Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

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  • Poll closed .
Hmm, can't we just upgrade Orichalcum V1 into a robot variant? It already capable of flying quite stronk, we could always slap a particle rifle too.

Not too mention it don't have to protect squishy being inside too.
The strongest fighting unit we have is the Buzzkill, +41 each. 1000/41=24. For a low-level combat DC. So you might have a point where we won't need thousands if we never go after anything bigger than small game. But Ih oneslty don't see that happening. I'm almost certain that at some point we will have to fight a high level fight that "can very easily breach six digits", 100000/41=2400
how does this apply to research, which is what we're talking about? I don't want to make so many research minions that us GM's then need to scale up the research #'s to wild heights that render minions essential to research

robot-making rooms don't look like maintenance bays and, to turn the room question around, why would we have 100's of maintenance bays if we're a bioengineering company? even engineering companies don't store hundreds of trucks.

in general: the same could be said of biological organisms. And my version of "some degree of camouflage" is "dryads that look exactly like normal people."
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how does this apply to research, which is what we're talking about? I don't want to make so many research minions that us GM's then need to scale up the research #'s to wild heights that render minions essential to research

robot-making rooms don't look like maintenance bays
why would we have 100's of maintenance bays if we're a bioengineering company?
even engineering companies don't store hundreds of trucks

in general:
the same could be said of biological organisms
Research Minions taking part in actions are capped at 5 Minions per Mad. Research DCs will stay mostly the same.
OMAKE: A dead man's last breath (1)
@Shadowhope your omake made me deepen the Omake I already planned, I made myself sad. Thinking about DeDeDe and how he...wel...prepared for his death.
Also, I realised something. Waldo has no animal name because Felicia didn't know him wel enough. He think Gary does because he got Felicia's attention the wrong way. The name fits tho.

A dead mans last breath
Part 1: The Viper and The Penguin.

Master viper jamieson is a man of movement. You'd think he isn't, for traps himself in his lab, in a prison of his own making. The truth is, he is always moving forward, destoying his path and scarficing his present for the future. Never looking back on the path he left behind or beneath his feet, his eyes or on the horison.
How shocking the events of the past weeks must have been, for him to stay in the past and present for once, looking at what he left behind, what has moved on from this world.

Viper did not speak often to the man called DeDeDe except for when the man came into his office, bursting life. He knew less about Waldo theoretic, a man of wealth and enigmatic past.
Now, that both are nothing but flesh and bones, left to decay, he honors the dreaming mans last message.
When moving DeDeDe's bed, the bed was dropped revealing a secret compartment in the floor.

The compartment could slide back to reveal the old school filling cabinet hidden within. After a quick check Viper comes to the discovery that the mechinical minions barely visted DeDeDe's room.
The man must have moved the bed by himself, through pure physical strength and pigheaded determination.
In its are a bunch of documents in the filling cabinet, most named the Brutus protocols. Two files catch his eyes however.

One is named the Brutus protocols master document while the other is named the Last Bell Protocol. Curious.
The master document, after a quick read through, is a basic rundown of what the brutus protocols ARE.
What they are a (quite ingenius) back up plan using the quircks and weaknesses of MAD against themselves.

Master Viper Jamieson decides to read the Brutus protocols first, he has a feeling the Last Bell Protocol are truely meant to be last.
He reads through the protocols, storing them using his L.E.A.R.N.E.R. implant. Although some stick out in the forefront of his mind.
//Only for dream-stared eyes//
Brutus protocol: Mad Viper
MAD scientist: Master Viper Jamieson
Focus: Reaching beyond
Flaw: Focus on work to the point of sacreficing self.
Description: A brilliant man that can conquer any law of nature and spit god in the face, at the cost of himself. Wil slowly destroy himself if not stopped. His over realiance on stimulants make sedatives extra powerful against the man.

[Protocol levels:]
Lvl 1: Basic outburst
Lvl 2: Advanced outburst
Lvl 3: Minor aggresion
Lvl 4: Major aggresion
Lvl 5: Fight to the death

LvL1: Inform Joe He has not sleept for a while.
LvL 2: Send waddle see With Blackjack to knock him out
LvL 3: Use blowdart with special chemical that turns cafeïne and other such substance into sedatives, knocking the man out.
Lvl 4: Use disruptor to weaken angel field and send minions to with sedatives (note: Disruptor)
LvL 5: Use specialist pulse to turn LEARNER and Angelfield against their creator. Making the man work himself to death without a way to return. (note: Brutus pulse bomb not build yet)
...he had build up a weakness to sedatives? ...huh, a quick check showed that he, indeed, has a weakness to them.
He makes a note to use his angelfield to rectivy this weakness.
//Only for dream-stared eyes//
Brutus protocol: FelCat
MAD scientist: Felicia
Focus: Cats...just...cats
Flaw: Her self experimentation has disbalanced her mentaly, although less feral then her minions she has mental instabilities that can be exploited.
Description: A woman with an innocent love for cats turned into an obsession. Cares deeply about the people close to her and takes loss rather badly, to the point of murderous backlashes. Her self experimentation left her psycological quirks pertaining Cats. Has a habit of nicknaming people she a connection to after animals.

[Protocol levels:]
Lvl 1: Basic outburst
Lvl 2: Advanced outburst
Lvl 3: Minor aggresion
Lvl 4: Major aggresion
Lvl 5: Fight to the death

LvL 1: Send Waddle dee in cat costume to distract her.
LvL 2: Dip a pair of fetchbots in a bath of super catnip, give it a lazer pointer a cup of milk. As almost catches one, the other wil cross her path causing her to follow that one, putting her into a chasing loop for a while.
LvL 3: Place a bowl of super milk with enchanced scent. The super milk induces a quick sleep for a 24 hour period.
LvL 4: Use the Cerberus hologram program to summon the image of an ungodly dog roaring out, beating a hologram cats. Causing them to run in fear. She'll either case the hologram bot or flee in fear of an unbeatable foe, for now. (Cerberus hologram must stil be build)
LvL 5: Make you of the drowner memetic weapon, giving the target a feeling of drowning. Felicia's cat hatred for baths wil cause her to pass out quickly. (Drowner stil needs to be build)
Hmm, interresting. Wait...Felicia nicknamed people after animals? She is murderous about loss?
That explained her screaming about a 'Dr.Penguin'...he did not want to be the man who killed DeDeDe right now.
Both for what Felicia would do to him and MAD as a whole.
//Only for dream-stared eyes//
Brutus protocol: Man of many pockets
MAD scientist: Magnus Krampatoradelarga
Focus: Steam, clockwork, toasters
Flaw: Lets is work get away from him, death being the cost.
Description: A man of clockwork and steam, he works to create what his mind offers him, no matter the cost in the long run. Wears a comfy mess of pockets.

[Protocol levels:]
Lvl 1: Basic outburst
Lvl 2: Advanced outburst
Lvl 3: Minor aggresion
Lvl 4: Major aggresion
Lvl 5: Fight to the death

LvL 1: Put a toaster in his way, he wil be mistrusting of it turning on him.
LvL 2: Create a complex clockwork train model that is not COMPLETE yet. He wil finish it because of his love of clockwork and steam.
LvL 3: Create a ball of clockwork that can launch a steam like cloud of sedatives. He wil study it and knock himself out.
LvL 4: Activate a device that sews his pockets together, trapping him (Note: Kordian notter not complete yet).
LvL 5: Activate system that wil make the hammerspace in his pockets collapse, killing him in the short lasting singulairty (Note: Colapsing pulse not ready yet)
Hmm...Master Viper read through some of the other protocols. None really jumped out as much as his own or Felicia's. Most where like Doctor Magnus' file, some interresting information but nothing...huge. Expet for one.
//Only for dream-stared eyes//
Brutus protocol: Man in the Mirror
MAD scientist: Derious Delerious Dee
Focus: Biological inventions based on the creatures of his dreams.
Flaw: Loses focus quickly and lazes off, quick to anger.
Description: A man of impressive size impossing stature that focuses on the creation of minions, mainly of the biological persuasion with some mechanical elements. A man of hard headed as a mule, wil strive to extremes to fullfil his grudges or make a point.

[Protocol levels:]
Lvl 1: Basic outburst
Lvl 2: Advanced outburst
Lvl 3: Minor aggresion
Lvl 4: Major aggresion
Lvl 5: Fight to the death

LvL 1: Challange his ego and say he can't run around a building, he wil do multiple laps to prove you wrong
LvL 2: Offer him a large pile of food, one coverd in sadatives, after a while wil munch on the sedated one and lose conciousesness.
LvL 3: Convince his waddle dee's he is going to far again and they wil calm him down.
LvL 4: Keep talking about his weight, he wil be using more aggressive swings and miss more often.
LvL 5: Use special weaponry that focus on biological matter

Note to self: Find a way to safely remove this file from memory.
...It seems like DeDeDe is a man that knew himself as much as those around him and as paranoïd about himself too.

Then, ofcourse...their still was the last file.
Dear Master Viper Jamieson,

yes, yes I know it is you, you are the one that has gotten the key to this cabinet. The cabinet that hides my paranoïa and shame. As a mad scientist yourself, I know you won't blame me for it. You are a man that watches ahead and not backwards, which why I trust you with this last message.

In a fit of melancholy a made this protocol, in this file you'll find letters to the members of mad I was close too. I read this letters for I knew, after the SASRI raid, that heads would roll. People would die, even with our resurection bullshit. So...this is my last request, my last breath. Deliver these letters, for I can say goodby.

I can't say I now much about you Viper, but I consider you a close Co-worker, so please, don't work yourself to oblivion.

Signed in death,

Doctor Derious Delerious Dee.
...he was not expecting that, but...
Master viper flagged a fetch bot to deliver the letters. Afterwards he went to prepare for Waldo and DeDeDe's funeral...after he remembered how.

{To be continued. There is more but I am tired at the moment and my inspiritation is up. Up next wil be scene with Felicia and after that with Robotnic}
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how does this apply to research, which is what we're talking about? I don't want to make so many research minions that us GM's then need to scale up the research #'s to wild heights that render minions essential to research

robot-making rooms don't look like maintenance bays
why would we have 100's of maintenance bays if we're a bioengineering company?
even engineering companies don't store hundreds of trucks

in general:
the same could be said of biological organisms
Was gonna answer that bit, but then I Just Write did. He's WoG, so not much reason for me to bother.

The robot making rooms aren't happening in the mines. THe Replicator Hubs are happening in the Bunker. All that is in the Mine are Servers, Recyclers (the wierdest bit I told them to build), and the Maintence Bays
<30 Maintence bays, and because we are presumably planning on doing more than just bioengineering. As we already have, with weather forcasting tools and what not.

Well yeah the same can be said of biological organisms, they are what I've been talking about. The stuff I said of biological organisms can also be said of biological organisms.
The robot making rooms aren't happening in the mines. THe Replicator Hubs are happening in the Bunker. All that is in the Mine are Servers, Recyclers (the wierdest bit I told them to build), and the Maintence Bays
Not based on the person I quoted, i.e.
--[] Even mix of Server Rooms (1) and Robot Maintence Hubs (1)
ah replicator v maintenance, i c

If a joe magically wanders in past "tight security" to see a bunch of beds, they'd also wander in past "tight security" to see a bunch of robots inside the base. Or maintenance bays occupied by robots, which is their purpose. Unless you're planning on actually manufacturing cars...?

r.e. biological organisms
all the workers will be seeing is the maintence bays, which honestly could be used for any machine theoretically. Perhaps we are planning on making some better farming equipment, that falls well within what Fairweather Agricultural does.
I was talking about the above quote; I have no idea what you were thinking I was talking about. (Or was that statement intended to be dickish? It's certainly how it came across.) I.e., maybe we're making better dogs, or whatever. Or maybe the beds are just used for our numerous scientists to sleep in, because we're trying to be like google and supply dormitories for our employees to live in.

Or you can just say that they're behind tight security, so who cares? They're still out of sight. The ones that don't look normal, that is.
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I think that for the high-level fights we may have to start investing into combat vehicles...

Very true. Especially since space fights will need units specifically designed for space.

For what it's worth, I'm designing the Eggmobile with exactly that kind of foresight in mind.

or alternatively, allow the Eggmobile to easily integrate with or escape from a larger, appropriately designed vehicle on the fly.

Not only will the updated version function as a vehicle in its own right, it'll also be capable of functioning as a cockpit and escape pod for larger, more powerful, more dangerous vehicles as well!
Not based on the person I quoted, i.e.

If a joe magically wanders in past "tight security" to see a bunch of beds, they'd also wander in past "tight security" to see a bunch of robots. Or maintenance bays occupied by robots, which is their purpose. Unless you're planning on actually manufacturing cars...?

r.e. biological organisms

I was talking about the above quote; I have no idea what you were thinking I was talking about. (Or was that statement intended to be dickish? It's certainly how it came across.) I.e., maybe we're making better dogs, or whatever. Or maybe the beds are just used for our numerous scientists to sleep in, because we're trying to be like google and supply dormitories for our employees to live in.

Or you can just say that they're behind tight security, so who cares? They're still out of sight. The ones that don't look normal, that is.
Robot maintenance hubs do not create robots. They are just maintence hubs.

The joe that will see the bed is the joe that put the bed there. The hundred civilians we hired to do our building of the mine. They won't see any robots because the robots aren't there yet. By the time the robots move on, the Skilled Labor Contract will expire.

I had no idea what you were refering to, so I thought you just meant everything in general. And almost everything I mentioned was about biological minions.

Anyways, here's what I meant. Which is more obviously something a Mad Scientist would have, and not be something normal science really has yet? This
Or this
The prior looks high tech, but it's completley within what people think high tech can be. The latter though, that shit falls well into Sci-Fi to the normal person. Bioengineering, without going obviously Mad Science, is still a very small thing. You adjust the genes in a lab, but after that you grow the stuff like normal. You have a Momma Dog give birth to your slightly altered Puppy, not grow it whole sale like we will be doing with our biological minions.

We only have roughly 40 Mad Scientists, which would fit in 2 dormatories. Not 20. And word would get around that we aren't really hiring anyone or opening a hotel or anything.

The security would only be a thing after we stop having civilians coming and going in the base. What's more, all the robots will be underground, actually behind the security, none on the surface and in the forest, like you explicitly said your creations will be. If you keep your Biological minions hidden, then yeah, there ain't much difference in the long term between using them instead of robots. But you said yourself that we can't just keep the minions underground.
Gary will find an meowing box on his desk along with that the note has been returned to him taped back togeather after being shredded. The text isn't as legible as it was due to all the tearstains and snot on it. An new note is pinned to it with an Felinationizer syringe.

Dear Butterflies,

Take responsibility. Sutures had an litter.
The fat orange tabby kitten is Dedede Jr., the tall brown kitten is Waldo Jr., the orange and white tabby is Sutures Jr.
I will let them know to avoid your experiments in exchange.

- Felicia Von Clawsenhauser
*scribbles energetically on whiteboard*
Longing meow from the desk.
"Yes, yes, Waldo Jr. You'll get your tuna soon. Just have to wait for that lazy intern to finally crawl back."
Scared meow from under the bed.
No, there aren't any dogs. Well, not in this office anyway. But you'll have to stay vigilant! Dogs are far from the only danger."
Inquisitive purr from the the ceiling fan.
"Ah, that's more of a long-term pla... how did you get there already?!"
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[X] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints
-[X] Install V3 Pandora Orb (No Black Blood)
-[X] Install LEARNER
-[X] Install Skillsoft

[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Upgrade Net Navi
[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] space manipulation

A bit drained to elaborate more but getting the Pandora Orb and various upgrades and helping out existing research. In future turns I want to push more into understanding the various realms for research so if you have those actions I will add mine to it.

Edit: changed so Space Manip is not a lone wolf.
Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on Sep 7, 2017 at 8:45 PM, finished with 2088 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer
    [X] Build Counterintelligence Network
    -[X] Random security/brainwashing checks, anti-scrying fields, general paranoia, the works. Basically, do everything we can to keep spies out.
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Fortress
    -[X] Using the Wunder-brass, Dynacapsule, Marble reactor, Buster cannon, Exotic particle cannon MK.2, Super bombs and feliationizer and revival serum. Aswel as concepts used in the pandora orb MK.3
    --[X] This room wil cover the base it is place in with a layer of wunder-brass using the concepts used in the Dynacapsule and pandora orb (using less space then should and integratting something new), it wil also create hidden battery guns that pop up (out of Dynacapsule storage) and can open fire. These turrets are manned by NetNavi's. These turrets are armed with two Exotic particle cannons MK.2 and two Buster cannons each and can fire all at ones. These turrets are powered by a marble reactor. These turrets can switch to a mortar that fire super bombs, in these super bombs are two cannisters filled with airborn revival serum and Feliationizer, turning all in the blast radius into cat zombies. The Fortress room used pandora orb concepts to be able integrate any new defense mechanism at a moments notice.
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Upgrade Net Navi
    [X] Advance Understanding of a Field: Quantum Mechanics
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Best Command centerTM​
    --[X] With a larger operation you need a larger command area than just a desk, how well equiped it is, intergrating the Upgraded possible servers, multiple screen(wallsized and regular) several swively chairs, one sentient coffie machine, the holografic projectors, the full sized version of the translations software, some maintenance ports, at least 15 cat beds, and 5 regular ones, an attempt to make it all easily modable and upgrade-able and In the center the Grand Jacuzzi/ Command Cozy Pile!
    [X] Upgrade Blueprint
    -[X] Upgrade Eggmobile
    --[X] Increase general power capabilities by incorporating any and all viable power upgrades that can be made to safely fit for MAXIMUM (non-suicidal) POWER!
    --[X] Increase speed and maneuverability by incorporating Hyper-Rotating Plasma Engine.
    --[X] Upgrade defenses to make design fully enclosed (while still allowing for full use of a better, safer Ejection system) for better environmental and overall protection; while incorporating use of 'Bubble Shield Belt' for exterior defenses, and a Diamond Silk-Git Gud Cotton Hybrid incorporated into the basic armor plating. And maybe throw some Wunder-brass in there too somehow.
    --[X] Upgrade offensive and utility capabilities by incorporating a modular system allowing the new and improved Eggmobile to mount an array of weapons options and/or sidecars, or alternatively, allow the Eggmobile to easily integrate with or escape from a larger, appropriately designed vehicle on the fly.
    [X] Design a blueprint: Perception Filter
    -[X] A variant of the Telepathy Circuit, this biomod functions like the version from Doctor Who. Only others with a Filter installed can pierce it.
    [X] Install V3 Pandora Orb
    -[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R 1.5.4, Neurocomputer, Primitive Telepathic Circuit, Computerized Reality Model, Angelfield 1.7.2
    [X] Advance Understanding of a Field
    -[X] Space Manipulation
    [X] Forging Furnaces
    -[X] 8 Buzzkill
    [X] Install Pandora Orb
    -[X] Integrate blueprints
    --[X] Latest version of the Ochicalcum suit, L.E.A.R.N.E.R., Angelfield, all-porpuse energy tap, Personal S.E.P.
    [X] Expand/Modify Luján Partido Bunker
    -[X] Storeroom, Recycler
    [X] Create an Espionage 4 Skillsoft.
    [X] Create a Blueprint:
    -[X] Create a LEARNER compatible version of the Mechanogoblin.
    [X] Serve as the template for the Espionage 4 Skillsoft.
    [X] Make Operation 5 .nsm file
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[x] Make a robot version of the Orichalcum V1 power armour.
    [X] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints
    -[X] Install V3 Pandora Orb (No Black Blood)
    -[X] Upgrade L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
    -[X] Upgrade Angelfield
    -[X] Integrate I.M.P.
    -[X] Integrate Neurocomputer and nsm files
    -[X] Computerized Reality Model
    [X] Search and look through Illuminati intelgence files on other groups.
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Circular Uptime Regulating Server Enclosing Suite (Orthanc, Amon Hen, Marble Reactor, All-Purpose Energy Tap): Self-Regulating Server Room
    [X] Expand/Modify an existing base
    --[X] Expand Mines
    ---[X] A few Recyclers, for ore processing
    ---[X] Even mix of Server Rooms and Robot Maintence Hubs
    ---[X] Dig out new rooms as needed
    [X] Order Minions
    -[X] Send 4 Buzzkill and 20 Motobug to retrieve the Alien Infiltrator corpse that was killed by a werewolf near our base.
    -[X] Order 10 Motobug and 10 Spiderbots to expand the Bunker, with at least 1 Recycler and a bunch of Storerooms for, among other things, Robot Minion storage.
    [X] Refuse the Awakened Madness's offer
    -[X] If we known where the Awakened Madness plans to enter our dimension, make a point of being anywhere else but there around the time we expect it to happen.
    [X] Install V3 Pandora Orb
    -[X] Integrate L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
    -[X] Integrate Angelfield
    -[X] Integrate Holographic Smart Computer
    -[X] Integrate Neurocomputer and nsm files
    --[X] R1, O1, C1
    -[X] Integrate Computerized Reality Model
    [X] Expand/Modify an existing base
    --[X] Expand Bunker
    --[X] Dig out new rooms, make them even mix of Rooms for Bio-minions, Server Rooms, Robot Maintence Hubs, and Replicator Hubs
    [X] Install V3 Pandora Orb
    -[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R 1.5.4, Neurocomputer, Amon Hen
    [X] Forging Furnace
    -[X] Pandora Orb V3 x6
    [X] Forging Furances
    -[X] 60 Research 3 Navis
    -[X] 20 Espionage 3 Navis
    [X] Upgrade to new Pandora Orb
    [X] Install LEARNER
    [X] Install Skillsoft
    [X] Refuse the Awakened Madness's offer
    [X] Manufacture Equipment
    -[X] Scranton Reality Anchor
    [X] Install Pandora Orb V3/Integrate Blueprints
    -[X] Orichalcum V1, Exotic Particle Rifle, Dimensional Sensor, L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
    [X] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints
    -[X] Orichalcum V1, Exotic Particle Rifle, Black Blood
    [X] Quit M.A.D.
    -[X] Don't forget your stuff, but leave blueprints.
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Digistruct device
    --[X] Digital Construction device - takes a digital design/blueprint/scan and builds it as a real physical object using nothing but energy. Works on living creatures just fine, memories at time of scan included.
    [X] Use @gutza1 / Loythia(?) as test subject for experimental procedures, they volunteered.
    [X] Install Pandora Orb
    -[X] Orichalcum V1, Dimensional Sensor, L.E.A.R.N.E.R., Time-Stop Button, Computerized Reality Model
    [X] Install Anglefield 1.7.2
    [X] Install Pandora Orb
    -[X]Integrate Angelfield 1.7.2, Repulsorlift Flight Technology, L.E.A.R.N.E.R. Mk 1.5.4, All-Purpose Energy Tap.
    [X] Designate Position
    -[X] Bunker
    [X] Boss Minions Around
    -[X] Add biological houses to spiderbots work lists.
    -[X] get the 3 mettools to help
    [X] Boss Minions Around
    -[X] 141 Spiderbots
    --[X] Expand Bunker
    ---[X] Dig out new rooms, make them even mix of Server Rooms, Robot Maintence Hubs, and Replicator Hubs
    -[X] 100 Skilled Labor
    --[X] Expand Mines
    ---[X] A few Recyclers, for ore processing
    ---[X] Even mix of Server Rooms and Robot Maintence Hubs
    ---[X] Dig out new rooms as needed
    -[X] 6 Research Navi
    --[X] Help with designing better Navi
    [X] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints
    -[X] Install V3 Pandora Orb (No Black Blood)
    -[X] Add L.E.A.R.N.E.R., nsm a
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-[X] Upgrade L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
-[X] Upgrade Angelfield
-[X] Integrate I.M.P.
-[X] Integrate Neurocomputer and nsm files
You can't integrate implants. You just implant them, and you can use the integration slot for something else.
In future turns I want to push more into understanding the various realms for research so if you have those actions I will add mine to it.
I'm working on Space Manipulation, and currently am doing so on my own. You mind helping with that? QM currently has 3 other people, so it's covered, and space manipulation will help with all sorts of movement and storage techs.
You can't integrate implants. You just implant them, and you can use the integration slot for something else.

I'm working on Space Manipulation, and currently am doing so on my own. You mind helping with that? QM currently has 3 other people, so it's covered, and space manipulation will help with all sorts of movement and storage techs.
Done, no lone wolfs here!
On which note, on the one hand I think theflyingbiscuit is going solo on the Robo-Orichalcum armor, and that seems like something Robotnik would love to get in on (someone correct me if I'm wrong and he's got someone helping him with that already), but on the other hand, the Counterintelligence activity is kind of a big deal.

Is anyone helping flyingbiscuit with his armor robot, and if not, @theflyingbiscuit, how would you feel about helping with either the Eggmobile or Counterintelligence this turn and then I (and possibly others as well) can help you with your robot armor next turn?

Is there anyone helping you with your search through the files right now either?
On which note, on the one hand I think theflyingbiscuit is going solo on the Robo-Orichalcum armor, and that seems like something Robotnik would love to get in on (someone correct me if I'm wrong and he's got someone helping him with that already), but on the other hand, the Counterintelligence activity is kind of a big deal.

Is anyone helping flyingbiscuit with his armor robot, and if not, @theflyingbiscuit, how would you feel about helping with either the Eggmobile or Counterintelligence this turn and then I (and possibly others as well) can help you with your robot armor next turn?

Is there anyone helping you with your search through the files right now either?
I'll help, later after I sleep.
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer
[X] Design A Blueprint
-[X] Upgraded (Computerized Reality Model)
--[X] Focus on improving it's base capabilities: greater number of entities and events considered simultaneously, decreased margin of error, increased speed and
--[X] Built in protocols for interaction and integration with networks and databases.
[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Upgrade Net Navi

I'm think of improving Fairweather this turn again or finish building the C.R.A.M who is with me?
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[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer
[X] Build Counterintelligence Network
-[X] Random security/brainwashing checks, anti-scrying fields, general paranoia, the works. Basically, do everything we can to keep spies out.
[X] Go get Alien corpse
[X] Boss around minions
-[X] Help Felicia retrieve Alien corpse.
Having an few other people on Alien corpse collecting duty would be nice. Felicia is likely to shank anyone who looks at her wrong with an Felinationizer in the state she's in. She'll... probably be an bit more... unhinged than usual this turn.
[X] Implant
-[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
-[X] Neurocomputer
-[X] Angelfield 2.3.7

[X] Integrate
-[X] Upgrade to Pandora V3
-[X] Personal Dimension Phaser

[X]Design a blueprint
-[X] Make a robot version of the Orichalcum V1 power armour.
--[X] Swap Buster Pistol on the hand with Exotic Particle Rifle Instead.
--[X] Upgrade overall performance now that It don't have to protect squishy flesh inside.

[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] Space Manipulation

Hmm depending on how the turns goes, I think I know what I want to get next turn.
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer
[X] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate/Implant Blueprints
-[X] Install V3 Pandora Orb
-[X] Upgrade L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
-[X] Upgrade Angelfield
-[X] Integrate I.M.P.
-[X] Integrate Neurocomputer and nsm files
-[X] Computerized Reality Model
[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Best Command centerTM
--[X] With a larger operation you need a larger command area than just a desk, how well equiped it is, intergrating the Upgraded possible servers, multiple screen(wallsized and regular) several swively chairs, one sentient coffie machine, the holografic projectors, the full sized version of the translations software, some maintenance ports, at least 15 cat beds, and 5 regular ones, an attempt to make it all easily modable and upgrade-able and In the center the Grand Jacuzzi/ Command Cozy Pile!
[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Fortress
-[X] Using the Wunder-brass, Dynacapsule, Marble reactor, Buster cannon, Exotic particle cannon MK.2, Super bombs and feliationizer and revival serum. Aswel as concepts used in the pandora orb MK.3
--[X] This room wil cover the base it is place in with a layer of wunder-brass using the concepts used in the Dynacapsule and pandora orb (using less space then should and integratting something new), it wil also create hidden battery guns that pop up (out of Dynacapsule storage) and can open fire. These turrets are manned by NetNavi's. These turrets are armed with two Exotic particle cannons MK.2 and two Buster cannons each and can fire all at ones. These turrets are powered by a marble reactor. These turrets can switch to a mortar that fire super bombs, in these super bombs are two cannisters filled with airborn revival serum and Feliationizer, turning all in the blast radius into cat zombies. The Fortress room used pandora orb concepts to be able integrate any new defense mechanism at a moments notice.
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I am confused why people add (no blackblood) after Pandora V3. It's already fixed, so maybe people simply don't like better healing?
Maybe they don't realize it's fixed or still don't trust it?
Perhaps. Also maybe we should make a cloning vats or something next turn. Should help us a lot later on if we need to resurrect or more of something.

Hmm, looking at the tally maybe we should make more components? Synthetic flesh that more powerful and efficient than usual lever stuff, Or better Steel, Or combine our sensor, Or something else.
[X] Accept the Awakened Madness's offer

[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] Best Command centerTM
--[X] With a larger operation you need a larger command area than just a desk, how well equiped it is, intergrating the Upgraded possible servers, multiple screen(wallsized and regular) several swively chairs, one sentient coffie machine, the holografic projectors, the full sized version of the translations software, some maintenance ports, at least 15 cat beds, and 5 regular ones, an attempt to make it all easily modable and upgrade-able and In the center the Grand Jacuzzi/ Command Cozy Pile!

[X] Manufacture Equipment
-[X] Battlebots

Would my Battlebots be considered minions or equipment?
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