Let it be known that the first days of college are absolutely hetic.


@Logos @Bondo

Legacy asked me to tag you guys to make a 1d100 roll each. Now, I need to make mine...

EDIT:...Yep, Lancer curse still runs strong.
Breogan threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 26
26 26
So, @LegacySC I'm still waiting on some info from you to do anything.
Sorry about the wait everyone. Internet has been spotty for quite a while now, but I'm determined to get this moving one way or another.

Firstly, the situations of each group.

@notmi @Divider - Just finished meeting the officers, and are now awaiting confirmation from me.

@Bondo @Logos @Breogan - Combat will start as soon as I wrestle the forum editor into submission. Other than that, review who spots who and plan for the battle.

@Camellia @Nanimani - Team Tea and Biscuits version 2.0 is still camping out at their starting location.

@Wizard Marshall - Hanging out with his Summoner over at their starting area. PM me your plans or say them IC.

@The Out Of World @Illusion - You two are now heading towards the sounds of struggling. Progression will be provided with the same GM post previously mentioned.

I think that covers everyone currently active, hopefully.
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Glad to see this moving again. Now to go shopping with absolutely no money, without threatening anyone... .
Rolling for shopping trip...

Luck: -1, pass the target number by 5.
Starwars reference: It seems to have rolled twice on me, but a 46 is more than sufficient.
Logos threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Luck Total: 11
2 2 3 3 5 5 1 1
Logos threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: This [i]is[/i] the money. Total: 46
46 46
Logos threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: This [i]is[/i] the money. Total: 87
87 87
Logos threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Shouldn't roll when not awake. Total: 3
3 3
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