Wow, gotten quite a bit of votes so far. I say they are wrapping up in an hour.

Just a quick tally on the votes:

[X] Plan Modern Crusade - 2
[X] Plan Jormungand - 4
[X] Seamus Sebastian Steel - 4
[X] Plan Agents of Kingsmen - 2
[X] Plan Joan - 5

I wonder why people do not want the martial or diplomacy route?
Wow, gotten quite a bit of votes so far. I say they are wrapping up in an hour.

Just a quick tally on the votes:

[X] Plan Modern Crusade - 2
[X] Plan Jormungand - 4
[X] Seamus Sebastian Steel - 4
[X] Plan Agents of Kingsmen - 2
[X] Plan Joan - 5

I wonder why people do not want the martial or diplomacy route?
I think this has to do with the fact that in most ck2 quests research and stewardship is king and has helped sv/sb stay ahead of the curve of any enemy gms have thrown there way so far. It also helps that there is a certain satisfaction introducing the industrial revolution and overwhelming firepower to backwards societies :V.
Prologue: Location and Setting
[X] Plan Joan
Your name is:
[X] Joan Frank

You are:
[X] Female

Do you have a picture of your appearance?
[X] Yes

Your organization's name is:
[X] The Frank Foundation

Your organization is:

[X] A small research firm (+1 Learning Action)

Your name is Joan Frank. You are the head of a small research firm called The Frank Foundation, named after yourself of course. A minute ago, you were sitting at your desk, reviewing research progress reports and other paperwork that comes with the job on your computer. You fully expected it be a rather mundane day of R&D and balancing the budget, all on top of appeasing your customers who decided to offload all of said R&D onto you.

All completely normal activities.

However, there was a bright light and in the next minute, you found yourself somewhere else in what looks like an old temple or church. Around you stood about a couple dozen people in various styles of clothes, looking at you. It took a moment that you are not in your room and you are without your computers nor your research firm.

And you are also without your chair.


Your butt is still sore from the short drop you have experienced as a women with rather elegant priestess-like robes stepped forward and started to speak.

"Brave hero! We have called upon you to aid us in our realm's darkest hour! Our fair realm of Leofarinia is under attack by many threats that we alone cannot fight back against…"

As the women spoke along about crisis of her nation (Leofarinia, was it?) mixed with melodramatic pleas for help, you realized the situation you are in! This is like in those Isekai novels you read a lot! A kingdom is in a crisis of some sort, like a demon invasion or something like that. Then said kingdom summons a hero to be its champion. Said hero tends to be from another world like the one you are from. Said hero becomes overpowered and eventually ends the crisis after so many dungeon raids and side quests, all while building up a gaggle of girls who admires him all of the while. How typical.

From what you have heard from the priestess, she explains that Leofarinia was plagued by a host of problems. Various barbarians and other criminals pillage the nation with impunity while the corrupt feast on the nation's limited resources and assets. There are magical threats that torment the nation and, to top it all off, there are no less than four major hostile nations along with several more smaller ones that eyed Leofarinia like a wolf to a piece of meat. Summarizing up all of these threats, the priestess beg for your help.

Sure, you would help…

... If only you have your company and everything else with you! Seriously, what do these hopefuls expect?! You, doing everything yourself?! What a jok-


Your train of thoughts eventually ended when there was a loud explosion sound outside the temple-building thing that you are in. You, along with everyone else in the room you are in, ran outside to see what was the source of the noise.

The source happens to be the fact that your company's building has came along with you on your little misadventure here. You quickly ran into the building to check on everyone…


After an hour of check up, it seemed that everyone is accounted for and fine, for now. They are just mostly confused on what has happened, but you need to figure out how to break the news to them. No doubt that they will be in for a shock... Also, it seemed that all of the modest company's assets are also present. How joyful.

(1 HQ with science and technology center gained!)
(3 Scientist/Engineering teams gained!)
(2 Company Vans gained!)

Now that you have checked out the status of your company, you also have taken a good view of the surroundings. What are the surroundings like?

[] A Seedy-Looking Costal Town

[] Sparsely-Populated Small Farming Village in a meadow.

[] Really Crowded and Gloomy City.

[] A village next to an impressive castle

[] Next to an ominous but mystical forest

[] Village in a hilly area with lots of mines, both active and abandoned.

[] A small village in a middle of a swamp.


Here is the next part. I hope you like it.

Happy voting!
[X] Village in a hilly area with lots of mines, both active and abandoned.

We need resources asap man!
Time to go insane figuring out the bs magic that dimensionally transitioned us. Plus all those people that came with us are probably going to be scared and pissed off. A shitty combo
[X] Village in a hilly area with lots of mines, both active and abandoned.
[X] Village in a hilly area with lots of mines, both active and abandoned.

Now I'm wondering if we picked like magic (which i assume would have been the piety spec) if it woulda been a modern/sci fi world.

We need resources, the coastal town is another viable one for trading etc but leveraging our advantage is probably first on the list.

Also does our company still have electricity?
[X] Village in a hilly area with lots of mines, both active and abandoned.

Tech resources. Also underground secret research complex.
[X] Village in a hilly area with lots of mines, both active and abandoned.

our main advantage is tech, but we cant tech without our metals