You know the spear NP from the sheet that gave me parameter boosts? That didn't exist in the first RP. I accidentally used what was pretty much a place holder NP that had no special properties at all because I made the sheet late at night and forgot to put in something better.

So your chances were better than you think.

I originally had it so all 3 of my physical stats would raise when someone died except for 1. Then when they reached A+++ when someone died my magic and luck would increase by one until there was 6 deaths. I nerfed it but I wonder if I should have. :V
I originally had it so all 3 of my physical stats would raise when someone died except for 1. Then when they reached A+++ when someone died my magic and luck would increase by one until there was 6 deaths. I nerfed it but I wonder if I should have. :V
Of course, we all probably would have died when Assassin murked our Masters anyway, so...
what would Alchemy, in the sense of transmuting and refining things and beings, hermetically based, be? ritualism? or thaumaturgia?
Also, what is , in these terms , an onmyoji?
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Is this accepting players?
If so master or servant needed more?
Masters should be open, if you can make one quickly. We have several NPC Masters right now, but we're still in the introduction part of the IC, so it shouldn't be a huge issue for you to take one's place.

Only can do quickly if I could get help over skype from someone, I'm fairly tipsy.


Is my skype.
notmi threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 18
1 1 6 6 6 6 5 5
notmi threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: 2 Total: 13
3 3 6 6 1 1 3 3
notmi threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: 3 Total: 11
4 4 1 1 2 2 4 4

In order to make this RP much more accessible, I will be taking a new system, far simpler than the previous.

Please read the below rules before we continue. An IC GM post will be posted today to move the event forward.

Thank you for your participation.

There are two kinds of rolls in this new system, Challenges and Luck rolls.

Challenge Rolls are 1d100 against another player, a NPC, or a TN to complete an action. Success results in a different effect depending on the difference in rolls and the difference in effective Ranks. Certain skills may modify the roll a bit, but their Rank really matters when determining effect.

Your Luck Rank divided by 3, rounded, is how many rerolls you may perform.

Luck rolls are similar to the old rolls, except they involve 4d3. 1's are -1, 2's are +0, and 3's are +1. These have no opponent, and determine whether a Luck-based event happens or not.

The GM rolls for some Random events.

Hopefully, this system will allow for a much more freeform RP with less number bashing.

Additionally, the map will largely only be used to show relative positions and events. Do not expect to much calculating for movement anymore.
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Makes sense for the most part. How often do the re-rolls refresh? Full complement of re-rolls for every roll? Limited number for the entire game, refreshing when Faux/Rupere Saeculi - III goes up?
What does this mean?
Essentially, if I roll higher than you for hitting you, the damage dealt to you is roughly based off of how high your Endurance and/or other modifiers is versus the Ranks of appropriate skills/modifiers and how much higher I rolled compared to you.

Can you give a numerical value here?
If my Luck is Rank C, I have 7/3 rerolls. This rounds down to 2. If my Luck was Rank B, I'd have 3 rerolls because 8/3 rounds up to 3. Use the original modifier values.

Also, should I be rerolling?
It was an oversight on my part. You have a set of rolls to do right now. Do a TN20 Challenge Roll for avoiding notice, TN5 for navigating the base, and then a TN30 for each officer. Even if you fail an officer, your skills will likely offset it so much it becomes a very minor success. If you fail the stealth/navigation rolls AFTER modifiers, you'll have to roll some number of rolls that will be later specified to avoid completely setting the whole base on guard.


Makes sense for the most part. How often do the re-rolls refresh? Full complement of re-rolls for every roll? Limited number for the entire game, refreshing when Faux/Rupere Saeculi - III goes up?
Rerolls are reset every turn. For example, if I had 3 rerolls, I could reroll up to 3 times to try and dodge better on an opponents turn, and then reroll another 3 times to try and kill them.

EDIT: Given some input, rerolls may be set to reset on your turn, or after each scene to preserve balance. Be ready for edits.
LegacySC threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Test - Hiding Total: 5
5 5
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Essentially, if I roll higher than you for hitting you, the damage dealt to you is roughly based off of how high your Endurance and/or other modifiers is versus the Ranks of appropriate skills/modifiers and how much higher I rolled compared to you.

If my Luck is Rank C, I have 7/3 rerolls. This rounds down to 2. If my Luck was Rank B, I'd have 3 rerolls because 8/3 rounds up to 3. Use the original modifier values.

It was an oversight on my part. You have a set of rolls to do right now. Do a TN20 Challenge Roll for avoiding notice, TN5 for navigating the base, and then a TN30 for each officer. Even if you fail an officer, your skills will likely offset it so much it becomes a very minor success. If you fail the stealth/navigation rolls AFTER modifiers, you'll have to roll some number of rolls that will be later specified to avoid completely setting the whole base on guard.

Rerolls are per turn,

Huh so does team Holly Horse and Rider have to roll for anything now?
It was an oversight on my part. You have a set of rolls to do right now. Do a TN20 Challenge Roll for avoiding notice, TN5 for navigating the base, and then a TN30 for each officer. Even if you fail an officer, your skills will likely offset it so much it becomes a very minor success. If you fail the stealth/navigation rolls AFTER modifiers, you'll have to roll some number of rolls that will be later specified to avoid completely setting the whole base on guard.


Edit: success on all accounts, with a bare success and a massive success in my collect minions rolls.
notmi threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: TN5 Total: 50
50 50
notmi threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: TN20 Total: 59
59 59
notmi threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: TN30 Total: 197
31 31 69 69 97 97
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Rerolls are reset every turn. For example, if I had 3 rerolls, I could reroll up to 3 times to try and dodge better on an opponents turn, and then reroll another 3 times to try and kill them.
...Well, that's one way to make Luck useful...

It'd probably be more balanced if your rerolls refreshed on your turn instead of just getting X rerolls on every roll. Like this, everyone with three rerolls is gonna consistently get 70+ on every roll.
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I like it, personally.

*Checks the number of dice Saber demands be rolled.*
... the refresh per turn instead of per die probably makes it somewhat sane as well, lest an attack require a dozen dice to resolve.

For re-rolls, is it a 'keep highest roll' system, or a 'keep latest roll' system? That is, if I roll a 50 and re-roll for a 46, is my outcome a 46 or a 50?