We also got our personal bonus to add to one action....

And you forgot to roll for our protagonist status!

No need to roll, I got it all here!

Character Sheet:

Name: Joan Frank
Species: Human
Age: 29
Occupation: The Frank Foundation's Owner, Founder, Head of Research and CEO

Martial: 9 + 0 = 9 (All of your experience with combat comes from video games... That'll explain a lot about your non-existent aptitude for practical combat or realistic combat strategy...)

Diplomacy: 14 + 0 = 14 (You had to be charismatic and good-looking in order to have a moderately successful company, although you are not top notch by any means.)

Stewardship: 14 + 0 = 14 (A moderately successful company requires quite a bit of skill with managing fiances and other affairs.)

Intrigue: 10 + 0 = 10 (You do not have too much skill in spying nor espionage, mainly because you do not have too much of a need for such skills, until now...)

Learning: 20 + 0 = 20 (You are quite an intelligent and gifted person. You are top of your class both in high school and in the university, consistently. This does help in the day to day research of your company.)

Piety: 10 + 0 = 10 (While you are not exactly hostile to any religion, you were not really a believer in any religion either...)
Holy! Not only or teams are in shock, we have a tiny war chest! Things could go side ways if we are not quick with those money earners.
Threadmarks have been made and the Organization charts are on its way too.

In short is the fact we are a woman/girl going to be a problem with getting people to see us as players in "the Grand Game"! (Really random have seen both ways before)

If you are asking if Joan being female would harm you more than being a make, the answer will be probably not in the long run. The only things different is that you would face unique threats as a female in this world and maybe gendered insults. Otherwise, the difficulty would be about the same: very hard. I will definitely pull no punches regardless.

Now, I have two questions for you all:

1.) Do you want for me to post the dice results before typing the posts, or do you want to see them with the posts only?

2.) Is there something you are all waiting for before plan making? Because while I can just pick one of these plans at random since they are all tied up, that's no good way to run a quest...
1)i like them in the posts. I think before they ruin the surprise.
- i advise to use spoiler for dice rool since not everybody wonna see them.

2) i just think a lot of people don't have the time or the interess to make a plan and are waiting for a better plan? Maybe? Or not every body keep reading New post on phone ?

Well if you wonna break the tie i'm fine whit it!
A basic Organization chart has been made.

If you are curious, I'll let votes to be open until tomorrow night. If there is still a tie then, I'll resolve it by dice roll.
Turn 1 Results
[X] Clear Out a Mine: Speaking with one of the Sisters of the Mace revealed to you that the abandoned mines might have something nice still inside of it, but they might be occupied by some nasties that needs clearing out. Sending in a group of warriors inside to clear things out would be required before you can safely send in the science teams… Chance of Success: 70%. Cost:10. Required: 1 Sisters of the Mace group. Reward: A cleared out, not busy mine for further use and development, random loot.
-[x] Personal Bonus Assigned
Requires: >30
Dice Roll: (1D100 => 54) + 9 (Joan's Martial) = 63

One of the nearby mines was abandoned recently and the locals (mainly the Sisters of the Mace) knows that the mine is still valuable, but it has problems. Mainly, a bandit problem, a wolf problem, and a werewolf bandit problem! At this point, the village is offering the mine to anyone who can clear out the problems before they become too problematic…

Knowing an opportunity when one presented itself, you sent a group of your strongest newly-entrusted-to-you Sisters of the Mace to deal with all of the problems. You attached yourself to the group to see the Sisters in action, and maybe look around to see what could be looted…

...What you saw is morbidly but uplifting satisfying. The Sisters had significant torso and arm armor under their robes so the attacks that are not blocked by their heavy shields are blocked by the armor most of the time. Their large maces shatter the bone and tore the flesh of their enemies. All in all, they are awe-inspiring warriors.

But what is even more impressive is their use of what they call holy magic. If a Sister is injured, they will use glowing hands to heal her. You can also see faint traces and outlines of a magic shield, which flickered when the shields absorbed an attack. All of this turned the Sisters into mighty warriors, despite their relative lack of real combat experience. And it gave you your first taste of magic since you first stepped in this world.

However, their lack of experience did come back to bite them, so to speak. As you near the completion of your task, a group of werewolves ambushed you and your group. You are unharmed by the experience and the Sisters managed to kill the Werewolves quickly with a combination of mace and magic, but a few of them were badly injured. Even though they survived, they still bear significant scars of the battle, despite the healing magic from the rest of the group. Thankfully, the mines were cleared after this battle and the ownership of the mine was given to you as a reward.

(One Ready-to-use Abandoned Mine gained!)

Loot Roll: 1D100 => 43

In addition to the mine, you and the group has looted the corpses of the slain foes. Armor, clothes, weapons, and some minor valuables were taken from the fallen bandits and sold off to add funds to your treasury.

(+8 Wealth Gained!)

More morbidly, and to the confusion of your Sisters of the Mace, you also decided to take the corpses of the fallen enemies back to the HQ. Your reason? Well, you figured that you could use them for something like autopsy research, especially since some of the bodies were those of the Other-Species like the Dark Elves and the Bunny-People. That, and you want your mines to be clean of death once you start developing it. While still being rather confused on what you wanted, the Sisters of the Mace agreed to cast a spell roughly called "the delay of the rot" which will hopefully preserve the bodies well enough for any future dissections, should you choose to do so…

(Dead bodies of various kinds gained!)

After the battles in the mines, you fearfully inquired if the badly injured sisters are going to turn into werewolves themselves. One of them, Sister Melancholy, told you to have no fear, for the Werewolves spread their curse with powerful spellcasters and not by mundane warriors. And she says none of the werewolves slain were such spell-casters. You asked why and she said that she was a victim of a werewolf raid once before and was badly injured before The Temple of the Divine Word saved her and took her in. She then took off her robes and armor and showed you all of her scars…

...She had a lot of scars…

...At least you have some basic knowledge of some of the beasts of this world, and about Holy Magic too…

(Basic Knowledge of some of the monsters in this world gained!)
(Basic Knowledge of Holy Magic gained!)

[X] Your new neighbors!: Your company is in a new location, with many new people to meet and to talk to! After all, you happen to be their new hero; shouldn't you at least have the courtesy of introducing yourself? Maybe they will help you out in various ways...
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Established contact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill
Requires: >20
Dice Roll: 1D100 => 28

This took a bit more effort than you anticipated, but at the very least, you have gotten some results. You quickly arranged a meeting with the village's chief, who gratefully greeted you and your company. After the greetings and some introduction on your end and that of the chief's, you were lead on a tour of the village.
The village is pretty typical of what you can expect from a medieval-fantasy mining village. Two dozen of wood and stone houses and buildings of various sizes and rough-looking construction, housing a permanent population of about a hundred. Most of these people are miners and their families as well as tradesfolk of various occupations to support the mining efforts like blacksmithing and carpentry. Only a few of them work in other areas like hospitality. There are also around a dozen people that are only temporarily in the area like wandering merchants and mercenaries.

Overall, a rather typical place, but things used to be a lot better. Mentions of various problems popped up during the tour, like bandits and monsters. Seem that what you encountered in the mine clearing mission the other day was only a taste of what's to come…

(Diplomacy Ties with the Village of Greenhill – Level 1 established.)

[X] Foraging for Food and Cash: While the area is mostly hills and bushes, there might be some edible or otherwise useful plants to dig up and gather for extra money. Hire a guide or herbalist from the Village and see what you can find. Chance of Success: 70%. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +15, random stuffs
Requires: >30
Dice Roll: 1D100 => 39

This task also did not go without difficulty as well. Apparently, finding an herbalist in the village was a hard task given that the only herbalist in the area was too busy with her own business to assist you in foraging. However, luck has it that there was a wandering herbalist that came in with one of the merchant caravans. She was happy enough to be hired as a full-time herbal expert by you. Nowadays, she goes out in the surrounding fields and bushes, collecting various plants, berries, and fungi that she knows are useful and/or edible. She also had collected other miscellaneous flora at your request for further research…

Loot Roll: 1D100 => 86

In addition to the plentiful amounts of flora she has collected, she had found some unknown herbs and flowers. She brought them back in hopes that she can get your scientists to research them.

Maybe you will…

(Herbalist's Services gained: +15 Income, +10 Upkeep)
(Various Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi gained!)
(Unknown herbs and flowers gained!)

[X] Into the Inn for Inn-formation: You figured that the local watering hole that is the village inn might be a good place for information, thanks to how many people are gathered there and how well does alcohol loosen up lips. Why not you go down there to see what kind of rumors and tidbits you can find? Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Reward: Random Pieces of Information
Requires: >25
Dice Roll: 1D100 => 72

You know that alcohol makes people talk more than they normally would, but at times, you have forgotten how much people talk while drunk, for you probably hit a small motherlode in terms of information. Most of it is just trivia of junk information, but there are two bits worthy of note.

First, it seems that one of the mines has come across some substances that are unknown but are probably useless in their eyes. For example, in one of the branches of the mine, they kept on digging up a reddish metallic ore that is definitely not iron, so they are all tossing it into a big pile. In another branch, they came across a pool of tar-like blackish liquid that prevented the workers from progressing any further through the earth.

It seems that the workers have found something you might desperately need…

On a more troubling front, it seems that the topic of bandit attacks and raids were on top of everyone's tongue. While bandit problems are not new, the amount and intensity of attacks were increasing recently to uncomfortable levels. In addition, they seem to be more organized than usual. It has gotten so bad, that the local army garrison is starting to have lots of trouble keeping up and village is looking for outside sources for help.

You speculated that the reason for this uptick in bandit problems is that the is a force behind these bandits that are using the bandits for a greater goal. You would not know until you have more evidence and research on this problem however, so you jot it down in your head as a to-do note…

(Information about local current events gained!)
(New Actions unlocked!)

[X] Learn about the World: You are in a new world, one that is relatively fresh, unexplored, and, most of all, completely unknown to you and your company! To better survive and thrive in this world, you should assign a team or two to go out into the world, do some studies, and gather knowledge about the world. Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge about a subject of choice, random stuffs.
-[x] World History Thus Far: What is this world's past and present like, and what could you speculate about its future?
Requires: >25
(Dice Roll: 1D100 => 5) – 20 (Employee Shock Penalty) = -15 (CRITICAL FAIL)

You assumed this to be a simple task, but it seemed that fate and this world will not give you a break at all…

(To be continued in: Big Bothersome Bandit Problems!)

-[x] Other-Species Studies, Bunny-people: Study the traits and culture of the human-like species with bunny ears and fur!
Requires: >25
(Dice Roll: 1D100 => 4) – 20 (Employee Shock Penalty) = -16 (CRITICAL FAIL)

And as if you have enough problems on you plate, you just have another big one fall down in front of you…

(To be continued in: Big Bothersome Bandit Problems!)

[X] Invitation for Preaching: Well, The Temple of the Divine Word has brought you all here and your employees are not too happy about that. Why not have them take responsibility for this mess by trying to fix it? Well… the morale problem at the very least. The summoning part might not be possible at this time… Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 5. Reward: Employee shock penalty reduced by 5, random stuffs
Requires: >20
Dice Roll: 1D100 => 96 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

With all of the problems you have right now, you called on The Temple to see if they could just help take responsibility for this mess right now, since they summoned your company and all.

What they responded with exceeds your expectations…

(To be continued in: Faith, Hope, and Games)

[X] Friday Fun Games Fun!: There is a number of associated computer games on your network for SOME reason. And you have a computer network. Why not organize some gaming nights to pass the time and releasing some stress by losing at some games? Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Employee shock penalty reduced by 5, random stuffs.
Requires: >25
Dice Roll: 1D100 => 30

Ah, networked computer gaming; one of greatest achievements of entertainment, and you will introduce it to this world!

(To be continued in: Faith, Hope, and Games)


Well... That happened.

The interludes will be posted shortly. In the meantime, anyone interested in stealing sage dice from @Teron or @Dr. Snark ?
A lot of close calls along with two critical failures (first time ever seen a negative roll lol). Only other hand great successes with the employees so hopefully their debuff will get lifted for turn 2.
Just bit dissapoint we got only 8 from the mine. But everything else is good!

...I was expeting for the Learning action to fail... if they aren't dead then we can fix it! Besaid i quess if we had taken the safe option the mine in a critical fail....
Interlude: Big Bothersome Bandit Problems!
Interlude: Big Bothersome Bandit Problems!


"Tell me once again what happened."

The smell of burnt wood and paper surround you as you stared at what is used to be the town's only library. The whole entire sequence of events whirled by you as you processed the information.

"Well," started Raymond Evans, one of your senior researchers. "We are all in the library doing history research you have requested when the village's bell started to ring out. We understand that it was a alarm for a bandit raid, but we continued on with the research, seeing that the alarm occurred on the other side of the village. We were safe for a while, but then it seems that a small group of bandits split off from the main body and decided to torch the library that we were in with magical fireballs! Fortunately, no one was hurt, but we did have to abandon all of our accumulated notes and electronics to the fire in our haste to get out."

You sighed as a headache started to form. "Fireballs?" you asked. "Do bandits typically have magic on their side?"

"Not impossible, but quite rare," explained Sister Hollybrook of the Sisters of the Mace, who was right beside you. "The fact that they have a mage with them for what appears to be a common village raid and pillage means that they are no ordinary bandit group and that this might not be a common village raid and pillage after all.

Regardless, I assure you, Lady Frank, that we have extra copies of all of the books lost in the fire in one of our major libraries. However, it is quite a distance away and it will take a couple of years to rebuild the collection here, not to mention…"

As Hollybrook continued to explain, your mind realized that, because of this attack, you anticipate that research efforts into several areas of note, including World History, will be quite maimed and hindered, not to mention that you have lost irreplaceable (at this time) electronics and time.

What a pain…

(Critical Fail: Cost of certain research actions increased greatly; Chances of success for affected actions decreased greatly; Employee Shock Penalty sharply increased starting on next turn.)

The problems that the library team could only pale in comparison to what happened to your other team that was away when you found out a few days later . The last you had heard from them was that they met up with a group of bunny-people in a trade caravan who they will be interviewing and studying for their research. You meet with the bunny-people of this caravan and they seem legitimate enough, especially the leader of them.

However, it seemed that even you could be fooled. A note arrived pinned to a burnt piece of wood by a fancy dagger arrived on your center's doorstep. It is a ransom note from the caravan and their leader. Apparently, the caravan are nothing more than bandits and thugs in disguise while their leader identified herself as the mighty bunny bandit queen, the Bloody Bethany Bunny (what a funny name). The note stated that the members of team was captured by the bandits, are being held in one of the nearby mines that was a couple days of foot-travel away, and are alive at the very least (although no guarantee if they are unharmed). The note concludes with a demand of a rather sizeable amount of wealth for the return of all of the team members alive…

You carefully released the news of the event to your employees and let's just say that the discontent they had when they found out the whole being-teleported-to-another-world-thing pales in comparison to the discontent and anger they have right now. You get the feeling that with this event, they are probably unwilling to undergo certain missions and actions without proper protection from now on. Not to mention that what little morale they still have before was annihilated in an instant…

"You look ragged, Lady Frank. It is a pitiful sight," Sister Melancholy said as she handed to you a corked glass bottle and a stack of papers. "The bottle contains a concoction that will help with your headache and gives you more energy while the papers are all of the notices and flyers for various mercenary groups and individuals that I could gather. You will probably need both. And remember that you have the Temple of the Divine Word's support in these trying times…"

(Critical Fail: One of the Science/Engineering Teams was captured; Some future actions involving Science/Engineering Teams would now require a military escort from now on; Employee Shock Penalty dramatically increased starting on next turn.)


The next interlude will be posted as soon as it's done. I apologize for the wait.
....give her more.... she is gonna need it... bad......

don't worry the important thing is the quest will continue! take your time!!!!!!
Interlude: Faith, Hope, and Games.
Faith, Hope, and Games.


"Hmm… Nope. Too pricey."

Ever since the news about the kidnapping of one of your research teams, you spent the past few days in a chaotic state, alternating between damage control and looking through the mercenary advertisements that Melancholy gave to you. All while downing the concoction that Melancholy have given to you to keep the stress and headache at bay.

You must thank her and the Temple for the current bottle you are drinking from and the half dozen that lay empty beside your desk. Without them, you might as well go completely insane.

"Nah. This girl's new and without experience, might be killed in her first battle. Next."

However, no amount of bottled concoction will be enough to fix the problems you are having among your staff at this moment. To say that their morale is rock-bottom at the moment is the understatement of the year. Much of your staff are mentally paralyzed over the shock and stress of everything that has happened thus far. While you know that they will get over it, there is a chance that they will never get over it. It is even possible that they could just revolt or desert the company in their madness. You need to do something to resolve this, or else this might be the end of your company.

"Pass, this one's still have an injury that is still fresh. Might not last long before he kicks it."

As you continue to sort through the papers a thought pops into your head: since The Temple of the Divine Word were the ones that started this mess, they might as well take responsibility and help fix up these blasted problems you are having! Well… the morale problem at the moment, which is still very critical. The summoning problem will be a long-term project that everyone, including yourself, must contribute to.

You suddenly hear a knocking sound on your door to your office.

"Lady Frank?" Melancholy spoke through the door. "I have another bottle for you. This time, it's straight from the Head Priestess herself."

Perfect, she'll carry on your message to the Temple's head herself…

The next day...

"Thanks for responding to my invention. And I did not anticipate this level of response from you for something… trivial. I was expecting that you will only send a group of novice priestesses to give me small words of encouragement."

Indeed, the level of response that the Head Priestess, whose full name and title was Annabelle Hope, Faithful Shield of the Divine and the Slayer of the Darkness (try fitting all of that on a business card), was magnificent. Not only she arrived in person with her finest robes, she brought in all of priests and priestesses from the Temple with her, complete with a magic light show and music choir.

She knows how to make an entrance, that's for sure. After a brief inspiring speech and breakfast, she has her group help solve the morale problem.

Which basically entails one-on-one therapy sessions with all of your employees throughout the entire day. Of course, your own therapist happens to be Annabelle herself. She sits next to you on a couch while a harpist plays music in the background. The music was very relaxing.

"Under normal circumstances, yes, I would have sent some minor sisters to counsel you," Annabelle began to explain. "But these are not normal circumstances as I understand it. Between the recent events involving the bandits and the worrying reports from Sisters Melancholy and Hollybrook, I figured that such matters are best handled by my own direct hand, especially when it is about the summoned hero's physical and mental health."

She shifted in her seating position to get more comfortable. "Now, like I said, I have read all of the reports, but I want to hear it from your own mouth about your problems."

You sighed. "Honestly, it's a long list."

"Take your time; we have all day."

"Well, for starters, we all are a long way from home, ripped untimely from our comfortable and familiar lives with no way of getting back home as far as we know of. Many of my staff have families or loved ones that we care about and a lot of us have homesickness that only started to go away until recently.

Then, there is the matter of this… crisis that your nation is facing right now. We are practically forced into the crisis without a choice or say in the matter. While I am sure we can help you with your problems, we do not appreciate being practically kidnapped into your cause that we did not sign up for nor necessarily agree with.

And that is only the beginning of all of troubles. I suppose we will get over it with time, but with all of these bandit attacks, the mostly unstable morale of my staff has gotten worse. Now, with some of my staff kidnapped and held ransom, everyone is so demoralized that they all stopped working in this building. I fear that if nothing changes soon, they all might just abandon the company altogether or even mutiny against me."

"Ah," Annabelle commented. "That would be a big problem."

"Yes, that would be. This is why, Annabelle, I have call you here today, to see if you can help get everyone back to as normal as possible."

Annabelle kept a stoic face, but you can tell she is listening and processing what you have told her.

"I guess the only advice I can give you is that the best cure for most of these current problems is time and patience. Homesickness and disagreement over being chosen by fate probably would not completely go away, but I do think that both will mostly fade in time to the point that they will not be so much of a problem anymore. As for the kidnapping problems, that will require a bit of patience from you and your company. Make no mistake, rescuing your employees is a priority, but all of this despair at not being able to do anything about it right now is pointless. You will accomplish your task, but you will need time. Well, time and some warriors, to be exact."

As she spoke, you can feel that the stresses of the past few weeks melt away. "I know that, but will my staff be just as patient as me?"

"They will. I have confidence in my fellow brothers and sisters in their task to ease your employees. Their abundant wisdom in various matters should do the task nicely, but, for extra insurance, I did instruct them to employ magic as well, just like what I did just now."

You blinked. "Magic?"

"Yes, it is a simple relief spell to relieve the mind of burdens. Nothing too fancy and it does not last past a day, but it has its uses. You did notice that you are a ten-fold more relaxed than you have before, yes?"

You nodded. "I did. Thank you, but next time, please warn me next time when you are about to cast a spell on me. I trust you, but I do not wish to be manipulated."

"Understood, and I do want to present to you one more thing before we conclude."

"Oh, and what that would be?"

Annabelle turned to look at the harpist. "Catherine, would you come here?"

The harpist stopped playing and walked to where you and Annabelle were sitting.

"Lady Frank, this is Sister Catherine. She is in charge of the group of Priestess Initiates that I am entrusting into your care to aid and counsel you on various matters of importance."

Catherine bowed. "It is my pleasure, Lady Frank. I am in your care."

You smiled back. Extra help could not hurt at all, especially with the challenges you face…

As Annabelle promised, her entourage was pretty effective in restoring the morale of your staff as they are a lot more lively than normal. Soon after Annabelle and her group left (minus Catherine and her Initiates), the mood of your employees was still quite high as one suggested a gaming night using some games that were stored on the network (for some reason) and the computer network. With your approval, a series of gaming tournaments was set up and fun was had.

Even more fun was had when, after observing your staff at play, both the Sisters of the Mace and Priestess Initiates wanted to play in said computer games. So, a few more tourneys were set up pitting your staff against the priestesses. Of course, your staff won, but they almost lost in all of the contests.

When asked about it, the priestesses credited their faith as a factor in doing so well, but your staff thinks it is beginner's luck.

It is a mystery that will probably never get solved, even after a couple more gaming nights with similar results...

(Critical Success: All Employee shock penalty gains resulting from the two failed actions completely negated, Employee shock penalty reduced to zero, gained a group of Priestess Initiates.)


I apologize if the quality is a bit lacking in spots, but here we are.

The next turn should be up soon enough...
Turn 2
The chaos over the events of last month has been a wakeup call to you and your company. With many problems on your desk and very few resources on hand to deal with them, you must think carefully but quickly, or else your time here will be short indeed…

Wealth: 48+15-10=53

There are a total of SEVEN categories for you to vote on: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, and Personal. Please make your vote in Plan format to ease my workload. Also, you can assign Joan Frank to one action (excluding personal actions) to add her stats to the action...

Martial: Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Between the kidnappings, the bandit attacks, and the crisis over the horizon, you seriously need a strong fighting force in order to continue to operate or even survive at this rate; your current forces could only do so much…

Pick 1:
[] Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality: You need fighting men and women (and maybe monsters) and you plenty of them quickly. After all, there is plenty of strength in large numbers and you need those numbers now more than ever. You and your company will focus their hiring efforts to expand their numbers very quickly without too much caring about quality.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an advisor (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] Help Wanted, A Champion's Champion: Maybe instead of hiring an army right away, maybe you should find and hire a person with extensive combat experience and knowledge as your advisor, so you could properly manage an army once you get yourself one soon afterward. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: A Martial Advisor.

[] Bash that Bunny Bandit!: Rescuing your captured staff could not really wait until you get enough fighting forces together. With the forces you have right now, you will go to the mine that Bloody Bethany and her bandits are holed up in, beat up the bandits dead, and rescue your staff. Hopefully they are still alive…
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost:8. Required: 1 Sisters of the Mace group. Reward: Your captured Science/Engineering Team rescued, random loot.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Questing for Cash: You have fighters in your group, but you are short on funds. You will send your current forces out around the area to perform various odd combat-related jobs and quests to earn funds for your future efforts.
Chance of Success: 90%. Required: 1 Sisters of the Mace group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

Diplomacy: At this point in time, your relations with various groups that you have met so far are stable with practically everyone (except the bandits) regarding you neutrally at worst. However, there are still plenty to do in this field...

Pick 1:

[] Further contact with the Temple of the Divine Word: While Annabelle and The Temple of the Divine Word are at least kind enough to provide you a large amount of support throughout the past month, you probably would want to know them even better. Who are they, what are they like? Maybe you could ask them to do you bigger favors down the road if you need one.
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Better contact with the Temple of the Divine Word.

[] (Somewhat) Divine Rescue: Since you and Annabelle are on first name basis, maybe you can ask them to do you a favor by rescuing your captured staff. While they might ask something of you later, their help right now on this matter would be highly appreciated…
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost:20. Reward: Your captured Science/Engineering Team rescued by the Temple of the Divine Word and returned to you.

[] Further contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village knows you now at least and they regard you with a neutral tone, but they are probably not willing to do you any significant favors for now. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Better contact with the surrounding Village of Greenhill

[] Meet the army!: You have noticed a small group of significantly armed, armored, and uniformed group of soldiers gathered around a number of shacks just outside the village. They must be soldiers for some sort of army, stationed here to guard this important village. Maybe you should talk with them to see who are they? Perhaps they can really help you with your problems…
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Established contact with the local garrison of Leofarinia's armed forces.

Stewardship: Your coffers has been halved during the past month and, unfortunately, most of your endeavors in the past month are fruitless. You should probably try to shore up funding very soon, for you will need plenty of money.

Pick 1:

[] Sell what could be sold: There bound to be a few things that you have in the headquarters and on your persons that you really do not need for continued operations. Look around and see what could be sold off, and then sell the off...
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 0. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, other things.

[] More Foraging for Food and Cash: The herbalist herself did do a good job in gathering useable plant-life for research and selling for profit. Why not invest in her efforts so she could expand her capacities and her profit margins?
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.

[] Rooms available for rent, cheap!: The headquarters does have plenty of spare rooms not in use for now. Why not rent some of them out to people of good character at a cost? It should help shore up finances in a way, but you should also be careful about letting wolves into the flock...
Chance of Success: 65%. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +20.

[] Turn Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of Flora in your inventory should bring in some funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Various Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi for a one-time +6 Wealth.

[] Turn Unknown Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of mysterious Flora in your inventory should bring in some better funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Unknown Herbs and Flowers for a one-time +9 Wealth.

[] Who WANTS dead people?: Recently, there is a strange young woman in the village that is seeking mostly fresh corpses of the recently fallen for… reasons unknown. She'll pay good coin, but who is she anyway?
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell all of the Dead bodies for a one-time +??? Wealth, ?????.

[] Bargaining with bandits: While you hate negotiating with criminals who kidnapped your staff, giving into their demands would bring a swift resolution to the current kidnapping situation. But it also could send the wrong message to the world at large…
Cost: 19. Reward: Your captured Science/Engineering Team returned to you.

Intrigue: With the chaos happening outside your company's walls this past month, you really need someone to help keep an eye and ear out for any secrets or schemes that would really harm you, now more than ever...

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, A Personal Agent of the Shadows +1!: You would definitely need someone more experienced in this matter, since the consequences of failure for anything intrigue would be embarrassing at best, deadly at worst. Why not you go look around for a spy or private agent?
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: An Intrigue Advisor.

[] Into the Inn Again for More Inn-formation: You know now that the village inn might is a good place for information, judging from the results of last month. Why not you go down there to see what kind of rumors and tidbits you can find again?
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all of the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.

[] Make a Profile, Annabelle: The local head priestess, Annabelle Hope, sure does have a lot of titles and power behind her, but you really do not know too much about her other than that. You should go around and get some background info about her, just to know her better...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Annabelle Hope made.

[] Make a Profile, Bethany: That bunny bandit that kidnapped your employees had made a fool out of you and your company. That being said, she does not seem to act like a normal bandit. That alone makes her more dangerous than usual. You should go around and get some background info about her, for something's off about her...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Bloody Bethany Bunny made.

Learning: Now that your employees shook off that shock and homesickness they have been suffering all month long, your research should begin in earnest, although tight finances might make research progress a bit slow…

(Note: Options marked with an * requires a military escort assigned to the task, please specify which unit type and amount)

Pick 2:

[] Help Wanted, a Personal Assistant (Hunchback Not Required.): While you are sure that your researching capabilities are fine enough at this point, having more capacity will not hurt. And who knows? Maybe you can find someone special. You will endeavor to find a suitable assistant to manage your research projects.
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: A Learning Advisor.

[] Learn about the World: You are in a new world, one that is relatively fresh, unexplored, and, most of all, completely unknown to you and your company! To better survive and thrive in this world, you should assign a team or two to go out into the world, do some studies, and gather knowledge about the world.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge about a subject of choice, random stuffs.
-[*] World History Thus Far: What is this world's past and present like, and what could you speculate about it's future? (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)
-[*] Geological Studies: Survey the local terrain to see what the environment is like and kind of mineral resources you can potentially exploit…
-[*] Ecological Studies: Study the local flora and fauna and see how can you make use of both for future use…
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Bunny-people: Study the traits and culture of the human-like species with bunny ears and fur!
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Dark Elves: Study the traits and culture of the variant of elves with snow-white hair and coal-black skin!

[] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[] Production Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing the technology to build up a basic industrial base.
-[] Military Tech I: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force.
-[] Electronics I: Focus your efforts on basic electronics, basic computers, and the production of both.
-[] Chemistry and Materials I: Focus your efforts on rediscovering the myriad of common but vial chemicals and materials.
-[] Infrastructure Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing technology required to support an efficient operation.

[] Magical Studies I: Since this new world have fantasy elements in it and your whole company was summoned out of nowhere, you are sure that magic do exist. Problem is that you do not know anything about magic, so maybe a beginner's study on magic is in order? Or maybe there is a book called "Magic For Dummies" somewhere out there… Who knows.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Fundamental knowledge about Magic, random stuffs. (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)

[*] Mine Explorations, the Safe Option: Instead of waiting for your fighting forces to clear out the mines, why not you send in a team into one of the mines that is actually in use? While you probably will not be able to harvest from such a mine, you can get an idea of what kind of things you can expect from one… Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge about the mines, random stuffs.

[] Build Up Computer Network: You have a computer network already, but with the busy days ahead, it may be wise to repurpose and refurbish some of the old computers in storage for additional computing power and storage… and maybe for other purposes down the line… Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Your computer network will be expanded…

[] Autopsy Research: You have a large pile of corpses just sitting around and doing nothing other than being creepy. Perhaps you should do some autopsy on those corpses, just to learn about the biology about the locals around here…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Human Autopsy Research
-[] Bunny-people Autopsy Research
-[] Dark Elves Autopsy Research

[] Flora Research: You have samples of the local plant-life gathered in your storage rooms. Maybe it is time to do some research into these plants for future use?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Known Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi Research
-[] Unknown Herbs and Flowers Research

Piety: Annabelle's show last month did convince you the need to start taking divine matters a little bit more seriously than you have been. However, that does not make you a convert!

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Someone Pious: Let's be honest. You are not a pious person and with the amount of work you have to do in order to kick the Frank Foundation into high gear, you probably will not have time for matters of faith. Why not you find and hire someone who will manage such faithful affairs for you?
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 25. Reward: A Piety Advisor.

[] In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a quick look into their belief system?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[*] Other Faith Investigations: Surely with the amount of diversity in cultures and species, there surely have to be other faith systems out there. Invest some time and resources into investigating other religions.
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Reward: Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

Personal: With all of the chaos last month, free time is just as precious as gold right now. And because of that, you intend to maximize the utility of said free time you have…

Pick 1:

[] Movie Nights!: You have a large LCD TV in one of the more spacious rooms and you have a nice collection of movies on your network, for SOME reason. Why not organize some movie nights to pass the time and take all of your minds off the situation at hand…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Organize Your Computer: Your personal computer is disorganized and filled with documents, PDFs, pictures, programs, and a lot more stuff of various kinds. Why not take this time to clean up a bit?
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Your computer is more organized, Random stuffs.

[] Friday Fun Games Fun!: There is a number of associated computer games on your network for SOME reason. And you have a computer network. Why not organize some gaming nights to pass the time and releasing some stress by losing at some games?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Chatting with Annabelle: You should make casual talk with your new friend and ally. After all, having a peer and listening post to unload all of your frustrations and stresses on could be healthy for you…
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Random stuffs.


Happy Planning.
[x] plan all in!
[x] Bash that Bunny Bandit!: Rescuing your captured staff could not really wait until you get enough fighting forces together. With the forces you have right now, you will go to the mine that Bloody Bethany and her bandits are holed up in, beat up the bandits dead, and rescue your staff. Hopefully they are still alive…
Chance of Success: 50%. Cost:8. Required: 1 Sisters of the Mace group. Reward: Your captured Science/Engineering Team rescued, random loot.
-[x] (2) Sisters of the Mace groups, (2) Company Vans, 1 Sisters Initiates Team, Joan Frank(personal bonus)

[x] Meet the army!: You have noticed a small group of significantly armed, armored, and uniformed group of soldiers gathered around a number of shacks just outside the village. They must be soldiers for some sort of army, stationed here to guard this important village. Maybe you should talk with them to see who are they? Perhaps they can really help you with your problems…
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Established contact with the local garrison of Leofarinia's armed forces.

[x] Sell what could be sold: There bound to be a few things that you have in the headquarters and on your persons that you really do not need for continued operations. Look around and see what could be sold off, and then sell the off...
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 0. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, other things.

we still need the bodys.

[x] Make a Profile, Bethany: That bunny bandit that kidnapped your employees had made a fool out of you and your company. That being said, she does not seem to act like a normal bandit. That alone makes her more dangerous than usual. You should go around and get some background info about her, for something's off about her...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Bloody Bethany Bunny made.

it can help?

[x] Autopsy Research: You have a large pile of corpses just sitting around and doing nothing other than being creepy. Perhaps you should do some autopsy on those corpses, just to learn about the biology about the locals around here…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[x] Human Autopsy Research
-[x] Bunny-people Autopsy Research

so we can latter sell the bodys

[x] Help Wanted, Someone Pious: Let's be honest. You are not a pious person and with the amount of work you have to do in order to kick the Frank Foundation into high gear, you probably will not have time for matters of faith. Why not you find and hire someone who will manage such faithful affairs for you?
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 25. Reward: A Piety Advisor.

[x] Organize Your Computer: Your personal computer is disorganized and filled with documents, PDFs, pictures, programs, and a lot more stuff of various kinds. Why not take this time to clean up a bit?
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Your computer is more organized, Random stuffs.