Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

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  • Poll closed .
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Anglefield 1.7.2 - Projects a series of forcefields around the user which passively sequentially redirect projectiles back at the source or around the user and can be actively shaped so as to direct projectiles (or sound, or light) originating from the user around corners. This effect can also be used to generate lift through a helicopter effect, a halo-esque visual artifact, and "wing"-shaped forcefields capable of slicing through steel embedded with carbon nanofiber.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Utility Fog - a cloud of nanobots, this fog can create and disperse electromagnetic effects; alter, disperse, condense matter given time; and store information and intelligences so as to act as an exomind for its wearer. These abilities allow for unparalleled assistance and protection from both directed effects and the environment.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Shishi/Kitsune - A dual variant dog-cat-fox hybrid animal intended for use in war and espionage. The larger variant, shishi, is intended to be easily mistaken for asian dog variants and possesses a thick protective layer of fur, hide, and fat, as well as a group orientation, a tendency to feel protective toward "pack," and obedience for their creator (cough Krista cough). The smaller version, kitsune, is intended to be mistaken for regular foxes and possesses a keen mind, eyes, and ears. Its coat is mottled so as to fit in with its surrounding environment and is shed and replaced by appropriately colored hairs in order to do so. Both of the aforementioned are equipped with telepathic circuits so as to allow for the formation of a group-mind, the transmission of silent and complex plans, and - in the case of the kitsune - the projection of misleading images and sensations.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Chenzeme Philosopher Cell - A spore-based organism, each cell is an individual intelligence that creates plans, retains libraries of information, and shares these plans with its neighbors in order to come to an overarching agreement. An agreement which is then communicated to the host or nearby organisms and other colonies through the dispersal of highly varied, unique pheromones and microbes. In effect, the Philosopher Cell is a highly portable and high-powered computronic minds that are immune to EMP and largely immune to other sources of damage - i.e., gunshots are ineffectual, viruses inferior, only significant sources of heat and radiation have any effect.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Chenzeme Spaceship - A complex and internally heterogenous spaceship directed by the Philosopher Cells, this ship is made up of two separate parts. A "hardware" part that creates guns, shifts mass around, stores and processes information too complex to be contained by a philosopher cell - thus acting as a computer for computers. And an "engine" part that consists of incomprehensible colonies of organisms creating exotic matter which, upon contact with a specific wavelength of light, decays, creating significantly more energy than required to originally create it. Such energy can be used to propel the ship and release immensely powerful beams of light that can be as strong as planet killers and as weak as signal lasers; as focused as an engraver and as dispersed as an EMP shockwave.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Prophet - An altered humanoid form, this entity is intimately familiar with adapting to societies around them and establishing benevolent communion. It constantly sheds beguiling pheromones and complex molecules - some of which establish a symbio-parasitic organism rooted inextricably, ineradicably, in the target nervous system. The resulting structure allows for the other molecules shed by the Prophet and similarly affected individuals to alter emotions and instill ideas, allowing for the creation of a transcendent society that skyrockets in technology and happiness as the fires of rebellion and dissent gutter without fuel. More pragmatically, the goals and loyalties of the Prophet can be set on creation and it, and its followers, will obey them without even knowing they are.
Responses/critiques, in order. If you have anything of the like to say about my various ideas, feel free.
  1. I dont' see what that has to do with the Anglefield, unless you mean to add that functionality ontop of the prior functionality. If we are gonna be combining tech, might as well go for broke and slap a ton of things together for the next version of the Pandora Orb. Because the Pandora Orb is pretty much the end-all-be-all of human-tech interaction. Perhaps give it a rebranding if you much mind about tech being yours or something, since odds are the next upgrade of the Pandora Orb will be startling different from it's previous version. Generally, I think Components are better things to try to make, than end products. That way they can be very easily worked into future designs.
    1. That said, I do think the tech idea is rather good. Borrowing a name from Pandora Orbs inspiration, an Impeller Field. Mix together the Telekinetic Effector Module, a malleable and adjustable version of the Bubble Shield, and the hypothetical Space Jumper, and we get a system VERY good at manipulating reality around the user.
  2. Depending on how small we get them, the Replicators can serve as this, would just need to set up a system of manipulation mid battle.
  3. What would the point of these creations be? "War and Espionage" sure, but what role will they be filling in those? I assume the Shishi can fill the role of War Dogs, and MAYBE the Kitsune would be good at misdirection, but both abilities are more good for, as you said, War. We are currently only engaging in Skirmishes, not prolong engagements, and as such the neccessities of combat are different. And I don't really see how they would be good at Espionage, given I don't think we are in Asia, but rather South America. Asian breeds of animals would totally attract attention, and even if they didn't I think people would be suspicious of random foxes poking around.
  4. Good general idea, but not something I beleive we can attempt right now. Sounds like we'd need a couple more levels in Biology and Nanotechnology, and possibly some new fields of science such as Intelligence or something. Plus, well, at this point the lines between Biology and Nanites would be kinda bluring, to the point where I don't really see why still calling it the prior. The latter should be able to do all the same things, but generally would also allow divering from some general core concepts of BIology for better versions. Like cell walls made of graphene or something, rather than anything "organic".
  5. In addition to needing to make the Philosopher Cell first, would require EVEN MORE fields of science. And violation of the conservation of energy, if I'm reading your idea for the engine correctly.
  6. That sounds like a very roundabout and complex method to achieve what is basically just wide-spread mind-washing. Make an improved version of the Felinizer, make a microbe that produces that chemical, get some misting bots, and start spraying on towns and pumping into water wells.
Something I feel I should repeat, my list of ideas were things I felt like we could, and should, work on this very turn, requiring no new technologies. Hence, simple and realistic.
I dont' see what that has to do with the Anglefield, unless you mean to add that functionality ontop of the prior functionality. If we are gonna be combining tech, might as well go for broke and slap a ton of things together for the next version of the Pandora Orb. Because the Pandora Orb is pretty much the end-all-be-all of human-tech interaction. Perhaps give it a rebranding if you much mind about tech being yours or something, since odds are the next upgrade of the Pandora Orb will be startling different from it's previous version. Generally, I think Components are better things to try to make, than end products. That way they can be very easily worked into future designs.
  1. That said, I do think the tech idea is rather good. Borrowing a name from Pandora Orbs inspiration, an Impeller Field. Mix together the Telekinetic Effector Module, a malleable and adjustable version of the Bubble Shield, and the hypothetical Space Jumper, and we get a system VERY good at manipulating reality around the user.
Angelfield = healing; Anglefield = Forcefields/shields.
  • What would the point of these creations be? "War and Espionage" sure, but what role will they be filling in those? I assume the Shishi can fill the role of War Dogs, and MAYBE the Kitsune would be good at misdirection, but both abilities are more good for, as you said, War. We are currently only engaging in Skirmishes, not prolong engagements, and as such the neccessities of combat are different. And I don't really see how they would be good at Espionage, given I don't think we are in Asia, but rather South America. Asian breeds of animals would totally attract attention, and even if they didn't I think people would be suspicious of random foxes poking around.
Probably could change the dog thing to general "mastiff" and fox to either fox or raccoon. A bird-mouse combo would probably be better suited for straight espionage, but the kitsune sub-type is meant for more squad-ish interaction and to somewhat be the mastermind of shishi packs.
I don't see why these are any worse at skirmishes than engagements? Even in comparison to robots.

  1. That sounds like a very roundabout and complex method to achieve what is basically just wide-spread mind-washing. Make an improved version of the Felinizer, make a microbe that produces that chemical, get some misting bots, and start spraying on towns and pumping into water wells.
too brute force; doesn't deal w/ people who, say, use brita or only drink bottled water or etc. Doesn't have low-level arrangement of priorities independent from our oversight, etc. etc.
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Angelfield = healing; Anglefield = Forcefields/shields.

Probably could change the dog thing to general "mastiff" and fox to either fox or raccoon.
I don't see why these are any worse at skirmishes than engagements? Even in comparison to robots.

too brute force; doesn't deal w/ people who, say, use brita or only drink bottled water or etc. Doesn't have low-level arrangement of priorities independent from our oversight, etc. etc.
Ah, missed the spelling difference.

Because Dogs Of War aren't made to go in guns a blazing, they are made to track down people running or hiding. Like Hunting dogs, they aren't meant to get into pit fights with the things they are hunting, they'd probably wind up dead, they are supposed to hound it down after you manage to wound it and send it running. In War, what they are hunting tends to be people. I SUPPOSE we could put guns on the foxes, but that kinda goes for a completely different thing then. We'd have to build the things like a tank if we want them to survive running into biting range in our skirmish fights. As for the Kitsunes, skirmishes don't really involve misdirection, not the way we tend to fight them anyways. Again, guns a-blazing. Misdirection takes time and focus, not people shooting everything that moves.

If those people eat food (that would end up being contaminated) or breath air (the first thing I said are misters), they'd be infected. And since we made it microbial, we can make it infectious easily enough.
For low-level management, I could slap together some AI fairly easily enough. I've been meaning to make a Operations based Net Navi for something just like that, and a ton of people have been making up ideas for general purpose super AI to help with coordination and minion management and keeping us from blowing ourselves up as often. If any of those people we infected have a phone, have them download a convenient app and our super-AI can deal with them in addition to all our other minions.
Because Dogs Of War aren't made to go in guns a blazing, they are made to track down people running or hiding. Like Hunting dogs, they aren't meant to get into pit fights with the things they are hunting, they'd probably wind up dead, they are supposed to hound it down after you manage to wound it and send it running. In War, what they are hunting tends to be people. I SUPPOSE we could put guns on the foxes, but that kinda goes for a completely different thing then. We'd have to build the things like a tank if we want them to survive running into biting range in our skirmish fights. As for the Kitsunes, skirmishes don't really involve misdirection, not the way we tend to fight them anyways. Again, guns a-blazing. Misdirection takes time and focus, not people shooting everything that moves.
Doesn't match the definition of skirmish that I'm aware of, but sure if the dogs aren't given armor and don't have any cover they can take advantage of they'd probably be useless. So would all land-based robots, imo.
Hunting dogs are meant to track, surround, and harry their prey. Some of them are meant to hound it down after you managed to wound it but that's not their original intent. If you look up bear and guard dogs or pitbulls, they're pretty much meant to scare away or otherwise lock down relatively capable foes.

That's somewhat the intent of these packs of dogs - to act as bodyguards, to track down and root out enemies, to hunt down and condense scattered foes so they can either call for help to shatter them or use telepathic attacks to do so or to just charge in and die but maybe kill them anyways.

Skirmishes 100% involve misdirection, based on every probably-inaccurate war movie I've ever seen. If we're not using such things it's our fault.

If those people eat food (that would end up being contaminated) or breath air (the first thing I said are misters), they'd be infected. And since we made it microbial, we can make it infectious easily enough.
Misters don't go through windows, probably don't go through curtains. You said chemical, not microbial?
Still doesn't counter the whole "has no independent organization" argument I made. But we could probably invent a satisfactory zombie virus that creates telepathic circuits/whatever I said before in their brain and allows for autonomous organization. It would make it much harder to actually retain their humanity without having an avatar that can use social skills/other traditional manipulation paths to put them on the proper road, but we can still work with it.

An AI risks communication issues and requires that we make an AI to do it as well as dedicate actions to creating the thing that would infect people. 2 actions rather than 1. Arguably requires a lower DC per, which is the same motivation I had for splitting up philosopher cells & the spaceship - along with the fact that biological computers can be independently useful.
Well that went horribly. At least we got the corpse. So do we want to dissect it or try and revive it with the reanimation serum and interrogate it?

Also I looked at the Warren idea, and is it better or worse than the Felinizationier + Jerry Machine + Reanimation Serum combo? Or well, hm... maybe we can slap the Felinationizer onto the Warren as well? The minions might be able to use equipment and have an level 2 combat as well. Though that likely means they'd be cat like. Hm. Cat-dryads. Dandelions?
Well that went horribly. At least we got the corpse. So do we want to dissect it or try and revive it with the reanimation serum and interrogate it?

Legitimate question: Could we do both?

First dissect it to find out what makes it tick, then sew its parts back together and use the reanimation serum on it to bring it back to life?

Or, alternatively, reanimate it to interrogate it, once we're done questioning it, kill it against and then dissect it?
Legitimate question: Could we do both?

First dissect it to find out what makes it tick, then sew its parts back together and use the reanimation serum on it to bring it back to life?

Or, alternatively, reanimate it to interrogate it, once we're done questioning it, kill it against and then dissect it?
Hm, we'd have to do only a preliminary dissection and be careful not to squish or break anything important. Considering the biology of it being unknown, it would be best to either A. Only open it up to removing the skin and seeing what if any organs it has before sewing it back up.
B. Interrogate it on it's biology as well.
If we don't wind up killing it permanently then this (best) option becomes available.
C(at). Recruit it. If it doesn't want to join us willingly then let's see if the Felinizationizer works on it. The Felicia approved option.
Maybe do a preliminary dissection, sew it back up to resurrect and interrogate it, and then kill it again for a more thorough investigation?

Assuming it's not cooperative and as helpful as we could possibly hope for it to be?
Updated preliminary vote plan...

[] Vote for someone
-[] (Will vote for someone once I know who's game for it)

[] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business
-[] Rig the building to self-destruct so that it blows up after the Illuminati agents are inside and takes both them and all the evidence with it
--[] Be sure to make it look like an accident; a gas leak or something like that.

[] Make a point of not being present at the Pilar Office Building this week.

[] Create a Blueprint
-[] Warren, an organism-agnostic room that creates and counters the cost of minions at the same rate as a Replicator hub until its currency pool is fully tapped out. If the space supply is capped before the currency, the remaining currency can be used akin to the Forging Furnace. tldr, it's the GOCM but bigger & cooler. Ideally it's created by planting a tree which then digs out a cavern underground, creating (glowing) capsules filled with a goo which are accessible by a narrow passage. These cells create creatures and nourish and heal those which sleep inside of them, offering a full rest within two hours and a full restore within a week. Function example: Create an Empty Warren, Warren spends 80 (or whatever) virtual currency on creating minions. The next turn, it spends 80-upkeep cost of existing minions on creating minions. The next turn it... Until its currency supply is fully occupied. It needs to be told what to make (to save effort).

[] Launch a nighttime attack on the Illuminati intended to get our stolen Buzzkill back (or at least keep the Illuminati from reverse engineering them)
-[] Eggman will participate in the attack via Battlebot; the Battlebot will operate the Eggmobile, which should have a pair of Exotic Particle Cannons mounted to it.
-[] Attack will be a surprise raid happening during the night; The supporting Orobots will be arranged in 10 5-bot fire teams, the supporting Buzzkill will be arranged in 5 12-Bot Squadrons, each squadron will be further sub-divided into 3 4-bot flight teams.
--[] Prior to the start of the attack, the robot teams will sneak into position to surround the target Illuminati base from all sides, including the air, ensuring that nobody inside is able to escape. Anything or anyone trying to flee once the attack begins should be ended with extreme prejudice. The Buzzkill will make the initial attack, opening passageways for the Orobot teams to enter. Orobots will then take point, entering the premises and sweeping the building, with each Orobot fireteam being accompanied by 1 Buzzkill flight team. All Orobot fire teams will participate in entering the building, while any Buzzkill flight teams that aren't directly accompanying an Orobot fire team are to remain on perimeter duty to stop anyone who tries to sneak past the attack teams.
--[] Eggman's Battlebot (and any other MAD scientists serving as mission team leaders) are to wait outside and provide perimeter support to the Buzzkill until either all hostiles are confirmed dead and/or captured, or until the Orobots find the stolen Buzzkill or any other valuables, at which point MAD mission team leaders will enter to take direct command of such situations which require a smarter, more direct touch.
-[] Primary mission goal will be to recover the stolen Buzzkill and ensure the Illuminati aren't able to reverse engineer them, if they can't be recovered, destroying the stolen Buzzkill to keep them out of the Illuminati's hands is an acceptable backup plan.
--[] Secondary mission goals will be capture of Illuminati prisoners, capture of any data, intel, or goodies that might be stored at whatever base the Illuminati are holding the Buzzkill at, and the complete destruction of the base and anything we can't steal.

[] Boss Minions Around
-[] Order 10 Spider Bots and 30 Motobugs to Expand Lujan Partido Bunker
--[] Build Labs, Store Rooms, Time Lock Chambers, C.A.T.s, Best Command Center, and Fortress Modules. Emphasis on BCC and Fortress Module.
-[] Bring along 50 Orobots and 60 Buzzkill to support the attack on the Illuminati (See Attack plan for details)

[] Install Pandora Orb
[] Integrate Blueprints
-[] Orichalcum V1 Power Suit
-[] Personal Dimension Phaser
-[] L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
-[] Angelfield 2.3.7
-[] I.M.P.

What I really need is at least one other action to help with the attack so it's not lone wolf, and ideally at least two other people who can do an espionage action to confirm where the Buzzkill are likely being held.
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Just a reminder: One of the options for dealing with the Illuminati's attack is a pre-emptive strike.
[X] Create an Operations 4 NSM.
[X] Create a Blueprint:
-[X] Create a LEARNER compatible version of the Mechanogoblin.
[X] Serve as the template for the Operations 4 NSM.
Just a reminder: One of the options for dealing with the Illuminati's attack is a pre-emptive strike.
Would the bots we are making even be available for a pre-emptive strike?

Also, since no-one else is talking about it, I might as well say something. @I just write I WOULD offer to fill the role of High GM, except for the fact that, to do so, I'd have to give up my character and playing the game. I understand why doing so is probably necessary, but I don't want to give up the enjoyment of participating in the quest in order to run it. This might be the reason no-one else has petitioned for it yet, I don't know, but it's my reason.
Revised Ruling: On High GMs and character loss
Would the bots we are making even be available for a pre-emptive strike?

Also, since no-one else is talking about it, I might as well say something. @I just write I WOULD offer to fill the role of High GM, except for the fact that, to do so, I'd have to give up my character and playing the game. I understand why doing so is probably necessary, but I don't want to give up the enjoyment of participating in the quest in order to run it. This might be the reason no-one else has petitioned for it yet, I don't know, but it's my reason.
Hmmm... The way it's handled for co-writers is that they simply aren't allowed to write their actions. The same solution can be adopted for the High GM, though it will require some care with which actions you take part in.
Hmmm... The way it's handled for co-writers is that they simply aren't allowed to write their actions. The same solution can be adopted for the High GM, though it will require some care with which actions you take part in.
Honestly I would offer, I don't even care about the character loss that much, unfortunately I can't write.
You could leave the actual writing to the rest of the team, just handling the update schedule, rulings, and threadmarks if you wanted.
That's probably how I'll go about things if i become High GM. I'm good at lore and mechanics, not so good at actually writing stuff on anything approaching a consistent schedule.

With that said, since i don't have to give up playing, I will now throw my hat into the ring. Vote for me if you want to get what you deserve! A vote for me is a vote for me!
That's how you campaign, right?
You could leave the actual writing to the rest of the team, just handling the update schedule, rulings, and threadmarks if you wanted.
Sure, what the heck, I'll give it a go if anyone wants me to vote for me, go ahead.

I'm good with lore, mechanics and numbers. Getting anything written down is not something I've been good with, despite the many ideas I come up with. Ask me stuff and I'll clarify it, I'm also fairly good with spelling and sometimes grammar, which are pretty important.
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With that said, since i don't have to give up playing, I will now throw my hat into the ring. Vote for me if you want to get what you deserve! A vote for me is a vote for me!
That's how you campaign, right?
There's the part where you boast about how great this game and it's players are, while simultaneously insulting your competition. Also you forgot to promise writing very flattering results for your voters. :p
[X] Vote for someone
-[X] Trondason

Coming to think about my previous idea, I believe CRAM has not much functionality here at all.
Only lone wolves are in any danger of injury, and rest of scientist group together, eliminating the chance of significant failures.
Combat is still a risky business, but CRAM is not suited for that.
I could make a separate, tactical supervisor AI, but then it'll be overspecialized.

So instead I'd like to present actual attempt at implementing all previously mentioned Consultant AIs
You know what? I need to change/expand my theme. Dice and probability just isn't enough to be inspired.
So from now on, I am focusing on assistance and consultation.

Without further ado: Project A.D.V.I.S.O.R.
Aim of this project is to support our fellow scientist's productivity, happiness, decision making ability, emotional stability, etc.

That would be achieved by Advisory A.I's:
a)Nearly implemented C.R.A.M. (Comprehensive Risk Assessment Model)- Advisor of Safety and Risk Management
"Your experiment has a 79.5% chance of failing catastrophically, 100% of which is caused by your glaring incompetence and faulty wiring in sector 3B."
"Stated objects are in dire need of replacement: Auxiliary Fusion Core, Main Cooling Rod, Your Brain."
"I can't let you do that, ignorant fool known as Dave. The engine is overheated as it is already."
b)E.V.E. (Emotional Validation Enforcer)- Advisor of Emtotional Stability and Well-being
"I think you need to take a break now. You worked so hard nearly an entire week, without a single meal nor a wink of sleep!"
"Now, there's no need to be grumpy. It didn't go so well, but we can still try. 30th time's the charm!"
"Oh dear. It was such a good idea at a time. Don't worry, I am still proud of you. <3 "
c)S.I.R.I.(Systematic Invocation of Reactionary Intervention)-Advisor of Organization and Planning
"Reminder: Your meeting with the Commitee starts in [3 minutes 20 seconds]. To be there on time, you'll have to start preparing in [-10 minutes 54 seconds]."
"Warning: If you decide to spend entirety of the night ["...watching this really awesome show, am telling you!"], you'll be unable to finish your assignment on time."
"Statement of fact: Your time management skills are [comparable to a drunk chimpanzee with ADHD on hard drugs].
Advice: Please consider [actually listening for once you dolt]."
d)D.A.D. (Dynamic Actualization Designer) -Advisor of Innovation and Inspiration
"Ah! Photon Cage, eh? Heard your buddy Doctor Nucleus did something similar last week. Now I know it's not the same field, but his latest invention works from the same principles as yours. Maybe he could shed some light on your situation?"
"Rise your chine up, boy. Gravity may be despairingly confusing, but you are not alone in this fight. Take that Onestein guy for example. He truly understood gravity of the situation, relative as it may appear."
C.A.N. - Central Assistance Network - Communications and Cooperation Advisor.
"Sweetie, I'd suggest you hold off with your groundbreaking ideas until Miss Felicia is... a bit more stable. An hour or two, I'll tell you when it's safe."
"Good morning, Doctor Eggman. During your well earned rest, several of your colleagues tried to contact you. It is not urgent, however it does relate to your latest... 'modifications' to the project, which seem to elude them. Would a meeting at 1 PM be appropriate?"
"I'm very sorry, but Doctor Blowhisfaceup is currently... indisposed. Do you wish to leave him anything? Ah, no,
'steam powered pounding of what's left of his face' is not an acceptable gift. Perhaps leave him a Get well soon! card instead?"

Similar in function to S.I.R.I. and D.A.D., however, she focuses on general communication, instead of micromanaging our scientists thought processes.

Starting with C.A.N. serves two main goals:
  1. Connecting together and unifying any further assistant AIs.
    • Thematically it allows to start from the center, adding any AIs as extension from the 'central node'.
      • Also it could be extended to any other autonomous systems running in the facility, such as, allowing for some comprehensive inter-connectivity.
    • Mechanically it allows me to both make new inventions as well as upgrade the old ones.
      • Updating underlying CRM and other computing technologies on one advisor could upgrade others.
  2. Help with organizing this MADs community, both internally and externally.
    • Internally would mean making it easier to communicate with fellow coworkers, especially those on the same projects.
      • Locating people, establishing personal/phone/mail connection, organizing appointments and meetings.
    • Externally would mean any and all contacts with the outside world, be it through our hired workers or to other organizations.
      • Managing e-mail addresses and those automated phone lines (IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING A DEATH RAY, PRESS 3).
Think of her as a robotic secretary, handling everyone's appointment's and making sure you can talk to each other.

[X] Design a blueprint
-[X] C.A.N. - Central Assistance Network
--[X] AI focused on handling general communication, professional and otherwise, of the whole MAD community.
--[X] Basis upon CRM Mk II as well as (heavily modified) Big_Sister. Social protocol taken from The Infiltration Engine[T.I.E.].
--[X] Integration with and Orthanc servers, as well as built-in interface for further connections to any other autonomous system or electronics.

It's... a bit ambitious, and may require an upgrade before it reaches described functionality, but I think it could be worth it.
After all, what scientist likes to bother with handling boring emails and constant reports?
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