Lord of the Stars Quest!

5 years pass...

Power Usage
[x] Exploration of Pathspace Problems.
(80, success) Turns out you were having issues because another major Shard was forming. Its name is Gatekeeper.

"I am the defensive aspect to you pathspace defenses. Key provides the foundation as a keystone. I am the lock to the gates. We can augment your pawn-totem defenses with rooks. Strong defenses, but it will take time to set up, and they are useless on the offensive."

"Yes, I just said that. What, didn't you know you could use your powers in an aggressive manner instead of just defensive?"

[x] Expand power limiter
(67, success) You wedge open the power limiter a bit more to tap into the star. Still not much, but when youuse your powers at the very least recharge times are going down.

(All powers now have recharge time of 2 turns instead of 3)

[x] [x] Research Jorian inertia less Drive (414 of 500) (-40) ( Wetworks +30) (+20; AI Hub)
(30+16-40+30+20= 56, 470 of 500)

Okay 30 g's was a bit on the optimistic side of things. In practice, your average destroyer can pull off about 24-28 g's depending on how much power they shove into the drive, and a cruiser sticks around 25 g's due to their mass. Still pretty darn good, much better than your current hyperium fusion torch drive.

It should be noted, these are extremely primitive inertialess drives. The design could stand for a ton of improvement once some production models are built and more data recovered.

[x] Research Variable Intersteller Economics: (+30 Tori) (+30 Nanu Laboratory)
Capable of adapting and incorporating any increase or decrease in resources to make most efficient use of it with a minimum of waste for a multi-planet society.
(61+30+30= 121, CRITICAL SUCCESS)

The chief issue of interstellar economics even in a single solar system is communications. Alpha-FTL coms have bandwidth issues, and too expensive for most civilian businesses or shipping firms to own and maintain. So Tori designs a whole new form of economic math to handle interstellar transactions without FTL comms. This involves sentient macroeconomic AI's embedded into the economic infrastructural on several levels and a lot of comm beacons.

The end result is a very flexible system, if a bit restrained without FTL comms and with a high start-up cost, that will allow for interstellar economics with little to no fuss. Until it reaches a certain size point, say coordinating three star systems. But we should have broadband FTL-coms by then, right?

On a side note, Tori adapted the atemporal planning to apply to other areas besides economics by wrapping up the initial program early. Research and industry stand to benefit from her additions to the math.

New Improvement: Atemporal Adaptive Economic Systems (+economics slot, 500 points)
New Improvement: Atemporal Adaptive Industry Systems (+industry slot, 500 points)
New Improvement: Atemporal Adaptive Science Systems (+science slot, 500 points)

[x] [x] Refine Particle weapons further: Size, power, range (+10; Tyrosian)
(80+50+10= 140, success)
Tyrosan isn't sure how one could refine current particle weaponry, so he doesn't bother. Instead, he designs a new type of weapon that meets the criteria.

The Hell-Lance particle-beam cannon. More powerful, longer-ranged, and with a series of heat-dumps and redundant parts for extended combat. The downside is that he can't shrink the size issues down. Particle-beam weapons are inherently bulky.

New Ship Refit: Hell-Lance PBC. (+5 strength, +rugged, +rapid-fire)

[x] Titan Grasers (-30) (+15; Titan Salvage) [leaves 2 remaining]
(42-30+15= 27, failure)
Once again, Titan graser technology evades your grasp. Come to think of it though, it means its impossibly more advanced than what the Titans should have been capable of, based on other clues from the wreckage.

So where did they get it?

[x] [x] [x] Continue Sentient Nano-plant (293 of 600) (+20; Mizol)
(55+29+90+20= 161, 454 of 600)
Progress is rapid now that the nano-seed colonies are all set in and infrastructure across the planet is made ready for the sudden influx of nano-tech. Mizol estimates that the plants should be finished soon.

[x] [x] Continue Working on Sentient City (124 of 800) (+30; Industrial Nanofactory Complex) (+10; Titan Reactor) (+30; Temp Space Lab bonus)
(77+6+30+10+30= 153, 277 of 800)
Using projected power from refitted space labs with solar collectors, progress accelerates on the massive scale projects while massive amounts of nanotech are infused into every building, every pipe, every weld of the city. This will be a truly monumental project.

[x] Continue Work on high Speed Infomation Highways (333 of 400) (+15; Bioroid Cloning) (+20; Energy Interlink)
(96+15+20= 128, 461 of 400, project complete.)
The hypernet is online and the world revels in the computational power increase. All sectors see major growth and the economy is now flourishing.

(High Speed Information Highways: ++approval, +20 to one economic project per turn)

[x] [x] Continue Working on Heavy Cruiser Batch (+10; Transport Network) (+15; Skylar)
(40+89+10+15= 154, 272 of 400)
Working on them simultaniously is starting to show the benefits as batch-production of needed components is much more efficient. As long as they keep doing these batch-jobs in a row, the yard-mechs think they can cut down production times even more.

[x] Reclamation of World
(92, success)
At long last, the entire world is clean and restored. The machines have spread new life and new greeness across the globe, doing what their makers could not: create a lasting peace.

But after the last red zone is cleaned up, its time to move on. Time to reach out for the stars. And who knows, maybe we should abandon this world entirely and let nature take it back while we relocate to high orbit or among the stars? But thats a dream for the far future. Right now, we got work to do.

(World fully reclaimed and restored. ++ approval)

Multipurpose Slot
[x] [x] Continue Anti Matter Synthesis Plant (250 of 400) (+5; PPP)
(27+82+5= 114, 364 of 400)
The Plant is almost online and ready to go, pending final safety checks and installation of critical AI's and support infrastructure. Once complete, you'll be getting antimatter by the kilogram. Well, only a few kilograms, but still.

* * * * * *


Nothing major of note has happened. Oddly.

Your robots begin to think about sending scouts to far-off star systems. Theres only so much you can do in one star system, and they don't want to put all their eggs in one basket if the Titans come back again.

A colonial mission is on the planning tables and designs are beginning to be drafted. Robot-kind needs at least one colony among the stars to ensure its continued existance.
Power Usage
[x]Setting up of Defensive Pathspace Measures.
[x]Practice Avatar

[x][x] Research Jorian inertia less Drive -40 (+20; AI Hub)
[x] Research FTL alpha Broadband (-??)( Wetworks +30)
[x] Research Bioroid Polymorphic Genetics (+30 Tori)

[x] [x] [x] Continue Sentient Nano-plant (454 of 600) (+20; Mizol)(high Speed Internet+20)
[x] [x] Continue Working on Sentient City (277 of 800) (+30; Industrial Nanofactory Complex) (+10; Titan Reactor)(+20; Energy Interlink)
[x] Refit ships ???
[x] [x] Finish Working on Heavy Cruiser Batch (+10; Transport Network) (+15; Skylar)

Multipurpose Slot
[x] [x] Continue Anti Matter Synthesis Plant (250 of 400) (+5; PPP)(+15; Bioroid Cloning)

RTM said:
Question, can we propose our own R&D projects, Trent? Because I'm thinking of using quantum entanglement to solve our problems of communications, at least on a planetary levels and higher. Also, can we develop new starlord abilities, if QE-Communicators are going to take too long or are too costly, we could try to learn to accelerate communications through FTL (FTL-space is the same as pathspace, right?), by creating FTL-space version of a high-bandwidth communications highway or whatever is the right word, and let our robots communicate faster and the like.
Yes you can. In fact, I WANT you to use write-in's to try and bypass the diificulty modifiers I throw at you.

As for QEC's, that would be a tad overkill at the moment. And expensive. FTL-broadband is easier.

As for your powers...well go and try it out. All depends on the dice. But developing new powers is difficult and time-intensive.
Larekko12 said:
[x][x] Research Jorian inertia less Drive -40 (+20; AI Hub)
With only 30 points left we want one slot and ONLY one slot for possibility of critical success. And as much bonuses as possible. Or was it stated that we can't get critical success on multi-turn science project?
al103 said:
With only 30 points left we want one slot and ONLY one slot for possibility of critical success. And as much bonuses as possible. Or was it stated that we can't get critical success on multi-turn science project?
Critical success on this won't get you much in the first place, but no, you don't get crit successes on multi-turn projects.
I'd really like it if we could upgrade our missile arsenal. I know I said more economic upgrades and less military but our missiles are WOEFULLY obsolete.

The Magnetic/inertial launch system would be good too for a good initial speed boost.


[X] Modernize missile arsenal:
Technology has advanced quite a bit in the past several decades and our missiles are now behind the rest of our arsenal in effectiveness. Better warheads, better engines, more armor inertial compensators to mitigate the extra mass, a ECM suite to spoof enemy anti-missiles systems. Integrating these things into missiles would bring their effectiveness up to par with the rest of our weapons.

[X] Advanced launch systems:
A new standard for launch systems. A magnetic or inertial compensator based system would by different means accomplish the same thing. Increase the speed of our missiles and strike craft out of the bay. As any bot would tell you, for a missile or small craft speed is life. Giving our fighters and missiles a greater initial boost in speed would not only set a higher baseline speed for them but also allow them to reach even higher speeds faster and without using as much fuel.

I'd also still like to get Star Rails at some point in time as well but I won't push for that right now. I've kind of got a idea that we have 3 primary weapon systems we focus on aside from stuff like AMS and the like. We'd have particle weapons as our main heavy weaponry, Star Rails and as our secondary weapons along with missiles for that extreme range punch.

One other idea I had that I'd like to run by you guys and then GM to see if it's possible, is changing the ship design system and leave it a bit more in our hands. Each class of ship( corvette, frigate, destroyer etc.) would have a certain number of "slots". These slots( small, medium, large, huge etc.) would in turn mount different equipment. A small slot might mount things like sensors, ECM, anti-missile systems and so on. Medium slots would be things like secondary weapons, small missile bays, shield generators etc. Large slots would be heavy weapons, large missile bays, hangar bays and the like.

This would allow us the players to really customize our play style as we can create ships with specific roles. I would be willing to do a lot of the work for this and the only real thing that I wouldn't be able to do is balance it which I would have to run by Trent for him to approve.

Like I said, this is just an idea I came up with that I thought had the potential to really increase the depth of the game. It would also make our opponents more interesting as well as they might focus on a particular way of combat that we would have to figure out to counter.

If this doesn't really fit though that's fine. I just figured I'd run it past you guys to see if anyone was interested.
Well, here's my proposal at the very least (using Larekko's 'skeleton' as a base).

[x]Setting up of Defensive Pathspace Measures.
[x]Practice protection.

[x][x] Research Jorian inertia less Drive -40 (+20; AI Hub)
[x] Research FTL alpha Broadband (-??)( Wetworks +30)
[x] Research Bioroid Polymorphic Genetics (+30 Tori)
[x][x] Titan Grasers (-30)(+15 Titan salvage) (+10 Tyrosian) [Leaves 1 remaining]

[x][x] [x] Continue Sentient Nano-plant (454 of 600) (+20; Mizol)(high Speed Internet+20)
[x][x] Continue Working on Sentient City (277 of 800) (+30; Industrial Nanofactory Complex) (+10; Titan Reactor)(+20; Energy Interlink)
[x][x] Begin construction of Orbital ring, Stage 1.
[x][x] (Hopefully) Finish Working on Heavy Cruiser Batch (+10; Transport Network) (+15; Skylar)

Multipurpose Slot
[x] [x] Finish Anti Matter Synthesis Plant (364 of 400) (+5; PPP)(+15; Bioroid Cloning)
Arankor, we can't finish the heavy cruiser batch with that setup. We are currently at 272. It might be a better idea to put the refit ships slot into the Heavy Cruiser batch. Assuming you make that change I can vote for your plan.
mc2rpg said:
Arankor, we can't finish the heavy cruiser batch with that setup. We are currently at 272. It might be a better idea to put the refit ships slot into the Heavy Cruiser batch. Assuming you make that change I can vote for your plan.
I noticed now that I double checked the numbers on the last update. I was looking at something completely different. I'll change it.
We should start working on our avatar power and monitor the spread of our religion.

Also change the power to
[x]Set up Def pathspace Measures
[x] Repair and refine Offensive pathspace measures.

other than that [x]arankor's plan.
earth-destroyer said:
[x][x] Titan Grasers (-30)(+15 Titan salvage) (+10 Tyrosian) [Leaves 1 remaining]'

I suggest dropping this and replacing it with Point to point FTL drive, which will be useful in all areas of space operations.
Speaking of that we might want to hit those ftl braodband comms stat.
5 years pass.....

[x]Setting up of Defensive Pathspace Measures.
(61, success)
Gatekeeper reinforces your lines with Root pieces and Key is working on fortifying the pawns and pathspace lines.

So far, great progress. But tiny on a stellar scale. Key is wondering what to do about long-range detection and pathspace radar. So far, no progress in that regard.

[x]Practice protection.
(4, crit failure)
Your attempt to develop pathspace radar has failed, and you even caused a few pathspace anomalies that would be extremely hard to miss if anyone has pathspace sensors.

Fortunately, theres no reply. Thats a good thing, right?

[x][x] Research Jorian inertia less Drive -40 (+20; AI Hub)
(94+56-40+20= 130, 600 of 500, project complete and overrun)

At long last, reactionless and inertialess drives are now a practical reality. Using the gravity warping effects of cavorite, you can now accelerate your ships to 25 to 30 g's.

The problem is that you don't have a lot of cavorite. And for that matter the drives are complex pieces of hardware that cannot be refitted into existing ships. You need new, purpose-built ships to mount the gravic drive, and you need a large supply of cavorite to make them mass-producible.

With their extra resources, science-bots look into the prospect of raising the g-bar. No such luck. Quite frankly they took a lot of shortcuts by reverse-engineering the Jorian drive rather than making a home-built drive. It will be centuries before we can make improvements beyond 30 g's.

New Action Project: Search for Cavorite (-30)
New Action Project: Design Gravtic-capable ships (-0)

[x] Research FTL alpha Broadband (-30)( Wetworks +30)
(71-20+20= 71, success)
FTL comms, easy. Broadband comms, much harder. But its now possible to a degree. Atemporal adaptive systems will be much more efficient when it comes to day to day mundane matters, while Broadband FTL coms will form the emergancy hotlines and high-level corporate task coordination.

Once a series of com buoys are in place this will greatly simplify colonial administration and extrasolar coordination.

New Action Project: Com Relay Network (150 point project)

[x] Research Bioroid Polymorphic Genetics (-20)(+30 Tori)
(10-20+30= 20, failure)
Attempts at designing specific caste-style bioroid bodies have poor results, but Tori persists that it is a project worth looking into. In particular, hardened bioroid bodies able to handle greater g-forces without issue. It will be a major issue, but useful for colonization or high-speed ships.

[x][x] Titan Grasers (-30)(+15 Titan salvage) (+10 Tyrosian) [Leaves 1 remaining]
(79-30+15+10= 74, success)
At long last, Tyrosian has cracked the secret of the Titan Grasers. More importantly, he improved on the design, as while the Titans got a high-power output, their graser's subsystems (capacitors, targeting, aiming, etc) are all woefully inferior to robot kind's. In fact, Tyrosian is wondering how the hell they got the operating characteristics they did during the battle. Everything about their weapons was far in excess of their actual capabilities. (In fact, it was the starlord that did it)

Tyrosian refitted the design onto our own ships, and it will prove to be very useful as a replacement to basic laser weaponry. But he finds the turret design to be too underpowered. But putting in a spinal beam wouldn't get much better results due to maneuvering issues.

Hey, maybe we ought to look into the battlerider gunship program. It may be a good chassis for forward deployment.

New Standard Ship Equipment: Graser turrets (+2 strength)
New Research Project: Battleriders (-20)

[x][x] [x] Continue Sentient Nano-plant (454 of 600) (+20; Mizol)(high Speed Internet+20)
(83+2+52+20+20= 177, 631 of 600, project complete)
The Sentient Nano-plant is online and pumping out tons of Nano-C to distribute across the planet. Mizol is very pleased, and even grew a little by feeding off some of the surplus nano. However its taking him exponentially more massive amounts of nanotech to feed any growth of his core unit.

(Sentient Nano-Plant: +40 to one construction-only action project per turn)
(Mizol has growth to +25 to any one nanotech-involved action/R&D)

[x][x] Continue Working on Sentient City (277 of 800) (+30; Industrial Nanofactory Complex) (+10; Titan Reactor)(+20; Energy Interlink)
(15+21+30+10+20= 96, 373 of 800)
Progress continues and more power is fed into the growing gestalt mind governing the city complex. The city grows and expands, almost organically actually as mechanical planning gives way to adaptive dynamic nano-lathe fueled modularity of city blocks and structures. Indeed, buildings melt, merge, fuse, and separate according to the city's will and the needs of its inhabitants.

And slowly, the city begins to awake.

[x][x] Begin construction of Orbital ring, Stage 1.
(40+74, 114 of 500)
Stage one of building the orbital ring will be to establish a large number of orbital elevators. And by a large number, it means that no less than a hundred orbital elevators need to go online before the construction of the skeleton of the ring is even considered.

Good news, once the elevators go up, it will greatly simplify space-side actions and organization. Even if it will take a long time for the rings to go up, they will be the foundation for a interstellar empire.

[x][x] (Hopefully) Finish Working on Heavy Cruiser Batch (+10; Transport Network) (+15; Skylar)
(3+35+10+15= 63, 335 of 400)
Component production has stalled in several places and production grinds to a halt. Skylar is narrowly deterred from turning the chief Yard Mech into a CPU paperweight.

More importantly, its made clear that this is taking too long. Smaller batch groups would probably provide better output in the future, but would need significant input from other sources to supply subsystem modules at the needed pace.

New Action Project: Centaur Production Batch x5 (200 points, needs at least one industrial asset to assist)

Multipurpose Slot
[x] [x] Finish Anti Matter Synthesis Plant (364 of 400) (+5; PPP)(+15; Bioroid Cloning)
(4+40+5+15= 64, 428 of 400, project complete)
The antimatter plant is online and production has begun. Antimatter stockpiles slowly but surely continue to rise and are now available in abundance and for any number of possible purposes.

* * * * * * *


Science-bots are befuddled as to how to actually apply antimatter beyond spiking hyperium fusion torch engines with it for extra hard burn, especially since gravtic drives seem to be the future.

Perhaps you could give some input by your Avatar's or through a Logic bolt.

(Write-in three possible applications of antimatter, and science bots will pursue them as free R&D slots for next turn. Hidden modifiers will be applied based on quality of write in.)

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[ ]
[ ]
I will be extremely disappointed if antimatter weaponry doesn't take up at least one of those slots.
[x]Antimatter warheads for projectiles/missiles. The problem with them isn't getting them to explode, it is keeping them from exploding until you want them to. The containment systems will have to be robust in order to ensure they don't prematurely detonate, but the amount of explosive material needed to obtain powerful explosions is much lower than what is needed for a fission triggered fusion warhead (the Tsar Bomba for example, massed ~27,000 kilograms and had a max yield of 100 megatons. Two kilos of AM will give you ~98megatons of yield IIRC)

Trent I know that a good number of Sci-fi uses antimatter reactors to provide power, is that feasible here?
mkire said:
Trent I know that a good number of Sci-fi uses antimatter reactors to provide power, is that feasible here?
Yes. But the more detail on the subject, the better. Some types of antimatter reactor are better than others.

Example: Star Trek style antimatter reactor. Extremely high output, very little redundancy or safety measures.