Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Shadow Citadel sounds cool, it is however our second plan for a moving basing. This one is more stealth based while the Cataclysm is more for research and as a place to store minions. The tally up top says minion cap is pretty much housing space so an Island for our minions is handy

I am a man of my word dunk so what do you want help with?
Saving eggman is a free vote BTW.
You miss a [ by designing blue print.

I am so glad Joe the overdesigned coffee machine is cannon.

Well the Pillah design went horrible. Now we have a chemical creature skulking around, poor thing. It is totally going to bite us in the ass tho. Maybe we should send minions to retrieve it, it went down the drain so into the sewers, so maybe sent some minions down to retrieve it? Can we send minions down without to retrieve the proto-Pillah without mad support, @I just write ?

I do have an Idea for a successful Pillah.
It is a slimy blob able to create chemicals and store these in sacs. It has a non-black blood pandora orb and uses this connect to its mechinal exo skelleton. This skeleton drains the chemicals and can make any chemical in its database and then seal it (in either gas or fluid form) into a pill capsule which is then stored into a container on its head to be thrown by its mechanical arms.

Maybe not now tho, what we need now is transport

[X] Retrieve eggman
-[] If wheely functional, test its retrieval capabilities.
[X] Order minions about
-[X] grab 3 interns and arm them with a buster pistols, a lightning gun and a orchicalcum suit (it has a pause button)
--[X] Tell them to retrieve the proto-Pillah from the sewers
[X] Hire minions
-[X] A skilled labour force
-[X] Atleast 30 man strong, but try to shoot for 50
--[X] Hire them under "Fairweather coroperation: Special projects"
--[X] Make it clear that everything constructed is of utmost screet and those Who spill lose their job (Maybe make them sign a none disclosure agreement If possible)
[X] Order the Waddle dee's to assit in The research of time.
[] Tell M3 to use its 5 funds worth of organic minion creation to make 5 waddle dees.
[] Design blueprint
-[] Create a bio mechinal creature for the M3
--[] The wheelie, a minion that serves as combat vehicle. Capable of being used as vehicle by a person or move on its own.
---[] A mechinal and biological hybrid, it is basicly an organic jelly like creature in a mechinical shell that natural understanding of movement. It can be used as a vehicle by something it trust and wil follow orders given through the steer coming from its head. It can control its own problem without problem and is able to right itself when dropped on its side. It has an pandora orb to help with the connection with its metalic shell. Its mechanical parts are powered by a marble reactor connected to an all-porpose energy tap. Its organic parts can subsist from the waste created by the marble reactor. It posses a bubble shield that can cover itself and its rider. It has a repulsor lift flight technology build into its mechincal half allowing it lift itself for a short period of time or extend fligth time when it flies of a ramp. Its main engine is a hyper rotating plasma engine powerd by its marble reactor. Its wheel is made from diamond silk, while under its metal shell a protective layor of diamond silk and git gud cotton which is layerd over eachother to create a powerful protective shield that protects its inner machinery and organic core. Most of the above is part of one machine, connecting it to the wheelie with the pandora orb, the remaining four slots of the pandora orb are a multi-wave detector, a personal dimensional phaser and a uplink to that allows it to contect with digital networks, like the MAD net work and a last slot open, allowing wheelies to be slightly costumized. The wheelies brain is modded with a primitive telepathic cicuit, allowing it make contact with its rider to smooth over control. Using its uplink, telepathic circuit and multi-wave detector (set to brain waves) it can find any person it views as an ally and lost, which it wil then recover.
[X]research: is time "fixed"?

So, the wheely is not a motorbug combat wise. It is supposed to be vehicle that can control its self and retrieve lost allies and its biological parts are in place so the M3 can construct one, although any other equipment must be put in to make a biomechincel blueprint.

Anyone up for helping with the wheelie? Any suggestion to change it to the end product better? Any deals for help?
Wel, I know nothing better to do So I'll shelf the Wheelie for now and take @Trondason 's advice.
Hiring as much skilled labour as possible. (And as sustainable).
Does hiring suffer from lone wolf?
I am hiring under a special project for fairweather. Qouted my voted, any objections?
Hiring as much skilled labour as possible. (And as sustainable).
You shouldn't worry about sustainable. Heck, I'd suggest you don't. Hire them for this one turn, and this one turn only. The shortness of the contract should make it much easier to hire a ton since we'd just be contracting them from other businesses and not have them work directly for us, and after this turn and we finally have more room we'll have spiderbots who don't need a salary.

Edit: Another reason you shouldn't worry about Sustainable, we could get 200 guys and it still being sustainable. We have 600 Income, and almost no outcome. We can easily afford 400 a turn.
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You shouldn't worry about sustainable. Heck, I'd suggest you don't. Hire them for this one turn, and this one turn only. The shortness of the contract should make it much easier to hire a ton since we'd just be contracting them from other businesses and not have them work directly for us, and after this turn and we finally have more room we'll have spiderbots who don't need a salary.

Edit: Another reason you shouldn't worry about Sustainable, we could get 200 guys and it still being sustainable. We have 600 Income, and almost no outcome. We can easily afford 400 a turn.
Wel oke, let me change it then.
So, how far away are we form The Heterodyne New Mechanicsburg. I mean a whole city or country under our control. It will be glorious.
So, how far away are we form The Heterodyne New Mechanicsburg. I mean a whole city or country under our control. It will be glorious.
IT's more of a question how long till we get around to making it, than how long till we are capable. Cause we will be capable of it in very short order. We will be experiencing exponential growth in our abilities if I have anything to say about it.
Shadow Citadel sounds cool, it is however our second plan for a moving basing. This one is more stealth based while the Cataclysm is more for research and as a place to store minions. The tally up top says minion cap is pretty much housing space so an Island for our minions is handy

I am a man of my word dunk so what do you want help with?
Saving eggman is a free vote BTW.
You miss a [ by designing blue print.

I am so glad Joe the overdesigned coffee machine is cannon.

Well the Pillah design went horrible. Now we have a chemical creature skulking around, poor thing. It is totally going to bite us in the ass tho. Maybe we should send minions to retrieve it, it went down the drain so into the sewers, so maybe sent some minions down to retrieve it? Can we send minions down without to retrieve the proto-Pillah without mad support, @I just write ?

I do have an Idea for a successful Pillah.
It is a slimy blob able to create chemicals and store these in sacs. It has a non-black blood pandora orb and uses this connect to its mechinal exo skelleton. This skeleton drains the chemicals and can make any chemical in its database and then seal it (in either gas or fluid form) into a pill capsule which is then stored into a container on its head to be thrown by its mechanical arms.

Maybe not now tho, what we need now is transport

[X] Retrieve eggman
-[] If wheely functional, test its retrieval capabilities.
[X] Order minions about
-[X] grab 3 interns and arm them with a buster pistols, a lightning gun and a orchicalcum suit (it has a pause button)
--[X] Tell them to retrieve the proto-Pillah from the sewers
[X] Hire minions
-[X] A skilled labour force
-[X] Hire them under a temperorary contract for 3 weeks (three turns).
--[X] Hire them under "Fairweather coroperation: Special projects"
--[X] Put it in their contracts that their not allowed to speak about the project.
[X] Order the Waddle dee's to assit in The research of time.
[] Tell M3 to use its 5 funds worth of organic minion creation to make 5 waddle dees.
[X]research: is time "fixed"?

So, the wheely is not a motorbug combat wise. It is supposed to be vehicle that can control its self and retrieve lost allies and its biological parts are in place so the M3 can construct one, although any other equipment must be put in to make a biomechincel blueprint.

Anyone up for helping with the wheelie? Any suggestion to change it to the end product better? Any deals for help?

So, I have decided to check a bit back to make a list of all the plans, say if I missed some.
@I just write maybe this could be put in sidestory or Informational? I could help to be able see our plans in a comprehansive list.

The MAD Scientiest Project Archive, also known as the Shelf.
(Source is who came up with the idea)

[] Shadow Citadel
Source: @Keeper Of Storms
An Orbital Fortress, complete with Planetary Bombardment Cannon. While it bristles with defensive systems, the truth is that the Shadow Citadel is never supposed to be found to begin with; it dwells, and provides fire support from, the Shadow Plane. A base for M.A.D. in its own right, it is armed with an Exotic Particle Cannon that has been scaled to be worthy of an Orbital Dimensional Fortress.

Components To Be Researched:
-Orbital Exotic Particle Cannon
-Cross-dimension Cannon Targeting
-Drive System suitable for an Orbital Dimensional Fortress
-Some way to make building it viable (Construction: Gaint fort)

[] Cataclysm
Source: @Lizard Knight and @Shadowhope
A gaint artifical island with a massive cat skull vulcano, the right eye of the skull has a gaint red robotic eye that hides a doomsday ray.
The base can be divided into the surface, the vulcano and the islands-insides. The surface is coverd in a gaint artificial forrest where tons of biological minions can roam and feed of special depot points, making it a perfect housing space. The inside of the vulcano is concists of a gaint reactor, the skull with the dooms day weaponry and a gaint computer where all the controll systems are in place.
The insides have extensive C.A.T. facilities aswel as storage space for mechinial minions that can't roam the surface area.
The island is also a space ship, the underside of the island hiding gaint motors and inside there is a gaint anti-gravity unit. The island can create a bubble shield to protect itself and keep the oxygen in when it goes to space. The trees on the surface are able to create articial oxygen.

Components to be researched:
-Orbital Exotic Particle Cannon or other doomsday ray
-Drive System suitable for an Orbital Dimensional Fortress
-Some way to make building it viable (Construction: Faux Island)
-A large anti gravity reactor
-Large energy reactor that makes a lava like substance as waste
-Special trees that make oxygen
-Gaint bubble shield
-Robot Storage Facility - A base room designed for maximum efficiency in the field of storing robots, allowing a base to support far more robot minions than it could otherwise.

[] Robot Storage Facility - A base room designed for maximum efficiency in the field of storing robots, allowing a base to support far more robot minions than it could otherwise.
(Source: @Space Jawa )
[] Base Stealth Entrance - If you can't find it, is it really there? This base addition is designed to hide the main entrance of a base - if not the base itself entirely - while maintaining the utmost in front door protections against unwanted visitors.
(Source: @Space Jawa )
[] Factpurry
Source: @I just write , @Lizard Knight
A production line that uses a Jerry machine and an injetor system. The jerry gets made and placed by robotic hands on a injector bench, the injector bench first gives the Jerry Felitionizer to turn it into a cat friend, if it dies the revival serum wil be used. If that fails, the Jerry wil be turned into base organic mush to be used else where.

Components to be researched:
-Injector bench

[] Sandbox
Source: @Genon
An extremely-advanced version of the physics engines already found in video games and computer simulations the world over, the Sandbox is the greatest achievement in computing since the invention of the NetNavi. It is effectively a supercomputer with such unparalleled power that it can simulate an area the size of the observable universe, atom-for-atom, allowing MAD researchers an ideal testing ground for their experiments so long as they are purely physical in nature. You can test your planet busters and black-hole machines in here, as well as eliminate the need for test subjects almost completely, but you cannot simulate anything that disobeys the basic laws of physics, meaning that simulations of magic or divine interventions are off-limits baring an upgrade. It is also possible to simulate the growth of societies, have realistic conversations with simulated brains, screw with a simulated rat's biology in new and fascinating ways, and so on, without fear of breaking anything (or anyone) important.

Effects: Can be used like a minion for one Research action per turn, massively boosting the odds of success. However, it is limited by known natural laws. This means that it cannot be used for experiments that are magical or spiritual in nature unless it is upgraded to do so, likely in the form of an extremely-complex software patch. It also cannot be used for experiments that cross dimensions or examine other universes, as it can only simulate, at most, a physical space the size of the known universe barring hardware upgrades. Multiple Sandboxes can be built.

-Variation on the catfriend
(Source: @Shadowhope )
[] Pillah
Source: @Lizard Knight
It is a slimy blob able to create chemicals and store these in sacs. It has a non-black blood pandora orb and uses this connect to its mechinal exo skelleton. This skeleton drains the chemicals and can make any chemical in its database and then seal it (in either gas or fluid form) into a pill capsule which is then stored into a container on its head to be thrown by its mechanical arms.
[] Noddy
Source: @Lizard Knight

A tiny creature with stubby legs and a sleeping hat. The creature's brain is especialy calibrated to be to interact with the dream realm, serving as a scrambler for people who access it for power try to make portals to/from it. Any dream creature in the area wil also be heavily affected and molded, into passive creatures or even allies depending on the Noddies power.
The hat is in actuality an amplifier that allows the noddy interact with the dream realm, the hat also hides a range of scanners that allows the noddy and any MAD scientiest to know about any dimensional shannigens

Components to be researched:
-Anything to interact with the dream realm
-Artificial magic device (possible)
-Method of which dream creatures change based on the subconcious.
source: @Lizard Knight
[] Design blueprint
-[] Create a bio mechinal creature for the M3
--[] The wheelie, a minion that serves as combat vehicle. Capable of being used as vehicle by a person or move on its own.
---[] A mechinal and biological hybrid, it is basicly an organic jelly like creature in a mechinical shell that natural understanding of movement. It can be used as a vehicle by something it trust and wil follow orders given through the steer coming from its head. It can control its own problem without problem and is able to right itself when dropped on its side. It has an pandora orb to help with the connection with its metalic shell. Its mechanical parts are powered by a marble reactor connected to an all-porpose energy tap. Its organic parts can subsist from the waste created by the marble reactor. It posses a bubble shield that can cover itself and its rider. It has a repulsor lift flight technology build into its mechincal half allowing it lift itself for a short period of time or extend fligth time when it flies of a ramp. Its main engine is a hyper rotating plasma engine powerd by its marble reactor. Its wheel is made from diamond silk, while under its metal shell a protective layor of diamond silk and git gud cotton which is layerd over eachother to create a powerful protective shield that protects its inner machinery and organic core. Most of the above is part of one machine, connecting it to the wheelie with the pandora orb, the remaining four slots of the pandora orb are a multi-wave detector, a personal dimensional phaser and a uplink to that allows it to contect with digital networks, like the MAD net work and a last slot open, allowing wheelies to be slightly costumized. The wheelies brain is modded with a primitive telepathic cicuit, allowing it make contact with its rider to smooth over control. Using its uplink, telepathic circuit and multi-wave detector (set to brain waves) it can find any person it views as an ally and lost, which it wil then recover.

-Orbital Exotic Particle Cannon
-Cross-dimension Cannon Targeting
-Drive System suitable for an Orbital Dimensional Fortress
-Some way to make building a gaint fort or articifial island viable
-A large anti gravity reactor
-Large energy reactor that makes a lava like substance as waste
-Special trees that make oxygen
-Gaint bubble shield
Shelved the wheelie and changed the vote to make the workers temporary contracters, what do you think @Trondason ?
Edit: Changed vote again
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Shelved the wheelie and changed the vote to make the workers temporary contracters, what do you think @Trondason ?
Eh, 3 turns is more than absolutely neccessary. After this turn we will have 120 Spider Bots, and who knows how many I'll be able to pump out the next turn. I'd personally go for just the one week, but 3 is alright. Might want to slip in what they will be working on though. I'd say the Mine Base, since people apparently want the Bunker to be a top-secret bunker.
Eh, 3 turns is more than absolutely neccessary. After this turn we will have 120 Spider Bots, and who knows how many I'll be able to pump out the next turn. I'd personally go for just the one week, but 3 is alright. Might want to slip in what they will be working on though. I'd say the Mine Base, since people apparently want the Bunker to be a top-secret bunker.
Wil edit that in then. Three weeks is to be sure and when we inevitably build our gaint space ship island base, or shadow citadel or moon base extra hands is never a downside.
edit: Changed, also I know that @ does not work in an edit in but @I just write can I still make waddle dees without the housing right now because of the incubation time?
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Week 4 Tally
Action 1: Go rescue Eggman (Free Action, maybe autosuccess?)
@Void Stalker
@Revya Alt.Zero
@Lizard Knight

Action 2: Infiltrate the Illuminati's information network
@Revya Alt.Zero

Action 3: Upgrade L.E.A.R.N.E.R. to Mk 1.5.4
@D.D. Spectator

Action 4: Acquire Luján Partido Bunker
@Void Stalker
@Space Jawa
@D.D. Spectator

Action 5: Study Dream Creatures
@Void Stalker
@Space Jawa

Action 6: Upgrade Pandora Orb
@Keeper Of Storms

Action 7: Acquire the Mine

Action 8: Develop Skillsoft

Action 9: Advance Understanding of a Field, Nanotechnology

Action 10: Upgrade Angelfield to Mk 2.3.7

Action 11: Advance Understanding of a Field, Time
@Lizard Knight

Action 12: Design Comprehensive Risk Assessment Model

Action 13: Design Integrated Teleporter

Action 14: Improve Replicator Hub

Action 15: Improve Dryads

Action 16: Integrate Pandora Orbs: Orichalcum V1, Time-Stop Button, Net Navi, Computerized Reality Model, Dynacap Capsule (ALERT! They're trying to integrate a Minion. How will that work?)(Answer: Integrating a digital Minion just makes someone count as housing for that Minion.)

Action 17: Integrate the Dynacap System with all of MAD's equipment

Action 18: Combat Training

Action 19: Design Stationary SEP
@Revya Alt.Zero

Action 20: Upgrade Shadow Gate
@Keeper Of Storms

Action 21: Design Yin-Yang Shadow Crystal Fusor

Action 22: Hire Skilled Workers
@Lizard Knight

Forging Furnaces: 3 produce 120 Spider Bots, 3 produce 29 Motobugs and 3 Buzzkills, latter to be housed at new Luján Partido Bunker base, 1 produces 3 EPRs.
Adhoc vote count started by I just write on Aug 30, 2017 at 1:45 PM, finished with 300 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawato ignore the Lost status)
    [X] Write-In
    -[x] Infiltrate into the Illuminati's information network.
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R. 1.5.4
    --[X] A direct upgrade to the L.E.A.R.N.E.R. that allows for increased experience gain in all fields and not just Research
    [X] Acquire a new base
    -[X] Luján Partido Bunker
    -[X] Emphasis on concealment and defense, this is going to be a facility we do not have mundanes coming to.
    [x] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
    -[x] Dream Creatures - How to interact with and stop them
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Upgraded Pandora Orb
    --[X] Fix Black blood gooey monster problem.
    [X] Acquire a new base
    -[X] The Mine
    -[X] Make sure to actually *talk* to the dumbass ecology activists and tell them I'm the founder of a permaculture-leaning agricultural company and am looking into reducing the harm that mining has on the local environment, along with other land rehabilitation efforts, and that I plan for this mine to not only produce copper but to do so without harm to the local area. And also that I plan on building a lab within the property so that if it *is* harmful I will be the first to know.
    -[X] Actually set up a lab; don't start mining yet (and make sure to advertise this fact so potential employees aren't pissed that they didn't get a chance at being hired).
    [X] Continue work on Skillsoft blueprint
    [X] Advance Understanding of a Field
    -[X] Nanotechnology
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Angelfield 2.3.7
    --[X] An upgrade to the Angelfield 1.6.4 that allows it to work on not only injuries but also diseases and allows it to work faster.
    [X] Go rescue Eggman
    [X]research: is time "fixed"?
    [X]Comprehensive Risk Assessment Model
    -[X]Basing off CRM, CRAM thoroughly analyzes any and all previous failed experiments and operations, identifying prevalent accidents and their causes. Utilizing this knowledge, it tries to identify any similar situations within current actions. Upon finding such a situation, it will proceed to warn the scientist in question, and offer possible counter-measures.
    -[X]When recognizing an imminent catastrophe, will immediately call for help through and other available channels, as well take control of the local facilities, in order to minimize damage.
    [X] Design blueprint
    -[X] Integrated Teleporter
    [X] Improve the Replicator Hub.
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Improve Dryads so that they can fit in with people and are less dumb better at research and/or operations. If this succeeds a lot, reducing their upkeep would be pleasant.
    [X] Integrate a Pandora Orb (not Black Blood)
    -[X] Orichalcum V1
    -[X] Time-Stop Button
    -[X] Net Navi
    -[X] Computerized Reality Model
    -[X] Dynacap Capsule
    [X] Integrate the Dynacap System with all of MAD's stuff.
    [X] Combat Training
    [X] Design blueprint
    -[X] Larger Upgraded More Powerful SEP device: A greater and upgraded version of the of the personal SEP device, capable of covering a medium sized building, making more people will think nothing is the matter for even more strange things. Note large explosions are still noticeable, smaller ones are fine.
    [X] Rescue Eggman
    [X] 8 Forging Furnaces
    -[X] 120 Spider Bots
    [X] Research: Upgrade Shadow Gate
    [X] Boss Minions Around
    -[X] Mother hen the injured Cat Friend. Good Cat Friend, bravest Cat Friend. So proud of you. Rest well sweet purrince.
    [X] 3 Forging Furnaces
    -[X] 29 Motobugs (to be housed at new Luján Partido Bunker base)
    -[X] 3 Buzzkill (to be housed at new Luján Partido Bunker base)
    [X] Boss Minions Around
    -[X] Order 10 Spider Bots and 1 Motobug to assist with establishing Luján Partido Bunker as a new secret headquarters
    [X] Forging Furnace
    -[X] Exotic Particle Rifle x3
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] Yin-Yang Shadow Crystal Fusor - By combining crystals such as amethyst with material from the shadow dimension a new material can be created, ready to be cut into beautiful circles.
    [X] Integrate Pandora Orb, Black Blood included (Magnus is crazy like that)
    [X] 3 Forging Furnaces
    -[X] 120 Spider Bots
    [X] Boss Minions
    -[X] 6 Research Navis help with Replicator Hub
    -[X] 5 Espionage Navis help with Illuminati
    [X] Design a blueprint
    -[X] L.E.A.R.N.E.R. 1.5.4
    --[X] A direct upgrade to the L.E.A.R.N.E.R. that allows for increased experience gain in all fields and not just Research
    [X] Acquire a new base
    -[X] Luján Partido Bunker
    -[X] Emphasis on concealment and defense, this is going to be a facility we do not have mundanes coming to.
    [X] Order the Waddle dee's to assit in The research of time.
    [X] Hire minions
    -[X] A workforce of skilled workers
    -[X] The workforce is 100 man strong, foremen not included.
    --[X] Hire them under "Fairweather coroperation: Special projects"
    ---[X] Tell them they wil be working on a project in a nearby mine.
    --[X] Hire them under a temperorary contract for 3 weeks (three turns).
    [X] Order minions about
    -[X] grab 3 interns and arm them with a buster pistols, a lightning gun and a orchicalcum suit (it has a pause button)
    --[X] Tell them to retrieve the proto-Pillah from the sewers
    [X] Retrieve eggman
    [X]Save Eggman
    [X] get a lot of spiders to help
    [X]use the time teleportation to remove everything except Eggman from the building. In fact, remove the building too.
    [X] Boss Around Minions
    -[X] Order 10 Spiderbots and 1 Motobug to help set up the lab/base at the mine.
    -[X] If there are any Spiderbots remaining, order them to help set up the lab/base at the mine.
    [X] Boss Minions Around
We Just Write threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: Actions 1-12 Total: 626
10 10 80 80 77 77 25 25 78 78 82 82 22 22 54 54 48 48 98 98 45 45 7 7
We Just Write threw 10 100-faced dice. Reason: Actions 13-22 Total: 361
23 23 42 42 74 74 56 56 15 15 45 45 2 2 26 26 23 23 55 55
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@Umi-san @them8 @trekbook @Bass11
One of you might want to switch off of building the mine base, and to hiring a bunch of guys to build the mine base. We have a ton of money, and a bunch of Skilled Labor can get a lot more done than you guys can personally. I'm not tagging the Bunker Guys, cause that one is meant to be super secret, but the mine can be relatively public, and if we can get it build extra big we can get a lot of minions to help with stuff so we don't have to hire normies ever again.
the last time I tried to do that kind of thing I got threatened so I'm not super optimistic
Ouch for whoever researching SEP, a 2 and lone-wolf. CRAM got 7 too.

Meanwhile rescuing eggman got 10...well have fun guys~
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Jeez I thought he got blasted off into the forest or something. Did he get taken hostage by tree gnomes? Elves? Hippies?
XNFE: " Good thing Pandora is a closed system, also mein gott so many people adore Eggman so much. I-it's not like I am jealous or something!"
Felicia: *shrugs* You... Bunny Girl.... are able to take care of yourself... Doctor Rockhopper probably can't.... eh... I doubt it.... not muscular.... nor lean... no good in a fight without his robots.... hopefully hasn't been eaten by any predators.... guess we could just bring him back to life.... might not work if he's been digested.... one way to find out.

(Robotnik is lucky Felicia knows what an Rockhopper penguin is and thinks it's head crest looks like his mustache. Otherwise he would've been called Doctor Dodo or Professor Pelican.)
Well, we got an 80 on Illuminati Infiltration, and an 82 on Pandora Orb Upgrades. So we got that going for us.

XNFE: " Good thing Pandora is a closed system, also mein gott so many people adore Eggman so much. I-it's not like I am jealous or something!"

Henrietta: "It's not that I adore the walking egg. The very thought of it nauseates me. I hate him.

No, I'm participating in this operation so I can gloat over Eggman. I haven't gloated in quite some time. Don't want to fall out of practice, do I?"
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