Lord of the Stars Quest!

My plan wins with 5 votes, while Dreamyr's plan had 2.
5 years pass....

Power usage:
[X] Practice protection.
(33, failure) Okay, now your starting to think its something in pathspace itself thats messing up your ability to project defensive shards. You only manage to insert a few before you lose the connection.

[X] Expand power pool.
(7, major failure)
No progress in opening the limiter this turn.

[x] AI evolution
(19, failure)
Inducing a next-tier evolution in a AI is not an easy thing, especially since a lot of hardcode has already been laid down and a lot of bots already set in their ways. Its not just a tech issue, but a social one as well.

Next stage of AI Evolution assessed at -30 difficulty

[x] Ground units (+20) (+20 Anvedus)
(19+20+20= 59, neutral)
Ground military R&D has stalled as researchers and resources are funnelled into other, reportedly higher-priority projcts.

In other words: the logistical system is screwed up without Tyrosian micromanaging it. Better get him on it when he gets back.

[X] Jorian Inertia-less Drive: -40 (+30 Nanu lab)(+15 Wetworks)(+20 AI hub)
(9+100-40+30+15+20= 134, 414 of 500)
The prototype was recovered and a proper production model intertialess drive is coming online.

However, the science bots are putting a firm limit of 30 G's on it. Both out of limited cavorite supply and because even with advances in inertial compensators, 30 G's is our maximum possible limit for maybe another century. As it is, we're pushing the limit a little too far.

[x][x] Refine particle weapons (+15 Wetworks)(+10 Skylar)
(81+17+15+10= 123, success)
Skylar has designed the next generation of particle-beam weaponry. While still a bit too cumbersome to mount as a turreted secondary weapon, the helical Titan-class particle-beam cannon is very powerful and more efficent than its predecessor.

New Ship Refit: Titan Particle-Beam Cannon (+6 strength, -- bulky)

[x] Develop advanced ECM (+20 Midnight)
(93 +0 "not my area. I do hacking, not science"= 93, success)
Despite Midnight's complaints about doing lab work when she's a hacker AI, she has come up with a package of electronic warfare that can be installed on a ship.

A basic ECM suite is now installed in all ships as standard against missile fire. A larger suite, with a larger price tag, is also available as a further refit.

This also got her thinking about other forms of ECM. Decoys, network disruption, false echos. And even crueler upgrades.

New Standard Ship Equipment: ECM- Alpha (+1 ECM)
New Ship Refit: ECM-Alpha plus (+2 ECM)

New Research Project: Twilight ECM package (-20)

[x] Construct additional space labs.
(78, success)
After that initial hiccup, space lab production begins in full and science bots appreciate the new and expanded facilities with additional redundant safety measures.

(Temporary +30 bonus to one project next turn)
(Next Crit Fail result effect halved)

[x][x] Sentient Nano-plant (+10 Titan reactor)(+20 Mizol)
(87+97+10+20=204, 293 of 600)
As the facilities take form, care is also taken to ensure their smooth insertion into the planetary economy. You can't dump this much high-grade nano in all at once. A proper distribution plan is necessary to pull this off.

[x][x] Continue work on High speed information highways.(+15 Bioroids)
(59+51+15= 125, 333 of 400)
With the foundations and infrstructure and networks in place, distribution and uplinking begin. It will take time for the planet to adjust to such a hyper-charged internet, and the surplus results of it will take time to emerge.

[x][x] Continue work on Heavy Cruiser batch (+10 Transport network)
(68+25+10= 103, 118 of 400)
The drydocks are filled with new hulls coming to life. Bit by bit, these new starships will be the new face of your fleet.

[x][x] Begin construction of the Sentient city (+30 Industrial nanofactory complex)
(70+24+30= 124, 124 of 800)
The gears of the great machine churn to build this giant megacomplex. A sentient self-adaptive city. While the advent of nanotech and advanced powerplants have improved its abilities, its overall design has not changed since its conception.

But as work begins, nobody knows just how a single AI can handle a body the size of a city. Or how such an AI may grow into becoming a sentient entity. But even if it must be a gestalt core, this city will be a center of great achievements.

Multipurpose slots:
[x] Continue work on Anti-Matter synthesis plants (+5 PPP)
(49+5= 54, 250 of 400)
Progress is slow, but what do you expect from a project this large and this serious. This is antimatter. A reactor meltdown here would make a nuclear one seem tiny in comparison. But progress continues and the civilian applications as well as military purposes of antimatter begin to be considered and thought out.

* * * * * *


Tyrosian and Tori pop up, showing off the project they were working on. A new energy economy design, and easily put into practice by simplifying current energy distribution patterns and power plant designs. The end result is a more streamlined energy utility system that has been set up practically overnight.

New Improvement: The Energy Interlink (+20 to one economic action per turn)

* * * * * * *

New action plan?
Trent01 said:
Didn't see it on the plan. Going back to check now.

Mizol only applies to one action per turn.
Yeah Mizol does. He applies + 20 not ten twenty to any one nanotech action.

And we already said about Avendus. I already said that. I told people in the thread. I even quoted a list with the bonuses added in. and a list with the bonuses.
Larekko12 said:
Yeah Mizol does. He applies + 20 not ten twenty to any one nanotech action.

And we already said about Avendus. I already said that. I told people in the thread. I even quoted a list with the bonuses added in. and a list with the bonuses.
Edited in. Fixed. Not much difference made in either respect though.
So now that Tory is available again, anyone got an idea for what we could use her 30+ bonus on?
You know, I think Trent is not-so-subtly hinting that we should start working on our economy.
PhoenixFTW said:
You know, I think Trent is not-so-subtly hinting that we should start working on our economy.
Information Highway is an economic project, isn't it? Kinda?

But yeah we should probably do more economy.
What can we do for more economy? cause I have no idea. Have tyorosian and tori train suboridinates? Update the bureaucracy?
I'd vote for that. We might also want to look at actually colonizing the other planets/moons in our system too.
Power Usage
[x][x]Exploration of Pathspace Problems.

[x][x]Research Jorian inertia less Drive -40( Wetworks +30)
[x] Research Variable Economics:
Capable of adapting and incorporating any increase or decrease in resources to make most efficient use of it with a minimum of waste. (+30 Tori)
[x]Analyze Base Make Up of Current Hero Unit non invasively with the intent of replication. (AI hub 20)
[x]Analyze Random Input and Output Phenomenon.(+30 Nanu Laboratory)

[x]Reorganize the Milatary Logistical system to Work without Tyrosian Micormanaging in ground and in space (Skylar, Avendus, Tyrosian, 15, 20, 10?)
[x][x]continue Sen NanoPlant (+20 Mizol)
[x][x]Continue Work on high Speed Infomation Highways (+15 Bioroids)
[x]continue Working on Heavy Cruiser Batch(+10 Transport Network)
[x]Continue Working on Sen City(+30 Industrial Nanofactory Complex)
[x]Build More Labs
[x]Expand Transport Network

Multipurpose Slot
[x][x]Continue Anti Matter Synthesis Plant (+5PPP)

Very tentative
We've pretty much got the max number of projects started right now that we can handle so I'm not going to bother with production but a couple of other suggestions for power and research.


[X] Study Path space.
This will hopefully tell us what's screwing with making shards and it may help with further research into higher band FTL via the prodding influence of a avatar who would point them in the right direction.

[X] Work on that limiter again.


[X]Jorian Drive
It's a given as we're almost done.

[X]Bioroid Polymorphic Genetics
This would allow us to tailor our bioroids to specific tasks most likely. Ones with better brains for research, stronger ones for manual labor etc.

[X]AI Evolution

[X] QHD production
This is kind of something we've forgotten about I think. We did some research on it and then went on to other things without really developing it beyond the point of being able to maintain the surviving QHD factories we had. We should really try and fix that. If we're going to colonize other planets we'll ideally start off with a population of QHD bots as they're much more rugged and capable of handling harsher environments as well as being easier to maintain.

As these are just suggestions and not a proper plan I didn't bother going and hunting down the modifiers list or anything.

Edit- forgot the most important one.

[X] Variable Economics:
Capable of adapting and incorporating any increase or decrease in resources to make most efficient use of it with a minimum of waste.

I think this would be a bit better than your streamlined economics Larekko if you want to swap them. This one would take into account any losses in resources we might take as well due to either natural disasters or losing control of them to another race.
I editted it Variable Economics. Remebered the Nanu lab too. And fuck power expansion for Now. Explore what's wrong with you connection with PSpace.
Power Usage
[x][x] Exploration of Pathspace Problems.

[x][x] Research Jorian inertia less Drive -40 (414 of 500) ( Wetworks +30) (+20; AI Hub)
[x] Research Variable Intersteller Economics:
Capable of adapting and incorporating any increase or decrease in resources to make most efficient use of it with a minimum of waste for a multi-planet society.(+10; Tyrosian) (+30 Nanu Laboratory)
[x]Bioroid Polymorphic Genetics (+30 Tori)
[x] [x]Titan Grasers (-30) (+15; Titan Salvage) [leaves 2 remaining](+30; Temp Space Lab bonus)

[x] [x] [x] Continue Sentient Nano-plant (293 of 600) (+20; Mizol)
[x] [x] Continue Working on Sentient City (124 of 800) (+30; Industrial Nanofactory Complex) (+10; Titan Reactor)
[x][x] Continue Work on high Speed Infomation Highways (333 of 400) (+15; Bioroid Cloning) (+20; Energy Interlink)
[x] [x] Continue Working on Heavy Cruiser Batch (+10; Transport Network) (+15; Skylar)

Multipurpose Slot
[x] [x] Continue Anti Matter Synthesis Plant (250 of 400) (+5; PPP)

Mostly stolen from Truth. blatantly.