Lord of the Stars Quest!

Larekko12 said:
Why aren't you pulling together bioroid synthesis work? If you aren't using tori's plus 30 to something you are doing it wrong.
Because I wanted other projects done?
We should have her reasearch the Sentient City Biomodded.
I don't particularly care.
We should also research Nano hardening Cavorite.
Would that even have a point? No seriously, what would be the point of doing this?
As well as Terra forming tech.
Useful, but it's something that can wait for later.
Not to mention Tori's Idea of Biosynthesis as it applies to info networks.
The what now?
We should spread out those action slot better too. Criticals are awesome Technic Telepathic is getting there already.
I only understood 3/4ths of that sentence. And I'd rather make as sure as possible Technic Telepathic finish this turn that bank on getting good rolls.
Arankor said:
Because I wanted other projects done?
That doesn't excuse such mishandling of Tori's bonuses. Especially on something you already stacked to high heaven.
I don't particularly care.
You should care. All of our hero Characters have been momentous and drastically change the game while offering startling avenues into sciences. Maximising the sentient city on construction could catapult our research even further.

Would that even have a point? No seriously, what would be the point of doing this?
I misunderstood what nano-hardening was. I though you could use it convert material into other material. Speaking of that we should research that.

Useful, but it's something that can wait for later.
Not if we want to reclaim our planet. And it would aid colonization aims. Which we should get stated on as well.

BioSynth. Ya know the field of Science that tori gives a whopping plus thirty for? There were idea about the use of wetware brain in fino networks in fact midnight made a strategic object on those aims. Combining that with the Sentient City should have magnificent results.

I only understood 3/4ths of that sentence. And I'd rather make as sure as possible Technic Telepathic finish this turn that bank on getting good rolls.
It would be better to use one roll plus bonuses to preserve both overflow and the chance of criticals which become more likely. With the large bonuses we roll making lot of single action with good bonuses give exceedingly high chances for critis and super crits which tend to genrate more bonuses.
Those look like good Ideas. But we should come up with some for Tori. We are still weak in the places.
Power usage:

[x] Reinforce Protection.
[x]Use Zeal Make sure religion is conductive to creative though and hard-work.


[x] Research Bio-mechanic Synthetic Information networks(+30 Tori)
[x] Jorian Inertia-less Drive (+30 Nanu lab) (+10 Tyrosian)
[x] Mass driver variable ammunition. (+15 wetware complex).
[x] Nanotech Molecular Assembly units (Mizol+20)(+20 AI hub)
[x] Nano-harden Hexaferium (+15 wetware complex)

[x] Finish geo-industrial mining complex.
[x]Create Space Tactics Agressor(+20)(Skylar +15)
[x] Continue work on Technic-telepathic Interlink.(+15 Bioroid cloning plants)(+30 Nanofactory complex)
[x][x] Continue refitting destroyers.
[x] Begin Construction of Heavy cruisers. (+10 Transport network)(+10 Titan reactor)
[x][x] Begin work on High speed information highways.

Multipurpose slots:

[x][x] Begin construction of anti-matter synthesis plants Is as deep space in our system as reasonable..

How does this work?
Here's my shot at an action list this turn:

[x][x] Protection: Build up our defenses and try to invent new ones

[x][x] Jorian Inertialess Drives (61/500) (-40, +30 Nanulab)
[x] AI Evolution (+30 Wetworks, +20 AI Hub)
[x] Mass Driver Variable Munitions (+15 Wetworks)
[x] Molecular Assemblers (or something like them)
[x] Nano-Hardened Hexxaferium (-20, +20 Mizol)

[x] Finish Geo-Industrial Mining Complexes (292/300)
[x][x] Techic-Telepathic Interlink(191/300) (+10 Titan)
[x] Build support units for all ground units (+20 Anvedus)
[x] Start growing Biomech Commandos (+15 Bioroid Clones)
[x] Keep refitting our space forces with Refit A (+15 Skylar)
[x][x] Start producing cruisers, all with Refit A (+30 Nanofactory, +10 Transport Network, )

Multi-Use Slots:
[x] Research Terraforming Tech (+10 Tyrosian)
[x] Start building The Sentient City

Oh, and
[x] Skylar Upgrade: +20 Space Tactics
We really should transfer the X115 super armor to a Heavy Cruiser and plate the rest with X116 as our new flagship.
I'm thinking there might be something here:

Bioroid Polymorphic Genetics (-20)

to research. Remember, we've been doing AI evolution for a bit, but bioroids haven't received much love beyond our new Commando project. Imagine if that polymorphic genetics increases their natural diversity and/or makes the base template easier to manipulate. We might be getting semi-hero units out from them, much the same way I consider the Commandoes to be: Small in number, specialized, but highly effective at what they do.

Plus, it would make use of our nice Bioroid hero.
I just had a major WTF moment while reading the update.
Where did we get Starbreaker technology?
Then I looked it up in the story thread; of course it's not the Xeelee Starbreakers I was thinking of...
TheTruth said:
Could you modify your action list and add "in orbit" to the Antimatter Synthesizer so if it goes "boom" it doesn't take out all our stuff with it. Even if it adds a hundred points, it would be worth it to keep such a dangerous material away from our planet.


Or even on the moon.
I said to put on a space Station a far from anything as reasonable. that work?
al103 said:
Does it mean only Nano-something projects or he can be used to boost any other nano-bonus if used together on same action?

Also reposting question from previous turn that wasn't answered:
If we would build Bioroid Creche and combine it with Bioroid Factory and Bioroid Cloning Plants in let's say Bioroid Complex (or some other name of that united thing) - would it be easier to upgrade it to fight diminishing returns than each of them by themselves?

Also new question about that - is it possible that such thing would cause synergy effect boosting they effectiveness?
OK, got reply in PMs:
Trent01 said:
On Mizol: Both of those work, but what I meant was that you have to figure out how to write-in how Mizol can get involved. "Use nanoassemblers to build X", "adapt scientific nano to analyze Y". Stuff like that.

On facility stacking: Yes it would. And no, no synch bonus.
Both parts are important, so decided to post it here.
So, final plan?

Also, for any future questions to the GM, please PM them to me. I will give them closer attention and not forget about them as easily.
Noxturne90 said:
It depends. Has there ever been the motivation or need for our scientists to locate them?
Zeitgeist said:
All i'm saying is that we'vehave space travel capabiliities for nearly a century and have a extensive space based ifnrastructure. I was under the impression our race already knew the ins and outs of astronomy without having to devote a research slot to it.
I concur. Lagrange points can be discovered basically by math alone. Personally I find it incomprehensible that a race can have an understanding of orbital mechanics of planets (which we clearly do) without coming accross the three-body problem.

The solution of which, when restricted to those three bodies, gives out the gravitational platoes as standard solution.

Wasn't it around the end of the freaking 1700-hundreds, when the math showing their existance was developed, using Newton's work as basis?
5 years pass....

Skylar upgrade: +20 to space tactics use.

* * * * * *

Power usage:

[x] Reinforce Protection.
(14, failure) A major power issue prevents any major work in pathspace. Something is really messing up your connection this turn and you don't know what.

[x]Use Zeal Make sure religion is conductive to creative though and hard-work.
(68, success) A nucleus of a religion worshiping the concept of the industrial-faith complex. Through labor, technological advancement, and duty comes greater fulfillment of the original purpose of the machine: to serve the greater whole. It will take time to grow and take root, but the beginnings of a new intellectual and societal movement have begun.


[x] Research Bio-mechanic Synthetic Information networks(+30 Tori)
(98+30= 128 Critical Success!)
Yes, this is about brains in jars and use of nerve-clusters in replacement of transistors. And its surprisingly efficient. Okay, scratch that, it makes your current heuristic expert systems look flat out dumb. Biotech is severely outclassing cybertech in the area of raw computing power at the moment with brains built for maximum computer power, with the downside that if your computer gets a cold it has a fair chance of dying. Unlikely though, with nanotech preservation methods and immune systems. In the mean time, its a workable system until hardware catches up with wetware. An organic brain freed of having to maintain an actual body has a ton of computer power to spare.

In terms of practical effects, Tori's designed a new form of computational nexus using this new biotech. It will take a while to set up, but by augmenting the interlink with wetware nodes, available computational power skyrockets. Not only that, but by attaching wetware nodes to starship it provides a low-maintenance, high performance computer core. Okay, yes there are burnout issues after more than 500 days of use, but Tori is working on them and she could use more time on it.

New Improvement: The Wetwork Web (++ science OR + science slot, 500 points)
New Research Project: Wetwork computer core refits. (-10)

[x] Jorian Inertia-less Drive (+30 Nanu lab) (+10 Tyrosian)
(95+30+10-40= 95, 156 of 500)
Progress is made in uncovering the composition of cavorite, but its simply flat out impossible to synthesize. You need to find a source of it. Survey bots co-opt some survey corvettes and tugs and start searching and making deep space scans.

[x] Mass driver variable ammunition. (+15 wetware complex).
(94+15= 109, CRITICAL SUCCESS)
Using a bunch of brains in parallel, a number of munitions warheads are developed for the mass drivers. These are the major ones:

1) Nano-D+ tipped rounds. These are special because they are redesigned with battery packs for the nano warheads along with a armor-piercing tip. The round impacts into the armor, rips a hole, then shoves the nano into it at maximum deconstruction. While its only 60 seconds of active nano time, its enough to make some big holes in enemy ships. Extremely expensive and hard to make though.

2) Self-propelled rounds. Incorporating a rocket thruster into the spike after its shot out of the driver for maximum acceleration, its a pin-point but deadly weapon system if targeted right.

3) Shotgun rounds. A timed warhead packed with a ton of grapeshot. Primitive, but don't fix what ain't broken. Combining the enemy's speed with the round's speed= big holes in enemy ship. Cheap too.

4) Sensor rounds. Meant for recon and forward observation to coordinate fire and get sensor readings up close from enemy ships.

New Ship Refit: Variable Mass Driver Rounds (+2 strength, consumable- 3 uses)
New Ship Refit: Nano-D+ Mass Driver Rounds (+8 strength, consumable- 1 use) (-20 to refit with)

[x] Nanotech Molecular Assembly units (Mizol+20)(+20 AI hub)
(32+20+20= 72, success)
Mizol takes a look at the existing nanotech industrial complex, scoffs, and then designs a new one with the aid of the AI Hub. The new "Sentient Nano-plant" is a much more refined design as a type of sentient factory complex built out of nanotech to produce nanotech products with a special brand of nano-C. The problem is that this variant of nano-C will be very, very complex and limited utility outside of the factory's loom systems, and is mostly geared towards construction tasks than general actions.

New Improvement: The Sentient Nano-plant (+++industry/ +action, 600 points)

[x] Nano-harden Hexaferium (+15 wetware complex)
(29-20+15= 24, failure)
Erm. Boss? We lost another lab. The nano-C was trying to turn the whole thing into Hexaferrium.

We're going to need more orbital labs.


[x] Finish geo-industrial mining complex.
(63, 355 of 300, project complete)
Hexaferrium begins to stream into your factories and new applications and methodology around it begin to form around this very useful metal.

[x]Create Space Tactics Agressor(+20)(Skylar +15)
(33+20+15= 68, success)
Skylar is at work again, designing aggressive space tactics. Thankfully her TI drone assistant didn't delete anything.

Overclock- Set everything to barely controlled overload. Weapons, engines, shields, everything. Get maximum efficency out of everything, and damn the maintenance costs afterwards! Reduces safety margins but gets more bang for your buck out of ships.
Volley Fire- Organized firing patterns and interlocking target lanes for better accuracy at long range duels. Weak against close-up fights.
Wall of Battle- form a wall in space and bring broadsides to bear. Works best with cruisers or larger, as they have heavier armor and shields for interlocking protection.
E-Haze- use high-power electronic warfare techniques to jam and misdirect the enemy while bolstering your own targeting ability. Weak against primitive enemies, best against advanced ones.
Attrition Assault- Charge, charge, charge and take as many of them out with you as possible. Its high casualties on both sides.
Damage Control- emergency repairs take priority, and survival of the unit matters more than beating up the enemy. Improves survival rates when damaged, but causes lack of aggression.
Xantos Gambit- Heads I win, tails you lose. Its risky, it depends heavily on individual field units and available assets, and demands a truely skilled master of planning and strategic thinking. But if you can pull it off....the results will be glorious.

New Action Project: Design Space Strategic Operations Planning (+10)

[x] Continue work on Technic-telepathic Interlink.(+15 Bioroid cloning plants)(+30 Nanofactory complex)
(80+15+30= 125, 256 of 300)
Progress is swift, to the point where some sections of the interlink are done ahead of time so that others can be refitted to wetware systems instead, which prove to be much more reliable for this type of system than optronics. Much more flexible.

[x][x] Continue refitting destroyers.
(37+32= 69, success)
15 of the initial refit destroyers are put through more vigorous upgrades to A-type design.

[x] Begin Construction of Heavy cruisers. (+10 Transport network)(+10 Titan reactor)
Production of Centaurs begins in the capital yards. One has already rolled off the assembly lines and another is almost done. In fact, the bots are starting to gear up and tool up for Centaurs in particular, but they're asking for more priority assets to get more Centaurs online in time, like the nano-factories. Building them in batches would also be more efficient.

(1 Centaur Heavy Cruiser online)
Centaur #2 (42 of 50)

New Action: Centaur production group. (x10 Centaurs, 400 points) *100 point savings*

[x][x] Begin work on High speed information highways.
(32+15= 47, 47 of 400)
While the projected wetwork systems are meant to be more efficent, the information highways are better suited for economics and sating the population with hologramatic programs and cheap entertainment. Foundations are made to lay down the network.

Multipurpose slots:

[x][x] Begin construction of anti-matter synthesis plants Is as deep space in our system as reasonable..
(20+74= 94, 94 of 400)
Using the system's far-side Lagrange point on the other side of the sun, a safe and large city-sized synthesis plant is built to use the sun's energies to make antimatter, gram by gram. You can't mass produce antimatter yet, so you need to brute force a solution with multiple antimatter production plants working simultaneously.

* * * * * * *


Nothing happening. dull, boring.

Oh, and Tori is getting a little worried about the new religious movement. Might want to watch out for that
Boo Zeal. Oh well. At least we got alot of research done. We should look at getting some normal ground troops to. I'd really like to get HK bot research started soon.
[x][x]Rest search out yourself and problems and make sure that biatch you nommed isn't acting up.

[x]Wetwork Computer Refits(-10)(+30 Tori)
[x]NanoHarden Hexaferium

[x]Design Space Strategic Operations9{+10)(+10Tyrosian)(+20Skylar)
[x]Build More Labs
[x]Start Centaur Production Group
[x][x]Continue Work on Information High Way
[x]Start The wet Work Web
[x][x]The Sentient NanoPlant

Multipurpose Slot
[x][x]Continue Anti Matter Plants

could Some one flesh thise out refine and assign bonuses as most benificial
Making Wetwork Web without solving "500 days" issue is bad idea IMHO.