[X] Read

Ella had to know more, had to find out more about the planets and ecosystems where large amounts of sand could be found, and what they were like. Her initial attempts had ran into a number of roadblocks since such things had mostly been considered curiosities and tended to not really appear in major databases outside of simple mentions. Especially after Starfall such information had become scarce and scattered and hard to find, but Ella figured that a bit more digging should help her find what she needed.

Reading (Int+Aca) 57 + 18 = 75

As it was, her obsessive search yielded not much more than late nights, but it did yield some. By all accounts large bodies of sand were common throughout the universe, with Dandriss being the anomaly, but in particular the sort that humans lived around was typical of most worlds with an active hydrosphere as the flowing of water eroded rocks, breaking it down into finer grains. What strangeness it was to have the minerals of a world just laying around in the open rather than completely tied up in the biosphere! There were other strange things that tumbled forth from the research, like how the worlds that humans preferred tended to have impossibly vast reservoirs of salty water covering the majority of their surfaces. More madness! And yet the descriptions painted weirdly evocative images in her head, of places of sand and water.

For some reason the image of water flowing through sand and creating a complex dendritic structure lodged strongly in her mind.

Intelligence Sweep (Int+Intr) 65 + 23 = 88

Meanwhile elsewhere the kicking over of dead logs in Razorleaf Meadows produced an interesting result. There were elements from Diamond Dome in the "underworld" of Razorleaf, but they had pointedly not ever tried to import any of the drugs from that place into Green Owl because it was just too hard to conceal the effects of from the greater population, and it would have brought down too much heat on their heads and then on their suppliers. For the most part they actually were smuggling drugs out of Razorleaf, as the superior chemical industry of Green Owl made cheap production of recreational drugs for the population of Diamond Dome and surrounding areas. No one would notice a few extra deaths from other forms of addiction in that place.

Stamping out on that was relatively easy, although it seemed that the group that had given information on when to best attack Razorleaf Meadows had not come from that group, or at least not directly, since for obvious reasons they and their contacts in Diamond Dome didn't want the place shot up. There were also some interesting points about how the black market contacts were fairly widespread throughout Diamond Dome territory, suggesting that there had been criminal contacts from the beginning, which would explain how the whole "get them addicted to keep control" thing had first been started up. Cloning technology had been rather regulated before Starfall, and the fact that Diamond Dome only had access to the human genome strongly suggested that the people to start using it had been running an illegal operation.

This of course meant that Ella probably had a shitload of weeding to do since the black market networks would be disrupted but would likely get worse with the occupation. At least she would know to double down on inspections for contraband now.

Rail Patrol (65)

Fortunately with all of the activity there was little action for those assigned to patrol the rail lines, mostly assisting with mechanical breakdowns or the like. That was definitely a major relief.

Patrol Rewards (Int+Mang) (100+86) + 24 + 20 Multi-year = 230
+3 Culture, +3 Economy, +3 Military
Interrogation (1)

Retaliation Participation (Cha+Mang) 62 + 28 + 25 Major Success = 115
+10 Military

Will Training +1 Willpower

Military Training (2/4 successes)

Culture 47 - 25 - 20 + 7 + 3 = 12
Economy 12 - 5 - 18 + 3 + 6 = -2
Science 11 - 11 + 3 = 3
Military -3 + 3 + 10 + 0 = 10

As the year starts to wind down however, you get an unexpected surprise when one of your patrols - which have been surprisingly effective this year - stops a convoy coming into Razorleaf Meadows and does a contraband sweep as part of the stepped up security now that the direction of flow was uncovered. After a brief firefight induced by utter panic on the part of one of the smugglers, a reaver artifact is discovered hidden in an hidden compartment. With the attack last year elsewhere there would have been some salvage produced, and since it was an attack into a settlement tracking everything was always a bit more difficult. This, however, also meant that someone was willing to import the goods into Razorleaf, and one suspect jumped to the top of the list. The only pity was that the smugglers ended up committing suicide by soldier and there was thus no one to interrogate over who their buyer was supposed to be.

Huh. As a freshly minted baroness, Ella had already mostly defanged what hard power the mayor had left, and now the opportunity to eliminate him completely had just fallen into her lap.

How handy.

She would have to tread carefully, but since his office was involved last time she would have probable cause to do a thorough search of everyone associated with his former aide for connection to this latest incident. Kicking that log would probably produce all sorts of interesting results.

Current Influence

Culture 12
Economy -2
Science 3
Military 10

Updated Output
Culture +11
Economy +10 (+9)
Science +5
Military +4 (+3)

Medium Aircraft (226/300)

Random Events and Opportunities
Hidden Roll!

Then, as you are preparing for the new year and all the planning you would have to do, the sirens start to wail. A Great Firestorm? One isn't expected for a while yet, but they can be quite unpredictable and...

Wait, those aren't the firestorm sirens.

Those are the air raid sirens.

As you are rushing for your office, the public broadcast system comes on and announces, "All citizens, find shelter immediately. I repeat, find shelter immediately. Orbital bombardments inbound, expect firestorms to be triggered by kinetic strikes and/or thermonuclear initiations. Message repeats. All citizens, find shelter immediately. I repeat, find shelter immediately. Orbital bombardments inbound, expect..."

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So... you rolled a 1 on just how bad the attack is.

It's bad. Really, really bad.

Although not in the way you might initially expect.
I can't tell how paranoid to be...bombardment hits right outside our office and we end up missing a year or 2 in intensive care? bombardment takes out our next few years worth of income for repairs? Reavers jump in opportunistically and mind fuck us more? Our mech takes an unfortunate hit that completely destroys it and we hit the point of actually getting a trait about how prone we are to needing mech repair? The mantis decide to focus on us/our nearby hub city and we end up with a few turns of "survive in the hot spot of active war without resupply"? All of the above? :p
Patrol Rewards (Int+Mang) (100+86) + 24 + 20 Multi-year = 230
+3 Culture, +3 Economy, +3 Military
Interrogation (1)
Really missed the exploding dice. The crazy stunts made the Quest unique.

And it figures we roll a nat 1 on our nat 100 reward.
and/or thermonuclear initiations.
Well, shit.

So... you rolled a 1 on just how bad the attack is.

It's bad. Really, really bad.

Although not in the way you might initially expect.
Watch as that was the attacker's roll.
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Its time like these that whenever Academia Nut updates a quest my inner instinct to scream is not let down. Somehow the expectation of Glory and Pain is something this story especially keeps on delivering.

I just hope we can reach the peaks again like we did when we had hard rock musical introduction.

That being said, after this I see Ella pushing for getting to space hard. The only way to prevent orbital bombardment is to be able to interdict or at least contest the orbits.
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Even when we win, we still lose...at least no one can accuse an Academia Nut quest of being boring. :D

Also is it me or does Fate/The Universe/Dandriss just really hate Ella?


Here comes the weird Bombs.
Nukes, or maybe Psychic?
Our place becomes a second Dragon Wood?
Maybe even a Dagon Wood? (Giand Bipeds with a propensity for water? First Lake of Dandriss?)

Fuel For the Nightmare Cube!! Skulls for the Mecha!!!
Turn 7, War Year 1

The world outside was on fire, and the offices inside were equally as chaotic. All of Dandriss was burning from kinetic impactor strikes and nuclear initiations, although by all accounts actual damage to settlements was negligible as all the strikes had fallen outside their walls and thus had done no damage due to sufficient warning to get people to shelter. Hopefully the nomadic groups had been able to get enough warning from the sirens along the rail lines to... do whatever it was they did during firestorms. That had never exactly been clear.

Information was scarce, but it seemed that the Belters had been involved in some sort of shadow war out among the gas giants and cometary bodies of the outer star system with interstellar invaders. They hadn't really told anyone until the conflict exploded out all at once. The aliens had apparently built up much faster than expected and had taken the colony ship that had brought them to Dandriss and used it as an KKV against the Belters main settlement while regular ships were dispatched to the mining colonies and Dandriss. Belter orbital assets over Dandriss were contesting the skies enough to keep the attempts at bombardment imprecise, but as for their main settlement...

By all accounts, it was gone. A direct hit by a ship moving at about 2% the speed of light on a kamikaze run, the damn thing refusing to come apart enough to avert disaster despite the Belters throwing everything they had at it. The databases and fabricators and shipyards: gone. They were evacuating as best they could and were consolidating in Dandriss orbit, but by all accounts the Belters had lost upwards of 75% of their population, and they no longer had the capacity to even make meaningful repairs to what ships they had left. They were a dead polity walking, destined to either go out in a blaze of glory or be assimilated by the groups on the ground, and, worse yet, the aliens were now in a position of control of the entire star system with minimal contest from anyone else.

There were already calls going up for resources to be diverted towards developing proper orbital assets, but the simple truth of the matter was that it would be years at minimum before they would be able to get meaningful deployments into orbit, let alone being able to construct the warships that would let them contest the rest of the system.

Dandriss was in for a long several years of having to take a kicking with minimal capacity to retaliate.

Parliament had already passed declarations shifting things over to a wartime economy, which was a particularly nasty blow for Razorleaf Meadows with its tourism and entertainment economy. They were probably going to have to do something like churn out propaganda while they figured out what the hell they were going to do. Probably also diversify the economy in some way, with people already blaming Ella for producing a too fragile economy. She was also still saddled with dealing with access to Diamond Dome, and she had no idea if Anna intended to keep it now or abandon the gains to avoid being overstretched. Having a smashed up hub city with no oversight on her doorstep during the panic of an interstellar war was not something Ella was exactly looking forward to.

Oh, and to top it all off she was still having visions of otherworldly vistas occupying her mind and she had no idea when she would be able to make it stop with current conditions the way they were.

At least her regular troops weren't being recalled yet since for now the war was probably going to be fought in the sky and orbitals and there was little infantry could do. So she at least had some time to try to train up the band of convicted raiders she had picked up to be a worthwhile force before major ground operations started.

The opportunity to deal with the mayor was also still present, but it was going to be exceedingly fleeting and more dangerous than before. She had to do it fast and do it in terms of excising criminal elements that would drag them down in a time where unity was needed, or she would come off as being petty and vindictive and divisive herself.

This was going to be a bad couple of years.

You have six settlement actions available to you. Available options are...
WAR TIME ECONOMY - Trading for military influence automatically 1:1, other trades prohibited
[] Advertise for business - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Economy influence
[] Recruitment drive - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence

[] Promote the arts - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Culture influence
[] Promote innovation - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Science influence

[] Additional military spending - Spend Economy influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence

[] Construct building
(8/20 slots occupied)
(5/9 population occupied)
  • Hab (+1 Culture, +1 Economy, +1 Science, +1 Military) [Cost: 25 culture, 5 economy] [Note: new buildings cannot be constructed unless Habs compose at least ⅕ the active buildings]
  • Entertainment Complex (+3 Culture) [Cost: 20 culture]
  • Trading Post (+2 Economy, +1 Culture) [Cost: 15 economy, 5 culture]
  • Factory (+3 Economy, also required to produce more advanced goods) [Cost: 25 economy]
  • Reactor (+2 Economy, +1 Science) [Cost: 15 economy, 10 science]
  • Research Lab (+3 Science) [Cost: 15 science, 5 economy, 5 culture]
  • Proving Grounds (+1 Science, +2 Military) [Cost: 10 economy, 5 science, 5 military]
  • Barracks (+3 Military) [Cost: 15 military, 5 economy]
  • New Building Slot [Cost: 30 economy, 30 science]
4 buildings of the same type can be combined for the cost of one of that building type into a block, giving a 50% bonus to the total output (some advanced buildings give different benefits when upgraded to a block)
4 blocks of the same type can be combined for twice the cost of the building type into a district, giving a 100% bonus to the total output (replacing the 50% bonus from the blocks)
  • Foundry (allows production of light mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires at least 1 Factory)
    • Foundry Block (allows production of medium and heavy mechs and aircraft) [Cost: 25 economy, 5 science; requires 4 Foundries + 1 Factory Block]
  • Mech Tilting Grounds (+3 Culture, +2 Military, improved mech forces) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires at least 1 Entertainment Complex + 1 Barracks]
    • Mech Arena (Mech Tilting Grounds Block) [Cost: 20 culture, 20 military, 5 economy; requires 4 Mech Tilting Grounds + at least 1 Foundry)
  • Network Center (up to four buildings per centre that produces +1 <Influence> produces +2 so long as the +3 producing version is also in the settlement) [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 +3 generating building and 1 +1 generating building]
    • Network Block (up to four blocks produce an additional 50% Influence so long as they each have a paired building (or potentially a paired block), i.e. a Trading Post Block would produce 100% of its total normal influence with 1 Factory building present. Special: A District and its paired Block both receive the benefits, i.e. A Reactor District would produce 150% Influence and its paired Research Block would produce 100% Influence. Special: Habs can only be paired if they are the larger of the pair and their pair has to be a +3 type building [Cost: 30 science, 20 economy; requires at least 1 Block and 1 Building that can be paired with it]
  • College Campus (Research Labs produce +1 Culture) [Cost: 50 culture, 20 science; requires at least 1 Research Lab block and 1 Entertainment complex)
  • Rail line caravan (+2 Economy, do not occupy building slots but are more vulnerable to attack) [Cost: 15 economy; requires at least 1 Factory and each caravan also requires a Trading Post (extra caravans can be supported by blocks and districts using the same bonus multipliers)]

[] Initiate research project
[] Donate science - Send Science influence to the duchy level, generating goodwill

[] Build new military unit (5/5 currently supported)
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 5 economy, 3 military, 2 culture]
[] Requisition new military unit (5/5 currently supported) Units will be assigned or recalled outside your control
  • Jaeger company [Cost: 20 military]
  • Artillery company [Cost: 50 military]
  • Light mech squadron [Cost: 50 military]
  • Medium mech [Cost: 60 military]
  • Heavy mech [Cost: 100 military]
  • CAS fighter-bomber [Cost: 80 military]
Each additional military unit over your support unit costs 1 Economy a turn.
[] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines. Current chance of encounter: LOW
[] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem. Current chance of encounter: MODERATE-HIGH
[] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper. EXPECTED
[] Mercenary work - Assign a unit to mercenary work, spending Military Influence to gain Economy Influence. Requires Min. Military Influence of 10
[] Speed Recruitment of Light Mechs - Every 3 Military Influence recruits 2 more Light Mechs to the squadron
[] Train Penal Militia - Drill the raiders who peacefully surrendered to your command into a proper unit

[] Hold a major festival - Hold a major cultural event, with the potential to generate Economy and regain Culture spent. Requires Min. Culture Influence of 20, Costs a min. of 5 Culture Influence
[] Initiate Sociology research - Because of buildings and skills possessed, you may spend Culture influence as Science on Sociology projects

[] Intrigue Sweep - Someone tried to bring in reaver artifacts, and Mayor Milvus is the prime suspect, but this is your only shot at dealing with this
[] Contact Neighbours - The Diamond Dome region was made a mess last year, and this war will likely leave it a mess. Fortunately you have good contacts with those on the periphery, so maybe you can help each other out in this chaos

You also have the time for two personal actions this year...
[] Study war - Chance to advance Officer education (2/4 progress)
[] Study politics - Chance to advance Politician education
[] Study <stat> - Chance to advance selected skill. Specialty stats are easier than secondary stats are easier than primary stats

[] Throw a party - Hold a major social gathering
[] Seek allies - Look for people among the community and in the wider polity
[] Pursue Baron Malcolm Adler as an ally
[] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[] Seek a husband - Among the nobility one's spouse(s) is of importance for establishing allies and pedigree

[] Pursue Obsession - You have to figure out what to do with the visions in your head, and until you do you don't know if you can stop seeing the imagess

[] Hunting - On Dandriss hunting animals with war machines is considered fair to all parties involved

Nightmare Cube training is currently active and cannot be turned off.
So, obviously burning Mil to stand up the Light Mech squadron properly is going to be a major goal. Aside that, heavy patrolling and setting up to build a non-tourist economy alternative?

By my count there's up to 25 Military influence to spend, if everything else gets traded for Military. Nothing can really be built this time because there's not enough Economy and it can't be traded for. Fully staffing the Light Mech Squadron should cost something like 15M (3M/2 Mechs).
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It's time to hand the ClF3 darts over to Anna. They're needed everywhere, Purple Mallet isn't going to raise a fuss over it in this geopolitical environment, and she can get them finished and rolled out en masse much faster than Ella could hope to. Get what we can for them.
It's time to hand the ClF3 darts over to Anna. They're needed everywhere, Purple Mallet isn't going to raise a fuss over it in this geopolitical environment, and she can get them finished and rolled out en masse much faster than Ella could hope to. Get what we can for them.

Point of note: Anna won't care, she has other things to do with her research time, they will just go sit on a shelf somewhere and most likely be forgotten about until the war is over.
Probably also diversify the economy in some way, with people already blaming Ella for producing a too fragile economy.
Hmm. With the "no conversion to science" limitation, I think this forces the lab over the reactor path. Reactors just take too long to repay the science investment when we can't buy extra science.

I think we can pull off all of factory/lab/barracks and a network center over the next six turns, which is the same amount of time it'd take to make the reactor block without conversion, if I've done the math right.

[x] Checkpoint garrison - Assign a unit to maintain order on the rail line leading from Stonebridge into Diamond Dome territory proper.
[x] Speed Recruitment of Light Mechs
[x] Intrigue Sweep - Someone tried to bring in reaver artifacts, and Mayor Milvus is the prime suspect, but this is your only shot at dealing with this
[x] Patrol rail lines - Assign a unit to ensure the security of travellers in the rail lines.
[] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem.
[x] Recruitment drive - Spend Culture influence to attempt to produce additional Military influence
[x] Contact Neighbours

We've actually got six settlement actions! A good thing, because I had no idea which of the above we should cut.

[x] Get to know Knight-Captain Brabant Moore better
[x] Pursue Obsession - You have to figure out what to do with the visions in your head, and until you do you don't know if you can stop seeing the imagess

Both of our potential allies are military, and I think we really need someone close to help with the "stressed" trait.

This is a really bad time to be unable to turn the nightmare cube off.
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[x] Patrol forest - Assign a unit to patrol the forests, seeking to eliminate dangerous wildlife or alien reavers before they become a problem.
You know, i feel like we shouldn't be sending our troops, let alone ourselves, outside of the mostly safe-from-bombardment settlements and rail lines during a war featuring lots of orbital bombardment

1. Belters are down and out and will probably be absorbed by someone. I would prefer that someone be us (well, our polity, not our settlement personally).

2. The mantis have effective orbital and stellar control. This means that they'll be able to build up their infrastructure freely without interference and will be able to keep us on the planet pretty effectively.

3. No more shipyards. Given that a rebuild of those would draw mantis fire, this means we're more or less stuck to the planet for the foreseeable future.

4. The databases for the fabricators are lost. If the Belters were idiot enough to not have backups, that technical knowledge is gone. Which means a lack of practiced designs for starships anyway.

In summary, we're royally fucked in the long-term. We're trapped on-planet with hostiles orbiting above us and that won't change for generations without something dramatic happening.
[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Checkpoint garrison
[X] Speed Recruitment of Light Mechs
[X] Train Penal Militia
[X] Intrigue Sweep
[X] Contact Neighbours

[X] Study war
[X] Pursue Obsession

Slight change from @Candesce plan; i think war education will be important in the near future, and that drilling the militia is more important than grabbing military right away (especially since we should be able to just convert all our culture next turn just as easily with one action).

Also, @Academia Nut for the mech recruitment speedup, is that a "each action trades 3 mil for 2 mechs", or can we spend more military at once for faster recruitment?
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[X] Patrol rail lines
[X] Checkpoint garrison
[X] Speed Recruitment of Light Mechs
[X] Train Penal Militia
[X] Intrigue Sweep
[X] Contact Neighbours

[X] Study war
[X] Pursue Obsession