Hey guys. It's been, um, six months wow. So yeah some RL stuff happened, I took a break and it just kept getting pushed down on my priority list, but I've managed to scratch out a lot more free time than I had before. I'm planning on reviving this quest, but I want to see if enough people are interested. So, anyone want to see this come back into action?
It'd be nice to see it come back. I'll have to start rereading everything again first, though...
I, for one, am looking forward to advancing my plans of making Rèalta the Number 1 Best Necromancy School in the Wildlands.

What do you mean "we get that position by default"?
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Well, looks like the quest is back on. Wooh!

Plan Red the Signs First will be up an done come Monday (I need to finish going over my notes and rolling all the dice and such).
Fluttering in like an omake ninja fairy, here's Jeboboid, bringing you another omake that sort of ran away from them. I give you: An Apology.
An Apology.

Lillymist was trepiditious. She stood in front of the doorway to Professor Dawngleam's private quarters and while, yes, she had been invited, and yes, this was to do with the research they were doing on those cuneiform pictographs Dawngleam and Wildthorn had found, Lillymist didn't really see why they really needed to work in Dawngleam's rooms. Especially when they had a fully functioning library they could use.

Sighing slightly, Lillymist steeled herself and knocked on the door, which opened on its own moments later as a small, almost imperceptible corona of starlight surrounded the door-handle.

Stepping inside, Lillymist found herself in a Dawngleam's living space, and found pretty much every surface covered in notes, rubbings of particular pictographs, or both. Dawngleam's voice sounded from the adjoined kitchen that each of the staff-quarters possessed. "Make yourself comfortable, Lillymist. Just move a stack or two of notes if you can't find a space!"

Awkwardly picking her way through the various stacks of paper, Lillymist evicted a pair of rather large tomes ("Doctor Ticklehill's guide to pictographs through the ages: Volumes 6 and 19") and perched on the edge of a rather overstuffed armchair. Looking around, Lillymist saw that not all the handwriting adorning the various notes was Dawngleam's, there was the rather blocky script used by Wildthorn as well as the most flowery, but easily legible handwriting used by Annabelle, the assistant Dawngleam had hired a month ago. Upon closer inspection, however, she saw that the bits of paper with Annabelle's handwriting were forms and other assorted paperwork to do with the running of the school.

"Ah! Here we are. And here you go." At the sound of Dawngleam's voice, Lillymist looked up to find her boss in what was pretty much the least formal get-up she could have imagined on her. With hair tied up in a loose bun, Dawngleam was wearing an old t-shirt promoting a band Lillymist had never heard of, ("The Reversing Thunderheads", whoever they were.) a pair of comfortable-looking trousers, and some of the fluffiest socks Lillymist had ever laid eyes on. Dawngleam herself was holding a pair of mugs, filled to the brim with tea.

Placing one of the mugs on a rather unstable stack of paper, Dawngleam fluttered over the various stacks of paper to the only other clear space of seating in the room, the end of her sofa (A space only large enough for a fairy.) and sat herself down, sipping her tea and letting out a contented sigh as she curled into her chair.

Feeling rather overdressed now, (She was still in her work clothes, after all.) Lillymist rescued her tea from its rather unstable position and took a sip of her tea before replacing it in a more secure location atop a sturdier looking stack. It felt awkward being here, inside Dawngleam's quarters like this. If Lillymist was being honest with herself, it felt awkward being in the break-room at the same time as Dawngleam at the moment, whenever she was near, Lillymist could feel that stinging sensation more clearly, the one that had been present ever since they'd last had an informal conversation. In close quarters like this, it speared her chest and made it difficult to think. It made it so difficult, Lillymist almost didn't notice when Dawngleam finally spoke again, shattering a silence that had persisted for over a minute as Lillymist had retreated into her thoughts and Dawngleam had simply watched Lillymist with a slight sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Dawngleam had said, the words breaking Lillymist's reverie. "I'm sorry about before."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry. I presented myself stupidly to you too months ago and caused you offence. I made it sound like I was using you for my own gain. Like a piece in a game. Like one of Mother's stupid, stupid, games. And then I made it infinitely worse by leaving it like a wound to fester. I've been a colossal idiot and I'm sorry."

Stunned speechless by Dawngleam's outburst, Lillymist blinked, trying to formulate a response. Before she could, however, Dawngleam continued.

"You've conducted yourself extremely well, despite my own idiocy, but if you want to move on, to find another job elsewhere, away from me, I'll write you as glowing a recommendation as I can. You deserve that much, after all."

Still speechless, Lillymist's mouth worked as she tried to come up with a response. The stinging in her chest was still present, piercing her heart and clutching at her stomach, but it was strangely different. Dawngleam looked near tears as she began fish various papers from the stacks surrounding her, arraying them around her small body as she did so, suspending them on starlight. "I've seen how hard you've been working. You've been nothing but an exemplary teacher and an outstanding member of staff despite everything." The stinging Lillymist could feel felt very strange now, like a splinter being pulled from a wound, it seemed like it was receding, even as it hurt more. "Despite the academic community condemning you because of your skills. Despite you working for less than you deserve. Despite your idiot of a boss being the fool that they are, you're still going. You're still teaching and you're still moving forward. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being an idiot, I'm sorry for offending you, and I'm sorry for being less than you deserve." As Dawngleam said this, she bowed her head to Lillymist, the tears now running down her face freely.

And like that, it was as if the splinter Lillymist had felt inside her since Dawngleam's last conversation with her had been pulled free. It still hurt slightly, but this was a different pain, this was the first step on a path to healing. Finally finding her voice, Lillymist replied to the still bowed form of Dawngleam. "I don't want to leave." She found herself saying as Dawngleam looked up, her eyes slightly reddened from her tears. "I… I don't want to leave." She said again, she voice slightly stronger. "I don't know if I can forgive you, but I like it here. I like being able to teach here and I like my students. Truth be told, I was grateful when you first gave me this job. I'd expected another rejection but when you had actually accepted my application even with my stated skill in necromancy, I felt overjoyed, like I was being given another chance. But then, when we spoke last, I felt betrayed, like you'd only accepted my application because my salary was cheap and I could teach a large number of classes. It… It stung." Lillymist rose from her chair and moved over to where Dawngleam was sitting, clearing a space on the sofa next to her. "But now? Now I'm sorry too. I should have sought you out rather than let this fester. Thank you for your apology Dawngleam. It means more than you think." Lillymist then gestured towards the large piles of paperwork surrounding them. "Now, as much as clearing the air seems to have helped break the ice, perhaps we could get started on all of this?"

Not trusting her own words now, Dawngleam nodded mutely. Wiping her eyes with her hands, she took a deep breath and nodded, before picking up a pile of notes topped with a rubbing of one of the pictographs and placing it between them. "Alright."

Lillymist gave her a small, shaky smile. They might not being fully okay just yet, but the air between them felt clearer. Cleaner. One day, hopefully one day soon, they might even be friends. The distrust Lillymist had felt towards Dawngleam had faded in the face of her sincere apology. There would be no more talk of personal matters that night, but when Lillymist left Dawngleam's quarters a few hours later, she felt better than she had in days.

I hope you enjoy it! If you have any ideas for possible improvements to my writing style, I'd love to hear them.
It's nice. +10 to a roll.
*is incredibly happy to see quest back*

Now I just need to remember my omake ideas... and reread stuff. I believe our immediate goal had something to do with having an awesome fencer? Also we were sounding out our staff I believe.
I think it says something about our fencing team that the girl who has mastered the subject is our fourth best entry.

Who needs skill when you've got this amount of firepower?

(incidentally, "Who needs skill?" is presumeably the motto of at least one Magical Girl School)
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*looks at exceptional student list*
*laughs at memories*
Yeah, I remember my omake idea now.

Also, next turn is the final for the semester I believe? How much should we double down on trying to get our students to pass?
I dislike double posting, but I can't figure out how to put quotes in edits... so...

@Whiteeyes considering it's been awhile so I don't know how much you remember/have reread the thread, but...


Also, I'd prefer we get Berburta, purely because they specialize in treating injuries, which I believe we're more liable to get, considering our courses :p
[X] Berburta
Oh yeah! I decided on where to put my +20! If it's possible, could I put it on the next 'get to know' roll we have with Lillymist please? I really feel like we should do better by her, especially since she's such a good teacher.

I think i'll add my +20 to that as well, to insure a good result. I'm sure I can think of another omake to write for the eventual Lillymist redemption roll. Besides, befriending her while she's still in the dumps is probably more beneficial.

On another note, another hero! Fun times over here. Are heroes super rare, or do we have much less hero numbers than one of the bigger schools?

I don't think they changed their minds after this, and it's pertinent to the current plan so I'm pointing this out.
November 1 Aftermath
[X] Starts planning a school event for next month for the students.

This seems easy enough. There are plenty of options to choose from, and as its the end of the semester you can schedule it after finals as a way for the girls to unwind. Now the question is what sort of event to have.
[ ] Movie Night. Nothing inappropriate obviously, but popcorn, some movies, pajamas, and maybe sleeping bags and you're sure the girls will have a fun night.
[ ] A Festivus party. You're pretty sure you have a large aluminum poll somewhere. There will be food, music, the airing of grievances, and your sure plenty of your students would enjoy seeing Professor Wildthorn show off in the feats of strength.
[ ] An informal dance. Would be a bit hard for the girls to get dates out here though.
[ ] A formal dance, though that also adds in the complications of trying to find dresses out here.
[ ] A student carnival. Games, food, plays, and other things made and run by groups of students.

[X] Perform Research on Book Sorting Charm.

You sit down and finish the work Coco Rose started, updating the charm to modern library systems.

[X] Purchase available upgrades. Must pay full Budget cost in advance.
-[X] Illusion projection system. Budget 5 Maint 2

You fill out the paperwork and place a work order for an upgrade to your arena which should help more than wooden dummies or bags of sand tied to rope. Contractors come out to examine the arena, take measurments, check the local mana flow, and all sorts of other things before discussing their exact plans for various projectors and emitters and discussing options with you. You go over the options and pick what you feel is the best option. Installation will begin soon and will take a few weeks to get done.

[X] Hire staff.
-[X] Representative

Your hunt has turned up two people who you feel are qualified...well more qualified than the guys that couldn't spell their name right.

T Black, and it seems his parents actually named him T, is a young human man who, while handsome, isn't exactly the sharpest spoon in the drawer. Still, he is quite charming and likeable and knows how to swung a pitch.

Coal Claw, a heavily tattooed Goblin, is rather good at speaking and is rather calm and intelligent; however his appearance is off putting and not one people would usually associate with an institution of learning.

So what do you do?
[ ] Hire T Black
[ ] Hire Coal Claw
[ ] Hire Both
[ ] Hire Neither

[X] Perform Research on Ruins Pictographs 1.
[X] Wildthorn - Research Ruins Pictographs 1

You and Wildthorn poor over tomes and books, but overall manage to make more progress on what it is not than what it actually is. Still Wildthorn's expertise in history has helped you eliminate a lot of possibilities before you even started, removing those civilizations too old or two young for your general time frame.

[X] Perform Research on Ruins Pictographs 2.
[X] Lillymist - Research Ruins Pictographs 2

Not being one to wait, you also spent time studying the second set of ancient writing alongside Lillymist. It seems that she is quite interested in the work, but doesn't appear to comfortable being around you after your failed talk a couple months ago.

[X] Hang out with Lillymist and get to know them a bit better. Less formal and stressful.

Diplomacy: 16+20+20-10+7=43

Realizing that you need to clear the air if you two are going to even attempt to work together, you sit down and have a bit of a heart to heart with Lillymist. You assure her that you don't hate Necromancy, and that you find her use of it on those monsters heroic, even if then public doesn't agree. She then asks you why you don't have her teaching it then.

[ ] You can't afford to be too controversial while you are so young.
[ ] You don't have the right facilities for it yet.
[ ] You are worried about the local Wildling population raising a fuss if you do so.
[ ] You're doing it next semester.
[ ] Write in.

During your conversation Lillymist asks about the sword in your office. What sword...oh right. Huh, how could you forget that? You spent a good chunk of time studying it, finding out it was super ancient, and then you just forgot about it? That doesn't sound like you at all.

New Lore action unlocked: investigate truly ancient sword.

[X] Coco Rose - Tutor Willow, who attends her class on Alchemy

Willow does fine with her tutoring, and Miss Rose expects no problems.

[X] Shantae - Tutor Sachiko, who attends her class on Fencing.

Feeling that her choice of style might be the issue, you assigned Sachiko a different tutor. By the end of the first week Shantae wanted to pull her hair out. It seems "retreat" just isn't in the girl's vocabulary. Still, she is quite skilled with her furious assault at least.

That's about all you could get before the regionals for Fencing started with a match each week. Your current record is:

Rèalta Academy vs Tech Powers University - Win (5:0)
Rèalta Academy vs Battlestar Academy - Win (3:2)
Rèalta Academy vs Miller's Town School of Magic - Win (2:0, forfeit)
Rèalta Academy vs Weaslethorp - Lose (2:3)

It seems that Sachiko didn't take that loss well, especially after what that school had been up to.
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