In the Mind of a Green Sun Prince (Exalted/Nasuverse)

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You are a demon. Not just any demon.

You are a Citizen, despite being a Demon of the First...
The Land of Memes
You are a demon. Not just any demon.

You are a Citizen, despite being a Demon of the First Circle. You've risen your status through guile and power. By gaining the favor of Second Circle Citizens, by eliminating your competitors, by whatever means you chose, you kept a hold of your small amount of power.

But now that's all gone.

An Unquestionable stands before you, their very presence making you kneel in terrified supplication.

They begin to teach you, of your new role, of the duty you will fulfill, and when it is time, they implant the Essence of Enlightenment in you, not to empower, but to direct you to your goal.

And so you make the trek across Cecelyne. A dangerous task, but the supermote in you bolsters your strength, and you reach the edge.

And so, you step into Creation.


But before we get to the actual story, who are you? What are you?

You are a....
[ ] Eurymanthoi
[ ] Angylakae
[ ] Luminata
[ ] Agatae
[ ] Sesseljae
[ ] Write-in. (Please mention which Yozi the Demon descends from)

Your name is...
[ ] Write-in

The Unquestionable who chose you was:
[ ] Ligier, The Green Sun
[ ] Jacint, The Prince Upon the Tower
[ ] Munaxes, The Ravine of Whispers
[ ] Erembour, That Which Calls to Shadows
[ ] Orabilis, The End of All Wisdom
[ ] Madelrada, That Which Wears Down the Mountains

Rank which traits are important from your perspective: (1 is most important, 3 is least important)
[ ] Strength and Speed!
[ ] A Silver Tongue.
[ ] Mind over Matter.

And finally, moving into the story:

Who is your potential Prince?

[ ] A girl who failed to use her potential, and let her newest friend die. Despair clouds her heart.
[ ] A man who destroyed a city to save the world. Yet he finds no salvation in the ashes of his sin.
[ ] A boy who watched his oldest friend become gunned down. His pledge of destruction will go unfulfilled, without aid.
[ ] A man who could not even save his father from his blood sucking step-brother. The Green Sun will ripple through the world.
There was going to be fifth option here, but I couldn't think of one. Congrats for finding this thou
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PC Character Sheets
Character Sheets

Azzaria, Demon Assassin.
Occupation: Entertainment and Assassination
Strength 4, Dexterity 6, Stamina 5
Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 5

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 5, Temperance 3, Valor 3

Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 5, Archery 3, Dodge 5, Integrity 3, Linguistics 5, Lore 4, Melee 4 (Knives +2), Martial Arts 3 (+3 Hair) Occult 5, Performance 5 (Harp +3), Presence 5, Resistance 2 (Playing Forever +3), Socialize 2, Stealth 4

Backgrounds: Patron 5 (Ligier, the Green Sun), Contacts 3, Backing 3 (Octavian), Resources 2 (freelance contracts)

Normal Angylakae Charms, plus:
1st (Ability) Excellency - Melee, Martial Arts
Harrow the Mind - Using Charisma + Performance + Harp Specialty, Azzaria tunes her music to be heard by only one man. That person only hears Azzaria's harp, and does not hear any other sounds - such as the Harpist stalking up to cut his throat.

Essence: 4
Essence Pool: 85
Willpower: 9/9

Kiritsugu, the Scourge of Mages
Kiritsugu Emiya
Caste: Scourge
Motivation: Create a World Without War
Urge: Annihilate those who have wronged you and your people.

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Dodge 4 (Magi +2), Larceny 5 (Breaking and Murdering Entering +3), Stealth 5(Against magical senses +1)

Favored :
Archery 5 (Pistols +1, Sniping +1, Automatic Weapons +1), Craft 3 (Bombs +3), Occult 3 (Bounded Fields +3), Linguistics 5 (Native: Japanese. Trained: English, German, Chinese, Russian, Old Realm), Investigation 3

Bureaucracy 2 (Forgery +3), Lore 3, Melee 3, Martial Arts 3, Presence 1 (Intimidation +3) Socialize 1, Ride 3, Integrity 2, Medicine 1 (Bullets +1) War 2 (Mages +3)

Contacts 3 (Yakuza, Magus Association, Russian Mafia)
Influence 3 (The Magus Killer)
Resources 3 (Assassination Contracts)

Magic Crest: Time Alter. REMOVED BY EXALTATION

1st (Yozi) Excellency 1m per die (Malfean and Adorjani)

Insignificant Embers Intuition 2m (Enhances Perception + Awareness roll to notice details about a character. Gives Essence rating and type of Essence [Elemental, Abyssal, Solar, etc.] as well as any other details.

Green Sun Nimbus Flare 3m (Enhances physical attack whose target is (Essence) yards away or less. Adds 2 levels of unsoakable lethal damage.

Skyfire Seizing Repast 1wp (Reduces damage of a Non-Holy energy based attack by your (Essence)

By Pain Reforged 1hl (No longer suffers wound penalties from bashing damage, and does not fall unconscious if reduced to Incapacitated.)

Wind Borne Stride – (Dashing does not reduce DV. Auto succeeds crossing treacherous terrain. Adds Essence Rating to base dash speed.)

Death Dealing Journey 3m (Allows you to dash reflexively every tick, allowing you to dash and do other actions without doing a flurry)

Who Strikes the Wind? 3M (Perfect dodge. Must be dashing to use.)

Joy in Violence Approach 1m per success (Enhances Join Battle Roll, adding 1 bonus success per mote., up to (lower of Dexterity or Wits) successes, plus successes equal to the number of times you've bought Wind Borne Stride. Regains 1 wp if the player starts the fight, and it has not been used in the scene yet. Regains 2 wp if player starts the fight whilst Social Combat Starts.

Loom Snarling Deception 10 – Essence motes (Disguise charm. Can only be used to make a disguise of a fictitious person of the Infernal's Imagination. Immune to mundane scrutiny. Adds (Essence) bonus successes to charm roll offs.)

Eldritch Secrets Mastery - (Upgrades LSD to allow user to change how his magical traits appear on Essence sight and similar detection.)

Essence 3

Willpower 7/7

Bashing: 3
Lethal: 1
Aggravated: 0

Health Levels:
-0: []
-1: [][]
-2: [][]
-4: []
Incapacitated: []
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NPC Character Sheets
Stats shown are based on Kiritsugu's understanding of Combat Homunculi, and may be inaccurate.

Kristanna, Einzbern Supplier
Species: Homunculi

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Charisma ?, Manipulation ?, Appearance 3
Perception ?, Intelligence ?, Wits ?

Melee: 3, Dodge 4, Stealth 2, Athletics 4, Martial Arts 3, Archery 3, Thrown 3, War 2 (Defending Castles +1) Resistance 3 (Reinforcement +1), Occult 1, Medicine 2, Integrity 5 (Serving the Einzbern family +3), Awareness 3, Ride 1 (Cars +1), Survival 2 (Forests +1)

Reinforcement (Reflexive): Kristanna may spend up to 3 motes and roll Stamina + Resistance Dificulty 2. Success allows her to add (motes spent) dice to both Strength and Dexterity for one action. She may not add more than 3 dice to any roll. A botch will deal 2 Lethal dice of damage to her.


Essence pool:

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Thompson Contender (Artifact 3)
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage 9L/2, Rate 1, Range 50, Single Shot, Attune 0, Tags O
-27 Origin Bullets (1 mote to fire)
-20 Normal Bullets

1 Assault Rifle
-5 magazines

1 Sniper Rifle
-5 Cartridges

2 Submachine Guns
-4 clips each

1 Shotgun
-30 Slug Rounds
-30 Pellet Rounds

2 Combat Knives

C4 - Never Enough

All guns use stats from Shards of the Exalted Dream Supplement Page 40, save for the Thompson Contender
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You tread through a scene of death and destruction. Fire and a strange necrotic mud dance amongst the corspes. But there is no Shadowland forming. All the death essence is sucked up by that mud.

You feel something cling to your foot, and look down. Even in your immaterial form, the black mud still senses you. You grit your teeth as you feel it try to eat at your form, and feel a flash of energy from the Exaltation in you. Green fire and crimson wind annihilate the mud, and you continue on.

It begins raining, the fire beginning to dissipate, as the mud sinks into the earth, and you see a golden flash, as a man with black hair and a black long coat pushes something into a badly burnt boy with red hair. As you watch, the boy's burns begin to heal, and he breathes more steadily.

The man is crying. You know, somehow, that this devastation around you is his doing, his cause. His failure.

That man is your target. He is the one who is Chosen.

But how will you approach him?
[ ] Write in.
[X]Helpful. A hand offered at your lowest point is the most seductive and it would not do to start a partnership in a false deal. Aproach him. Help him get the boy out of this damnable conflagration and commiserate with his weakness.

The first thing that the man notices is the music. A harp sounding around him, soothing and calming.

He turns, and sees you. You wonder what you must look like to him. A woman taller than him, with hands that branch into many smaller fingers that weave through harp strings that only appear for a brief second, and gold hair that moves of it's own accord.

You smile kindly at him. "Are you okay? Do you need help?"

He gapes at you for a second, and you see him reaching for some strange flame piece on the ground, before he stops. "What are you?" He asks.

"A concerned spirit." You frown, and kneel besides him, looking at the bruised body of the boy. Your hair moves to him, as you go to bundle him up, but the man flinches. "Be not afraid. I mean no harm."

He looks at you for a second, and then nods. You bundle the child up in your hair, and smile at him. "Where shall I take him?" You ask. You're not quite sure what humans do to care for their young. You would have just given him over to a Neomah.

He looks at the sleeping child. "This way."

He leads you to where you see some large carriages with flashing red lights on them, with no horses in sight. Humans in white climb out of them, and start combing the destruction, whilst near them a large red carriage (Moving under it's own power? Is it an artifact?) pulls up, as humans in yellow use a long line that spews water to put out the fires.

The man has you put the child where the people in white will find him, and then has you retreat, so that they don't see you. They take the child, and usher him to one of the white carriages, which rides off towards the city.

The man smiles a little, then frowns as he turns to you. "Who are you?"

What do you say?
[ ] Write-in.
[X] "My name is Azzaria, but that no longer matters. I am a messenger, and message in one, here to make you an offer."
-[X] "This world is broken, the Creators trapped in eternal torment as reality withers and rots. Yet even in their tortured state, they retain some influence. Within me burns a spark of their power, a Supermote, an Exaltation."
-[X] "Should you accept it, you shall be granted power and limitless potential for more; in exchange you must restore reality and end the torment of its makers. Things were better once. They could be again. Will relieve me of my burden? "
-[X] "I will give you a few days to think this over, but please choose quickly. This power was not meant for me to hold, and I must find another potential host before I die."
-[X] Once he asks why we'll die, explain how the power is slowly killing us.

"I am Azzaria, though that no longer matters. I am messenger and message in one, here to make an offer."

You see his face harden a little at your mention of offer. "What offer?"

"Power." You say. "This world is broken. It's Creators trapped in torment as reality withers and rots. But even in their state, they hold no small amount of power. Within me is a burning spark of their essence, an Exaltation. It is meant for you."

"Power." He says. "What type of power?"

You shake your head. "I will not know exactly until I give it to you. But I do know that it comes with the potential for boundless growth past what you are now. Eventually, you will equal the greatest of Gods, on even grounds with the Unquestionable lords of my home."

He frowns. "And what's the catch? What price will I pay? My soul? My free will?"

You shake your head. "All my creators ask is that you help free them. They know not how to free themselves, and must turn to ones like you for help."

He closes his eyes, and you can see the gears turning in his head.

You sigh. "I shall give you a few days to think, but please choose quickly. This power was not meant for me to hold, and I must find another potential host before I die."

"Before you die?"

"The Exaltation is meant for humans. A lowly Angylakae like me can only hold onto it, but the power is slowly burning through me. I will die, and it will return to Unquestionable Liger in Malfeas." You speak sadly, as you draw mournful music from the harp strings of the moment.

He closes his eye, and sighs. "I have a daughter. Eight years old. She's in danger. A powerful mage family has her. Will your power, your Exaltation, allow me to save her?"

You smile. "Mortals cannot stand against the might of the Exalted. I believe you will."

"Then I accept." He says.
You grin. The mote of green fire inside you struggles for release, and you let it.

You feel yourself split apart, as you swallow the man in a cocoon of hair and burnished brass.


Gilgamesh frowns, as he stares at the strange cocoon. In a flash of gold, a mirror appears in his hands, and he draws nearer, using the mirror to look at the object.

"What is it?" Kirei Kotomine walks up to him.

"An anachronism. Something that disappeared with the beginning of the Second Age of Gods. Or something similar. Before my time." Gilgamesh shakes his head. "I don't know much. I believe that it will prove to be very interesting to you, priest."

Kirei smiles. It was still a new expression, but he was sure he could get used to it. He was enjoying himself right now. "Then I'll keep it hidden from the Association and the Church."

Gilgamesh pays him no mind, his eyes tracing over the runes etched on the brass. "Wait five days, and then return to pick up the pieces. By then it will have hatched." He turns, and leaves.

Kotomine watches him go, and then turns to the cocoon.

He smiles again. Yes, he was sure he could get used to smiling.


You feel yourself returning to consciousness, as the cocoon crumbles around your new host. You mentally stumble, as you notice that you can't hear any music, before your hands begin to move. You play a happy melody.

It's strange being in Kiritsugu's head. Like being in a dark room with only one window. Luckily, you can still make your music, even though you can't hear it outside the room.

Kiritsugu blinks as he notices his naked form. You feel him focus on his shadow, new instincts flaring as it rises up and transforms his appearance into that of a Japanese Businessman.

He rises, and looks around. "She's gone."

Is he looking for you?

"Where is that music coming from?" He mutters.

Oh, he is.

[ ] Write in

Kiritsugu Emiya
Caste: Scourge
Motivation: Create a World Without War
Urge: Annihilate those who have wronged you and your people.

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Athletics 3, Awareness 4, Dodge 4 (Magi +2), Larceny 3 (Breaking and Murdering Entering +3), Stealth 4 (Against magical senses +1)

Favored :
Archery 5 (Pistols +1, Sniping +1, Automatic Weapons +1), Craft 3 (Bombs +3), Occult 3 (Bounded Fields +3), Linguistics 5 (Native: Japanese. Trained: English, German, Chinese, Russian, Old Realm), Investigation 3

Bureaucracy 2 (Forgery +3), Lore 3, Melee 3, Martial Arts 3, Presence 1 (Intimidation +3) Socialize 1, Ride 3, Integrity 2, Medicine 1 (Bullets +1), War 2 (+3 Mages)

Contacts 3 (Yakuza, Magus Association, Russian Mafia)
Influence 3 (The Magus Killer)
Resources 3 (Assassination Contracts)

Magic Crest: Time Alter. REMOVED BY EXALTATION

1st (Yozi) Excellency 1m per die (Malfean and Adorjani)

Insignificant Embers Intuition 2m (Enhances Perception + Awareness roll to notice details about a character. Gives Essence rating and type of Essence [Elemental, Abyssal, Solar, etc.] as well as any other details.

Green Sun Nimbus Flare 3m (Enhances physical attack whose target is (Essence) yards away or less. Adds 2 levels of unsoakable lethal damage.

Skyfire Seizing Repast 1wp (Reduces damage of a Non-Holy energy based attack by your (Essence)

By Pain Reforged 1hl (No longer suffers wound penalties from bashing damage, and does not fall unconscious if reduced to Incapacitated.)

Wind Borne Stride – (Dashing does not reduce DV. Auto succeeds crossing treacherous terrain. Adds Essence Rating to base dash speed.)

Death Dealing Journey 3m (Allows you to dash reflexively every tick, allowing you to dash and do other actions without doing a flurry)

Who Strikes the Wind? 3M (Perfect dodge. Must be dashing to use.)

Joy in Violence Approach 1m per success (Enhances Join Battle Roll, adding 1 bonus success per mote., up to (lower of Dexterity or Wits) successes, plus successes equal to the number of times you've bought Wind Borne Stride. Regains 1 wp if the player starts the fight, and it has not been used in the scene yet. Regains 2 wp if player starts the fight whilst Social Combat Starts.

Loom Snarling Deception 10 – Essence motes (Disguise charm. Can only be used to make a disguise of a fictitious person of the Infernal's Imagination. Immune to mundane scrutiny. Adds (Essence) bonus successes to charm roll offs.)

Essence 2
Personal: 6/14
Peripheral: 34/34

Willpower 8/8

Bashing: 3
Lethal: 1
Aggravated: 0

Health Levels:
-0: []
-1: [][]
-2: [][]
-4: []
Incapacitated: []
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[X] "I'm here, Kiritsugu, inside your mind. I see you've figured out how to use one of your new abilities already. How splendid! I'm sure you have questions, but perhaps it might be wise to go somewhere you know is safe?"

You decide to answer him. "I'm here, Kiritsugu. I see you've figure out how to use one of your new abilities already. How splendid!"

"You're in my head." You can tell that he's annoyed and confused.

"I'm sure you have questions, but perhaps it might be wise to go somewhere you know is safe?"

He looks around, and nods. Staying near a strange cocoon in the middle of a city, even the cinders of one, probably would seem suspicious. That Magus Association would probably love to dissect an Exalt right now, if his thoughts of them are correct.

In a few minutes, he gets to a less burnt part of the city. There are crews of mortals working on repairing it, and some others gawking at the damage. You can tell that he feels uncomfortable right now. The clothes provided him by his shadow are insubstantial, lacking in any protective use. He looks clothed, and feels clothed to everyone else, but he himself feels naked.

He keeps walking, reaching a portion of the city that was untouched by the fire. It's not exactly the most crowded place, but he's able to stay unobserved to pickpocket some poor guys wallet.

He grabs the credit card, and enters a clothing store, and picks out a simple white shirt, a pair of sweatpants, some socks, and some sandals.

Checking to see no one sees him, he ducks into an alleyway, hides behind a dumpster, and changes into the clothing. Though his disguise isn't affected, he's much more at ease now.

He walks across the street, grabbing a payphone, and putting it to his ear. "Answers, now. Why are you in my head, what happened to me, why can't I feel my circuits anymore, who are your masters? Tell me everything."

[ ] Write in.
[X] You sigh. " know, Kiritsugu, you could try talking to me with your thoughts. What with me being in your head and all."
-[X] "Anyways, I'm in your head because it's part of the process for giving you your Exaltation. Don't worry about me influencing you, at least not anymore than anyone else who can talk to you - as I said, you retain your free will; that is the cornerstone of the exaltation. I'm here to help and advise you."
-[X] "As to what happened, when you agreed to the deal I merged with you and gave you your Exaltation. The process takes time though, and you've been in a chrysalis for five days."
-[X] "I do not know what "Circuits" are. Were they an enhancement of some kind? The Exaltation rights all wrongs and purges all mutations from a human body when applied. It might have considered them detrimental mutations. On the upside, you are now an enlightened essence user of the greatest caliber - an Exalted." From here explain the basics of the exalted powers and essence manipulation.
-[X] "My masters are called the Yozis. They are not gods. They were once the Primordials who created reality and gods to oversee and manage it. But the gods, in their lust to possess what their makers held, betrayed them." From here, tell him what you know of the history of Creation, of the tragic downfall of its makers at the hands of traitors.

You sigh. "You know Kiritsugu, you could try talking with me in your thoughts. I am in your head after all."

He doesn't say anything, but you feel his impatience with you.

"Anyways, I'm in your head because it's part of the process of giving you your Exaltation. Don't worry about me influencing you magically. Free Will is the cornerstone of exaltation. I am merely intended to guide and advise you."

He sighs in grudging acceptance. "Alright, but what did happen to me?"

"Well, you agreed to my deal." You say. "The process of the Exaltation merged us together, turning my body into a Chrysalis for you to sit in for 5 days, and connecting my soul to yours."

"And my Circuits?"

"I do not know what Circuits are..." You pause, as he starts reviewing what he knows about Circuits. "So they are the method your Sorcerer's use to gather Essence? They seem rather dangerous to the user."

"You can read my mind?"

"I'm in your head, remember?"

"Fine. Continue."

"The Exaltation removes all detrimental mutations from the user. In exchange, you are now an enlightened essence user of the greatest caliber - an Exalted." You smile. "The Exalted are humans blessed with enormous power, free to do with it as they please. You were given your powers by the Yozis through me, but it can never be taken away from you, save on your deathbed. You will live longer than many of your peers, and have limitless capacity for growth and advancement. You have been severed from the cruelties of Fate and Destiny, and bound to a future you create."

He seems to be a little bit amused by your last statement. "And your Masters? 'Unquestionable Ligier'. 'The Yozis'?"

"My masters are called the Yozis. They are not gods. They were once the Primordials who created reality and gods to oversee and manage it. But the gods, in their lust to possess what their makers held, betrayed them. They created the first Exalted, tricked humans into fighting against the Rightful lords, and destroyed the order of the world. The Solar Exalted lead the charge, supported by the shapeshifting Lunars and the secretive Sidereals. Under they were the Dragon-blooded, Elemental Exalted whose power was passed through bloodline. Together, they murdered 13 of the Primordials, creating the Underworld, and bound the rest inside the body of Malfeas, the King. They named the Primordials the Yozis, Demon Kings, and then strove to rule Creation. But the world collapsed in fire and war. Now, the Yozis have created their own Exalted, the Green Sun Princes, whose power derives from the Yozi's own strength. You have been blessed with powers derived from Malfeas the Demon City, whose Heart is Unquestionable Ligier, Adorjan the Silent Wind, and the Ebon Dragon, Shadow of all Things."

"These other Exalted. Where are they?"

"The Solars ruled over the land for millennia, but then were overthrown by their Dragon-blooded soldiers and disappeared. The Sidereals hid themselves from the world. The Lunars fled to the edges of the world, and the Dragon-blooded have ruled Creation since. Except.... This is not the Creation I remember. Besides you and that strange mud, I have not witnessed any magical being. No curious spirits, no crusading Dragon-blooded or half-spirit. Your people use carriages without horses, and live in buildings I have only seen rivaled by the Demon City."

"I see. So you don't know." He says.


"Fine. What will the other Exalted do if they meet me?"

"What will a human do if they meet you? The Exalted are no longer united. They will each have their own goals and ideals. Only the Dragon-blooded are united, due to the fact that the power passes through bloodline. A single Dragon-blooded warrior will be dangerous, but you will rarely find a single Dragon-blooded."

He nods, and then mentally dismisses you. He puts some coins in the payphone, and dials a number. It rings a few times, and then an old voice answers.

"Who is this? How'd you get this number?"

"Fujimura, it's Kiritsugu."

A pause. "Kiritsugu? I thought you were dead."

"I'm not."

"Good. So tell me. Who caused that fire? I lost some good investments in that blaze, and I'd like to pay him back for it."

He pauses. "He died in the fire."

"Was he one of those from the... darker side of the world?"


"A pity then. So what do you want?"

"Two things. I've misplaced my house key and need an extra."

"Easy enough."

"And you remember that gun I asked you to hold onto for me?"

"The modified Thompson?"

"Yes. I need it."

"... you should come by and watch a sumo match with me."

Kiritsugu smiles. "Alright. I'll come by."

He hangs up, and his face goes blank again. He dismisses his shadow, and begins to walk.

What will you do?
[ ] Stay silent and watch what he does.
[ ] Write-in
[X] Stay silent and watch what he does.

Kiritsugu's walk takes him out of what he classifies as the business and commerce area of Fuyuki, and into the residential areas. You can tell the change when it happens. Rather than tall buildings, now there are houses and apartments, no more than 3 stories high.

He comes to what looks like an estate common in some of the West. Expanding horizontally, with wooden walls, and elegant but simple decorations. A sign of wealth in countries with little land.

It seems wasteful to you, but the methods of humans have always been strange.

However, the most obvious sign of importance of that house was the pair of black suited guards at the front gate. They peer at Kiritsugu from behind their glasses, nod, and open the gate for him. Kiritsugu nods back, and walks in, where another man checks him for weapons, and then escorts him to a room where on one wall, a large box is placed, with a black screen and some nobs on the side. Sitting on a mat in front of the box is an old man, with short white hair, dressed in a simple kimono and drinking from a pot of tea. There is a second, empty mat next to him.

Kiritsugu nods. "Raiga Fujimura."

"Kiritsugu Emiya." Raiga returns the nod. "Sit with me. The match is about to start."

One of the black suited men turns a nob on the box, and it lights up, revealing it's purpose as a scrying artifact, which Raiga appears to be using to watch a pair of large man wrestle.

Humans really are odd.

Kiritsugu sits down next to him, and they both watch the match, commenting ever so often. You can tell that Kiritsugu doesn't enjoy watching it, but he sees the banter with Raiga as a way to ingratiate himself with the old man, and as a way of confirming his identity with the man. You and he can both tell that several of Fujimura's questions and comments are ways of ascertaining Kiritsugu is really Kiritsugu, and that Raiga's men in the room have concealed weapons.

Both of you also know that this man would not have let Kiritsugu meet him if he wasn't mostly convinced he was the real deal.

So Kiritsugu answers as he should, and by the end of the match, the guards have relaxed their guard.

"So, Kiritsugu. Why exactly do you need that gun?"

Your Prince takes a sip of the tea (It's actually pretty good!), and responds. "It's a backup weapon. The Thompson I use normally was lost in the Fire, along with most of the other equipment I had on me. While the rest I have extras of in my estate..."

"I'm the only one who has a backup Thompson." Raiga finishes. "I will return the Thompson, but I want to know what it's for. I've had some of my gunsmiths look over the gun, and they've noted some odd runes and designs in the barrel and hammer. I didn't take you for a superstitious type, but it is an odd weapon for an assassin, especially with the modifications."

Kiritsugu is silent. "It has special use against those of the darker side of the world. It is meant to be simple, hardy, and powerful enough that they bring out their strongest defenses."

Raiga smiles. "I thought it would be something like that." He motions to one of the guards, who brings forward a wooden box, and hands it to Kiritsugu.

Your Prince opens the box, and sees both the gun, and a small key. "Thank you."

Raiga nods. "One last question. What happened to your wife and assistants?"

Kiritsugu stops. You feel a vast wave of guilt and self hatred wash over him, and try and play some kind of happy tune to cheer him up. "Dead."

Raiga lowers his head. "I'm sorry."

Kiritsugu simply stands and bows. "Thank you for having me."

No one stops Kiritsugu from leaving.


In the ashen ruins of the Grail Wars final battle, Kotomine sorts through the remains cocoon of brass and hair.

Despite what Gilgamesh had said, the strange thing disturbed him. It reacted somewhat to the Black Keys, and analysis with both Magecraft and the Church's own sensing rites revealed it to have spiritual similarities to both demons and the strange horrors summoned by Caster.

He frowns, and gathers the pieces of the cocoon, storing it in a black bag. Whatever was in it was not a holy thing. If he had found this before the war, he would have decided to hunt it down. But now....

Now he would wait. If the thing revealed itself, then it was a danger to the secrecy of magic, and he would be obligated to kill it. If it did not, then it was merely another monster in a world full of them.

He shouldered the bag, and began to walk. He would examine each piece in Tohsaka's workshop. It was much better supplied than his own.

He would rather not be caught unprepared.


Kiritsugu walks only a short distance, coming to a similar house to Raiga's, but obviously less expensive or expansive. He uses the key provided to him, and walks into the house.

He removes a floorboard and takes out a case of bullets that match the gun. He begins to count them, eventually coming up with twenty seven bullets. You notice that each are marked with an small image that resembles a knotted rope.

Origin Bullets. A stray thought from Kiritsugu reveals their purpose to you. One use Artifacts which damages enemies by causing their active Magic Circuits to be cut and then shoddily reattached. An incredibly dangerous and potent weapon. You're not sure how it would effect Essence Users, but you kind of don't want to.

He puts his bullets back, and then walks to one of the closets, grabbing a grey longcoat and suit from the closet, and changes into that. He finishes, and then sits on the floor, staring at the lone decoration in the room. A picture. Him, standing with a white haired beauty and a girl who looks very similar to her mother.

Irisviel and Illyasviel. His wife and daughter.

That same sadness and self hatred wells up within him.

[ ] Write-in.