I'm not planning to write any such omakes any time soon :p

Especially because we're still a very small school, particularly in comparison to some of the real monsters out there.

Wouldn't potentially evil entities trying to manipulate a student want a smaller school? There's far less attention paid to them, even with just starting out. I could see someone like these Thirteen Sins being a little bombastic and automatically trying for someone in a larger school as well. But there's a certain subtlety in trying for a school not many have heard of, I think.
The main point, I think, is that they haven't heard of it either. They have entire worlds to cover, most small schools just... don't even end up on their awareness.
Ok, we don't need to go looking for more money right now, so I decided to take a look at how Momoka, Wildthorn and Shantae, and Coco Rose are doing in their classes. I'm not quite sure why we had Wildthorn help teach Wilderness Survival since he isn't qualified for it, but eh. I'd also like to get to know our newest staff member more. Keeping an ear out for rumors could alert us to possible trouble, and working on repairing Lillymist's reputation could improve our relationship with her. For the upgrades, I chose to upgrade our security with the wardstone and add some muscle to our security fgorces with a combat golem. The team of janitors will help cover the rest of the maintenance needs.

For the teachers, I thought that Coco should focus on teaching, Lillymist could finish off the research on the book sorting charm. and Shantae could tutor Willow in Fencing since Willow is...not bad, per say, but not really all that good at it, and I'd like our school to give a decent showing in the tournament.
Your plan overall seems good, even if it has different priorities than I do. However, I have a few comments(questions regarding parts of it.

1: We put Wildthorn on Wilderness Survival because we wanted to teach that subject (since we live in the Wildlands, it seemed prudent) and of all our incompetent teachers we'd rather have the Dragonslayer be around when the inevitable monster attacked. It was a controversial decision though, IIRC.
The reason why he's still on there even though Shantae's here is because he'd probably react negatively to getting 'fired' from both of his non-history classes, especially as there has only been good things happening from his classes so far. And also because having a Dragonslayer around the Wilderness Class is still useful.
The fact that the alternative is History also helps, though.

2: We can't help Lillymist's reputation right now. Literally. We have a +17 Diplomacy bonus, roll a d20 and there's a -50 penalty forbeing an Infamous Necromancer. It'd require at least one, and more likely two, Canon Omake bonii for it to even reach a positive number.
And even then, the Infamous Trait halves Lillymist's salary. Whiteeyes has already stated that if that trait goes away, she is likely to ask for her full salary unless she likes us enough not to. And since our one diplomacy action with her so far was a Nat 1, she doesn't really like us right now.

3: This is related to that, but why not watch the Fencing Lessons? We don't know much about Shantae's view on Necromancy, but we know that most people are against it and that people who are suffer a -50 Diplomacy penalty with Lillymist. Honestly, that's the class I am most worried about.

The rest of the plan I am fine with, even if I think other things are more important right now.
As far as I'm concerned, it's probably gonna be a few years down the line, when we start actually having graduates, that we'll show up on any sort of bigger villain's radar.

As for the smaller ones, we have a known dragonslayer on staff, and a known necromancer to boot. It's really not that likely that the smaller-time villains are gonna risk going out into pretty much the middle of nowhere, to try and stir up trouble, around some rather powerful people.
1: We put Wildthorn on Wilderness Survival because we wanted to teach that subject (since we live in the Wildlands, it seemed prudent) and of all our incompetent teachers we'd rather have the Dragonslayer be around when the inevitable monster attacked. It was a controversial decision though, IIRC.
The reason why he's still on there even though Shantae's here is because he'd probably react negatively to getting 'fired' from both of his non-history classes, especially as there has only been good things happening from his classes so far. And also because having a Dragonslayer around the Wilderness Class is still useful.
The fact that the alternative is History also helps, though.
I...suppose you have a point here. We really should look into finding out how to get someone qualified to teach a course though.

2: We can't help Lillymist's reputation right now. Literally. We have a +17 Diplomacy bonus, roll a d20 and there's a -50 penalty forbeing an Infamous Necromancer. It'd require at least one, and more likely two, Canon Omake bonii for it to even reach a positive number.
And even then, the Infamous Trait halves Lillymist's salary. Whiteeyes has already stated that if that trait goes away, she is likely to ask for her full salary unless she likes us enough not to. And since our one diplomacy action with her so far was a Nat 1, she doesn't really like us right now.
Ah. I'll go ahead and replace that with a 'research competitiors' action then.

3: This is related to that, but why not watch the Fencing Lessons? We don't know much about Shantae's view on Necromancy, but we know that most people are against it and that people who are suffer a -50 Diplomacy penalty with Lillymist. Honestly, that's the class I am most worried about.
You have an excellent point here. I'll switch out Alchemy with Fencing in my plan.
Yeah, pretty much only small timers trying to make it big by hitting a school at most until we have graduates and go from curio to threat
Really, the only reason for someone major to go after us would most likely stem from the fact that we're currently the only major magic school in this world, so we'll probably attract attention on that aspect within a year or two if we don't end collapsing in on ourselves. If there are any particularly big bads with current designs on this world, they'll probably take note of us once we start having an effect on things as a whole, like encouraging other schools to get set up, or... Actually getting involved in their plans somehow.

...So, in other words, if Sachiko does something.
[X] Plan: We have the money

[X] Observe your teachers in their class. You can schedule to see three classes. Which three do you watch?
-[X] Fencing
-[X] Wilderness Survival
-[X] Hand to Hand
[X] Keep an ear out for rumor's flying around
[X] Hire Staff
-[X] Doctor
-[X] Synth Workers x2
-[X] Representative
[X] Purchase available upgrades. Must pay full Budget cost in advance.
-[X] An extensive workshop with quality tools.

Coco Rose should
[X] Research Book Sorting Charm

Lillymist should
[X] Just focus on teaching.

Shantae should
[X] Just focus on teaching.

So why this eh? Well lots of good reasons. Let's start with watching classes. We should, more than anything, get started on that to gain an idea on our teacher's abilities. Fencing, Hand to Hand, and Wilderness Survival are as good as any place to start.

Next, we got a suspicious lack of anything happening last turn among our students. They may be up to something and keeping an ear out for rumors is something we really should do.

Now comes to the hiring. Getting a doctor and at least one synth worker is a must, getting two synth workers will save us in the future. I also want to get a representative because that increases our action economy. With one we can far more easily afford to go off and get funding when we next need it, in addition to being able to do extra actions at other times. If it's pure diplo then talking to our teachers is that, if it's more of the spirit of a representative then hosting events is a good part of that. Either way we gain things we will need/want to do in the future.

Lastly, our class qualities are low. Very low, because we've spread them out. Getting up the basic facilities now will improve our classes by immense levels because of this. Coco Rose is already working on the mundane/theoretical so this is buffing the mundane/practical, our other 1 point class. Need to get it started now to make a difference soon.

As for teachers...
Coco Rose needs to finish her research, and she has ability to do so so we should give it to her.

Lillymist, ah here is where people aren't thinking well. First off, our students need some time for their teacher to focus on teaching them. Lillymist hasn't done it yet, and has the lowest rank of classes, so she needs to do so. Next, people want to improve their fencing ability. What we need in that case isn't to better our current candidates, but to gain 5 actual candidates so we don't get auto failures. If Lillymist focuses on her teaching in general, we are more likely to gain an exceptional student, I feel.

Shantae. Well, she's starting many new classes, so she needs to make up for lost time. She will also be helping with Lillymist in fencing, so we are more likely to come up with notable students.

Anyways here is my plan and it's reasoning. Hope it gets some gears turning or gives people a plan they like.
@Whiteeyes , I've been thinking about my request, and while I was thinking, I realized that I didn't actually know if Dawngleam is our Main Character's first or last name. which ever it is, could we have a vote for what our other name is, cos it'd help if one of us were to write an omake based more around Dawngleam's relatives in the future.
As for my +20, I think I'll hold onto it for now. my actual request is also pending, unless you'd like me to use it to call for this rather impromptu vote.
So far we've only seen fairies with single names, so they might not do the whole family name thingie and instead go for themes (like how Starstream and Dawngleam both refer to shining points of light in the sky).
So far we've only seen fairies with single names, so they might not do the whole family name thingie and instead go for themes (like how Starstream and Dawngleam both refer to shining points of light in the sky).
That was what I was going for when I named her, I just wasn't really sure if it was truly like that, or if we had a family or clan name besides our individual one
@Whiteeyes , I've been thinking about my request, and while I was thinking, I realized that I didn't actually know if Dawngleam is our Main Character's first or last name. which ever it is, could we have a vote for what our other name is, cos it'd help if one of us were to write an omake based more around Dawngleam's relatives in the future.
As for my +20, I think I'll hold onto it for now. my actual request is also pending, unless you'd like me to use it to call for this rather impromptu vote.

That's fine, no need to call for a vote for this stuff.

So far we've only seen fairies with single names, so they might not do the whole family name thingie and instead go for themes (like how Starstream and Dawngleam both refer to shining points of light in the sky).
That was what I was going for when I named her, I just wasn't really sure if it was truly like that, or if we had a family or clan name besides our individual one

Fairies only have a singular name, however they do have a family name of sorts, and introduce themselves as "Name of the House of Blank", with the blank being either the name of their current head. Most fairies don't bother to include this unless they are high ranking nobility or royalty however, as there are literally tens of thousands of family lines in the capital city alone, most of them with less than two dozen members. This explosion of minor families was brought about by a combination of rapid population growth and greatly increased resources enabling more young fairies to break off from more domineering rule where they were being treated as pawns in games if power by relatives dozens of generations removed. This has caused a massive drop in the average power of any family, and most minor noble lines were torn to shreds. The more prominent noble families came out much stronger. Not only were the more minor houses torn apart, but they emerged rather well intact as such prominent families had little reason to treat even more distant members as expendable pawns due to their positions being highly secure. This security and unity has only increased in the face of lack of serious political competition.
That's fine, no need to call for a vote for this stuff.

Fairies only have a singular name, however they do have a family name of sorts, and introduce themselves as "Name of the House of Blank", with the blank being either the name of their current head. Most fairies don't bother to include this unless they are high ranking nobility or royalty however, as there are literally tens of thousands of family lines in the capital city alone, most of them with less than two dozen members. This explosion of minor families was brought about by a combination of rapid population growth and greatly increased resources enabling more young fairies to break off from more domineering rule where they were being treated as pawns in games if power by relatives dozens of generations removed. This has caused a massive drop in the average power of any family, and most minor noble lines were torn to shreds. The more prominent noble families came out much stronger. Not only were the more minor houses torn apart, but they emerged rather well intact as such prominent families had little reason to treat even more distant members as expendable pawns due to their positions being highly secure. This security and unity has only increased in the face of lack of serious political competition.
Thanks for explaining this, it really helps :D
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Scout out a place for possible donations or sponsors.
-[X] Heartmender mentioned a fellow by the name of Reterak, an eccentric gnomish explorer and adventurer. He is quite well off due to the treasures he has found, and he often gives lump sums to what he feels are good causes.
[X] Work on repairing Lillymist's reputation.
[X] Hang out with (teacher) and get to know them a bit better. Less formal and stressful.
-[X] Shantae
[X] Work on setting wards and traps to protect the school.
[X] Purchase available upgrades. Must pay full Budget cost in advance.
-[X] Ward stone
[X] Coco Rose:
-[X] Tutor Willow Starbreeze in Alchemy
[X] Lillymist:
-[X] Just focus on teaching
[X] Shantae:
-[X] Just focus on teaching.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Finishing Touches
[X] Observe your teachers in their class. You can schedule to see three classes. Which three do you watch?
-[X] Fencing
-[X] Wilderness Survival
-[X] Hand to Hand
[X] Hang out with Coco and get to know them a bit better. Less formal and stressful.
[X] Research what schools are currently trying to compete with you.
[X] Hire staff. (Major Staff take one action each, minor staff may be hired all in one action.)
-[X] Doctor
-[X] Synth Maintenance X2
[X] Purchase available upgrades. Must pay full Budget cost in advance.
-[X] Ward Stone
[X] Coco Rose - Tutor Willow, who attends her class on Alchemy
[X] Lillymist: Tutor Sachiko, who attends her class on Fencing.
[X] Shantae: Just focus on teaching.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Finishing Touches
No. of votes: 5
Jeboboid, veekie, Sereg, Muer'ci, Crepuscule

[X] Plan Cover Our Bases
[X] Observe your teachers in your class. You can schedule to see three classes. Which three do you watch?
-[X] Hand to Hand
-[X] Wilderness Survival
-[X] Fencing
[X] Hang out with Shantae and get to know them a bit better. Less formal and stressful.
[X] Keep an ear out for any rumors flying around.
[X] Research what schools are currently trying to compete with you.
[X] Purchase available upgrades. Must pay full Budget cost in advance.
-[X] A ward stone. This enchanted stone the size of your fist (and isn't it amazing how they keep getting smaller and smaller every century?) provides a network of wards to warn against intruders or scrying attempts. +10 Security. 5 Budget, 1 month
[X] Hire staff
-[X] 1 team of synth maintenance
-[X] 1 Combat Golem
[X] Coco Rose: Just focus on teaching
[X] Lillymist: Research Book Sorting Charm
[X] Shantae: Tutor Willow, who attends her class on Fencing
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan: We have the money
[X] Observe your teachers in their class. You can schedule to see three classes. Which three do you watch?
-[X] Fencing
-[X] Wilderness Survival
-[X] Hand to Hand
[X] Keep an ear out for rumor's flying around
[X] Hire Staff
-[X] Doctor
-[X] Synth Workers x2
-[X] Representative
[X] Purchase available upgrades. Must pay full Budget cost in advance.
-[X] An extensive workshop with quality tools.
[X] Research Book Sorting Charm
[X] Just focus on teaching.
[X] Just focus on teaching.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan: We have the money
No. of votes: 2
ziizo, Imaflatsquid
October 1 Aftermath
As fall rolls around, to little affect in such a tropical clime, you finish setting your schedule for the month. With your new funding, you set out feelers for some new things to spend your hard earned cash on.

[X] Observe your teachers in their class. You can schedule to see three classes. Which three do you watch?
-[X] Fencing
-[X] Wilderness Survival
-[X] Hand to Hand

Lore: 16+12=28

First up however, until you get responses to your offers, you set aside time to watch some of your classes. First up is fencing. With a new instructor, you are interested in seeing how it works out. Lillymist is a skilled practitioner of the more deceptive selune style, using plenty of feints and deceptive cross steps to outmaneuver the foe and get them to make a mistake and leave themselves vulnerable. Shantae on the other hand favors the more aggressive ramil style, an ignian style that favors quick strikes while dashing in and out so that their opponent cannot mount a sustained counter attack. Despite championing two different styles, they both acknowledge that each style has its strengths and weaknesses, and train their students in both styles and encourage them to mix and match techniques to find what works for them. All in all it is shaping up to be a fine class.

Lillymist competence revealed, 125%.

Lore: 16+17=33

Shantae is very clearly in charge of this class. While Wildthorn has plenty of practical experience, Shantae has a better understanding of the various advantages and methods for the magically inclined to survive and even thrive in harsh conditions. However Wildthorn is clearly paying attention as well, and his power in the face of any potential threat let the class breathe more easily.

Wildthorn has learned Wilderness Survival at 40%

Lore: 16+16=32

Hand to hand with Momoko was certainly...illuminating. In comparison to her normal laid back attitude, she is quite the drill sergeant type. Or, as she put it, her students messing up would mean more work for herself so she won't let them mess up. She is actually very demanding of her students, correcting forms with brutal efficiency. In addition with the aid of her chimera magic, Momoko is literally able to reshape her body by adding animal features, letting her illustrate ideas such as proper wing positioning, talon rakes, and coil grapples. She also proves to be quite skilled with a variety of weapons. Though she de,onset rates little use of any weapons that you can see, she at least knows the fundamentals and theory of a large selection and can advise her students on not only how to use their weapons, but what sort of weapons might suit them best. It seems you may have been underestimating your combat instructor, which makes you wonder: why is somebody so skilled an unknown dropout?

Unlocked new Subterfuge option: Investigate Momoko's Academic History

[X] Hang out with Coco and get to know them a bit better. Less formal and stressful.

Diplomacy: 16+15+5=36

Miss Rose proves to be a rather delightful conversation partner. You learn a bit about her over a relatively in eventful lunch. It seems that she has recently taken to coin collecting, and has a rather nice start with a wide variety of common currencies from a multitude of worlds. While nothing is really rare or unique about any of them, the sheer variety she possesses is interesting in and of itself however...at least to her. Quite frankly you don't have the heart to tell her that her current collection, and her explaining of it, is a bit on the dull side. She is just so excited you can't bring yourself to dampen her enthusiasm. Thankfully the rest of your talk is more interesting, as it seems she is a competitive broom racing fan. Her favorite racer, Rita Zypher, is scheduled to race in the prestigious Lung 50,000 next month. She's already planned to keep most of the day clear so she can watch. Sadly, your pleasant conversation is cut short by the simple fact that time has run shot. Still, it was a nice conversation, and you wouldn't mind spending time with her later.

Coco Rose Relationship +20

[X] Hire staff. (Major Staff take one action each, minor staff may be hired all in one action.)
-[X] Doctor
-[X] Synth Maintenance X2

Your new batches of synth workers have arrived. You quickly set them to work, which should not only cover your matinance needs but should catch up on the slipping upkeep that had plagued your school for a while.

Your application for a doctor has produced two promising applications. A Dr. Treeheart, a male fairy who is skilled in disease treatment. Another is a lamia named Dr. Berburta, an experienced combat medic skilled in treating injuries. Who do you hire?

[ ] Treeheart
[ ] Berburta
[ ] Both of them.
[ ] Neither of them.

[X] Purchase available upgrades. Must pay full Budget cost in advance.
-[X] Ward Stone

The ward stone you purchased has finally arrived, and the free installation soon sees it set in the walls of your office. A rather basic but useful security model, it should help keep your school safe from any threat, making detection all the easier.

[X] Coco Rose - Tutor Willow, who attends her class on Alchemy

Miss Rose is quite happy to report that Willow is showing excellent results in her class, and should have no troubles once finals come about.

[X] Lillymist: Tutor Sachiko, who attends her class on Fencing.

Lillymist is frustrated with her charge however. While the girl has some serious raw talent, she lacks the more subtle skills or appreciation of proper tactics. She is at least getting proper terminology down, so she should probably at least pass her finals.

[X] Shantae: Just focus on teaching.

Shantae is happy to report that one of her students is creating some impressive works of art already, a young gnome support named Glimmer MacThistle.

Momoko is happy to announce not one, but two notable candidates from her classes. A goblin knight named Thatch, and a lamia mage named Kuvas. In fact, while it seems that Kuvas signed up as a means of protecting herself in the event that an enemy closed in, she proved to be quite skilled. In fact, it seems her natural talents are astounding in several areas. She bears watching.

Gained two notable students.
Gained one Heroic Student.

Lore: 16+5+10+17= 48

You and Wildthorn travel into the jungle and search the area where you found the sword. Searching carefully, you find the entrance to an ancient stone ruins, buried by time to be mostly underground and covered by old growths. Wildthorn is able to clear most of it away with his sword, allowing you easy access.

New Action: Explore ??? Ruins

Lore: 16+5+10+18= 49

Taking the time you have left you explore the ruins a bit. In your journey you stumble upon a room covered in detailed pictographs, though you do not recognize the style and cannot translate them at the time. Further research may shed some light on the situation, though due to the hazardous location nobody should conduct this research alone.

New Research: ??? Ruins Pictographs 1, unknown effect, Actions Required: 2+ Time: ??? Months

Further exploring reveals another room with similar markings. However this one is not empty, and seems to have become the lair of a ferocious zalba beats.

You and Wildthorn vs Zalba Beast (Rank 5)
Your side deals 25 damage to the Zalba beast.
Zalba beast attempts to counter, but You block.
Your side deals 25 damage to Zalba beast. Zalba beast died.

The battle is short, but brutal, the creature's bulk letting it absorb a large amount of damage, which you and Wildthorn were happy to provide. As the creature lies dead, you decide this is a good time to return to the school.

New Research: ??? Ruins Pictographs 2, unknown effect, Actions Required: 2+, Time: ??? Months

??? Ruins Explored 10%

Also, I'd prefer we get Berburta, purely because they specialize in treating injuries, which I believe we're more liable to get, considering our courses :p
[X] Berburta
Oh yeah! I decided on where to put my +20! If it's possible, could I put it on the next 'get to know' roll we have with Lillymist please? I really feel like we should do better by her, especially since she's such a good teacher.
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Oh yeah! I decided on where to put my +20! If it's possible, could I put it on the next 'get to know' roll we have with Lillymist please? I really feel like we should do better by her, especially since she's such a good teacher.
I think i'll add my +20 to that as well, to insure a good result. I'm sure I can think of another omake to write for the eventual Lillymist redemption roll. Besides, befriending her while she's still in the dumps is probably more beneficial.

On another note, another hero! Fun times over here. Are heroes super rare, or do we have much less hero numbers than one of the bigger schools?