
Edit: Oh god, what a thing to roll a nat 100 for. Fucking shopping fanatic, that soldiers is.
notmi threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Extreme shopping Total: 224
100 100 83 83 41 41
notmi threw 4 3-faced dice. Reason: Luck Total: 7
2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2
notmi threw 4 3-faced dice. Reason: Luck2 Total: 6
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
notmi threw 4 3-faced dice. Reason: Luck3 Total: 10
3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3
Last edited:
Only three so far. Though, I have considered just walking through the base mind-slaving everyone, but that seems both excessive, and something that would take way more effort than my character would want to expend. Maybe I'll have the officers call them in one by one?

But really, a fucking nat 100 on a shopping roll. What the hell could he have found?
Saber posed hard enough coming in the door that the clerk's eyes are presently seeing whatever Saber wants them to... .
It was so weaksauce that I just disregarded it.

Subtlety is for people who have to consider the possibility of failure. I would have just walked in, had the cashier give me all the money in the register, walk around and pick up anything that interested me, and probably had him carry it back home for me.
Probably could have done that if I'd wanted to, but the guy holding Saber's command seals has this pesky sense of morality.
Now that I'm thinking on it, killing you may be a waste. After all, you are a convenient mana battery for Saber. Maybe just turning you into a puppet could work. I could send you out with Saber to kill the other competitors, keeping Saber in line with Command Seals, then kill you with a sympathetic ritual once you've outlived your usefulness.
So, has @LegacySC's Internet fully died now, or something? Because this RP is looking like it's going to die a slow death the way things are going.
So, has @LegacySC's Internet fully died now, or something? Because this RP is looking like it's going to die a slow death the way things are going.
Currently struggling to survive on limited phone internet while the transfer is ongoing. The draft system deleting my posts doesn't help either, so I've taken to writing it up offline, which is almost done.

As soon as I get a stable connection, we'll get moving. Several plot-advancing points are already in place, so this train will get a long-awaited move on, hopefully soon.
And we're back! I'll be getting this on its feet now. I'll notify you all of your the results after modifiers via PM.

@Nanimani, roll a challenge against 'Lockpicker' to notice him.
@notmi, please link your previous resource gathering roll to me for reference.
@Divider, you can write up a post to tell the guy what you want.
@Illusion @The Out Of World, figure out what you want to do, and I'll tell you what you need.
@Logos @Bondo, figure out what you guys are going to do now, and I'll tell you what you need.
@Wizard_Marshall, decide what you'd like to do, but take into account your Summoner's presonality.
@Breogan, continue onwards to the site of the explosion, but only write up going towards their. A GM post will be posted after that describing what you find when the time is reached.
LegacySC threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Lockpicker (+3) Total: 25
25 25