Lord of the Stars Quest!


[X] Attempt to determine the reason for our limited power draw.

We must determine why we as a Starlord, a being who has at their disposable incredible amounts of power, are so limited in being able to draw upon it. We must discover whether this is a barrier that was placed upon us by some other more powerful being, a natural occurrence due to our status as a proto-star or some other as yet unthought of possibility.

[X] Protect: This last fight has shown us how unprepared we are for a battle with another Starlord. Even here in our own territory where we should have the advantage we almost lost. Only due to some quick and creative thinking do we still exist. We must fortify our system as much as possible to prevent any such occurrence from happening again.


[X] Refine Particle Weaponry: (+10 Wetworks Complex)
Our current particle weapons are crude, bulky and inefficient. As robots every single one of these things goes against our very race. By design we are efficient beings who make the most of even the smallest things letting no advantage go undeveloped.

[X] Active Mass Balance Auto-Control (AMBAC):
A idea that a science bot has been working on in his down time. This program would allow for the effortless maneuvering of humanoid frames in space. When a quick reorientation is as simple as a twist of your waist instead of a lengthy and wasteful series of thruster burns to reorient yourself and the cancel your momentum the difference in ease of use and efficiency is clear. There are even some bots who are theorizing future military applications for this technology to create a combat frame with superior maneuverability and unpredictable tactics.

[X] 3D Printing: (+10 Wetworks Complex)
Due to the recent bottleneck in development as we reach the industrial, logistical and infrastructural limits of our current facilities a group of bots have been looking into ways other than simply expanding our current facilities. One possibility they've come up with is the development of machines that can "print" 3D objects. Instead of assembly lines that need to be modified every time there is a change to the object one would simply upload the new set of blueprints and it would go on producing the modified design. This is not even getting to how incredibly faster this form of manufacturing is over traditional assembly lines.

[X] Elastic Economics: (+20 AI Hub; +30 Hero: Tori)
We have reached a logistical and infrastructural threshold. So far we have been able to make use of our Creator's basic planetary based economic system. but we have already pushed that system to the limit from just constructing our orbital industry. We need to develop a plan that can stretch to accomodate and adapt to any changes.

[X] Large-scale manufacturing complexes: (+ 20 The Nanu-laboratory)
Another solution to the current bottleneck that has been proposed is the development of large scale facilities that would mass produce the needed materials. Complexes the size of small cities would each be dedicated to a specific product. Everything from Bioroid bodies to mechanical frames or TI drones.

(possible results: Bioroid Megaplex, TI Drone Colossus, Mammoth Nano-factory)


[X][X] Geo-industrial Mining Complexes (131 of 300) (+ 10 Titan Reactor)
[X][X] Technic-telepathic Interlink (130 of 300) (+ 15 Bioroid Cloning Plants; + 20 Industrial Nanofactory Complex)
[X] Gas Giant Hyperium Extraction stage-1 (Create a Hyperium Abundance, cost 700)
[X] Planetary Dominate Economic Activities: Industry
[X] Survey system bodies (+30) (+ 10 Interplanetary Transport Network) (let's try and crit this and find something really nice, if we fail world reclamation we can always do it again unless we get a critfail or something and obliterate ourselves setting off some buried bomb)

Multi-use (Tyrosian; Nano-Industrial Marketplace)

[X] Finish world reclamation
[X] Advanced Post-battle Analysis (+10) (+15 Skylar; +20 Midnight)

My reasoning behind the Hyperium extraction is that we're ABSURDLY efficient with it thanks to the develpoment of the Titan Reactor. If we can get the Hyperium to fuel our reactors with nothing but it instead of just a little thimbleful in each one acting as kind of a booster our ships will be able to produce a WHOLE lot more power.

Hell can you imagine the power the Titan Reactor would produce if it was fueled completely by Hyperium?
Truth, your plan looks good, but I think you should drop Logic for Protection. Our military is still gutted, and while upgrading the destroyers will help, I really think we need more protection.

[x] Truth's plan
Given all the soft sci-fi stuff in the story already I think we can get away with some Real Robot shenanigans.

On the Anti-matter...matter(yes terrible pun I know) we haven't really developed anything to make use of it. Those drives and reactors you were talking about? we haven't developed them they still need to be researched and then we'd have to go and refit ALL of our ships and facilities with them. Not to mention it's explosive as hell and if we lose containment on a reactor planet side I don't want to be anywhere within a thousand miles of it.

On the Economic plan. We're coming up with this from scratch. You don't just go "that sounds like a good Idea" and implement it. Even after they come up with the specifics of it they need to test it that it actually works like it's supposed to. So yea I'm pretty sure it's a research action.

3D printers. Nanotech may be good but that this point it's a limited resource and very expensive. I'm not saying make everything with 3D printers but if we can make most consumer goods, small vehicles, small-arms and suits of armor with it then our production rate of those would explode compared to what it is currently. So yes, Nanotech may be amazing but we're not at the point where we can do Alpha Centauri style nano-factories where we dump a thermos sized can of nanites onto a junkyard and get a regiment of tanks 12 hours later.
So then if smaller craft are such a waste I guess we shouldn't have any fighters either right?o_O

Small maneuverable craft are used to get in among the ships of a enemy fleet where it's harder to hit them without blowing up your own ships in the process. These smaller, and yes more fragile craft, are generally loaded with ordnance designed specifically to take out large ships.

Mobile suits and real robots as shown in fiction are extremely effective at dodging fire because of the AMBAC system and are generally far superior to traditional fighter craft in this role.

This is of course only true most likely in a fictional universe.

but hey guess what we're playing in?
PhoenixFTW said:
A separate, completely unrelated fictional universe?
Where if I want I can get Giant Robots. This is not any specific universe. It's a bit of an amalgam of several different ones. Generally pending GM approval it seems like we can just add whatever we like and makes sense.

Unless word of GM says otherwise and that they're unfeasible then we can make them.

Honestly I don't understand what the whole dislike for it is. I'm not going to start throwing shoutouts to other universes in everywhere. I just think the race of robots fighting in...Giant Robots kinda makes sense.

However if we do get a majority of people who dislike it I'm not going to throw a hissy fit and I do have a couple of backup ideas to replace it with if I have to. I'd rather not because honestly it makes too much sense to that robots would fight with Giant Robots.
I wonder if planetary dominant activities bonuses are in alignment with source of inspiration... If yes - Tundra is best for industry or science then, Arid for economics and our "irradiated" Terran world is best for food production...
Ok, going to bed now seeing as I'm in the US not the UK which is what it sounds like most of you are.

If there's a clear consensus and atleast 3/4 of the voters decide Giant Robots=BAD then I'll swap it for something else.

Or somebody else's idea could come along and overtake mine as the one with the majority vote.

Either way, going to bed. Don't do anything too crazy while I'm sleeping.
Trent01 said:
Bioroid Factory nullified. (More focused on maintaining population than expansion)
If we build Bioroid Creche and combine Bioroid Creche, Bioroid Factory and Bioroid Cloning Plants in Bioroid Complex - would it be easier to manage and prevent "expansion sickness" bonus loss on them?
TheTruth said:
We have 2 uses for Hyperium. 1) Fuel for Fusion Reactors. 2) Fuel for Fusion Torch Drives. The first one is negated if we build the cheaper Anti-Matter Synthesizer instead, add to the fact that Anti-Matter is a far denser fuel source than Fusion could ever be, this is mostly obselete. The second is made pretty much useless by both Anti-Matter Torch's, and the Inertialess Drive that is currently being researched.
Uhm, Hyperium we mine, Anti-Matter we make... which means that it cost MORE energy to produce anti-matter that anti-matter reactor would produce using said anti-matter. So it's good for military purposes, but bad for industry.
Well I can see I somehow managed to be stuck in a quest with nothing but Giant Robot haters. :p

But if there's that much opposition to it I'm not going to piss off over half the people who regularly participate simply to try and have my way.

So here, have a revised plan. Do note I AM keeping the Hyperium extractor because we would still be using it groundside and more specifically in the titan reactor. That thing puts out absurd amounts of power with just a little of the stuff. What kind of bonus would be get from a reactor completely fueled by it.


[X] Attempt to determine the reason for our limited power draw.
We must determine why we as a Starlord, a being who has at their disposable incredible amounts of power, are so limited in being able to draw upon it. We must discover whether this is a barrier that was placed upon us by some other more powerful being, a natural occurrence due to our status as a proto-star or some other as yet unthought of possibility.

[X] Protect:
This last fight has shown us how unprepared we are for a battle with another Starlord. Even here in our own territory where we should have the advantage we almost lost. Only due to some quick and creative thinking do we still exist. We must fortify our system as much as possible to prevent any such occurrence from happening again.


[X] Refine Particle Weaponry: (+10 Wetworks Complex)
Our current particle weapons are crude, bulky and inefficient. As robots every single one of these things goes against our very race. By design we are efficient beings who make the most of even the smallest things letting no advantage go undeveloped.

[X]Star Rails:
One crazy science bot has come up with the idea to exchange the solid munitions in our railguns for plasma. Plasma still has mass so they would still be effective as a kinetic weapon while also doing incredible amounts of thermal damage from its high temperature. It's just a matter of figuring out how to keep the plasma from escaping and upping the acceleration of the projectile to make up for the lack of mass compared to standard solid ammunition.

[X]Nano-C(-20): (+10 Hero: Tyrosian +10 Wetworks Complex)

[X] Elastic Economics: (+20 AI Hub; +30 Hero: Tori)
We have reached a logistical and infrastructural threshold. So far we have been able to make use of our Creator's basic planetary based economic system. but we have already pushed that system to the limit from just constructing our orbital industry. We need to develop a plan that can stretch to accommodate and adapt to any changes.

[X] Large-scale manufacturing complexes: (+ 20 The Nanu-laboratory)
A solution to the current bottleneck that has been proposed is the development of large scale facilities that would mass produce the needed materials. Complexes the size of small cities would each be dedicated to a specific product. Everything from Bioroid bodies to mechanical frames or TI drones.

(possible results: Bioroid Megaplex, TI Drone Colossus, Mammoth Nano-factory)


[X][X] Geo-industrial Mining Complexes (131 of 300) (+ 10 Titan Reactor)
[X][X] Technic-telepathic Interlink (130 of 300) (+ 15 Bioroid Cloning Plants; + 20 Industrial Nanofactory Complex)
[X] Gas Giant Hyperium Extraction stage-1 (Create a Hyperium Abundance, cost 700)
[X] Planetary Dominate Economic Activities: Industry
[X] Survey system bodies (+30) (+ 10 Interplanetary Transport Network) (let's try and crit this and find something really nice, if we fail world reclamation we can always do it again unless we get a critfail or something and obliterate ourselves setting off some buried bomb)

Multi-use (Tyrosian; Nano-Industrial Marketplace)

[X] Finish world reclamation
[X] Advanced Post-battle Analysis (+10) (+15 Skylar; +20 Midnight)
Dreamyr said:
Well I can see I somehow managed to be stuck in a quest with nothing but Giant Robot haters. :p
Haters, no :D

We just realise exactly how horribly overcomplicated and as such, inefficient they are compared to any rational solution.

But we do not hate Mecha/Mech/Titans as such.
SakSak said:
Haters, no :D

We just realise exactly how horribly overcomplicated and as such, inefficient they are compared to any rational solution.

But we do not hate Mecha/Mech/Titans as such.
Oh and I had a wonderful idea.

Miracle tech. Through a use of Logic bolt and Avatar and Meditation We fucking lie our head off and demi mass produce Aatar hero units that reverse engineered the enemies chaos field.
Personally I'm thinking an adaptation of these

as a possibility for boarding-specializing bots.

With moar dakka built in of course, Nanohardened X-series material, optical camo etc etc.
...I think I have something that fits with a tad bit of tweaking.

This is a artist's rendition of the armor from Starship Troopers(novel). I figure if we scale this up a bit as there's no reason to keep it to a size for someone to wear it as armor if it's not actually going to be a suit of armor. We can scale these up so that they can go toe to toe with the Titan's in close quarters combat if they have to.

Proposed armament for the MK. 1:
1x Light Star Rail for anti-vehicle work in the right arm.
1x Rapid machine gun in the left arm.
Assorted grenades.

Would be powered by a miniature Hyperium Reactor(see there are uses for it!) and capable of reentry with a drop pod. Has a high ground speed as it makes use of the synthetic muscle fibers that were developed for bioroids to give it incredible strength.

For the Mk. 2 I would like to somehow squeeze in some form of energy shielding.

Would this be satisfactory? A fusion powered highly mobile frame capable of both boarding actions and planetary assault? Because if you argue that tanks are better on the ground over a bipedal platform(that actually works) I WILL have to hurt you. :D
Dreamyr said:
Because if you argue that tanks are better on the ground over a bipedal platform(that actually works) I WILL have to hurt you. :D

Read. That. Now:

To summarize:
"The taller, less well-armoured mech is easier to see, easier to hit, has a greater number of more exposed vital parts, can't carry as big a gun, has a distracted pilot and can't shoot with as much accuracy as the low-profile, better-armoured tank which is harder to see and hit, has very few essential parts exposed, can carry a far bigger gun AND fire it more accurately, and has a driver with far fewer things on his mind."

Mind you, POWER ARMOR is not mechs.

Back on topic, TheTruth plan appears solid enough.
Dreamyr said:
Would this be satisfactory? A fusion powered highly mobile frame capable of both boarding actions and planetary assault? Because if you argue that tanks are better on the ground over a bipedal platform(that actually works) I WILL have to hurt you. :D
I will argue that, and will, in fact, win this battle with one word.


I win. :cool:
So question now that we have some decades on it. What's stopping us from making another titan reactor.
Wasn't the whole point of the Titan reactor that it was a lucky one-shot, and that after it was turned on the scientists realized exactly how lucky we all were it hadn't just blown up, and that the only sane option would be to limit the socity to something like 10-body fusion?

I'd rather we research AM, and build a new super-reactor using that.

Or create a robust basic power infratructure beyond the norm in a distributed fashion. We really want to increase our economic, infrastructural and industrial ability (faster than our R&D ability) at this juncture.