Lord of the Stars Quest!

Their the clone soldiers of a war, who have pretty much outlived the people who cloned them, even though they're still out their fighting the war. As such, they have like no culture, and no understanding of their science. They just take the output of the factories their masters gave them and use it.
5 Years Pass.....

[x] Expand power supply
(22, failure) Darn, it seems that the recent battle and heavy power usage has really put a strain on your available star power supply. You don't have much on hand, and its causing issues elsewhere with your permanant avatars and pathspace defenses.

(-10 to next turn's power uses/practices)

[x] Practice Protection: Start building up our defenses.
(32, failure) A mixture of lack of power to feed the defenses and heavy use during the Titan attack has left your pathspace defenses rather thin and near useless now. You can barely maintain whats left, let alone make any additions.

[x] FTL Alpha-coms (+20)
(42+20= 62, success) At long-last, FTL coms are now a possibility. While a little short-ranged due to power and size issues, and can't send very large messages yet, its FTL communication across a whole solar system, and much less laggy interstellar communication, however brief. This will greatly improve command and control, as well as unlock the potential for even better FTL systems.

FTL Alpha comms are now standard equipment on every ship.

New Research Project: FTL Alpha Broadband Comms (-30) "Start down the path of larger messages for FTL economics, industry, and colonization."

[x] Biomech Synthesis (+30 Tori)
Oh shit, Tori what the hell did you just do? The test model body went rogue after being brought online for testing. It rejected the AI meant to occupy it and suddenly gained a mind of its own. Feral, non-sentient, but still very lethal as it tore through lab security and escaped. If anything, it acts bestial due to the biomechanical muscles. On the plus side, you now have proof that a sufficiently powerful biomechanical muscle can tear through your existing heavy shocktrooper armor designs and can deflect heavy gunfire. Good to know.

The military is busy hunting down the test model, while Tori is under scrutiny for letting this happen in the first place.

(Tori is unavailable for 1 turn due to peer-review trial)

[x] [x] Nano-C (-40) (+20 Nanulab)
(56+10-40+20= 46, failure) Thank the Builders for enforcing heavy safety feature programming into their creations. We just lost a orbital lab to rogue nanotech again, but it demonstrates Nano-C's incredible dynamic programming and nano-seed "Queen" hive-mind AI's ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Thankfully, a override of the nano-seed shut down the whole colony and the damage is repairable and provided a great deal of data.

(Nano-C now at -20 difficulty)

[x] Military Nanotech (-10, +10 AI Hub)
(93-10+10= 93, success)
Nano-D. Nano-deconstruction type. While scientists strongly urge "handle with caution", the military is happy to have some extremely lethal weaponry at last. Not to mention, the Nano-D hive-clusters actually enjoy their given role in life and are more than happy to serve.

Weaponization is now complete, if a bit lacking as the nano have battery life issues. This is a small-scale tactical weapon, not a strategic weapon at the moment. Still, a basic payload of a mass-driver round packed with a nano-D shell has been developed, as well as missiles packed with nano-D. The issue then is manufacturing, as Nano-D is an entire degree more sophisticated and advanced than any other nano type. Munitions will be scarce. Period.

New Ship Refit: Nano-D munitions- +5 strength. Consumable, 1 use.

ACTIONS (+5 All):
[x] Bioroid Cloning Plants (290/300)
(31+5, 326 of 300, project complete)

Large-scale bioroid cloning begins immediately, and advanced bioroid bodies built for a variety of purposes roll off the assembly lines within a matter of months. A Bioroid population boom has begun as more bioroid bodies are available and more replaceable than QHD bodies.

(Bioroid Cloning Plants: +15 to one Action per turn)

[x] [x] Continue work on Capitol Shipyards (161/400) (+20 Titan Reactor)
(76+81+20+10 overflow+5= 192, 353 of 400)
The yards are shaping up quickly, and the final pieces are coming together or being fabricated already. Production is expected to begin next turn and over a dozen cruisers can be expected to be produced at once.

[x] [x] Continue Nano-Industrial Marketplace (75/300) (+30 Industrial Nanofactory, +5 PPP)
(99+96+30+5+5= 235, 310 of 300, project complete)
By tying in nanotech to commercial industries and improving the quality of goods, the overall strength of the economy is greatly strengthened and improved. Entrepreneurship is encouraged with nanotech providing low start-up costs and a multitude of applications not considered before. Pervasive integration was hard to achieve, but with that hurdle cross the private sector faces explosive growth and a new renaissance has begun. What the aftermath may be, nobody knows.

(Nano-Industrial Marketplace- +25 to one economic-related action OR generate 1 multi-purpose slot)
(Neo-Renaissance Period has begun. Random bonuses will be applied next three turns)

[x] Naval Reformation (+10 Transport Network)
(98+10+5= 113, critical success)

Our navy is lousy, across the board. The Rapier design as a whole just doesn't hold up to interstellar warfare, and Claymores are little more than cannon fodder, plain and simple. However, some features such as the mass-driver cannons and the particle-beam lances have held up under fire where other system's have not.

So we started designing a more practical navy. Beginning with the 270 meter Ironclad-class heavy destroyer. More heavily armored and integrating better survival features, it also packs grapeshot batteries and larger laser turrets as standard. No getting around size issues with shields or mass-drivers/lances though.

Next are carriers. Transport-carriers are just too darn fragile and dangerous to use in a real battle. A escort carrier design has been finalized in the Carryall Military Transport. Its about a kilometer long, and can carry either a whole division of ground troops plus their supplies, or about 60 fighters in their holds. Their main benefits are proper military redundancy and armoring. Still can't fit many guns onto them though.

Finally, fighters. The strike-fighter design held up well, but could stand for some improvement. The S-F Beta design will accomidate more practical space military designs and carry more firepower for same cost. And the best news, the entire existing strike-fighter design can be easily refitted to type-beta level and have already done so.

(Ironclad heavy destroyer- 12 strength each, 2 armor)
(Carryall Transport- 2 strength, 2 armor, carry one ground division or 60 fighters)
(Strike-Fighter Beta- 4 strength each, fighter)
(All Strike-fighters and Interceptors refitted to Strike-Fighter Beta level)

[x] Finally finish that dang Titan Shield (+10 TI Drones, +5 Bioroid Factory)
(67+10+5+5= 87, success)
At long last, the Titan Shield grid is online. It will protect the main continent from all orbital fire and keep your major facilities safe. there is a major power draw however, so besides occassional tests, it stays offline. If you want to use the shield, your giving up using the Titan Reactor for any other purpose for that turn out of diverting that much power from other systems and burning a crapton of high-grade Hyperium to fuel it.

(New Action: Use Titan shield (free action). Protects primary continent and improvements from orbital fire, but Titan Reactor cannot give bonus next turn)

[x] Create Space Tactics (Defender) (+20, +10 Skylar) (+10 Tyrosian)
(69+20+10+10= 109, critical success)

Merging their ideas, Skylar and Tyrosian rapidly developed several new space tactics.

Field Repairs- Use nanotech systems to assist auto-repair on your ships and better resist damage as well as salvaged damaged and destroyed ships. Good for damage-control and reclaiming casualties.
Camouflage- Use a disposable variant of the holo-cloak and use decoy tactics to keep your ships from getting hit. While it will lower the chance of your ships getting shots in, it will keep the enemy from spotting yours.
Steel Wall- A wall of steel, circuits, and iron wills! Holding the Line at any cost, while bloody, also enforces a certain defensive mindset. While it reduces mobility, as a formation ships grow exponentially stronger.
Shuffle Deck Defender- Deceit, divert, decoy, lay plans onto plans onto plans that all fit into one big picture of battle. Risky, but if you can pull it off then you have the perfect defense.
Retreat- When in doubt, just retreat. A series of decoys, ECM, and FTL probes for misdirection can greatly improve survival chances of ships attempting to retreat.

Skylar has grown as an Admiral now, and is more dynamic tactician and strategist. +5 to Space Military Actions.

(Skylar grows to +15 for space military actions, +10 to Space military R&D)

* * * * * *


The AI Hub has noted a growing trend in the scale of robot operations. Namely that now that everything is getting larger, some of the facilities and improvements made are losing their surplus effect. That isn't to say they arn't working anymore, only that their effect is becoming too spread out and focused on day-to-day maintenance and affairs than large projects anymore.

The TI drone plants are more focused on maintaining the current drone population rather than expanding it, same for the bioroid labs. The adaptive logistical programming is taken for granted now and widely spread, and so is the Interplanetary Transport network. Put simply, they're expiring and losing strategic importance.

A proper report will be made shortly.
Crit fail overrides any bonuses. Time to start playing hardball now that you guys are starting to hit a whole new scale of the game.
Trent01 said:
Crit fail overrides any bonuses. Time to start playing hardball now that you guys are starting to hit a whole new scale of the game.
But it wasn't a natural one. And anyway that should happen for much the same reasons the nano accident didn't go horrifically wrong. Builder implemented safeties that she shouldn't have gotten out of and that she would have approved of.

Are we loosing our bonuses or do we need to step them up.
It looked like a natural 4 to me.... Crit fails and successes happen on the roll after all, not after adding all the bonuses and penalties in.
I really think we should be using one of those action slots to make some actual ships. Or ground units. Or ground units and ships.
What about ground units then? Raise another couple groups of bioroid infantry. They can just be given new equipment once that is done... and speaking of research, we should research up the hunter killer robots. I'd love to drop in on our enemy with a fleet of those guys...
You truth how about instead of power action you pull a double rest job to kill the negatives and ge t a big bonus next time.
No to the Truth plan for the simple reason that it has us starting the Sentient city megaproject, and doesn't deal with the Interlinks at all. We've been putting off that project, of 300 points that gives +1 action slot and +1R&D slot, for close to 50 years now.

It's cheap and useful to the extreme, and we went through the trouble of fixing the long-term negative effects discovered at it's inception.

Also, we're about to finish cap-ship shipyard, and we haven't research cap-ship designs. Making the R&D list inefficient.
[x] Truth's plan looks good.

The only change I suggest is to put of Biomech Synthesis until we get Tori back, as that +30 is a really large bonus. I don't think we'll get that super-mech that escaped if we get a neutral or minor success.
TheTruth said:
Agreed. What do you suggest I put in there? I can move the nano-C into the biomech slot, and use the Tyrosian multi-purpose slot for Reclaimation, or we could just do another R&D instead. I would prefer to NOT do any starship designs without our new Fleet Admiral helping out, and she (I think) is busy doing an advanced post-battle analysis, and next turn I want her (?) to do the attacking tactics, that way we won't be screwed over if we ever need to get someone out of our space.
Use the multi-slot for Reclamation. IIRC, we only have a little bit left to do and finishing it should, at the very least, give a morale boost.
earth-destroyer said:
We have colonized those worlds we did that in the near the first turn. And getting the resources on those planets would be a major boost to our industry.
Uuuum... no we haven't. I cannot remember that ever happening at all.
TheTruth said:
@ GM #1: Has the nearby star gone Super-nova yet?

@ GM #2: Tyrosian's secret project finishes this turn, correct?

@ GM #3: I noticed something by reviewing the Story Only Thread. Whenever we did a research project with only 1 action and got at or above 100 points, we were able to get a Critical or Super-Critical Success. Now, using 2 actions, we are not getting that for over 100 rolls. If we choose to use only 1 action plus assigned bonuses, will we be able to get those super-crit bonuses again? Because those have been responsible for some very important bonuses (such as the Titan Reactor).

@ GM #4: Why are the Light-Cruisers costing 40 points, with 35 Strength?
If we just mass destroyers or lower, then we get more total strength, for less cost. Like on turn 20, we rolled for a grand total of 235 points, which would have got us a little under 6 cruisers, for 210 strength total. But by getting a mixed bag that turn, the total military strength gained was well over 1000 (1118 to be exact). 750 of it was in the 250 Strike fighters made for 3 strength each. So why build Light Cruisers?​
1) Just Nova. You will be feeling a burst of raditiation soon, but by default you will protect your Life from any EMP effect.

2) Yes

3) Yes

4) Mis calc on my part. Guess I need to amp up the cruiser design. But it also is a base for some extra refits. That, and only cruisers can mount some of the really heavy weaponry and refits

Going with the Truths plan. Update soon.
5 years pass....

POWER (-10 to all for 1 turn)
[x] [x] Rest/Examine Power Supply
(66+5-10= 61, success) You rest, you recover. You replenish your power reserves. This power limitation is a real pain and you resolve to fix it. With a lot of effort and focus, you manage to widen the star power bottleneck by a few inches. While it may not seem like much, its enough for more power to flow into passive powers and have room to improve in your other abilities.

[x] [x] FTL Alpha Broadband Comms (-30)
(59+5-30= 34, failure) After three designs, science-bots are still scratching their heads on how to pull off Broadband com-links. This will take a long time to achieve.

[x] Nano-C (-20) (+10; Tyrosian)
(46-20+10= 36, failure) And another science station is quarantined and sterilized. Thank the builders you build all your labs in orbit or in space. If these were groundside labs, you'd scar the world even more than the atomic war. Tyrosian is a little baffled by the Nano-C colony's tendency for rebellion, and a little scared. Next test, he's pointing nukes at the station as a safety measure.

[x] [x] Jorian Inertia-less Drives (0/500) (-40) (+20; Nanu-lab) (+20; AI Hub)
(71+18-40+20+20= 89, 89 of 500) Slowly, the secrets of the inertialess drive begin to be discovered. Starting with an unusual material at the center of the drive.

Your science bots call it Cavorite.

ACTIONS (+5 All)
[x] Continue work on Capital Shipyards (353 of 400) (+20; Titan Reactor) (+5; Bioroid Factory)
(38+20+5+5= 68, 421 of 400, project complete)
A massive orbital city now floats above your world. Dubbed "The Delta Complex", the shipyards are ready to serve. Starting by refitting the Clockwork with proper capital ship components and construction.

[x] [x] Geo-industrial Mining Complexes (+ produces Hexaferrium, 300 points) (+10; TI Drones) (+15; Bioroid Plants)
(99+2+10+15+5=131, 131 of 300) Sites of Hexaferrium have been found both on your homeworld and the neighboring arid world. Drilling begins immediately once proper digger bot bodies and brute-labor bioroids have been designed and fielded.

[x] [x] Technic-telepathic Interlink (0 of 300) (+20; Transport Network)
(34+71+20+5= 130, 130 of 300) The actual infrastructure of the Interlink itself is rather simple. The more complex part is the cyberspace link between robots. That is a very sophisticated piece of programming, and must be handled delicately. Any bugs in the system could equal dead robots.

[x] Reinforce Bonus-Giving Infrastructure (+30; Industrial Nanofactory) (+5; PPP)
Build more transports for the transport network, build more Bioroid Factories, build more TI-Drone plants, and supporting manufacturing areas, build more smaller fusion reactors to supplement the Titan, ect. Basically make sure our bonuses don't decrease.
(4+30+5+5= 44, failure) While internal day to day infrastructure has been supplemented and supported, you can't stop the growing industrial/military/economic trend of upscaling and resource integration. Several improvements are so widespread and so heavily used now, they have no major strategic importance or surplus anymore.

[x] Investigate Project HPU (-20) (+25; Builder Priority Access Codes) (+20; Anvedus) (+20; Midnight)
(80-20+25+20+20= 125, major success) Dear builders.....

They were experimenting on using organic brains for high-end computer replacements for QHD's. Cruel, but effective. The facilities uncovered for brain-cloning and netjacking have been integrated into bioroid production lines and as special "wetware" server hubs. As an added bonus, Midnight was able to finish their mark-3 designs and make even better brains than naturally possible through genetic engineering and cybernetics. Still, this shows just how far they were willing to take their petty wars, and to find ways to keep fighting even after their world would be burned to ashes. Their death is no tragedy for the universe.

New Improvement: The Wetworks Complex (+10 to two R&D projects per turn OR +20 to one R&D project)

MULTI-USE - Tyrosian
[x] Continue Reclamation of the World
(42+5=47, failure) Whats left of the world thats still irradiated or barren are also the worse-off sections of the world. Containment measures are holding, but little progress is made.

MULTI-USE - Nano-Industrial Marketplace
[x] Advanced Post-battle Analysis (+10) (+15; Skylar)
(9+10+15= 34, failure)
Skylar swore she was about to make a major military revolution when some dumb TI drone deleted all her work. Said TI drone was then subjected to being Skylar's practice melee dummy and promptly dismembered with its core processor now serving as Skylar's desk paperweight.

(Skylar learns nothing this turn except frustration, one point in reserve for later)

* * * * * * *

Tyrosian unveils what he was up to for the past few years. And also shows just how damn good he is at making resources disappear for his own uses without anyone else knowing. But in this case, it ended positively.

He's gone back a few unrelated non-primary research projects and brought them online. They are....

Ground units: Tyrosian has raised two divisions of Bioroid medium infantry, as well as another Logistical Support Division. In addition, he designed a new type of unit support in form of specialist brigades. While small in effect compared to a proper support division, they are more flexible. Max of one per division until Tyrosian can solve some command and control issues.
* Mobile air brigades add "mobile" trait to light or medium units.
* Engineer brigades add repair abilities.
* Artillery brigades add light fire support abilities.
* Scout brigades add better intel gathering abilities
* Command brigades improve unit coordination and power projection

New Action: Build support brigades

Colonial Engineering: A basic kit of technologies meant to ease initial landing and expansion periods of colonization. Theres no avoiding tech regression in a colony without its own spacelift capability, everything must be built on-site and sustainable on-site. Thankfully, we're not organics so our supply issues are fewer in number. Both the Arid and Tundra worlds in our system are now open to large-scale colonization. Next step is to work on interstellar colonization.

New Action: Survey in-system world (+30)
New Action: Colonize in-system world (500 point project, opens up new action and R&D slots)

Planetary Dominant Economic Activities: Taking a few notes from Tori, Tyrosian offers a new way to bolster output by diverting the resources of a full third of the planet, meaning three of the four lesser continents, towards a single task while rediverting other industries elsewhere and to low orbit. In short, planetary Exploitation is now available. The effects will be small to begin with, but will grow over time. Of course, only one exploitation at a time.

* Food- Divert lesser contients to food production for bioroid population boom. (+bioroid population, +bioroid actions)
* Industry- Large scale industrial zoning and superheavy general industry. (+industrial construction actions, + action slots)
* Research- Giant particle accelerators and science lab complexes. (+science, +science slots)
* Economics- Commercial industries, marketplaces, economic centers and universities. (+economic actions, + economic action slots)
* Military- Giant defense grid installations, ground silos, military academies, and military skunkworks (+ military actions, +military action slots)

Changing Exploitations requires an action slot, but will be a automatic success.

* * * * *

The AI Hub has completed its analysis of our current infrastructure and major strategic benefits.

Bioroid Factory nullified. (More focused on maintaining population than expansion)
TI Drone Plant nullified. (More focused on maintaining population than expanson)
Adaptive Logistics Planning nullified. (Generally integrated now, of no major strategic importance)
Interplanetary Transport Network reduced to +10 bonus. (Transports more tied up in day to day affairs than major operations. Surplus efficiency reduced)
Titan Reactor reduced to +10 bonus. (Lots of stuff plugged into it already)
Industrial Nanofactory Complex reduced to +20 (Significant part of output is needed to feed the nanotech free markets)

That concludes the report.

* * * * *

Next Action List

2 Power, 5 R&D, 7 Action, 2 Multipurpose.
I say we optimize for Industry, then spend two actions on upgrading infrastructure.

I want to get to the point where we can build the Hero city. That sounds like it will have excellent bonuses.
Damn we lost bonuses.

Maybe we should take this as a lesson that we should move forward. Think of new ideas. MAybe a detailed scan and analysis of the Titan reaction with aims to stbility.

Did we ever finish path space mathematics?

I can't imagine the exploitation actio comes with out negatives from tying that industry up.
Question! We get bonuses for Heroes, yeah? Why not build the Living City? It should give us a pretty awesome bonus.
I can vote for this. But Maybe we should make sure to get our protector on and up and running. I mean we stomp EMP auto. But no one said anything about the various other things a dying or dead starlord could set in his death rattle.