Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Aldritch is an...Interesting influence to add to the table!
Unfortunately I don't think he actually does all that well.
Makoto being the beast she is, she probably could just murder him straight-up.
Even keeled...Hrrm. I think it still is slanted in her favor-Aldritch is strong early, on, impressively so, but as he spends pressure to regenerate or fire Ceroes he loses the suppression he'd need to keep Makoto pinned down, assuming she doesn't manage to resist and slice off an arm or something anyhow.
Nemo...I'm not sure. I'm kind of inclined narratively to say she's somewhat at a disadvantage in terms of raw stats buuut...
She can fire Gran Rey Ceroes. And her Reiatsu Control is really good. I'm not sure if her regen beats Aldritch's in strength normally, but if she pops Res that ceases to be a problem. Speed...Well, Mobility is while not quite favored stat I think? The advantage is still hers, I think. That said...
Aldritch has that...Cero-shield spell? and that probably affords him his best shot against Nemo-it should at least prevent her from Cero-ing him in the face, and perhaps, assuming the thing recognizes Cero Fantasma and works on it, should actually allow him to actually grapple Nemo and not instantly regret that decision.
The real problem is what happens if Nemo keeps shooting-I dunno if the Thinman could afford to make a shield thick enough to withstand more than a few of Nemo's Ceroes. And if it fails to work on Balas then Nemo just laughs and kites him to death.
Biggest problem might be Nemo's stealth capabilities-if she can escape Thinman and re-engage at her discretion, especially if she has easy access to shadowy cover things go very wrong very fast because Ald does not like getting forced into long fights, as that round with Relentless Storm or w/e her name was demonstrates.
If we presume Nemo gets access to simmilar pressure shenanigans...Yeesh I don't like his odds because the second she gets an edge in pressure he's going to be very nastily out-matched.
So many factors!
Can he bluff Nemo into thinking his anti-cero measure won't fade if she keeps hitting it. Does he spend his pressure too quickly. Can Nemo hide away from him. Are there shadows to make Res useful beyond energy recharging/Pain Answers. Does he find a way to leverage his flight into something other then making Nemo really jealous? Are we dealing with a 'crippled' Nemo?
But ultimately, I think the edge is just barely in Nemo's court. She simply seems like she'd fare better in the drawn-out slugfest this fight would turn into.

Ald versus Kotone...Well, he's past Menos, and translates into Vasto. More distressingly for Kotone, he actually knows things about Kido, and probably wouldn't be caught off gaurd by an opponent using it. His cero-shield isn't worth it here I think, but the bigger problem is well...Kotone is not good in melee. Aldritch is, if not a skilled fighter, then at least competent enough at it that I'm willing to give him the edge.
Sooo without power balancing I think Ald wins this and wins this hard.
With it?....Nooot confident in Kotone's odds-I can see Kotone being able to alleviate SOME of the pressure problems Ald brings to the table, especially with her shikai, but I'd think Ald would have an edge if he got close, and then he could just overpower her in melee.
With the Squad...Uhh...Iffy...
Like okay yeah Kotone could maybe block for her teammates via Shikai again but if that's not enough or if they screw up and stay too close too long and Ald catches them only Hana is going to last long at all up close. Then again, it's always possible if one gets caught the others just go ham blasting Ald until the caught member gets out of range.
I'd say any of the Kotone squad alone probably should lose for one reason or another:
Kotone gets crushed in a bear hug.
Hana probably gets pressure-flattened.
Tono'd basically have a worse then useless Shikai, and prooobably wouldn't be able to deal with Ald's regeneration unless he managed to drain an absurd amount of pressure very quickly.
HIro does the best if he gets to leverage his shikai...But if Ald can hit him with a Cero I think that would put him down for the count.
Big thing here is does Ald's Pressure provide enough crowd control to answer the problem of fighting multiple opponents at once. If yes then he wins, if not then he probably loses due to simply never really getting to commit to an all-in assault that downs one of the shinigami.
What's with the points into the portal ability? What would upgrading the portal ability do?

Remember that time when Nemo tried to obtain an magic item for Cirucci and it took Friend!Spider running himself absolutely ragged plus some self mutilation on Nemo's part to go out there and get back within the needed time frame?

Or that time that Nemo went to the living world to burgle a former Captain's house and she got caught and couldn't extract herself in a timely manner which resulted in her getting into a running fight and had to be bailed out by Cirucci and Uquiorra in the end?

Just a couple of examples.
Remember that time when Nemo tried to obtain an magic item for Cirucci and it took Friend!Spider running himself absolutely ragged plus some self mutilation on Nemo's part to go out there and get back within the needed time frame?

Or that time that Nemo went to the living world to burgle a former Captain's house and she got caught and couldn't extract herself in a timely manner which resulted in her getting into a running fight and had to be bailed out by Cirucci and Uquiorra in the end?

Just a couple of examples.
What i hear is that Spider Friend will become obsolete. Me no like.
Spider-Friend isn't just a mode of transport. He's actually Nemo's friend.

We had a big part of an update where Nemo just went and ran around the desert with him delivering presents to hollows.

Plus, you can only portal to place you know how to find. Obsoleting Spider-Friend isn't an issue.

Obsoleting Ulquiorra is a benefit.
(Number none: Such a good quest it even gets people who've never watched the source to participate.)
and not only participate, but even go looking at other quests from the same source due to recommendations and discussion, enough so that I spent 10 minutes just looking around to figure out what quests people were talking about. Praise Google!
and not only participate, but even go looking at other quests from the same source due to recommendations and discussion, enough so that I spent 10 minutes just looking around to figure out what quests people were talking about. Praise Google!
If you're still looking for some, I'd recommend hackwriter's One Eye on the Horizen over on (aka akun). It's a story about how a bear and a deer fall in love and adopt a sea monster. Also, they try to not get noticed by the shinigami. It does some neat stuff with making there be soul societies all over the planet, complete with their own Soul King equivalents. I'd link it, but the story is NSFW.
You know, when talking about Nemo v. Kotone and pals, people mentioned her Control as something that lets her attack from stealth, but there's also the flip-side to that: it gives her the spiritual pressure of a Captain-class opponent. In unmodified battle power Kotone's gang may come out on top, but in a straight fight they'd all be suffering under debuffs to speed, damage, and morale just by being near Nemo.
Aldritch is an...Interesting influence to add to the table!
Unfortunately I don't think he actually does all that well.
Makoto being the beast she is, she probably could just murder him straight-up.
Even keeled...Hrrm. I think it still is slanted in her favor-Aldritch is strong early, on, impressively so, but as he spends pressure to regenerate or fire Ceroes he loses the suppression he'd need to keep Makoto pinned down, assuming she doesn't manage to resist and slice off an arm or something anyhow.
Nemo...I'm not sure. I'm kind of inclined narratively to say she's somewhat at a disadvantage in terms of raw stats buuut...
She can fire Gran Rey Ceroes. And her Reiatsu Control is really good. I'm not sure if her regen beats Aldritch's in strength normally, but if she pops Res that ceases to be a problem. Speed...Well, Mobility is while not quite favored stat I think? The advantage is still hers, I think. That said...
Aldritch has that...Cero-shield spell? and that probably affords him his best shot against Nemo-it should at least prevent her from Cero-ing him in the face, and perhaps, assuming the thing recognizes Cero Fantasma and works on it, should actually allow him to actually grapple Nemo and not instantly regret that decision.
The real problem is what happens if Nemo keeps shooting-I dunno if the Thinman could afford to make a shield thick enough to withstand more than a few of Nemo's Ceroes. And if it fails to work on Balas then Nemo just laughs and kites him to death.
Biggest problem might be Nemo's stealth capabilities-if she can escape Thinman and re-engage at her discretion, especially if she has easy access to shadowy cover things go very wrong very fast because Ald does not like getting forced into long fights, as that round with Relentless Storm or w/e her name was demonstrates.
If we presume Nemo gets access to simmilar pressure shenanigans...Yeesh I don't like his odds because the second she gets an edge in pressure he's going to be very nastily out-matched.
So many factors!
Can he bluff Nemo into thinking his anti-cero measure won't fade if she keeps hitting it. Does he spend his pressure too quickly. Can Nemo hide away from him. Are there shadows to make Res useful beyond energy recharging/Pain Answers. Does he find a way to leverage his flight into something other then making Nemo really jealous? Are we dealing with a 'crippled' Nemo?
But ultimately, I think the edge is just barely in Nemo's court. She simply seems like she'd fare better in the drawn-out slugfest this fight would turn into.

Ald versus Kotone...Well, he's past Menos, and translates into Vasto. More distressingly for Kotone, he actually knows things about Kido, and probably wouldn't be caught off gaurd by an opponent using it. His cero-shield isn't worth it here I think, but the bigger problem is well...Kotone is not good in melee. Aldritch is, if not a skilled fighter, then at least competent enough at it that I'm willing to give him the edge.
Sooo without power balancing I think Ald wins this and wins this hard.
With it?....Nooot confident in Kotone's odds-I can see Kotone being able to alleviate SOME of the pressure problems Ald brings to the table, especially with her shikai, but I'd think Ald would have an edge if he got close, and then he could just overpower her in melee.
With the Squad...Uhh...Iffy...
Like okay yeah Kotone could maybe block for her teammates via Shikai again but if that's not enough or if they screw up and stay too close too long and Ald catches them only Hana is going to last long at all up close. Then again, it's always possible if one gets caught the others just go ham blasting Ald until the caught member gets out of range.
I'd say any of the Kotone squad alone probably should lose for one reason or another:
Kotone gets crushed in a bear hug.
Hana probably gets pressure-flattened.
Tono'd basically have a worse then useless Shikai, and prooobably wouldn't be able to deal with Ald's regeneration unless he managed to drain an absurd amount of pressure very quickly.
HIro does the best if he gets to leverage his shikai...But if Ald can hit him with a Cero I think that would put him down for the count.
Big thing here is does Ald's Pressure provide enough crowd control to answer the problem of fighting multiple opponents at once. If yes then he wins, if not then he probably loses due to simply never really getting to commit to an all-in assault that downs one of the shinigami.
I never got too far in the other quests, so I can't comment on them, but I'm pretty sure Aldritch would crush Nemo like a bug. All signs point to him being an Espada tier Hollow. I might be missremembering this, but I think I remember Talos mentioning shortly after Rabbit became an Arrancar that he could keep up with a low level Espada for a short period of time by spending pressure like it was going out of style. If that's true, the rest of Aldritch's inner circle is Espada level too.
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a question, but wheres the link to the first chapter of number 48? Also, where's the first 67 chapters(I assume) of cirruci's saga? The sidestory threadmarks don't include those.
a question, but wheres the link to the first chapter of number 48? Also, where's the first 67 chapters(I assume) of cirruci's saga? The sidestory threadmarks don't include those.

The earliest chapter of Number 48 currently available is Chapter 2. Other available chapters include XV to XX, and then chapter XL. (Chapter XV is the secret hidden chapter that didn't actually get threadmarked, FYI.)

Cirucci's Saga started at Chapter 68, I believe.
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a question, but wheres the link to the first chapter of number 48? Also, where's the first 67 chapters(I assume) of cirruci's saga? The sidestory threadmarks don't include those.
The "first 67" chapters of Cirucci's Saga don't exist and the updates of N48 are made out of order with the "earlier" chapters not existing. The first chapter made of Cirucci's Saga is Cirucci's Saga 68 and the first chapter made of Now You Feel Like Number 48 is Chapter 2: VIII, The Pillar Witch Queen of Dust and Shadows.