions and attacks…
Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 20. Required: 2 combat groups. Reward: A location of your choosing will receive basic defensive fortifications, significantly reducing vulnerability to enemy attacks.
-Choose location:
-[]The Frank Foundation Headquarters Building
-[] Abandoned Mine near the Village of Greenhill
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Sweating for Self-Improvement: There is always room for more training when it comes to your fighting forces. Have your more experienced fighters drill, train, or otherwise improve their lessers to better the overall quality of your fighting forces.
Chance of Success: 50%. Required: 1 Veteran combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat groups improves.

[] Leofarinian Army Request - Patrol and Garrison Supplementing: The Leofarinian Army's spread out thinly due to the lack of man-power and it might cause some problems down the road when war actually breaks out. Captain Raymond requested that you help him and his forces out more by sending in some of your groups to help out with garrison and patrol duties when you have the chance. You will be compensated, of course, but it might not be much in terms of wealth since most of your payment is in gratitude…
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 combat group and up to two basic combat groups of choice. Reward: the basic combat group improves, random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Leofarinian Army Request – Hunt Down Those Scouts: Captain Raymond have read the reports from the patrols and garrisons about the various odd and strange facts that are showing up of the late, chiefly among them was the presence of that summoning scroll that is way too expensive to be in the hands of common bandits. He theorized that Xelma is sending out scouts disguised as bandits in order to get the lay of the land and to prepare the way for an invasion force. As a result, he wants to hire your more experienced groups to go out into the field and hunt down any of Xelma's scouts in hopes that your efforts will delay the coming invasion…
Chance of Success: 75%. Required: 1 Tier-3 combat group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude, Xelma's invasion plans possibly delayed for a short period of time.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Property Protection (free action): Some of your valuable properties that you had captured are practically unguarded and vulnerable to attack should the enemy decides to actually attack. You should send some troops and supplies out to your properties and assets to protect them from enemy capture or destruction…
Required: 1 combat group. Reward: the selected property gains a garrison of troops that will automatically defend the property from any hostile force.
-Select one:
-[] Abandoned Mine
-[] Captured Fortified Mining Camp
-[] Increase the amount of personnel and/or wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

We don't have much cash right now... So we should probably do either questing or army request. Of those I'm somewhat partial to trying to hunt down those scouts, buying ourselves a bit more time could be very useful.

During your previous month, you have accomplished much in terms of diplomacy by practically winning the Village of Greenhill to your side for the foreseeable future. However, there are still much to do in this field, from building relations to petitioning for additional aid in your endeavors...

Pick 1:

[] Even Better contact with the Temple of the Divine Word: Annabelle and The Temple of the Divine Word are pretty close to your organization at this point in time. Maybe it is time to take this partnership to the next level?
Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Relationship Value with the Temple of the Divine Word increases.

[] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village adores you and consider you as the local hero, but there are still room for improvement before even greater favors could be called in. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village a bit further?
Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Better contact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill

[] Further contact with the Leofarinian Army: The local army garrison knows you now at least and they regard you with a curious tone, but relations between you and them could be improved. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the garrison?
Chance of Success: 85% Reward: Better contact with the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.

[] The Mercenary Company is in town: The Deathwood Company is the largest mercenary company in Leofarinia and they currently are in Greenhill because the reigning monarchs hired them to bolster the Leofarinian Army's numbers in preparation for possible war, despite unsavory rumors about them. You are not a fan of dealing with private military contractors, but since they are here, maybe you should get to know them?
Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Established contact with Deathwood Company.

[] Asking For a Little Bit More Help: While you hate begging, it is not exactly a sin to do so when you are in dire straits and, to be honest, you are not asking for that much, yet. You will go to a faction of choice and petition for them to give you aid, in whatever way they can spare…
Chance of Success: 55% (May go up depending on the faction chosen.) Reward: Random (what you get may differ depending on which faction was chosen.)
-[] Specify which faction to beg from.

[] A Favor to Ask of You - Greenhill: With your relationship and level of trust between the Village of Greenhill and the Frank Foundation at its highest point right now, maybe it is time to cash in a favor and get something nice from the Village?
-[] An Advisor (Cost: 38, a guaranteed advisor of random specialization)
-[] Experienced Fighters (Cost: 10, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad)
-[] A Piece of Treasure (Cost: 10, a randomized piece(s) of treasure)

No strong preference here except that we probably can't afford the advisor (and shouldn't be spending money on treasure right now)... Even though it is a lot cheaper here than in the own action categories if you look at it from a cost/odds perspective.

The rate your income is growing has stalled last month due to the unexpected failures from the herbalist's efforts. However, from this failure, more opportunities to increase your income have arisen. If you want to pull off something big, you need more income and more money in your accounts...

Pick 1:

[] Sell what could be sold: There bound to be a few things that you have in the headquarters and on your persons that you really do not need for continued operations. Look around and see what could be sold off, and then sell them off...
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 0. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, other things.

[] Farming for Food and Cash: The herbalist suggested that since it is not really possible to expand her operations any more due to recent events, why not she grow and farm the herbs and fungi instead? She can get started with the more quick growing plants and fungi for a quicker turnaround by the end of the month and it will be quite profitable especially in wartime situations. All that she ask is to use some of your vacant land around your campus and a little start-up money...
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 5. Upkeep: 5. Reward: Income +10, random stuffs.

[] Commercial space available for rent, cheap!: The headquarters does have some space available suitable for commercial activities like markets, workshops, and taverns. Why not you rent out some more space to local merchants and craftsmen to earn a bit of extra money that could be used for future endeavors...
Chance of Success: 55%. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +25, maybe some random stuffs.

[] Turn Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of Flora in your inventory should bring in some funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Various Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi for a one-time +6 Wealth.

[] Turn Unknown Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of mysterious Flora in your inventory should bring in some better funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Unknown Herbs and Flowers for a one-time +9 Wealth.

[] Who WANTS dead people?: Recently, there is a strange young woman in the village that is seeking mostly fresh corpses of the recently fallen for… reasons unknown. She'll pay good coin, but who is she anyway?
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell all of the Dead bodies for a one-time +??? Wealth, ?????.

[] Mining for Wealth: You have couple of mines that are not being used right now, which means that they are not generating you any money nor resources. Why not you hire some workers to work in your mine, extracting various ores, rocks, gemstones, and other substances and treasures for later refinement, selling, or research?
Chance of Success: 70%. Upkeep: 15. Reward: Income +25, random stuffs.

[] Doing the Pharma, Part 1: You have the knowledge and plans to manufacture modern medicines and hygiene items at a larger scale than what you are currently doing in a laboratory, but you lack the infrastructure to do so. While you would love to build up your capacities to the massive standards of the major pharma companies of your world, you realize that you have to start from somewhere. Building a small dedicated facility for these items would be a good start…
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 15. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.

We definitely need more money... But there are problems here.

Selling plants is not worth an action. Selling random stuff is also probably not worth an action. Selling the corpses might be viable but things are quite uncertain there.

Space is our best option income wise (+15 net)... But it will be a bit of a security risk and take up space. Also it has low odds.

Farming has a lot less profit (+5 net). But it helps us get a supply of basic chemicals apparently. Something we almost certainly will need in the future.

Mining has a decentish amount of profit (+10 net)... But my objection from before still stands, this would force us to defend a second location. This means spreading ourselves thin and leaving ourselves more vulnerable. And troops guarding a mine aren't making us money with martial actions I suspect.

Lastly we have pharma which actively runs a loss (-5) and taking two actions... I don't think we can afford this even though we almost certainly want this eventually.

With the chaos happening outside your company's walls recently, you really need someone to help keep an eye and ear out for any secrets or schemes that would really harm you, now more than ever...

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Agents of the Shadows: With everything going on all at once in recent times, you should probably start retaining a personal spying division to investigate various happenings and peoples of interest, and to take some covert actions if necessary.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of Intrigue hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] Help Wanted, A Personal Agent of the Shadows +1!: You would definitely need someone more experienced in this matter, since the consequences of failure for anything intrigue would be embarrassing at best, deadly at worst. Why not you go look around for a spy or private agent?
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: An Intrigue Advisor.

[] Into the Inn Again for More Inn-formation: You know now that the village inn might is a good place for information, judging from the results of past months. Why not you go down there to see what kind of rumors and tidbits you can find again?
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all of the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Make a Profile, Annabelle: The local head priestess, Annabelle Hope, sure does have a lot of titles and power behind her, but you really do not know too much about her other than that. You should go around and get some background info about her, just to know her better...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Annabelle Hope made.

[] Make a Profile, Raymond: Captain Raymond is the local commander of the Leofarinian Army's Garrison at Greenhill and your point of contact for Leofarinian Army. He seems normal enough, but one could never be so sure. You should do some background checking on him, just in case...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Captain Raymond made.

[] Keeping Tabs, Bethany: Bethany is dangerous in more than one way. She is cunning. She is ambitious. She is an accomplished warrior with resources and contacts. She has made a fool out of you. She has your stolen electronics. And she has a goal. Anybody with such combination of traits and accomplishments can be a powerful enemy of yours. You should try to keep an eye on her and her actions, but since she has quite a bit of skill in intrigue, this may be difficult...
Chance of Success: 20%. Cost: 9 Reward: Location and actions of Bloody Bethany Bunny tracked.

[] Shady Merc Company: That Deathwood Company has quite a lot of rumors about them, some of them sleazy and unsavory, some of them a bit more alarming. You should try to investigate these rumors to the best of your abilities and sort through what's true from what's false, and what's still unknown.
Chance of Success: 45%. Cost: 5. Reward: Information about Deathwood Company complied and sorted out.

Again not a strong opinion on most of this but the advisor is almost certainly too expensive and Bethany has way too low odds. I'm slightly partial to the mook hiring option though if we can afford it, some scouting units could help out with some of the martial work later. And if we end up with a cheap advisor well I won't complain.

Research progress is constant, but with the troubles ahead, you really need to start picking up the pace if you want to use the power of science to save the day, in your own small way. At least, with all of your employees rescued, you can get focused on actually doing more research…

(Note: Options marked with an * requires a military escort assigned to the task, please specify which unit type and amount)
Pick 2:

[] Help Wanted, a Personal Assistant (Hunchback Not Required.): While you are sure that your researching capabilities are fine enough at this point, having more capacity will not hurt. And who knows? Maybe you can find someone special. You will endeavor to find a suitable assistant to manage your research projects.
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: A Learning Advisor.

[] DIY Research (Free Action): With all of the new tasks that would require supervision from a Science/Engineering Team, maybe you can lend a hand and do some of the research yourself, freeing up some personnel for other tasks.
Joan Frank will do some research and fulfill the Science/Engineering Team requirement for one research task. Note that with this action, you cannot apply her personal bonuses for any other task this turn.

[] Learn about the World: You are in a new world, one that is relatively fresh, unexplored, and, most of all, completely unknown to you and your company! To better survive and thrive in this world, you should assign a team or two to go out into the world, do some studies, and gather knowledge about the world.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge about a subject of choice, random stuffs.
-[*] World History Thus Far: What is this world's past and present like, and what could you speculate about it's future? (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)
-[*] Geological Studies: Survey the local terrain to see what the environment is like and kind of mineral resources you can potentially exploit…
-[*] Ecological Studies: Study the local flora and fauna and see how can you make use of both for future use…
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Bunny-people: Study the traits and culture of the human-like species with bunny ears and fur!
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Dark Elves: Study the traits and culture of the variant of elves with snow-white hair and coal-black skin!

[] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[] Production Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing the technology to build up a basic industrial base. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Electronics I: Focus your efforts on basic electronics, basic computers, and the production of both. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Chemistry and Materials I: Focus your efforts on rediscovering the myriad of common but vial chemicals and materials. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recent research.)
-[] Infrastructure Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing technology required to support an efficient operation.
-[] Commercial Appliances Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing common commercial appliances found back at home. (Note: +10% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Robotics I: Focus your efforts on developing basic robots and other kinds of automated machinery that think and move. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Power Plants I: Focus your efforts on developing power plants for additional energy generation. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)

[] Magical Studies I: Since this new world have fantasy elements in it and your whole company was summoned out of nowhere, you are sure that magic do exist. Problem is that you do not know anything about magic, so maybe a beginner's study on magic is in order? Or maybe there is a book called "Magic For Dummies" somewhere out there… Who knows.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Fundamental knowledge about Magic, random stuffs. (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)

[] Build Up Computer Network: You have a computer network already, but with the busy days ahead, it may be wise to repurpose and refurbish some of the old computers in storage for additional computing power and storage… and maybe for other purposes down the line… Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Your computer network will be expanded…

[] Autopsy Research: You have a large pile of corpses just sitting around and doing nothing other than being creepy. Perhaps you should do some autopsy on those corpses, just to learn about the biology about the locals around here…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Werewolves Autopsy Research
-[] Lesser Wolves Autopsy Research

[] Creatures and Monsters Research: You have some specimens of a creature or monster in your possession. Why not you study them to gain knowledge of them for future use? It is just as good as doing an autopsy…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team, 1 group of creatures Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Thorn Throwers Research
-[] Animated Statues Research

[] Improved Biology Research: Now that you have some basic knowledge of the inner fleshy workings of a few kind of species and creatures, perhaps it is time to advance your knowledge of such things for future applications? Such applications range from basic things to more… exotic things out of those sci-fi fiction and movies you used to read…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: More Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Human Biology Research
-[] Bunny-people Biology Research
-[] Dark Elves Biology Research

[] Chemistry Research: Chemistry is one of the foundations for modern life and science, and your Foundation is more than equipped for research into such things in its history. It is time to start breaking out the bunsen burners and chemical beakers again.
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
-[] New World Flora Medicines
-[] New World Flora Chemical Processing
-[] Basic Plastics
-[] New World Flora Plastics
-[] Basic Poison Gas Weapons
-[] New World Flora Poisons for Melee Weapons
-[] New World Flora Poison Gas Weapons

[] Modern/Future Medical Research: The recent breakthroughs in medical technology has made possible more advances in medical research. Maybe it is time to start developing more exotic medicines and medical devices?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 12. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Medical Technology and Knowledge gained, other stuffs.
-[] Advanced Modern Medicines
-[] Basic Combat Drugs
-[] Advanced Bandages
-[] Prosthetics
-[] Life Support Devices

[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research: Captain Raymond of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison has requested that you help out with the defence of Leofarinia in his latest letter to you. While you could possibly contribute by sending your armed forces to help out the overburdened garrison, donating your research time into more militant applications is a viable alternative as well. After all, you should have something that he would be impressed by…
Chance of Success: 95% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge and Technology gained and shared with Leofarinian Army, improving effectiveness, random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[] Better Melee Weapon Designs
-[] Better Ranged Weapon Designs
-[] Better Armor Designs
-[] Gunpowder Knowledge
-[] Better Fortification Designs
-[] Knowledge of Ballistics

[] Summoning Ritual Research: During your faith studies last month, you have learned a bit about summoning rituals and how that they can be used to summon various divine creatures for various applications and tasks. You should investigate into how they work and see if the rituals can be fine tuned a bit…
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team and 1 Sisters Initiates Team Reward: Knowledge of summoning rituals, other stuffs.

Probably need to fit in at least one military research option here. Maybe two. Other than that I wouldn't mind more medical research but I'm not sure if we have the time for it to pay off.

While you did gain even more knowledge of the The Temple of the Divine Word's history and their summoning rituals, that does not make you a convert!

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Someone Pious: Let's be honest. You are not a pious person and with the amount of work you have to do in order to kick the Frank Foundation into high gear, you probably will not have time for matters of faith. Why not you find and hire someone who will manage such faithful affairs for you?
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 25. Reward: A Piety Advisor.

[] A Even More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 15 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[*] Other Faith Investigations: Surely with the amount of diversity in cultures and species, there surely have to be other faith systems out there. Invest some time and resources into investigating other religions.
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Reward: Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[] A Divine Summoning: With some knowledge of summoning rituals in hand, maybe it is time to try to get some divine help for your organization. Your Sisters Initiates and Sisters of the Mace will perform a ritual to try to summon a divine creature to aid you in whatever you need.
Chance of Success: 54% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team and 1 Sisters of the Mace team. Reward: A random divine creature is summoned and added to your forces list.
-[] Use the Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll to make the result better.

[] Divine Intervention Investigations: With the latest lessons into the The Temple of the Divine Word's history, you have gained knowledge of various events, artifacts, and beasts of importance to the religion. While most of them could be written off as distorted legends, some of them seemed credible enough to be worth investigating. Since you can't investigate them myself, you shall send someone else in your place to investigate...
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Tier-3 combat group. Reward: A divine event, artifact, or beast is investigated, random stuffs.
-[] The Blue Stone of the Second King
-[] The Rotted Skeleton of the Evil Red Dragon

Everything here costs money, some of the options a lot of money. And most of them seem like they might not be strictly worth that money... But maybe we could summon something useful?

With all of the chaos last month, free time is just as precious as gold right now. And because of that, you intend to maximize the utility of said free time you have…

Pick 1:

[] Movie Nights!: You have a large LCD TV in one of the more spacious rooms and you have a nice collection of movies on your network, for SOME reason. Why not organize some movie nights to pass the time and take all of your minds off the situation at hand…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Organize Your Computer Even More: Your personal computer is more organized than ever in so many years, but there is a section of your computer that still needs attention. Why not take this time to clean up a bit more?
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Your computer is more organized, Random stuffs.

[] Friday Fun Games Fun!: There is a number of associated computer games on your network for SOME reason. And you have a computer network. Why not organize some gaming nights to pass the time and releasing some stress by losing at some games?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.
-[] Annabelle Hope, Head Priestess of the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Melancholy, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Hollybrook, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Catherine, Priestess Initiate for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Raymond Evans, Senior Researcher for The Frank Foundation
-[] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.
-[] Village Head of Greenhill.
-[] Commanding Officer of the hired Black Rabbits group.
-[] Commanding Officer of the rescued Sunset Phalanx group.
-[] The Hired Herbalist.

Also no strong opinions here.
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Here my plan, but i´m open to other people ideas:

[] plan will make armor for gold!

[] Leofarinian Army Request
We shold put on all in or almost here because more time is what we need most! Even more than money i think!

[] The Mercenary Company is in town
Is we who are in need of them? Or are them who need us?

[] Sell what could be sold

We shold do this because we really need money and i hope for a big roll now....

But Next turn i will fight for making the Pharma!

[] Help Wanted, Agents of the Shadows

Well intrigue is were i volud put our personal bonus here (+10) to avoid spend more money

[] Leofarinian Army Request
-[] Better Armor Designs
-[] Better Fortification Designs

Well we need more money a lot, those thing take time to make so they shold be frist to give! ,i volud avoid giving Gunpowder Knowledge for now because it too big a change in war and we colud ask for more money latter in time.

[*] Other Faith Investigations: Surely with the amount of diversity in cultures and species, there surely have to be other faith systems out there. Invest some time and resources into investigating other religions.
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Reward: Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

I think we need more info, and try Summoning for when we got better at magic (or spend a personal here next turn)
And try Divine Intervention Investigations for when we got more troops(it can wait.)

[] Chatting with people
-[] Village Head of Greenhill.

Maybe he can give us mercant name or possible advisor?
That's actually a typo. That income should be +15. I'll make that correction now.

Ah, I thought it was weird we couldn't make money selling modern medicines...

That said it taking two turns does make it a very expensive option right now.

BTW, is there a reason there is no advisor option for stewardship? Because tbh that is the category I think we need one the most.

[] plan will make armor for gold!

I agree hitting the scouts is probably best.

I'm not sure what your thought is behind talking to those mercenaries... I'm not sure we have a longer term use for building up a relationship with them. Working on the army may be more beneficial. Especially if we are going to be doing them favors now giving us a good chance to get impressive results.

As I said before I'm not fond of the sale options since they don't really give us any long term benefit. Stewardship buildup is going to be one of the crucial factors in getting our operation of the ground here and burning an action just to get a one time amount of money can slow us down. Especially if we follow that up with two turns of pharma. I think I would prefer the farming since that secures ourselves important raw materials for the future.

Agents could be good... But I'm not so sure about spending our personal bonus there. We get a bigger bonus in other categories and while I'd like some intrigue assets they don't seem immediately critical.

Fortifications might work since things like concrete might be able to give the defenses of the town a serious bonus and the work would be nice if we plan to fortify our HQ ourselves later... Armor I'm less certain about since I'm not sure how we could provide significant improvement there. I agree there are some concerns about introducing gunpowder at this stage but I'd rather go for something like combat drugs or poisons if we want a second martially relevant research option right now. IMO they build on our previous work a lot better than suddenly going into metallurgy.

Doing other faith investigations is not exactly critical right now... Also if we want to use both our research teams for learning we don't have one to spare for doing this right now. As such I think summoning is our best bet here still. The odds aren't great, but in your plan they won't be better next turn either.

And chatting with the village head is fine when it comes to getting to know him and some minor benefits... But I doubt we'll get a advisor out of a free personal action.
Ah, I thought it was weird we couldn't make money selling modern medicines...

That said it taking two turns does make it a very expensive option right now.

BTW, is there a reason there is no advisor option for stewardship? Because tbh that is the category I think we need one the most.

I agree hitting the scouts is probably best.

I'm not sure what your thought is behind talking to those mercenaries... I'm not sure we have a longer term use for building up a relationship with them. Working on the army may be more beneficial. Especially if we are going to be doing them favors now giving us a good chance to get impressive results.

As I said before I'm not fond of the sale options since they don't really give us any long term benefit. Stewardship buildup is going to be one of the crucial factors in getting our operation of the ground here and burning an action just to get a one time amount of money can slow us down. Especially if we follow that up with two turns of pharma. I think I would prefer the farming since that secures ourselves important raw materials for the future.

Agents could be good... But I'm not so sure about spending our personal bonus there. We get a bigger bonus in other categories and while I'd like some intrigue assets they don't seem immediately critical.

Fortifications might work since things like concrete might be able to give the defenses of the town a serious bonus and the work would be nice if we plan to fortify our HQ ourselves later... Armor I'm less certain about since I'm not sure how we could provide significant improvement there. I agree there are some concerns about introducing gunpowder at this stage but I'd rather go for something like combat drugs or poisons if we want a second martially relevant research option right now. IMO they build on our previous work a lot better than suddenly going into metallurgy.

Doing other faith investigations is not exactly critical right now... Also if we want to use both our research teams for learning we don't have one to spare for doing this right now. As such I think summoning is our best bet here still. The odds aren't great, but in your plan they won't be better next turn either.

And chatting with the village head is fine when it comes to getting to know him and some minor benefits... But I doubt we'll get a advisor out of a free personal action.

1 glad we are agreement here

2 well true but i'm thinking long term here: we colud sell them tech like to the army, and in time they colud become our loyal troops, but i´m thinking too much long terms here maybe, so i willng to give up here, what do you vonna do here?

3 i get that but we need advisor and try go get them cost us a lot!30!!!!! And we need more money to try to get them

4 i'm hoping to get another crit here so we colud get an advisor, and we need agent to find or prevent thiefs!

5 well i trust our quest master to have good ideas for armor!

6 well i wonna use the personal bonus next turn for the summoning, but i can give up here.

7 well i hope this will give us the advisor option for stewardship.
2 well true but i'm thinking long term here: we colud sell them tech like to the army, and in time they colud become our loyal troops, but i´m thinking too much long terms here maybe, so i willng to give up here, what do you vonna do here?

3 i get that but we need advisor and try go get them cost us a lot!30!!!!! And we need more money to try to get them

4 i'm hoping to get another crit here so we colud get an advisor, and we need agent to find or prevent thiefs!

5 well i trust our quest master to have good ideas for armor!

6 well i wonna use the personal bonus next turn for the summoning, but i can give up here.

7 well i hope this will give us the advisor option for stewardship.

2. Well if this turn is any indication then getting reputation up to level 2 has significant benefits. Both the army and the temple are at level 1. So increasing standing with either of them could be a good idea IMO. The temple could get us more magical support while the army is likely better suited to getting us money. So right now I'd go for the army.

3. As I said before getting an advisor doesn't do much for us if we don't have the resources to actually use their benefit. Without money or squads to actually use those actions an advisor won't do us much good. We need systematic income, not quick one time cash.

4. A +10 bonus isn't super likely to get us a crit. Sure we could hope for it but it isn't likely. I think that action should be used for what it is likely to give, basic intrigue units.

5. That logic can justify anything... I'm going to stick with assuming that research backed up by previously done work is probably more valuable than just doing something in some field we haven't worked on yet.

6. Unless you somehow convince the QM to give us an extra science team we can't do the option you wanted... There isn't really any giving up involved. The only question is if we want to go all in with both bonus and item or if we just try to summon something and learn by doing (that way we likely have better odds for a impressive summon later).

7. Not really likely... There is no reason to assume that is what we'd get out of that.
2 temple then

3 don't forget "other things." Maybe it is What unlock the advisor option for stewardship!!!!

4 true but we also can spend more money for a boost on the roll, if we don´t use the persnal bonus we sholud spend at least 15!

5 i agree (sorry i´m not english native and i find troble to use the right word!)

6 ok we can use the personal bonus here and the scroll!

7 well i just hope it, and we have yet to meet the guy! It only good sense to meet him, since he is important here!
Such a lively talk here. Are you sure you do not have any questions to ask me or something?

I already asked you something :p.

BTW, is there a reason there is no advisor option for stewardship? Because tbh that is the category I think we need one the most.

Let me put things down in a provisional plan now...

[] Plan War and Recruitment
-[] Leofarinian Army Request – Hunt Down Those Scouts
--[] 2 Veteran Black Rabbits Swords-bunnies (in command)
--[] Veteran Mercenary Archers
--[] Veteran Mercenary Swordsmen
--[] Basic Sunset Phalanx Spears-bunnies
-[] Further contact with the Leofarinian Army
-[] Farming for Food and Cash
--[] Focus your effort here (+14 stewardship)
-[] Help Wanted, Agents of the Shadows
-[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research
--[] Better Fortification Designs
-[] Modern/Future Medical Research
--[] Basic Combat Drugs
-[] A Divine Summoning
--[] Don't use the Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll to make the result better.
-[] Chatting with people
--[] Village Head of Greenhill.

5+15+12+5+10 = 47 (which is too much dammit, I need to change something)

Hunt down the scouts for loot and time. I'm committing a decent amount of our better troops there to maximize our odds. But I'm still leaving ourselves some guards.

Go for diplomacy with the army since we are working on their research request this turn. With a bit of luck some communication will improve the odds of a successful collaboration and let us get them on board as solid allies.

Farming because the accessibility of basic chemicals is pretty important in the long run and earning money is also rather critical. I'm spending Frank's focus here because when I thought about it stewardship kinda is our most important action right now. Failing this action would suck and a crit here could be a rather substantial benefit if it gives us more permanent income. And at least our stewardship score is higher than 10.

I figured running a round of recruiting in intrigue would let us get some basic units like scouts and such we could then proceed to let gather experience to level up. An advisor would be neat but not something to invest heavily in since he or she wouldn't be able to truly effective on our budget right now.

Doing some research for the army since they asked. It will give us some money back and let us improve our reputation with them. And fortifications are something we should be able to help with if we can set up concrete production. And fortifications are a major force multiplier in medieval combat. Lastly by doing some work on fortification now I imagine our action to fortify our own assets should be improved.

I also want to do something to use our medical/chemistry work for combat. And combat drugs are a bit less dubious morally than poisons... And with the army and mercenary units here we should be able to sell them too.

I figure we should do a basic summoning attempt. Odds aren't great but getting some practical experience may be just what we need. Lets save our scroll for when we get the basics a bit better though... And if we succeed in summoning something we may get a useful asset out of it. TBH this category has a bit of a lack of options for us right now.

And sure, lets go talk to the village head. We just made friends with those people, may as well also establish proper contact.
@FullNothingness I think we should develop basic military technology first before trying to experiment with stuff like combat drugs. It feels safer and more reliable. In addition, we should also try to introduce gunpowder to the Leofarinians, as it represents a complete paradigm shift.