Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I am assuming that Ulquiorra is under firm orders from Aizen to "Don't let him die", and that means he drags him back for meals and the like, so he doesn't die of thirst in the sands of Las Noches. And also keeps an eye on him periodically so he doesn't wander into the sewers, get lost, and run into a gillian - or worse, Hooler - without his sword. And doesn't start poking around in Szayel's lab and become a test subject. You know, the day to day dangers of a numeros in Las Noches

This kind of babysitting is not helping Ulquiorra's mood.
That is a fair and well thought point you are making. I now concede that the only thing stopping your latest work from being canon is word of god.
Uh. That's an interesting take on "how did the Visored Raid party learn about the Visored." Not what I was going with but... the omake collection will be delayed by however long it takes me to decide whether I want to be really mean to Ichigo :V
Well if that omake is canon I can see it being a prelude to him showing up with Kisuke to help the V-club. Only to make the gut punch to the readers even worse once the reveal is made.
Uh. That's an interesting take on "how did the Visored Raid party learn about the Visored." Not what I was going with but... the omake collection will be delayed by however long it takes me to decide whether I want to be really mean to Ichigo :V
Do eeeeet.
All this let me to the scary thought that AAA is nasty enough that he likely has to be fought at some point. And knowing our luck, it would have to be us.

So, assuming AAA is our "Endboss", do we have a chance? A while ago id have said very little. Now if hes got rose, virtually none. If its in sunlight, or otherwise with his worst powers negated... we may actually have one if we get a few more upgrades. Hes strong, sure, but hes vulnerable, too, and outside the shinigami forms he has... well, his ressurection is hilariously unwieldy, something which someone smaller and faster with fuck-off firepower could possibly exploit.
...Yanno what? AAA's going to get the gates if that becomes canon I think.
As for Nemo v. AAA...Actually, I pictured that as being in Nemo's favor up until now, because she knows as well as he does about the whole 'darkness' thing, only she's much better without it...
But having eaten Rose...Hrrm...
See, the thing is even if AAA's in sunlight I don't consider it beyond the pale that eating Rose might have overall jumped up his power level. Which in turn, makes the fight much more difficult for Nemo if we end up fighting him. Pre-Rose I'd have just said 'get him out of darkness then surprise Gran Rey Cero him to death.' alternatively, skip straight to GRCing a hole in the building to let the sunlight in.
...Not sure if he could pull it off, but I think the REAL question is do we think he could eat Nemo, and ride that not-inconsiderable power-boost to eating Cirucci. Because if he hits that level of power THAT's when he goes for us. Assuming he's not after Ichigo first...Which could be a problem unless the Quatro happens to do one of his check-ups...
Though I think what's likely to happen is he goes for Ichigo, before he can eat him Tesla comes back and goes 'HEY!' and does something loud and flary and at that point the Reiatsu flares are big enough for random people to notice. Which is when things go pear-shaped for AAA...Ichigo just needs to hold out until then, and I don't think Tesla will fall that easily/quickly either?
I am assuming that Ulquiorra is under firm orders from Aizen to "Don't let him die", and that means he drags him back for meals and the like, so he doesn't die of thirst in the sands of Las Noches. And also keeps an eye on him periodically so he doesn't wander into the sewers, get lost, and run into a gillian - or worse, Hooler - without his sword. And doesn't start poking around in Szayel's lab and become a test subject. You know, the day to day dangers of a numeros in Las Noches

This kind of babysitting is not helping Ulquiorra's mood.
Well Ulquiorra's the one with remote camera options...
...Yanno what? AAA's going to get the gates if that becomes canon I think.
As for Nemo v. AAA...Actually, I pictured that as being in Nemo's favor up until now, because she knows as well as he does about the whole 'darkness' thing, only she's much better without it...
But having eaten Rose...Hrrm...
See, the thing is even if AAA's in sunlight I don't consider it beyond the pale that eating Rose might have overall jumped up his power level. Which in turn, makes the fight much more difficult for Nemo if we end up fighting him. Pre-Rose I'd have just said 'get him out of darkness then surprise Gran Rey Cero him to death.' alternatively, skip straight to GRCing a hole in the building to let the sunlight in.
...Not sure if he could pull it off, but I think the REAL question is do we think he could eat Nemo, and ride that not-inconsiderable power-boost to eating Cirucci. Because if he hits that level of power THAT's when he goes for us. Assuming he's not after Ichigo first...Which could be a problem unless the Quatro happens to do one of his check-ups...
Though I think what's likely to happen is he goes for Ichigo, before he can eat him Tesla comes back and goes 'HEY!' and does something loud and flary and at that point the Reiatsu flares are big enough for random people to notice. Which is when things go pear-shaped for AAA...Ichigo just needs to hold out until then, and I don't think Tesla will fall that easily/quickly either?
Im not so sure he got much powerboost from eating rose, because, well, he didnt eat rose. He hit him with metastacias stolen merging power, and while its possible that that knits together, its also possible that it didnt... maybe thats headcanon, but i always thought AAAs weakness was that while he got an endless breadth of abilities, there were limits to how well he could use them together, and limits how far his raw power stacked. So its possible hes either rose, or Kaien, or AAA, but cant use all the strength form all of that simultaneously. (Well he can mix and match to some degree certainly, but i doubt he can, say, manifest two zanpakutos simultaneously). Also, hes had roses power for days at best, and never saw him really fight, so his skill with that would be null.

And i doubt hes dumb enough to go after ichigo, since that just leads to death via Aizen or Ulquiorra, who are still way beyond him.
well, his ressurection is hilariously unwieldy, something which someone smaller and faster with fuck-off firepower could possibly exploit.
Only when he's being nerfed massively like he was in the Rukia Fight.

He ate 33,650 different hollows and gained their abilities. That's a stupidly high number and by all rights he should have murdered Rukia easily.
Let's assume identical abilities don't stack, because then he'd have enough regeneration to come back from paste and massively increased Spiritual Energy.
He can almost certainly fly, burrow, launch all sorts of unique Ceros from numerous body parts, has the strongest High speed regeneration of any hollow he's eaten, the toughest Armor, and most abilities you can think of.

If he manages to use his Resureccion on us, his only problem will be how to kill us.
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I can absolutely see the Black Sun magic we have actually fucking him up.

Because it's still sunlight. Just because it casts shadows instead of light doesn't mean it isn't a sun.

And given how Aizen's artificial one still counts, yeah.
I can absolutely see the Black Sun magic we have actually fucking him up.

Because it's still sunlight. Just because it casts shadows instead of light doesn't mean it isn't a sun.

And given how Aizen's artificial one still counts, yeah.

I... wouldn't be prepared to bet Nemo's life on the assumption that the shadows cast by her shadow-sun - stolen from a universe where she ate the sun to help Aaroniero by blotting out the sun - don't count as shadows.

Relying on that seems a tad tactically unwise.
Probably, but it's a neat thought to have.

(I would argue that it's actually a spell we learned from Sung-Sun though, as filtered through our own thematics, but I agree with you that we shouldn't count on such a thought to have a modicum of truth)
Only when he's being nerfed massively like he was in the Rukia Fight.

He ate 33,650 different hollows and gained their abilities. That's a stupidly high number and by all rights he should have murdered Rukia easily.
Let's assume identical abilities don't stack, because then he'd have enough regeneration to come back from paste and massively increased Spiritual Energy.
He can almost certainly fly, burrow, launch all sorts of unique Ceros from numerous body parts, has the strongest High speed regeneration of any hollow he's eaten, the toughest Armor, and most abilities you can think of.

If he manages to use his Resureccion on us, his only problem will be how to kill us.
Im not so convinced he has all of them everywhere. His ressurection dosent seem to be "the strength of all these thousands", and more resemble "30.000 base hollows and lots of duct tape".

Well, not entirely, but its utterly bloated, and it seems unlikely everything is everyhwere. For example, IIRC we have it confirmed somewhere, that while he has metastacias zapakuto-shattering power, it dosent happen when you touch his body, only if you touch some specific small bit that sticks out of the mess somewhere. Firing numerous variants of base-hollow level ceros on mostly random direction because most parts point away from the target is a much less daunting prospect.

Also, it seems that his head remains a weakspot no matter what. (Although roses head at least is likely less fragile, it can still be aimed at)
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I can absolutely see the Black Sun magic we have actually fucking him up.

Because it's still sunlight. Just because it casts shadows instead of light doesn't mean it isn't a sun.

And given how Aizen's artificial one still counts, yeah.
I can see it now. The end is nigh but before we can kill ourself in the last conflict AAA comes to eat us for our unique energy release, he comes at us with the power of multiple captain level opponents, but before he can get to us we pluck out our own eye and chuck it at him! He laughs at this because he's the kind of cartoonish evil that would do that but then starts screaming as the shadows it emits melt his disguise and the power it brings and he tells "what is this witchcraft?" Then Nemo does the urika gesture and cero oscura's him in the face. In my version of events Nemo manages to get legendary cero. Sadbat gets jelly about how Nemo is better than him at every thing he tries to do and leaves Los noches to go back to his tree. After that the remaining espada (and ichigo) fight Josh groban to a standstill in time for Yamamoto to get his shit together and ohko jgrobo with his bankai. And horror moth and thunder birb get to live happily eventually adopting chizuru who the war orphaned, exposure to her ghost moms makes her a fullbringer, and they live happily as a big gay family forever. The end.
...Yanno what? AAA's going to get the gates if that becomes canon I think.

how so? all he did was lie to an enemy to get valuable Intel.

on a semi related note, it occurs to me that it may not be a coincidence that aizen revealed his plan right after the V club where taken out of the picture. they would have been natural allies for any rebelling arrancar, so once they where gone the danger of rebellion went way down since there was no longer a cohesive group the arrancar could reach out to safely. Hopefully he gets blindsided about how the arrancar can form their own cohesive rebellion.
All this let me to the scary thought that AAA is nasty enough that he likely has to be fought at some point. And knowing our luck, it would have to be us.

So, assuming AAA is our "Endboss", do we have a chance? A while ago id have said very little. Now if hes got rose, virtually none. If its in sunlight, or otherwise with his worst powers negated... we may actually have one if we get a few more upgrades. Hes strong, sure, but hes vulnerable, too, and outside the shinigami forms he has... well, his ressurection is hilariously unwieldy, something which someone smaller and faster with fuck-off firepower could possibly exploit.

See, people say this, but I don't think Aaroniero is Nemo's endboss.

I think he's Luppi's.
on a semi related note, it occurs to me that it may not be a coincidence that aizen revealed his plan right after the V club where taken out of the picture. they would have been natural allies for any rebelling arrancar, so once they where gone the danger of rebellion went way down since there was no longer a cohesive group the arrancar could reach out to safely. Hopefully he gets blindsided about how the arrancar can form their own cohesive rebellion.

I don't think it's a coincidence, but I think it's less about "now there's no danger of the arrancar and the V club teaming up", and more about "Uh, oh, the arrancar are starting to show initiative and get results. I should step up the plan before they actually manage to burn down the Soul Society on their own without telling me and ruin everything".

I mean, insofar as you believe what Aizen last said was his actual plan, he doesn't want the arrancar getting too aggressive. Two of the Espada (and Luppi) just managed to neutralize three captain-class and a pack of lieutenant-class enemies at a stroke, and secure non-trivial power boosts for one of them, suffering no casualties, without telling him first. By being clever and using teamwork, plus getting lucky.

He can't exactly punish them for success, because it was an unambiguous win. But if he just praises them and says nothing, the predictable result is that they're going to try again, and the other espada will help them, and then they're either going to overreach and get killed, setting his plan back, or they're going to succeed, and do serious damage to the Gotei 13, setting his plan back.

Aizen's literal worst-case scenario is that a bunch of espada gather in his throne room one day and say, "Great news, everybody! We've won the war! Killed a bunch of captains and officers, the pitiful survivors scattered like rats, and not one stone in the seireitei remains atop another! We rule completely unopposed. Celebratory gala starts in 15 minutes at the Quinta's tower, because apparently her fraccion can throw a party on very short notice!"
I'd defs lean towards canon on that omake, AA is canonically that much an asshole.

The entire AA - Rukia interaction is 100% him being cruel and manipulative because he enjoys it. He could have just killed her, but he wanted to have fun first.

His objective was literally to get Rukia to kill herself out of guilt.

I mean, it wasn't actually a very good plan, but then outside of cheating he kind of isn't a very good actor?

He can mimic mannerisms, and he can pull out any memory he pleases, but it isn't like he has a copy of their personality or even understands why people do the things they do all that well. He doesn't have the emotional track with the memories so he can misjudge a situation badly. Like he does with Rukia.

Thankfully Ichigo never actually met Kaien, so it's not like he has a comparison point :p
Only when he's being nerfed massively like he was in the Rukia Fight.

He ate 33,650 different hollows and gained their abilities. That's a stupidly high number and by all rights he should have murdered Rukia easily.
Let's assume identical abilities don't stack, because then he'd have enough regeneration to come back from paste and massively increased Spiritual Energy.
He can almost certainly fly, burrow, launch all sorts of unique Ceros from numerous body parts, has the strongest High speed regeneration of any hollow he's eaten, the toughest Armor, and most abilities you can think of.

If he manages to use his Resureccion on us, his only problem will be how to kill us.
Im not so convinced he has all of them everywhere. His ressurection dosent seem to be "the strength of all these thousands", and more resemble "30.000 base hollows and lots of duct tape".

Well, not entirely, but its utterly bloated, and it seems unlikely everything is everyhwere. For example, IIRC we have it confirmed somewhere, that while he has metastacias zapakuto-shattering power, it dosent happen when you touch his body, only if you touch some specific small bit that sticks out of the mess somewhere. Firing numerous variants of base-hollow level ceros on mostly random direction because most parts point away from the target is a much less daunting prospect.

Also, it seems that his head remains a weakspot no matter what. (Although roses head at least is likely less fragile, it can still be aimed at)
From what I remember, Triple-A's Ressureccion allows him to access the abilities of every Hollow he's ever eaten simultaneously instead of only one at a time (which is what he's normally limited to). How useful that is, however, depends on a few factors.

The first questions is how well Triple-A can use each of his powers. Just because he has (for example) the ability to shape rock into drastically oversized spears and hurl them at people, doesn't necessarily means he's any good at it. He might have poor aim, or be slow at activating it, or run into any number of other issues that someone who's trained with the power would have overcome. And normally for a power like this I would probably guess that would be the case... except that when Triple-A is playing at being Kaien, he shows he has all of Kaien's memories and fights exactly like him to the point Rukia can't tell the difference between them. And although this doesn't prove that Triple-A can automatically use his powers with the skill of the original- you could argue that Triple-A realised how useful Kaien's powers were and focused on copying Kaien's skill, for example- outside of evidence to contrary, I'd say that it's more likely Triple-A simply gains the original skills and experience of the Hollows he consumes.

However, as is shown so often in Bleach, if an ability doesn't have enough spiritual power behind it you might as well be spitting at your enemy. And thus comes the question of whether or not his stolen abilities scale to his level of raw power, or if they stay stuck at whatever level their original user was at. If it's the second then his threat level is drastically lowered, as he's most likely been eating primarily base Hollows who have correspondingly weak powers. But if it's the first, and his abilities scale with his raw power... well, that basically means he's going to have the perfect counter for damn near anything anybody in his own weight class or lower can throw at him. And unfortunately, there's no way to know- the only ability we see him make active on-screen use of is Kaien's Zanpakuto when fighting Rukia, and given both Triple-A and Kaien outclass her it's impossible to say whether he's using it at Kaien's level or his own (potentially lowering it down to better mimic Kaien).

And lastly, we come to the question of multi-tasking; just because Triple-A can access all of his powers at once in Ressureccion, doesn't necessarily mean he can use all of his powers at once. Whilst there's not actually any direct evidence for it, it wouldn't be unreasonable for a power like his to have issues with identifying and finding specific abilities that he wants to use out of his 33,000-odd collection, or for him to be unable to split his focus enough to manifest more than a few active powers at once, or for using non-similar powers simultaneously to be more difficult than using similar ones (for example: he might be able to use any number of powers that do the same thing at once without issue, but find adding in different ones extremely difficult), and so on.

However, as I mentioned, although it would make sense for those sort of limitations to exist? There's absolutely zero evidence of them; Triple-A could very well have no issues at all with using as many different and varied powers as he wants at once. We simply don't know- he never tries to use his powers en-mass on screen. But if he is capable of using all of his powers at once with no issue... well, then you could potentially get things like him zapping somebody with three-hundred and ninety-eight lightning powers all at once, whilst simultaneously dropping down six fields of slowed time around them and using his two-hundred and thirty-seven ice generating powers to create walls to hem them in on top of that. I don't think I need to elaborate further on how nasty that would be.

In conclusion, Triple-A is potentially very scary. But exactly how scary depends far too much on factors we simply don't know and don't have information on, which ultimately puts it in the hands of Omicron.
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In Number None, arrancar have a finite pool of energy they use for doing stuff.

I would assume that AAA has that same issue, and that all his special abilities are powered off the same battery.

So, even if he has a thousand different esoteric ranged attacks, he's not likely to just fire them off all at once indiscriminately, because he's not Starrk and he therefore can't. Same with any other class of power.

His strength is his ability to pull out a cheaty counter to whatever you do, not to overwhelm you with simultaneous actions.
In Number None, arrancar have a finite pool of energy they use for doing stuff.

I would assume that AAA has that same issue, and that all his special abilities are powered off the same battery.

So, even if he has a thousand different esoteric ranged attacks, he's not likely to just fire them off all at once indiscriminately, because he's not Starrk and he therefore can't. Same with any other class of power.

His strength is his ability to pull out a cheaty counter to whatever you do, not to overwhelm you with simultaneous actions.
Lies, AAA is obviously a Touhou boss, is fighting technique is to throw all his capabilities to someone

nudges Redshirt Army so he can write it
In Number None, arrancar have a finite pool of energy they use for doing stuff.

I would assume that AAA has that same issue, and that all his special abilities are powered off the same battery.

So, even if he has a thousand different esoteric ranged attacks, he's not likely to just fire them off all at once indiscriminately, because he's not Starrk and he therefore can't. Same with any other class of power.
Worth noting that aside from Ichigo the very first time he uses spiritual power, I don't think we see a single case in the whole of Bleach of someone running dry on energy during a fight, even when characters use energy intensive abilities like Soifon's supposed once-every-three-days bankai (that she uses twice in a hour). The closest examples I can think of are Ulqi failing to fully regenerate his limbs after getting his torso removed (though even then he's still able to move and seems up for a fight before he keels over) and Cirucci going no-winged angel to conserve power (though she still doesn't run out before being defeated, and only seems to have done it because her usual methods were completely ineffective). Basically, running out of power doesn't tend to be an issue for Bleach characters- they pretty much always go down to injury instead, even when using their strongest attacks.

Now with that said, even in the case where the sort of mass ability use I described is an option for him, I don't think Triple-A would be able to spam it. Or even, being honest, pull off something on the scale of my example (I was exaggerating to emphasise how potentially scary that sort of use could be). For one thing, that sort of capability would put him solidly above the ninth rank, and for another, even though I just described how Bleach characters don't tend to run into power issues? There's a massive difference between 'don't tend to run into issues with running out of power' and 'infinite power', especially since mass-use like I described would be punching above Triple-A's usual weight class.
His strength is his ability to pull out a cheaty counter to whatever you do, not to overwhelm you with simultaneous actions.
That's true enough as far as it goes, and that's certainly a scary use of his powers. However, if he's capable of it there might be times when Triple-A decides pulling out half a dozen of the same power at once for a quick victory is worth it, especially if using them like that effectively bypasses any normal 'you can use X amount of energy at once with this power' restrictions (an unstated assumption I realise I was making). Which... it might do or it might not. It depends on whether energy use is capped based on overall output or individually by power. :confused:
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