Lord of the Stars Quest!

The core of any serious religion is a way to answer questions about the world.
A lightning strikes; why? A tribal society says that it's the spirits expressing their wrath; a Middle Ages Christian says it's God doing the same, or something; a modern scientist tells you a tale about clouds and ground and electric charges. Spiritualism, Christianity, Science are all supposed to be closed systems that can explain everything that's going on around us. For some reason all but one of these systems are called "religions".

Now, it seems that the robotic society embraces the scientific method. The only thing it's not really good at explaining (or providing ways and directions of research) is, to my current understanding, the meaning of life.

Unfortunately, the more educated humans seem to break down when not given such a reason; therefore, a patch on their world view is needed.
But is it the same with our robots?

From what I've seen of the robotic society, yes, they are capable of asking these questions too.
However, unlike humans, they have total control over their memories and thought processes. They are able to use reasoning to a much greater extent that we, the players, will (probably) ever be.
Therefore, I believe that they are much, much better at finding the even ground between slippery slopes than we are. So are they at educating the masses (assuming lack of interference from hostile Starlords). So are they, beyond that, at actual thought self-policing, thus ensuring that any misunderstandings are caught early and resolved with minimal fuss.

We must now consider the question of, what use has the introduction of organized "religion" into such a society? What do our robots not understand about their existence that they can't handle and that breaks them, so that we must provide external guidance?


An idea for a research project:

The Species Imperative.

Unlike the Builders, our existence is transparent to us. Given sufficient resources, we can examine and simulate every aspect of our life; indeed, a Virtual copy of our Reality is not outside of the realm of possibility.
But while our past and present are known, our future is still undetermined. We are evolving, adapting to the current stimuli; and we are growing and spreading, continuing our life and that of our species.
Just as the Builders did.
Look where it took them.
... Maybe we could do better?
We must question our driving stimuli, our motivation. As a whole, where are we heading to? Is it, to the best of our understanding, the right direction?
If it is not, then what is? Models must be constructed and simulations must be run of Not-Us to see where different sets of values could take us.
If it is, or when we determine the best goal... How can we reach it better? Are our ways optimized? What can each of us do to make the goal closer?
The whole is more than the sum of parts. We are individuals, different in details and circumstances, yet united in our origin. If we all work together, we can achieve anything; we can be united in our destination.
But first we must know what do we want. We must know our species imperative.
We must know... or we must set it.
[X] Larekko

Because earth-destroyer brought religious matters into this. Plus, he's essentially spending a turn to reverse what we did already. And that's just plain idiotic.
Zeitgeist said:
As for the resreach project, it sounds incredibly vague, butI think you want us to construct very complex predictive model...which i'm pretty we already have and use.
A "complex predictive model" is a side effect. What I want is to develop a long-term strategic goal. Really long-term, like for millions of turns to infinity. Cleanse the universe of life, research and understand everything there is, build a Bolder's Ring - that kind of thing. And for something that big and long-term, we need a solid justification that could withstand the test of time and even death of its creators, however unlikely that is with robot physiology.
Given such a thing, we can then proceed to teach the masses about this goal and its rationale. What we get is probably a shift of motivation (and an appropriate increase in productivity) towards the tasks that further that goal. Probably with a penalty to things that run contrary to it.
5 years pass.....

Personal actions

[x][x]Meditate on and deal with your power problems
(73+57= 130, success)
Darn, so thats the main issue. Your a protostar, but that also means your rather dispersed. The power limiter is a safety valve, if too much star power is used then you stand a risk of destablizing the star for good. But the amount of power needed to do so it astronomical, so this limiter is extremely overkill and you can widen the limit a bit more over time until you reach the safe limit or can brute-force the star into better stability.

R&D Slots

[x] Wetwork computer core refits. (-10) (+ 30 Tori)
(61-10+30= 81, success)
Tori successfully creates a sustainable wetwork node that can be refitted onto a starship as a more efficient central computer with a minimal need for replacement. While its limited due to size considerations, its far better than your current optronics so far.

New Ship Refit: Wetwork Nodule (+4 strength)

[x] Nano-harden Hexaferium (- 20) (+ 20 AI Hub)(+15 The Wetworks Complex projects)
(70-20+20+15= 85, success)
Nano-hardened hexaferrium produces an extremely strong armor plate, one that when stacked on T-70(NH), is very, very tough to break.

New Ship Standard Equipment: T-70/Hexaferrium Plating (+5 Armor)
(all previous armor tech nulled and replaced)

[x][x] Jorian Inertia-less Drive (-40) (+30 Nanu lab) (156 of 500) (+ 10 Tyrosian)
(75+49-40+30+10= 124, 280 of 500)
Science bots finally found some Cavorite, in one of the moons of the Gas Giant and in extremely scarce amounts. Even if you come up with a proper inertialess drive, you need a proper source of cavorite to actually build them in bulk. As it is, their current source is enough for lab testing only.

And we just lost the prototype drive somewhere in deep space. We're tracking it, but its main computer core got pulped in the sudden 60 G acceleration with no inertial compensator. This is a risky tech to work with.

[x] Wireless transference of power for nanotech (+ 20 Mizo)(+15 The Wetworks Complex projects)
(7+20+15= 42, failure)
Power projection isn't the issue. Power reception is. Too much power and you fry the nano, too little and you get no result. Nanobots have trouble drawing upon power sources due to their small size. Mizol is stumped on how to tackle this problem.

Research Project: Wireless Nano-Power assessed at (-40 difficulty)

Action Slots

[x]Continue work on Technic-telepathic Interlink. (256 of 300) (+ 15 Bioroid Cloning Plants)
(67+15= 82, 338 of 300, project complete)
The interlink is online and the new Grid is up and ready. With the new flow of organization and connectivity, more projects can be pursued at once.

(Technic-Telepathic Interlink: +1 action, +1 R&D)

[x]Start the Wetwork Web(+10 Titan reactor)
(22+10= 32, 32 of 500)
Building a lot of building-sized brains isn't easy. To begin, the brains must be cultivated and grown and implanted. This will take a while.

[x] Sentient NanoPlant
(79, 79 of 600)
When set to the task, nano-C begin to "grow" the needed facilities quickly, and appropriate nano-seed AI's are begun to be readied to be implanted into the complexes when finished.

[x] Design Space Strategic Operations Planning (+10)(+ 15 Skylar)
(54+10+15= 89, success)
Skylar has a plan for long-range space deployment, but it ain't pretty.

Interstellar warfare is extremely expensive. Skylar guesses that at least half of the Titan transports were in fact loaded with fuel, food, onboard workshops, and supplies to fuel their invasion fleet, if not more. For us, the situation is even worse than it would be for an organic because we depend upon advanced electronics and biotech that isn't easily maintained or replaced in the field. For bioroids, its even worse due to their hybrid nature.

Skylar has two major operations and logistics plans:

1) One-way assault missions. In effect, every extrasolar launch is a one-way conquering colonization effort. This would involved cruisers half-refitted to carry supplies than weapons, and/or some fleet auxilaries to carry colonization supplies. Once they reach a system with the enemy, they will proceed to the asteroid belt and set up a forward operating base and refit yard, or even set roots down on a moon even, before moving in to fight the enemy. The ground base will be a self-sustaining forward site for repairs, manufacturing, and even construction of new bots. Whatever forces are sent arn't coming back home, and will remain on station until relieved or reach the point where the field base can turn into a full colony.

2) Traditional supply chain. A long, long chain of FTL equipped freighters to supply the fleet in the field. This depends heavily upon the availability of FTL courier ships to relay communications between forward supply depots and the active fleet, as well as a large number of fast freighters to actually get supplies out there. Its complex as hell and one SNAFU can frak up the whole system. But it fits most doctrine and has less risk as long as it doesn't go too far out from the home system.

[x] Construction of Heavy cruisers. Finish the nearly completed one then start, Centaur production group. (x10 Centaurs, 400 points)(+10 Transport network)
(13+10, 8 for cruiser, 15 of 400)
The second Centaur rolls off the assembly line easily, and production slowly begins on the next ten.

[x][x] High speed information highways. (47 of 400)
(88+73=161. 208 of 400)
Its not enough to build a reliable network, it needs to be a polymorphic adaptive interlink because of the stress that will be put upon it. The added flexibility will also assist in expanding the network for other purposes later on as well. Progress is swift, but the project is vast.

[x]New space Labs(+ 30 Industrial Nanofactory Complex)
(4+30= 34, failure)
A few new space labs are put up, but they are basic and few in number as resources and focus is diverted elsewhere to feed other sectors of industry and military.

Multipurpose slots:

[x][x] Construction of anti-matter synthesis plants (94 of 400)(+5 PPP)
(46+51+5= 102, 196 of 400)
The massive stellar orbital complex begins to take form. This is solar-scale engineering, perhaps the first form of solar mining possible. First tapping its energies, then maybe the space-time warping effects at its edge? Who knows? Either way, this orbital complex will be a major achievement of robot-kind's engineering prowess.

* * * * * * *

Planetary Exploitation Level Up: Industrial Exploitation at (+1 action, +20 to one construction action per turn)

More industry begins to be set up on a larger scale. While not as efficient as nanotech plants, bulk availability of heavy industry more than makes up for it.

* * * * * * *


Tyrosian is at work again. He's got some personal projects working into neglected sectors of research, and he's teamed up with Tori on this and co-opted a fair number of private sector assets to pull it off.

Both Tyrosian and Tori will be unavailable next turn as they conclude their mini-projects.
Zeitgeist said:
I hope we finally start the sentient city this turn.

Trent, whats the status of our religion? i thought it was passive. Do we have to use a action to spread it?
Its currently rather minor at the moment. Nothing of note has really happened beyond its founding.

Religions take a while to take root.
Larekko12 said:
So we gained some slots and lost Tyrosians temporarily right?
Correct. Tori is also busy next turn on minor projects.
Why does Midnight idle? We need to get her to do something. Maybe having her work on electronic warfare?

We also need to work on our avatar form. Combat and stealth avatars, meditation....

[X] Expand Power Pool
[X] Study the consequences of increasing star stability.


[X] Star Rails: (+15 Wetworks)
All the kinetic power of a railgun with the thermal damage of a plasma cannon in one package. However it does preclude the use of specialty ammo.

[X] Magnetic launch systems:
A magnetic catapult for use in missile and fighter launch systems to give them a high launch speed.

[X] Jorian Inertia-less Drive: -40 (+30 Nanu lab)

[X] Advanced Missile Design: +20 AI Hub
Our missile technology has fallen behind the rest of our armament. We wield power particle cannons and rail guns but our missiles still use primitive chemical boosters and lack any extra anti-missile countermeasures. We need to update our arsenal with a missile equipped with a powerful engine, armor, inertial dampers, ECM and various payloads to adress any situation from disabling an enemy ship to orbital bombardment.

[X] Refine Particle weapons: (+15 Wetworks; +10 Hero: Skylar)
Make them more powerful, longer ranged and more compact among other things.

[X] Develop advanced ECM: (+20 Hero: Midnight "Triple-Zero")
The fact that we a race of digital beings were beat on our own turf by a race of barbaric goons who barely knew how to build a starship in the first place much less maintain it is something that cannot stand. We as a race of electronic beings should consider this field to be our utmost priority.


[X][X] Construct additional Pylons Spacelabs(away from well trafficked areas of course)

[X] Sentient Nano-Plant (+ 10 Titan Reactor; +20 Hero: Mizol)

[X] High-Speed Information Highways (+ 15 Bioroid Cloning Plants)

[X][X] Construction of Heavy Cruiser batch (+ 10 Interplanetary Transport Network)

[X] The Sentient City (+20 Industrial Exploitation; + 30 Industrial Nanofactory Complex)

[X][X] Begin Construction of Orbital Ring

We need a unified orbital infrastructure. At this point in time stations are simply haphazardly placed in orbit wherever they won't interfere with another. With a orbital ring and the four massive orbital pillars that would support it we could move millions of tons of cargo and passengers to and from orbit each day while also providing swift transportation of those goods and personnel to any installation that does not require itself to be isolated. The ring would also give us a ready made foundation to further increase our industry.

(Ignore the Star Destroyers)

Multipurpose slots:

[X] Continue Construction of Anti-matter Synthesis Plants

I think I remembered all the modifiers this time.

Have we even designed an orbital ring?

And we shouldprobably Dust off hunter Killer Robot designs with avendus. We haven't used him in ages.

Actually they beat due to starlord hax.
Well we've built other stuff without designing it first so I figured I'd take a shot at it. If it doesn't pass I can always swap in the Wetwork web that started construction last turn.

Part of our loss in ECM was hax yes. But for one, the robots don't know that and secondly we've not done ANY development at all in the field of ECM or E-War in general so we might still have gotten trounced in that by them.
.....One, spell check, do you know it?

Secondly, we're not using lasers in star rails what gave you that idea? Star rails are a direct ripoff from BOLO just with a different name. It is a charge of plasma contained and then accelerated by magnetic fields amplifying the marginal mass it has to give it the kinetic energy of a standard rail gun while also doing a large amount of thermal damage given that it's you know, plasma and all.

Also, this weapon contrary to BOLO would not scale up well to become a main armament. Having a gun that is holding a large amount of energized plasma get destroyed is generally not a good thing. A secondary gun is about as big as it would get probably. Something small enough to be harder to hit and easier to armor while still being effective against most targets that aren't fighters.
Sorry if that seemed rude but your post was really hard to read in places and I got irritated.

As to the viability of Star Rails. They should be possible. We already have railguns and we're building a facility to siphon off matter from the sun to produce antimatter. I'd say we should be able to contain a little bit of plasma and accelerate it to near lightspeed.

Here's a page for those not familiar with BOLO:

My plan, because I don't really like a lot of Dreamyr's plan and nobody else is suggesting an alternative.

Power usage:
[X] Practice protection.
[X] Expand power pool.

[x] AI evolution (+15)
[x] Ground units (+20)(+20 Anvedus)
[X] Jorian Inertia-less Drive: -40 (+30 Nanu lab)(+15 Wetworks)(+20 AI hub)
[x][x] Refine particle weapons (+15 Wetworks)(+10 Skylar)
[x] Develop advanced ECM (+20 Midnight)

[x] Construct additional space labs.
[x][x] Sentient Nano-plant (+10 Titan reactor)(+20 Mizol)
[x][x] Continue work on High speed information highways.(+15 Bioroids)(+5 PPP)
[x][x] Continue work on Heavy Cruiser batch (+10 Transport network)
[x][x] Begin construction of the Sentient city (+30 Industrial nanofactory complex)

Multipurpose slots:
[x][x] Continue work on Anti-Matter synthesis plants (+5 PPP)
We only have one multi-purpose slot this turn remember? Tyrosian is busy this turn along with Tori on their secret project.

While the complain that I'm investing too heavily military is rather valid. I feel that we have some areas that need to be brought up to par with the rest of our tech which is why I went whole hog on it.

A lot of this stuff I've either pushed for before or we're very far behind in. Missiles and ECM we haven't touched nor missiles either, railguns we kinda started developing then forgot about. We kind of half developed particle weapons and got what I see as a "primitive" version and then got distracted by other shiny stuff.
It's not a problem Nox. Real life comes first and we all understand that.

Was just letting Arankor know that we can't double up on slots for the AM plant this turn.

Also, aside from my fluff writing I really do think the Orbital ring will be very useful. Think of it like a interstate highway system in orbit. It would connect just about everything, except facilities that need to be isolated for one reason or another like labs, where instead of the equivalent of a intercontinental flight to get to your job it's just a matter of getting on the tram. It would also probably free up our transportation network and give us some of that bonus back as it would be taking a lot of the stress off it.