Not sure if I got that perfectly in character, but it should be at least somewhat close.
Rowen Eamon O. Quicktrolley ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. He slumped down the chair in the makeshift war room in his basement. Saber was not easy to please. At all. The ⌈Hero⌋ was probably the most exhausting person he had dealt with in his entire life.
What would've happened if his 7 shields of awesome encountered something like Caliburn that killed Herc 7 times over despite Godhand?
I could use stacking blocks. 2 blocks for A+, 3 for A++, and so on. It was pretty much designed to allow me to tank one really good blow, or a bunch of little ones, because my stats made it possible for me to fuck up pretty much anyone as long as they didn't smash me with their OP giant laser.
I could use stacking blocks. 2 blocks for A+, 3 for A++, and so on. It was pretty much designed to allow me to tank one really good blow, or a bunch of little ones, because my stats made it possible for me to fuck up pretty much anyone as long as they didn't smash me with their OP giant laser.

And how fast did this hax-Aegis regen?
full regen in slightly less than a day, iirc.

One block restored every three hours of rest.

So, if you weren't Gilgamesh, you couldn't let Ajax escape. You just had to double-tap kill, triple-tap, quad-tap... octo-tap him to the back of the head with an A(+) attack in one fight just to be sure? How the fuck did this get passed... I have no words... The only answer is everyone else were monsters capable of brawling with Herc.

Man. My Berserker is so squishy in comparison. Both of them.
So, if you weren't Gilgamesh, you couldn't let Ajax escape. You just had to double-tap kill, triple-tap, quad-tap... octo-tap him to the back of the head with an A(+) attack in one fight just to be sure? How the fuck did this get passed... I have no words... The only answer is everyone else were monsters capable of brawling with Herc.

Man. My Berserker is so squishy in comparison. Both of them.
Probably because I forgot to include an actual second NP when I submitted him? :V
So, if you weren't Gilgamesh, you couldn't let Ajax escape. You just had to double-tap kill, triple-tap, quad-tap... octo-tap him to the back of the head with an A(+) attack in one fight just to be sure? How the fuck did this get passed... I have no words... The only answer is everyone else were monsters capable of brawling with Herc.

I could've taken him if I was really lucky...only if I was lucky...
I could've taken him if I was really lucky...only if I was lucky...
You know the spear NP from the sheet that gave me parameter boosts? That didn't exist in the first RP. I accidentally used what was pretty much a place holder NP that had no special properties at all because I made the sheet late at night and forgot to put in something better.

So your chances were better than you think.