Lord of the Stars Quest!

So... you want a Volumen Hydragyrum? Heh.

Can we make manipulators or propellers out of the liquid metal shell? Think something between T-X and T1000 of the Terminator fame.
I won't support mercury period weaponized in any form. The stuff is downright toxic to organic life and I'd prefer not to make any planet we invade uninhabitable because we left liquid mercury everywhere and had mercury vapors all over the place from armor that was either somehow propelled free of the magnetic field or vaporized.

So still no to this whole entire idea.

Anyway, going to bed.
Noxturne90 said:
And secondly, does this new weapons platform have to be strictly humanoid in design?
The "humanoid design focus" is because we assume that our robots go into combat in their usual humanoid-feline bodies. If you want a dedicated combat chassis for our troops, it'll probably have to be researched first...
Admiral Vesca said:
Why dont we use a dedicated combat chassis in the first place?
Not sure. I'm currently kicking myself for not thinking of it in the first place. We should definitely research combat chassis next turn, and probably a general 'Improve AI,' as well.
A "general improve AI"? Do you mean the AI Evolution?
As for the lack of combat chassis, I'd ask the GM if we have it. It wasn't mentioned anywhere, so I just thought...
Also, if we proceed down this path, we get a sapient city, sapient ships... A portion of our robots gradually becomes Bentusi.
...Actually, what is our race's self-naming?
Noxturne90 said:
That spontaneously developed primal intelligence and proceeded to rampage and escape, going the through a number of guards and perhaps a few others. Tori is out for a turn I believe because of it. She is getting a peer review to make sure that she isn't to blame for it.
Yeah. She should be back this turn right?
5 years pass......

[x] Practice Zeal, figure out how to turn it off.
(98, critical success) You make great strides in understanding and controlling Zeal, to the point where you can implement large-scale thoughts and subconscious desires to a degree. You can deprogram zeal-effected forms of Life, or reprogram it to your own ends.

But the best part is motivation. Minus religious part, no getting around it, you can create some darn zealous workers with this power in some form of an industrial-faith complex merging technology and religion. Question is, do you want to implement it?

[x] Practice Protection/Starlord Combat
(24, failure) A lack of a opponent is rather hindering for practicing starlord combat, and Key objects to being a punching bag. Pathspace defenses remain as they are: minimal.

[x] Nano-C (-20) (+10; Tyrosian) (+20; AI Hub) (+20; Wetworks Complex)
(82-20+10+20+10= 102, critical success)

At long last, you've successfully refinined nanotech to its next evolution. While far from perfect and with some pretty severe restrictions in lifespan and ability, its a major step up from Nano-B. This is already being applied to all active nanotech-integrated infrastructure. Whats more, something....odd has happened.

By itself, nanotechnology is not sentient. Just at TI level semi-sentience. Well, one of the major nanotech hive clusters proved you wrong as its main core turned into a fully functional AI calling itself Mizol when its main crystal computer core developed a few hairline fractures that in combination with an unknown system glitch caused a feedback loop that somehow ended up in a form of intelligence based on the size of the nano-swarm, and it just assimilated three others for its own resources. It is now ready to serve.

New Hero: Macro-Nanocluster Mizol (+20 to one action/R&D per turn involving nanotech)

(Nano-Industrial Complex now at +30)
(Nanu-Lab now at +30)
(Wetworks Labs now at +15 to two projects, or +30 to one project)

New Improvement: Nanoseed Complex (++ industry, ++ nanotech, 500 points)

[x] Biomech Synthesis (+30; Tori)
(57+30= 87, success)
After hauling in the captured prototype biomech, Tori is able to find out what went wrong, fix it, and tame the beast. For that matter, she also has data on how to make more now. The problem will be cost. These biomechs take the better part of four years to grow, and it can't be rushed. They best operate as small commando groups rather than as line infantry.

New Ground Unit Type: Biomech Commandos, Strength 30 (++ black ops, small)

[x] [x] [x] Jorian Inertia-less Drives (0/500) (-40) (+20; Nanu-lab)
(4+34+43-40+20= 61, 61 of 500)
Right, the cavorite in the intertia-less drive seems to function as a gravity control element. Using that as a large-scale gravity control method, we have a practical drive. The actual theoretical design of the drive is easy. Actually putting it into practice is a whole other thing.

Such as, where the heck can we get cavorite anyway?

Non-Roll Action (OOC: This is to make things easier on GM and players)
[x] Designate Ship Refit A
Refit A is a Refit applied to any ship that is a destroyer or a frigate or larger containing all the following refits: Signal Lens Array, Hyperium Fuel Injector, Alpha-plus hyperdrives, Hyperium Hard Burn Drives, CT-304 coolant systems, Deflector Shielding, Jorian Shield-Relays.
(OOC: Writing -A on a ship is far easier than to write out each and every upgrade it has, these are just the "common" upgrades, other upgrades will still be listed)
A Destroyer with refit A will be listed as: Rapier Destroyer -A
A Destroyer with refit A, and a Mass Driver or Starbreakers will be listed as: Rapier Destroyer -A Starbreaker; Rapier Destroyer -A Mass Driver

[x] Planetary Dominate Economic Activities: Industry
(Free action, auto success) Work begins on converting the lesser continents to one, grand task. Industry, massive, massive industry on the scale on continent-wide factory plants in the future. But it all begins small, with industrial zones planned out and baseline industries installed.

(Exploitation set to Industry. +1 action slot. Estimated time to growth in 4 turns)

[x] [x] Geo-industrial Mining Complexes (131 of 300) (+15; Bioroid Plants) (+20; Industrial Nanofactory)
(99+27+15+20= 161, 292 of 300)
The boreholes dig deep and they strike rich veins quickly. Processing begins and hexaferrium is expected to be available in industrial amounts shortly.

[x] [x] Technic-telepathic Interlink (130 of 300) (+10; Titan Reactor) (+5; PPP)
(12+34+10+5= 61, 191 of 300)
Test groups report improved efficiency with their temporary mind gestalt uplinks, and interlink uplink modules begin to be distributed across the planet.

[x] Upgrade all destroyers (sans X116 destroyers) to Refit A
(44, failure)
Asking for a total refit across the fleet is a tall order for such a short time. Still, some progress is made as refitting and production to a single template begins.

(6 Destroyers refitted to Refit A pattern)

[x] Survey in-system world (+30) (+10; Transport Network)
(76+30+10= 126, critical success)
Both planets in system are surveyed in depth, and several key mineral and resource sites have been spotted for ideal colonial exploitation. Survey outposts are set up and plans are made for future colonization.

Of note are unusual trace black platinum elements on the Arid world, and crystalline minerals on the tundra world. These major resources will be of great trade and research use respectively, and as a whole the high-quality surveys will allow for rapid expansion of the colony pods when deployed.

MULTI-USE - Tyrosian
[x] Continue Reclamation of the World
(21, failure)
The remaining Red zones stubbornly refuse reclamation. Evidently outright terraforming will be necessary to finish cleaning up this world.

MULTI-USE - Nano-Industrial Marketplace
[x] Advanced Post-battle Analysis (+10) (+15; Skylar) (+20; Midnight)
(60+ 10+15- 15 Midnight's mishaps= 70, success)

Assigning Midnight to work with Skylar was a bad idea. First and foremost, this isn't Midnight's speciality. Second, it isn't healthy for the young admiral to be hanging around the hacker.

To sum up two years of working together: Skylar had to be dissuaded from forming a shoot on sight policy with Midnight and Midnight got cut off from all wi-fi for a year as punishment after her antics. Skylar was also narrowly prevented from turning Midnight's main computer core into her next target dummy in pistol training.

Despite this, Skylar has put forward a proper analysis of the battle. Particle-beam lances worked better than mass-drivers, but the proposed mass-driver variable rounds would have evened the scales.

Titan electronic warfare was their best weapon. If it wasn't used, then the robots would have stood a much better chance of winning a conventional battle. As it was, they were lucky they had a munitions failure. Aside from a hundred minor issues Skylar is working to reform, she presses two major issues after the battle.

1) A multi-stage space forces training program and tactics academy. To practice and develop new tactics, technologies, and methodology in space. Including invasion tactics and weaponry. In conjunction with several internal reforms Skylar intends to make

2) A pressing need to build cruisers. Proper cruisers. Clockwork is a kitbash light cruiser, and proper heavy cruisers are needed ASAP for their better survival characteristics and space for heavier weaponry. In addition, unlike disposable destroyers, cruiser crews and mainframes have the power and capacity for heuristic development like her. To learn dynamically from their experiences. You can't fit power-intensive heuristic mainframes into space-scarce destroyers.

New Improvement: The Military Nexus (400 points)
New Ship Class: Centaur-class Heavy Cruiser (Cost: 50 points, strength: 50, Armor 4, Shields 1, ++ compartmentalization)

* * * * * *


Skylar's reaching the end of her rapid learning curve. While she will level up and adapt faster than most other heroes, this will be the end of her "childhood" so to speak. Tori even baked a cake for her.

2 points to spend. Take two one-point traits or one two-point trait.

[ ] +5 To space military action
[ ] +5 to space military R&D
[ ] +10 to defensive space actions
[ ] +10 to space-to-planet invasion actions
[ ] +10 to Destroyer production actions

(2 point traits)
[ ] [ ]+ 1 Space military action-only slot
[ ] [ ] +20 to Ship refit actions
[ ] [ ] +20 to Cruiser production actions
[ ] [ ] +20 to Space Tactics use
Why is the Inertialess-drive progress so low when we had already made some progress on it?
Points got misplaced (read: you don't keep track of the points) and you made some bad dice rolls this turn.
The space tactics bonus seems like it would be the most useful upgrade. It might not get used as often, but when it does it will be really important.
I am partial to the Cruiser construction and action slot options myself.
Power usage:

[x] Practice protection.
[x] Make attempts to expand power pool.


[x][x] Jorian Inertia-less Drive (+30 Nanu lab) (+10 Tyrosian)
[x] Mass driver variable ammunition. (+15 wetware complex).
[x] Ground units (+20)
[x] Nano-harden Hexaferium (+20 Mizol) (+15 wetware complex) (+20 AI hub) (+5 Tori)


[x] Finish geo-industrial mining complex.
[x][x][x] Continue work on Technic-telepathic Interlink.(+15 Bioroid cloning plants)(+30 Nanofactory complex)
[x] Continue refitting destroyers.
[x] Begin Construction of Heavy cruisers. (+10 Transport network)(+10 Titan reactor)
[x][x] Begin work on High speed information highways.

Multipurpose slots:

[x][x] Begin construction of anti-matter synthesis plants.

Alright, so my proposal so far. Anyone got anything to say about it? I might have forgotten a bonus or something because I'm kinda tired.
earth-destroyer said:
You missed Tori Arankors
So I did. I kept thinking "Is there anything I can use Tori's super awesome bonus on? No, ok." And then I forgot about her regular bonus. Editing now.
Trent01 said:
But the best part is motivation. Minus religious part, no getting around it, you can create some darn zealous workers with this power in some form of an industrial-faith complex merging technology and religion. Question is, do you want to implement it?
Two Words: Adeptus Mechanicus.
Trent01 said:
New Hero: Macro-Nanocluster Mizol (+20 to one action/R&D per turn involving nanotech)
Does it mean only Nano-something projects or he can be used to boost any other nano-bonus if used together on same action?

Also reposting question from previous turn that wasn't answered:
If we would build Bioroid Creche and combine it with Bioroid Factory and Bioroid Cloning Plants in let's say Bioroid Complex (or some other name of that united thing) - would it be easier to upgrade it to fight diminishing returns than each of them by themselves?

Also new question about that - is it possible that such thing would cause synergy effect boosting they effectiveness?
Why aren't you pulling together bioroid synthesis work? If you aren't using tori's plus 30 to something you are doing it wrong.

We should have her reasearch the Sentient City Biomodded.

We should also research Nano hardening Cavorite.

As well as Terra forming tech.

Not to mention Tori's Idea of Biosynthesis as it applies to info networks.

We should spread out those action slot better too. Criticals are awesome Technic Telepathic is getting there already.

And Use Zeal to create Industry religion respecting hard work creativity and ingenuity and fidelity.
Also We create their religion of moral schema. If we put that certain types of dogma that inhibit ingenuity are anathema...