Field Commander [C&C/Worm]

Isn't there a museum or something where einstein used to live irl? Could check and see if there's usable dna preserved there inuniverse.
Ah! But Red Alert Bullshittium Einstein is a possible genome deviation from local Einstein! Which means we just need to play god to find the right Einstein! The extra Einsteins can just go in a bioreactor or something I guess. We don't really need them.
Re: Superweapons

It's a mixed bag.

The Weather Control Device is much like it is in-game, a tactical weapon. A strategic version was proposed, but after seeing the projected results on the weather patterns the plan was scrapped. The Psychic Dominator could have originally mind-controlled entire continents, but after some time-travel and re-design by Einstein it was changed to rip apart structures and mind-control individuals within a small area, with the benefit of requiring less time to charge and not requiring a Nuclear Power plant.

Soviet Nuclear Missile launchers can fire actual nukes or just mini-nukes (blast radii seen in game.) You only have access to the latter. Official, this was because actual nukes were deemed to be counter-productive to the Soviet's goals in America (conquering it,) and if used in a battlefield would destroy the allied forces as well. Unofficially, the Soviet Bureaucrats were not happy with the idea of some random commander building nuclear missiles capable of hitting Moscow.

Genetic Mutators, Iron Curtains, EMP Cannons, Hunter-Seekers, and Nod Missiles follow the same restriction of "immediate area." Chronospheres are the exception. Their exact range is hard to determine (in one mission, the Florida Keyes is sufficient enough to chronoport men into Moscow, but in another they had to move troops to the tip of South America to chronoport to Antarctica) but the Chronosphere can chronoport a small radius inside the immediate area.

It's a bit complicated, but if you spotted Mannequin on the edge of your territory (but in range of the Chronosphere,) you could chronoport him into the Ash Beast but you cannot chronoport the Ash Beast into Mannequin from Brockton Bay.

Two superweapons, the Ion Cannon and Chemical Missile, are unavailable to you. The Ion Cannon requires a network of death-beam satellites in orbit, which would be a bad idea for obvious reasons. Chemical Missiles requires harvesting a specific form of Tiberium plant-life, which you do not have access to.
It's a bit complicated, but if you spotted Mannequin on the edge of your territory (but in range of the Chronosphere,) you could chronoport him into the Ash Beast
Oh, that's one way to deal with threats. And the Chronosphere isn't THAT expensive.
The Ion Cannon requires a network of death-beam satellites in orbit, which would be a bad idea for obvious reasons.
I thought those would pop into existence as EVA decrypted more of our stuff. Do we still at least get access to the Spy Satellites?
Oh, that's one way to deal with threats. And the Chronosphere isn't THAT expensive.

I thought those would pop into existence as EVA decrypted more of our stuff. Do we still at least get access to the Spy Satellites?

In RA1 those things were build and launched on the field.

The Ion Cannon requires a network of death-beam satellites in orbit, which would be a bad idea for obvious reasons.

Can we build up the network ourselves? I mean, the Tib Sun death beam sats are a little more potent than the Tiberian Dawn versions, but they aren't nearly on the 'flattened base' level of Tib Wars.
In RA1 those things were build and launched on the field.

Can we build up the network ourselves? I mean, the Tib Sun death beam sats are a little more potent than the Tiberian Dawn versions, but they aren't nearly on the 'flattened base' level of Tib Wars.
You could. Mind you, the question isn't "can we build them" the question is "should we build them because of the circumstances?"
I thought those would pop into existence as EVA decrypted more of our stuff. Do we still at least get access to the Spy Satellites?
I remembered that as well, and I found it.
Yes. They'll come after your EVA unit has finished re-constructing your military databases.
I'm concerned about this new direction, as it has implications for GDI's other abilities such as drop troopers. The Upgrade Building would be next to worthless, with only the Hunter-Seeker plug bringing us any benefit.
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EVA can... borrow, yes, borrow, some satellites already in orbit for spy satellite needs.

She can't steal borrow Ion Cannon satellites that aren't there.
First of all, that quote I found was in response to a question about GDI space assets. It didn't even mention spy satellites. Here's the full quote, with internal quotes included for context.
Do we have access to things that our factions had, but you couldn't build in-game, like the Kodiak Mobile Command Center, Montauk Subterranean Command Center or GDI Satellite/Space Station tech?

See, the Ion Cannon and Drop Pod uplinks work because GDI had things like the Orbital Ion Cannon and GDSS Philadelphia in space. Without either, they're worthless.
Yes. They'll come after your EVA unit has finished re-constructing your military databases.
Nothing in there about spy satellites. Nothing about stealing. Just a question asking about our access to things like GDI space assets that have no local equivalent and your response that "they'll come" following database reconstruction.

I have to admit, I did not expect for you to go from that to outright barring GDI's special abilities. Especially not after we built the base.
Make weaponized satellites, then point them up from the ground instead of down from orbit!

So basically the C&C Generals particle cannon - a beam cannon on the ground and a reflective satellite in orbit to bounce the beam back at the target.

It'd have to punch through the Earth's atmosphere twice of course, and the building challenges on the ground and in orbit would be considerable.

Probably easier to launch and ion cannon if we can launch ion cannons.

(Of course, I doubt that all the space launch infrastructure is in the GDI ConYard's databases.)

Particle Cannon is prolly my favorite C&C superweapon to be honest. At first it seemed like rather shitty single point laser. But then I realized I could move the beam. So it's basically painting a swath of destruction across your foe's base.