[x] Berburta

Injuries will be more common than illnesses in our case.

Also, two new notables and a new heroic! Nice!

Some other interesting results as well, though whie there are some interesting discoveries, they're probably not that urgent.
I think i'll add my +20 to that as well, to insure a good result. I'm sure I can think of another omake to write for the eventual Lillymist redemption roll. Besides, befriending her while she's still in the dumps is probably more beneficial.

On another note, another hero! Fun times over here. Are heroes super rare, or do we have much less hero numbers than one of the bigger schools?
I don't really care about the benefits of actions, aside from when they're purely clerical I'm afraid. I'd much rather do it cos it's a nice thing to do. Maybe I could write about Dawngleam, Annabelle and Lillymist having tea together on an afternoon off or something :) I think I'd like that.
[X] Berburta

I feel I should point out that while our preventative security is decent, IE the wardstone, for reactive security, we only have a Watcher Golem. Perhaps we should go ahead and get a Combat Golem next turn?

By preventative security, I imagine that the wardstone makes it harder for people we don't want to get in to...well, get in. By reactive security, I mean people who can help out in something like a monster attack. Yes, staff and notable students can help out, but I think that it would be easier to have something exclusively for the job of handling incursions like monster attacks, hence the Combat Golem.
More money would be advisable first. We got a number of good combatants on staff, but a school needs to be a better SCHOOL to turn a profit first.

[X] Berburta

Not much call for a specialist disease healer on a routine basis. Any routine sniffles can be dealt with in house, and anything bigger should be using a hospital(instead of keeping the sick students around other students) anyway

Plus it's easier all round to have the doctor be female in a girls school.
More money would be advisable first. We got a number of good combatants on staff, but a school needs to be a better SCHOOL to turn a profit first.

[X] Berburta

Not much call for a specialist disease healer on a routine basis. Any routine sniffles can be dealt with in house, and anything bigger should be using a hospital(instead of keeping the sick students around other students) anyway.
Actually, are there any other settlements on our world at all? Let alone a hospital.
[X] Lillymist: Tutor Sachiko, who attends her class on Fencing.

Lillymist is frustrated with her charge however. While the girl has some serious raw talent, she lacks the more subtle skills or appreciation of proper tactics. She is at least getting proper terminology down, so she should probably at least pass her finals.
Incidentally. Dang, we dodged a bullet with a hero failing a class.
And Sachiko truly is a Hero.

Fuck tactics, going in raw.
Actually, considering her fighting style, that's probably why Lillymist was so frustrated with her:

First up is fencing. With a new instructor, you are interested in seeing how it works out. Lillymist is a skilled practitioner of the more deceptive selune style, using plenty of feints and deceptive cross steps to outmaneuver the foe and get them to make a mistake and leave themselves vulnerable. Shantae on the other hand favors the more aggressive ramil style, an ignian style that favors quick strikes while dashing in and out so that their opponent cannot mount a sustained counter attack.

...Lillymist's fencing style specializes in subtlety. Maybe we should have Shantae tutor her instead.
How do we increase the loyalty of our notable students?

Also can we help students create clubs like student goverment or a fencing team?
We have the ability to host functions for students. We do have to plan it a month ahead, we really should do that next turn.

And hire a representative so that they can set up those sorts of things.

Also, while I don't think we should get both doctors. It bears in mind to remember we are in a jungle. Disease happens.

Edit: I'm not sure if representatives would actually set up those things, but I think they can.
How do we increase the loyalty of our notable students?

Also can we help students create clubs like student goverment or a fencing team?
We have the ability to host functions for students. We do have to plan it a month ahead, we really should do that next turn.

And hire a representative so that they can set up those sorts of things.

Also, while I don't think we should get both doctors. It bears in mind to remember we are in a jungle. Disease happens.

Edit: I'm not sure if representatives would actually set up those things, but I think they can.
Fellow administrators, I think it's time we talked about our goals.

At this point, we are pretty much a functioning school. We nearly have all the basics down, so it's time to decide which direction we want to expand in. I, and I'd hazard to say many of you, have entertained the idea of one day turning Rèalta into the next Alpha or Omega Academy, or something akin to Mahora or Academy City, even. But such a day is far off, and in the meantime, we must use what limited funding and actions we have to decide how best to grow our school.

Do we, in the next few months, dedicate ourselves foremost to exploration and research in the hopes that the wilderness will provide us with the edge we seek? Or do we spend our time searching for more teaching staff so that our students may learn from a more comprehensive curriculum? Do we train our most excellent students to compete in the inter-school competitions so that their performance might bring us more prestige? Make deals with Headmasters of other schools for support?

'Ah, but why not take all of those options, and while we're at it, add in several more?', I hear you ask. Well, yes, that's possible. But then there's no plan, only the taking of whatever opportunities we're presented with. And with no plan, I believe our school will stay in mediocrity far longer than if we concentrate on making one thing about our school special. While it's nice to be known on our world for offering a better-than-decent education in a wide variety of subjects, it's better to be known across the multiverse for offering this one very special thing that's not available anywhere else!

The question I would put forward is, what is this one specialty that we could have, that none of the other academies could hope to match? We have our proximity to the unexplored wilderness working in our favour, represented by Rèalta's 'Exotic' trait (as listed in the OP). This is apparently interesting enough to net us an audience with Calif Noradzir. So is our specialty new discoveries then? But our students haven't been involved in any of our discoveries so far. Is our specialty hand-to-hand combat, seeing how fully one third of our notable students have mastered this subject? But we don't have any special advantage for teaching this in the wilderness. I don't see us becoming known across the multiverse for hand-to-hand expertise while we're out in the sticks.

Our specialty has to be some opportunity that we can impart onto our students. Or rather, it's not Rèalta that should be known for this specialty, but rather Rèalta's graduates should be known for possessing some ability that can only be gained at Rèalta. What can we give to our students that will make our school famous and attractive?

tl;dr Our school isn't going to be the best school in the multiverse for a while longer, but how do we get there from here?
Actually, considering her fighting style, that's probably why Lillymist was so frustrated with her:

...Lillymist's fencing style specializes in subtlety. Maybe we should have Shantae tutor her instead.
Good point. We can try that next.

Is our specialty hand-to-hand combat, seeing how fully one third of our notable students have mastered this subject? But we don't have any special advantage for teaching this in the wilderness. I don't see us becoming known across the multiverse for hand-to-hand expertise while we're out in the sticks.
I'd point out that our wilderness location allows us hands on monster and dungeon training
...So, since we're talking about how a third of our notable students have mastered hand-to-hand combat, I feel like pointing out that every single one of our notable students share a class: History. Is it just coincidence? Does Wildthorn have some secret that attracts notable individuals?
Well, now is a good time to talk about goals short term and mid term, though I don't feel we are off the ground enough for long term goals. We have the bare bones, yes, but we don't have the bare muscle to back it up and hold it together yes.

Each course type has a basic building that we can get and likely expansions beyond that as seen in evidence by the Arena's hologram upgrade. While I don't want to rush each one of those into a high level, each building will save immeasurable amounts of time and effort from our students and catapult our students abilities to significant levels.

Most of us were leaning towards making our school's specialty that of raising adventurers. To that end I had suggested several courses centered around dealing with dangers of the world and living a life where one could be highly independent. This ended up including all of the Hazardous courses, many of the controversial courses, and courses like book keeping, cooking, and law.

I think that is still a good rough guideline for where we should take the school, aiming to become the premiere adventuring academy. For now that means getting someone in dungeoneering, which I feel Wildthorn would be a good candidate for, playing nicely off of his history knowledge and hero status.

As such, I'd like to put forward some short term and mid term goals:

Short term: (The rest of this semester and next semester)
  • Get basic building upgrades
  • Build relationships with teachers
  • Gain understanding of staff abilities
  • Gain student loyalty (we are going to be having really important students from our school, really need this)
  • Improve basic academics
Mid Term: (Starting over summer break)
  • Have Wildthorn learn Dungeoneering
  • Find a way to fix Lillymist's negative modifiers
  • Set up a more thorough security network in school
Well, now is a good time to talk about goals short term and mid term, though I don't feel we are off the ground enough for long term goals. We have the bare bones, yes, but we don't have the bare muscle to back it up and hold it together yes.

Each course type has a basic building that we can get and likely expansions beyond that as seen in evidence by the Arena's hologram upgrade. While I don't want to rush each one of those into a high level, each building will save immeasurable amounts of time and effort from our students and catapult our students abilities to significant levels.

Most of us were leaning towards making our school's specialty that of raising adventurers. To that end I had suggested several courses centered around dealing with dangers of the world and living a life where one could be highly independent. This ended up including all of the Hazardous courses, many of the controversial courses, and courses like book keeping, cooking, and law.

I think that is still a good rough guideline for where we should take the school, aiming to become the premiere adventuring academy. For now that means getting someone in dungeoneering, which I feel Wildthorn would be a good candidate for, playing nicely off of his history knowledge and hero status.

As such, I'd like to put forward some short term and mid term goals:

Short term: (The rest of this semester and next semester)
  • Get basic building upgrades
  • Build relationships with teachers
  • Gain understanding of staff abilities
  • Gain student loyalty (we are going to be having really important students from our school, really need this)
  • Improve basic academics
Mid Term: (Starting over summer break)
  • Have Wildthorn learn Dungeoneering
  • Find a way to fix Lillymist's negative modifiers
  • Set up a more thorough security network in school
I like this general plan, though I will still probably vote for whatever plan catches my interest at the time :p